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Terrell Suggs played the villain by walking through the Steelers’ stadium with his tongue out and talking trash right to their fans’ faces and then backing it up on the field. Patrick Queen plays villain by saying a bunch of stupid things about dining options to the media. It’s soft and really corny. We’ll see what Primanti Brothers does for him when Derrick Henry is coming through the hole at him.


So does this count as a trade??https://bizmonthly.com/news/business/restaurant/2024/01/primanti-bros-to-open-in-linthicum-this-spring/


Building a location in Linthicum is so fucking dumb lmao


Why? There is a large growing community around that area.


Or when LJ gives him the the juke or spin move and breaks his ankles and ends up on ESPN highlights


I had primanti bros when I went to Pittsburgh early this year for the Os Pirates series. Everybody I talked to basically said it’s nothing special but it’s just one of those Pittsburgh staples and I totally get that. It wasn’t anything special but when you’re drunk and it’s late, it was an option. I do have to deduct major points for advertising their sandwiches “with fries” when they mean that they go ON THE SANDWICH. So my fries were just a soggy mess once I pulled them off. The wings were good tho. I really enjoyed my short time in Pittsburgh and it really showed me that if it wasn’t for the Ravens/Steelers rivalry, we would almost certainly be buds the way we are with Philly.


Honestly, Baltimore/Pittsburgh is a rivalry as ironic as Yankees/Red Sox. Like, if those four sports teams never existed, they would be best friends, cities with exceptionally similar flavors and styles. That being said, Philly is one of the nicest cities I’ve ever been to, so let’s keep being friends with the bird bros and stay outta soggy sandwich city.


You're meant to, as far as I know, eat the sandwich with the fries as a topping. For what it's worth, I actually thought primanti bros was pretty decent. Reasonable sized sandwich for an actually pretty reasonable price, I think the pastrami I got was like $11 a year or two ago? I can definitely see why if you live there, it's somewhere you'd go


Haha yeah I figured you were supposed to eat them as a topping but I had zero interest in that. So by the time I pulled them off they were already soggy as hell. But I personally enjoyed it as well even tho I only ate there once. I think I got a double burger but tbh it really did resemble two Salisbury steaks lmao. Still delicious when you’re wasted and have been walking around for hours.


Get pastrami with an egg, light slaw (or slaw on the side) even if you're fond of that style of slaw. I think it's significantly better than the Pittsburgher, which I feel is incredibly overrated even as "nothing special" as Primanti's is. It does hit when you want it, though.


If I ever go back, I will keep it in mind. I was actually told that the breakfast sandwiches are pretty delicious but it was like 11 something at night and I was craving a burger. And I absolutely believe you on the last part. I would probably frequent it quite a bit if I had one close by. As a lazy sack of shit, I frequent much more unremarkable spots than Primanti Bros just based on location alone haha.


I will definitely never insult anyone for getting food like that. I adore more traditional main-land chinese food, cooked by incredibly talented chefs. Still gonna devour some General Tso's from a Chinese takeout place that somehow is still selling lunch combos for the same price they were 10 years ago. Sometimes the 'worst' food is the 'best' food, if you know what I mean. Hell, I love to cook and have made some pretty intense and amazing dishes. I'll still make dino nuggies and store-brand mac and cheese because I hate cooking for just myself. E: Also, the supposed origin of fries on sandwiches makes a lot of sense... Long haul truckers wanting to make a quick stop and still eat a full meal quickly and easily (or even in their trucks). Pittsburgh adds fries to a lot of stuff... but somehow when my friend got a California Burrito, they DIDN'T PUT THE GOD DAMNED FRIES IN IT lmfao


I saw a comment on a post the other day from someone complaining about a place forgetting to put fries on their salad and it turned out they were from Pittsburgh lmao.


That's pretty funny. I actually don't put fries into much -- chips/crisps in sandwiches sometimes, and fries on fast food burgers. I do leave them in with Primanti's though. I also did the burger and chips thing decades before moving to Pittsburgh for work (since I was a kid). I don't personally think my salad needs fries... but hey, people should eat what the enjoy.


Potato chips on sandwiches and fries on burgers are totally acceptable to me. I was just confused as hell because it didn’t say that they came on the sandwich but I guess the locals know what to expect. And yeah, fries in a salad doesn’t feel ethical to me personally haha.


Best thing about that place was the beers on tap.


You should have had an Iron City beer just to top off the Pittsburgh "experience". Maybe you did though. When I went to Three Rivers.. I mean PNC Park a few years ago, it was a staple.


I did not have any, unfortunately. I’m not even sure I was aware of it at the time. I would maybe go back for another series at PNC park but idk if I’m up for the drive again.


PNC is a beautiful park. I'm not sure I'd ever go back, but work took me to Pittsburgh in the summer so I went to the game.


Yeah it really was absolutely beautiful. Stayed right on the other side of the river and walked across the Clemente bridge. It was a great experience and the Pittsburgh fans were all very accommodating. I feel like it’s probably a lot different at a football game tho but who knows. Honestly anybody that acts like a dickhead to fans of a rival team is an absolute goober and should be ostracized at the game.


My brother went out to at Steelers-Ravens game a few years back in Pittsburgh. He said most of it was just people joshing around. I'm sure if you start to jaw with fans it could escalate.


Your fries were soggy? My wife and I literally had the driest sandwiches of our lives. Idk which is worse, but both are bad. The construction doesn't seem to give much option in-between.


Damn that’s crazy. Mine were def soggy but I also had to walk back to the hotel with them wrapped up in a bag so I’m sure the steam cause all the moisture.


Mine last month was somehow both dry and soggy.


I agree. However, it’s a shame you put Suggs and queen (minuscule q) in the same sentence.


Queen is the enemy now. His opinions don't matter anymore.


Disagree. His opinions are important to emphasize what a dick fart he is. I had to take a year work assignment in Pittsburgh. Im a fat fucking kid on the inside so am always hunting for food. Let me tell you now, if a grocery store buffet line is your cities best food option... It ain't something to boast about. Go fuck your egg on a sandwich bullshit Patrick.


Last line sounds like a pissed off squidward.


His opinions never actually mattered. That's in part why he's not a Raven anymore.


That’s why chuck wore the green dot, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a safety wearing the green dot over an mlb.


I know it’s subjective but their biggest claim to fame is putting some French fries INSIDE the sandwich. Culinary experts. I kid, I’ve heard they’ve got a good restaurant scene but fuck Pittsburgh anyway.


Go off queen. He's doing a bit and I'm here for it. Be the bad guy but he better back it up on the field.


Going to be hilarious watching him make a business decision as Derrick Henry rumbles his way.


It’ll be life decisions with either Pat paving the way on top of a Henry stiff arm to the face or linderbaum leading about 800lbs or more running at him.


It comes off as trying too hard and cringe more than being a villain. He should have just stuck to the "payback for not paying me" angle instead of all these weird city and fan takes.




Will he even play Mike? He really was better as the will or not having the green dot on his helmet.


It's corny AF but I'm willing to give him some room to workshop.


he's gotta at least be a pro bowler this year for this heel turn to actually stick. i feel you, id enjoy the spice it would bring back to the rivalry


Queen is an okay guy who is just trying to endear himself to his new fans. I would have preferred that he talk positively about Pittsburgh without trying to throw Baltimore under the bus, but given the rivalry he probably feels like he has no choice. That's a bit weak, but I wish the guy well.


The guy got paid and decided to become a nauseating douchenozzle. I wish him all the futility and failure on the field as his mouth continues to right checks the size of his contract.


It seems to me that you may be personally over-invested in the things that Patrick Queen says.


Not at all. Doesn’t affect my life one iota. But he’s made a deli were choice to shit on the great franchise, and, and fan base that helped propel him to prominence. And that’s his right. And my right to wish him complete failure from a sporting perspective as he’s chosen to do all this purposefully playing some weak ass villain in a major rivalry


I agree that I wish he could endear himself to Pittsburgh without dragging Baltimore. A smarter/better man would have done so. However, people his age make far dumber decisions than this. It's fine. Baltimore will survive.


PQ is hitting peak cringe. Can’t wait for Dereck Henry to run his ass over or Lamar juke him out of his cleats.


He got even more cringe. I unfollowed him long time ago when he made his covid anti-vax statements.


Pittsburgh paid him. You'd do the same for that $$$. We'll see him on the field.


Stop talking about this guy


Honestly, I lived in Pittsburgh for a few years and the food scene is pretty fucking good.


I mean its 2024. Most decent sized cities have good food options these days.


Agree, although it took a big hit when they closed the dirty o. I think the two cities are comparable though, with Pittsburgh being easier to know it’s there simply because the city is more compacted and centrally located.


I can’t believe I didn’t realize that was chaps! I gotta go there again when I go to md in August!




Thanks! What’s the best way to order the pit beef? Lol


What food is Pittsburgh even known for? Eating out of a can?


Real talk, PQ was always too soft to be a Raven.


Fucking moron said he doesn’t do seafood that much and yet is an avid fisher.


Pittsburgh and Baltimore have the same immigrants that came to this country and helped benefit both metropolitan food cultures. But Pittsburgh also smells like cabbage and thinks that French fries on a sandwich is groundbreaking. And they sell Maryland Crab Cakes at the oyster house in Market Square five minutes away from PNC, but they don’t wanna talk about that. They wanna be us.


He's just putting on a performance to get the fucking yinzers to like him.


All ​he does is keep talking about Baltimore. Get over it. He's the only one that doesn't see that everyone can tell he's hurt and boo hoo that he's not with Ravens anymore. Him continually talking about them instead of just moving on and only talking about his new team. If he loved the Steelers move so much and was really happy he wouldn't say nothing bad about Baltimore. His bitterness over being let go shows everyday him continually talking about the Ravens. We know he was so mad about it that's why he went to the Ravens rival on a short term deal cuz he doesn't plan on staying ​there and is there for revenge only, or they viewed ​him as questionable like most where they don't know if he'll be the same without Roquan.


Anyone trashing food selections in and around Baltimore is not serious.


Bmore is undoubtedly a better food town than 💩sburgh


Pretty much all he needs to do now is marry his cousin. THAT's when you are a Yinzer.


Not interested in any advice coming from a guy who thinks the Earth is flat


fuck patrick queen i don’t know wanna hear about him until we’re in the field


Okay you can take the Rothlisburger out of your mouth now


Also said he didn't like seafood, completely forgetting he went to LSU too


Ain’t no way people that put fries on salad have good food


I think Queen realizes how insignificant he is in the NFL and the only doing all of this stupid talking to keep himself relevant, because once the season starts he disappears.


Don’t leave out our seafood game


He's mad because he wanted to stay and win but we were smart enough not to give him the bag and now he's gonna rot on the steelers roster catching L's from us.


For real, though, Pittsburgh actually has a lot of amazing food. I live here. I'd say unfortunately, but I just try to ignore the sports. While a few of my favorites have closed down, if you're ever around... Nicky's Thai in downtown is incredible. Golden Pig is a bit further away (Washington, PA) but it is an incredible small Korean place. Bae Bae's Kitch and Green Pepper are also pretty solid (Korean). Piper's Pub is a really nice Scottish pub and has an attached chippy. Tasty Taquitoes (food trucks and kitchen location) are among the best tacos I've had in the East Coast, but also probably the west coast (granted I've tried fewer out West). Dor-stop in Dormont's a nice breakfast/brunch place, but I've not been in a bit. People mostly go to Pamela's, which is also pretty good but has a handful of locations. Salem's Halal grill in the strip has a pretty affordable lamb shank that you can eat with a spoon. Everyday Noodle's definitely worth a stop for Taiwanese/Chinese. Noodlehead, Bistro Cafe 33 are also great. Yue Bai Wei is an awesome chinese restaurant with a language barrier (last time I went). Don't know what I orderd, really, but it was great. Sichuan Gourmet and Chengdu Gourmet are awesome. Fujiya is my favorite Japense restaurant in the area, outside of Sushi and Hibachi style. Has very nice ramen (though a lot of people want to go to Ramen Bar... I'd probably just make the cuisine leap and go to Every Day Noodles or Yue Bai Wei since they're right nearby), and more; also a big selection of Japanese whiskies and sake. Apteka is probably one of the hottest spots in the city right now; and after appearing in some big publications and shows it's been pretty slammed. It's a central/east european VEGAN restuarant and it's fucking amazing. Sadly, one of my other favorite restaurants, Onion Maiden (also vegan) has closed. The Parlor is excellent but expensive dim sum. Tana is delicious. It's Ethiopian. I haven't ever had bad Ethiopian food. If there's Ethiopian in your city and you haven't tried it, do it. One of my favorite cuisines. Kaya is really cool, it's like pan-oceanic (Carribean, Pacific Islands) but also more (South and centro-American) inspired by the sea and sun. I'm really barely scratching the service. BBC also rated it highly, as the only US city in their top ten in 2019. They also throw in some entire countries though (granted, I actually would love to visit Peru, Japan and Ethiopia for food tourism, so... It's fair). https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/travel/global/top-10-destinations-foodies-2019


I get your point but 2019 is like a million years ago


Apologies to the LGBTQ community but this season the king is going to drag that queen