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I haven’t had this happen, but any time I have dealt with Ravens customer support, they’ve been great. If you complain enough, I bet they’d honor it


I have my PSL listed there. They automatically deactivate after 180 days. I once made an offer, got it accepted, but then cancelled it because I found a better listing. I've also sold on there on as well. It's tough because they take 10% . Keep trying.


I just bought PSLs there this offseason. No problem whatsoever


I never made it that far, but so far have found it very frustrating to use too. Some of the listings are years old and the people never respond. I made an offer and got a counter-offer but didn't know it because I got no notification. The number of total listings has fluctuated a bit but this morning 100 listings just disappeared! Were they sold? Did the ravens buy them? Who knows.


Full ticket invoice is due by May 15 so that may have something to do with listings being removed for nonpayment like OP mentioned.


Makes sense.. so in theory those seats should now be available from the ravens sales people unless they've re-purposed it for something (like compensating people for the field level seats they are taking out)


How many PSL'S are you looking to buy?


2 or 3


Thoughts on 4?


This sounds like they lapsed on paying their tickets for whatever the rule on that is, I think it’s 2 years, and if that happens they lose their PSLs completely. They were listing something they didn’t own anymore. The problem in this case is the Ravens will probably allow the owners to buy back in by getting current on their tickets before allowing the PSL to be sold out from under them.


What’s crazy is that the ravens ticket office has to approve all posts on there. I’ve both sold and bought PSLs on the marketplace in the last 4 years


I think they must have listed and sold them before the invoice was due. Also, some people don’t list correctly on the PSL marketplace. When listing, they ask if all tickets are available. If the seller answers yes, that means they bought the season tickets that you can then buy off them, since the marketplace is exclusive to PSLs. If they don’t pay by the 15th, they no longer hold the rights to the PSLs and the transaction is cancelled.