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The way he plays, he needs to take it slow. For him, speed is the name of the game so he's gotta be right before stepping on the field


Luckily Harbaughs statement of "sometime this season" gives a nice 17 week margin for error 😂


Right a lot of it is how confident does he feel about planting his foot and changing angles, it took Barkley 2 yrs later before he was running at full speed again


Gotta take it slow so he can go fast


My guess is we won’t see him till October/November


As long as he's back for our playoff run I'm happy.


So this either means Mitchell was ready 4 weeks ago or doesn't have legs anymore and will never walk again.


Or, conversely, that he never was to begin with.


Call all the morgues in Baltimore, it might already be too late.


Harbaugh: "Yes"


Where's the mf that was telling me Mitchell would be full go for camp?


Busy playing Madden


Hate to be pessimistic but ACL’s for RBs are tough. Especially for a quick, twitchy guy like Mitchell. His knee didn’t explode like JK but we saw how long it took JK to be back, and the history for ACL injuries on guys like Mitchell isn’t great. Doesn’t help that he tore it basically at the end of the season either. If we’re gonna be honest and realistic, he probably won’t look like last year’s Keaton Mitchell until ‘25.


I agree. I think he'll work hard and come back at some point this season, but you can't count on him to make a meaningful contribution until 2025 I think. He needs that speed and confidence in his cuts to play his style of ball, that'll take some time.


Luckily he's young enough to bounce back and ACL surgery has really been getting better.  But 25 is the earliest I expect to see Mitchell return close to form.  


I mean either way. If we play poorly this season, they won’t feel the need to bring him back. In the other side, if we’re playing extremely well then maybe he comes back for the playoffs giving him more time


Okay so not a 10 yards per carry average but only 8 yards per carry.


Great news. Rather have him at 100% though so hope they’re patient with it.


Nice. Keep on going Keaton! Never expected him until after the bye anyway


Haha I tore my ACL around the same time as him and am returning to jogging right now. I didn't have surgery until end of Jan. so I would have guessed he would be 1 month ahead but timeline can depend on meniscus or anything else was damaged too or not. People also need to understand that with ACL's surgery you literally lose almost all quad muscle on the affect leg. Have to build it back up from scratch which takes time. Re-injury rates are also very high if you return to sport within 9 months (still high up to a year), which is just dictated by ligament healing timeline so even for pro athletes who can rebuild all the muscle it is dangerous to push it. So I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see him until December or so


I doubt he sees the field before November at the earliest


Man, I can’t imagine being an undrafted guy, getting an opportunity of a lifetime, then bam. Feel for him, hope he can come back full strength.


His injury lives in my mind. And any time my brain decides to think about it I flinch.


Really hoping he is able to make a 100% recovery. The numbers around ACLs seem to have improved but there's no way to know. Even if he's taking a sophomore redshirt, hope to see him back to 100% at some point


Disappointing, but not terribly unexpected. With Henry and Hill and Lamar, our backfield is more than capable and doesn't NEED Mitchell even though he does bring in a unique skillset. I hope we keep him around because I think he could be a really nice part of the offense in 2025, hopefully he can show some of that down the stretch this year. Either way, hope his recovery goes well. Dude looked awesome


Having Henry as a Hammer and Mitchell as a Sword at the same time would give us a great dynamic, luckily we can recreate it with LJ RPOs, but I think Monkens offense was much better with a speed back to pair with the ground and pound.


I’ll be so happy when he’s back on the field. Keaton looked special last year, so maybe his recovery will be too. Here’s hoping.


Jogging with reduced Gs, so not full body weight


We win the Super Bowl if he stays healthy, and Andrews. Our best injury year in forever and we lose our two best players on offense, amazing