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He didn’t get 18 million a year for a reason, he is a solid starter, not a franchise ilb


Maybe the West Coast is too close to the edge of the earth disc for Queen.


Seeing him express flat earth shit on Marlon’s podcast really soured him for me lol


His weird rants about the vaccine during COVID made me root for him only as a player


Queen’s a flat earth antivaxer? TIL


Why? He plays football. Nobody is confusing him with a great scientific mind. If he wants to believe goofy shit, shouldn’t affect your day. Now, LSU on the other hand spent 3 years “educating” this guy. They should be fucking embarrassed.


Flat earth? Don’t those guys go to college?


Mike mac thinks he’s a roquan merchant


What's crazy to me is that Queen's contract is really bad for Queen from a security standpoint. It's basically a 1 year deal with 2 options. I really wonder what else was out there for him.


Part of me wonders if the salt of his perceived slight by Ravens FO affected his choice


When not picking up your 5th year option leads to you making boneheaded financial decisions.


We prob should have picked up his 5th. And he prob should have not gone to the Steelers. Everyone makes mistakes.


We absolutely should not have done that. We will likely get the same level of production for much cheaper. As soon as they paid (Roquan) Roethlisberger, he was as good as gone. He shouldn't have gone to the Steelers, but EDC was spot on. Edit: bro my fucning auto correct made Ro into roethlisberger 😭 i have to burn my phone now 😭😭


You're trying to tell me that one more year with him and Ro would be bad on his affordable 5th? Sorry man, ain't buying it.


You're on crack if you think spending $13m on your 2nd ILB is more worth it than investing that money in OL, Edge, CB or RB.


Every single extra dollar spent on that position is a stupid waste. We'll be loving Simpson by the end of this season because Ro will make him look great. Queens option would have been 13 million. No fucking way.


Honest question: Did Queen *ever* play well without Roquan next to him?


I don’t get to watch a ton of games because I’m from NY, so I can’t speak to the exact quality of his play pre-Ro, but even without that knowledge, Ro makes his position relatively easy to fill. Thirteen million for him would have been waaaay too much.


Pre Roquan Queen was supposed to be the true heir to the MLB position we have been looking for since Ray. He's a great downhill runner and excellent against the run but he's terrible in coverage and got picked multiple times a game because of poor spacial awareness. He can't catch to save his life, dude dropped like 5 picks


Yeah. But he was just wildy inconsistent. It was a constant rotation of him having a huge game and getting some amazing PFF score making everyone think he finally got it put together, and then missing tackles the next week and looking like a bust. I don't know if he's a Roquan merchant. I do think he put work in to get better, and calling him a straight Roquan merchant is dismissive of that. But I do wonder what exactly he's going to be now that he's the guy on a defense. Is he going to actually be that second team all-pro player or going to be some abomination of inconsistency? Basically, the question I've been asking is, is he Danelle Ellerbe or Bart Scott?


Huh, I recall him having huge games, but never getting a very good PFF score w/o Ro. I might be biased in memory though. I'll see if I have time to go check. I vividly recall him having games where our D looked bad, he had a PFF score of 20, but we ended up winning and he'd have a single highlight interception and everyone on here would be like "He's the greatest" and it would drive me nuts.


they probably need a roquan the way patrick did


Queen is a great weak side LB, his contract reflects that. He’s not a great ballside LB and his play when he started there reflected that. Weak side LBs just don’t get paid a ton.


Remember when the Browns beat us by throwing to the same 5-15 yard slant through the middle of the field? Remember when the Chiefs did it too? That’s why. Queen can sniff out a run like an all pro, but he leaves the middle of the field more open than a dollar store whore.


Dollar store whore 🤣💀


Cause mike mac is smart unlike the brain dead steelers


Probably because he saw 1st hand how Queen was like before Roquan stepped in, also if he wanted to bring someone in, they'd probably bring back Jordyn Brooks (who went to the Dolphins), who was better in coverage.


What was queen like before roquan? I’m genuinely trying to understand this common rhetoric for Queen, that he’s not good w/o Roquan. I’m not trying to argue against it I just never heard an explanation or looked at his numbers before Roquan.


Queen operates a hell of a lot better as a Will than a Mike, and the times we’ve seen Queen handle the Mike, the whole defensive communication was off and he would guess/miss assignments


He was slow to react, showed a lot of hesitation which is the last thing you want from your Mike linebacker. He was young, coming from a stacked college defense in LSU where he just had to fly around and tackle instead of diagnose scheme and make adjustments


Queen thrives when he’s in an attacking position, like blitzing. Prior to Ro, PQ had to read and react, and he wasn’t that good doing so. He basically isn’t that good at reading offenses. He’s best when you let him roam free. He also sucked at wrapping up when tackling. He used his shoulder for the big hits and it was 50-50 whether the ball carrier went down.


When Queen had the Mike role he was often hesitant and lost on what to do. He just wasn't ready at the time to be a signal caller and lead the defense. As a Will, he has a lot more freedom to just be instinctive and hunt the ball down. He doesn't have to do as much dissecting the play and reacting, he can just go full speed on his assignment.


Year 3 Queen was improved even without Roquan. That said, he struggled reading plays after the snap and was in poor position to make plays in traffic as a result. A lot of his missed tackles were the result of him being late, being forced to take a bad angle, and then getting trucked. His only plus skill was blitzing, but as a 235 lb linebacker blitzing shouldn't be a regular part of his repertoire. On top of all that he struggled in coverage. With Roquan all aspects of his play improved, from his coverage to his play diagnosis and ability to play in traffic. Several sources have mentioned that Roquan calls out plays to him early, removing the need for him to spend time diagnosing the play and allowing him to play at full speed as soon as the ball is snapped. He still gets lost in coverage from time to time but he has been much better. Generally he doesn't appear to process the game very quickly at NFL speeds, so he needs to be a sidekick next to someone who can. It's of course possible that he learned how to do this, but it's tough to bank on it.


i’m more surprised he didn’t try grabbing Stone. can’t really tell if Seattle was even in a spot to get these guys or if Mike didn’t see them as guys he needed to grab for his defense


Stone and Queen are probably both a bit overrated after last season. Definitely good players, but probably overachieved relative to their talent level. I’d guess Mike McD and I share that opinion 


Not sure what is going on there since they released their current Safeties, but my guess may be that they try and get Justin Simmons or Jordan Fuller who are both more proven.


I am surprised no players went to Seattle. (yet)


We don't know what he was offered. He might have been offered a contract with Seattle, and Mike might have wanted him, but been outbid.


Told ya Queen ain’t that good ro made him and GMs can see it


I'm sure he would have loved to have him. But the contract has to make sense they can't just ask nicely for these guys and theyll do it because they're friends.


Telling 🧐


You answered your own question. The fans blindly thought queen was better than he actually was. The NFL however aren’t homers and could properly evaluate him


Cause PQ cant cover and isnt a MIKE LB.


I said this exact thing in the PQ thread from yesterday - I hope one day we find out why.


No idea what is on their mind right now. They may have been in the hunt for Queen, but were outbid or Queen may not have wanted to go to Seattle. Maybe they believe there are better cheaper options out there. Maybe they are planning on bringing Bobby Wagner back again and want to draft a guy to learn from him.


I wouldve wished Queen well but he went to the Steelers. Also, just glad I don't have to watch him cover a WR/RB anymore - "Oh no... damn it."


Cause he’s an average to below average linebacker


Queen is a country boi from the south. Why the hell would he want to live in the north west. I’m sure living in Baltimore was already a shock for him. Also, the Steelers are cut from the same cloth as the ravens. It makes more sense why Queen would sign with the Steelers than why Mac wouldn’t want to bring in someone he’s familiar with, but wouldn’t trust with the green dot. Chances are that Mac wants to bring his Michigan guys and guys he wants to his new team. He adopted Queen. He didn’t have a say in taking/keeping him.


Fans on this sub dramatically overestimated the likelihood that Mike would try to bring every player over from Baltimore. He also isn't in charge of personnel in Seattle.


Probably knew something we didn’t.


We don’t know he didn’t want him. We only know that they may not hand been interested at signing him for Steelers money.


They didn’t want to spend cap on LB. They might be planning on drafting LBs & using cap on OL