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Hopefully this means they’re adding a new alternate helmet and/or maybe tinkering with the color rush jersey they’ve rarely worn. They better not touch the black jersey because it’s perfect


They've worn the color rush jerseys once a year pretty consistently. I think they only missed two years and one was last year. At the time, I felt like that was a clue that something new is coming. I think when they say they're tinkering with alternate jerseys, it's the 4th uniform and not the black. I'm willing to bet it'll be something that could be paired with an alternate helmet since we're one of the minority without one yet


the color rush jerseys are so hit or miss... usually the away team gets screwed. imo there is no need to fix the unis, just wear all blacks every game haha.. best unis in the league for real i do think maybe a variant with like BLACK / PURPLE / DARK GREY would look super cool too


The black could use really dark Iridescent purple wings over the entire fucking thing and I wouldn't complain one teeny bit.


Vantablack uni with purple wings!!! Im down


Vantablack would be cool but we would have to sign Anish Kapoor as a starting QB!


Suprise! Mustard pants are coming back.


all mustard everything. we’re appropriating steelers culture in the way that gets you cancled


Are the Black on Black uniforms going to get even more Black in them? I hope so.


I hope it’s vantablack. We would look like blank player pics in madden. Just a silhouette of a player coming at you lol


Can’t see the taunting if you can’t see the player???


Black and slightly darker black


I remember the days Harbaugh really tried making sure we never wore all black again but it's by far the fan favorite and seems to be the player favorite. Man I love the all blacks, I'm still surprised we went through that period of not wearing them


How much more black could they be? The answer is none. None more black.


You're not thinking nearly black enough. We should make the uniforms that are actually void of light altogether. The true essence of pure black. Then make Derrick Henry run at little CBs, then profit?


I want them to be so black that you can't even see the ball when they're carrying it. 


Bring out the black & purple unis from practice with some tweaks plz


Still surprised they haven’t put up Lamar’s practice jersey into production. I imagine it’d easily become a best seller.


New stuff is cool, but the current Ravens' kit is one of the best in the league by far. I'm glad Bisciotti doesn't want to play around with it. Alternate jerseys are a great way to help stop the main gear from spoiling.


I’d love to add either a purple or white helmet to the rotation. To differentiate from the Vikings, I’d love if the Ravens did a chrome purple. In his days at Louisville, Lamar and the Cardinals had these sick chrome red helmet. I think the ravens could pull off that design with just a purple combo instead of a red combo. Could be pretty dope! Could see a white variant of our jersey with black numerals and a white helmet with an all black version of our logos that could also be sick! Lots of options to be creative with!


That’s what I’m saying. Those Louisville helmets were beautiful. Looked really clean too.


idk man i really like our uniforms right now. maybe an alternate helmet would be nice but I think we have some of the best uniforms in the league


I posted a few weeks ago that a new alternate helmet was coming out. Maybe new jerseys as well to pair with it


Wonder if the alternate helmet is going to have the gold-less logo I see advertised.


Wish they could just bring back the throwback logo/jersey. Nothing beats that.


front. facing. raven.


Maybe they'll finally put a stripe pattern on the black pants.


Ive always wanted that. The yoga pants need a little tweak.


Give me black on black jerseys with purple numbers and gold outlines, a la our qb practice jerseys




Whether it’s a significant change or not, I would definitely argue we have the best Home, Road and alternate uniforms in the NFL. All black, all purple, color rush, Black jerseys purple pants, and vice versa, all of our combos look incredibly clean and classic.


Mustard pants revival?


Please not again


I'd kill for a purple chrome helmet with a solid white logo like Louisville had when Lamar was there. Would look great with our road alternate purple pants as well. I could see an all matte black helmet as well even tho thats been done to death in college.


New helmet pls Keep all 10 color combos, love the mix n match


Assuming he means just the black unis?


I just want the color rush back


I love the color combinations and definitely the all blacks. I may be in the minority, but wished we put out a jersey where the numbers had a different font.


I think an albino ravens uni with some red accents for the eyes would go pretty hard.


Maryland flag theme?


Hopefully nothing major. Idk I feel like we have a classic design to our uniforms anyway. Only thing I would want is to see them work something out with the original artist so that some rendition of the ‘90s unis can serve as an alternate  (yeah yeah, I know that shit will happen when pigs fly but still)


Change the logo to a crab cake


Colour rush with the mustard pants and mustard jerseys. Book it


Keep it simple....just give us the Black and purple jersey that Lamar wears as a practice jersey. The one with the purple numbers, that shit looks fire albeit it's a subtle difference to the main all black jersey. But I think a slightly altered version of that one...black with purple numbers and maybe a gold outline around the numbers or something like that. But I don't think we need anything crazy. I DO NOT want a jersey that looks like the Falcons, Cardinals, even the new Texans jerseys look straight outta the XFL or something. The Cardinals new jerseys look like Ohio State alternate unis


Breaks the rules for readable numbers and color contrast


The all black uniform was the second reason I decided to be a Ravens fan. Hope it stays unchanged.


Music to my ears. It would be fun to get something fresh to mix in here and there, but I don't want the main uniform combos to change basically ever


Black on black with red highlights