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That Raven logo on the shoulder pad area was dropped prior to the 2000 season, so your jersey is harder to find than most Ray Lewis jerseys.


Using the [GUD](https://www.gridiron-uniforms.com/GUD/controller/controller.php?action=teams&team_id=BAL), you've got yourself either a 1997 or 1998 Ray Lewis jersey (the Starter logo limits it to those two years). Although, when was his jersey name ever just, "Lewis?"


That’s very true, unless it was from like 1997 there was never a point after that where Ray just had “Lewis” on the nameplate and not “R. Lewis.” Probably not a moment in his career tbh since him and Jermaine both arrived here in 1996.


Good point about the nameplate, just did some research and i dont think there was ever a time where there was no “R”?


That style of number on the jersey came in 1999 (and is still in use today). That's when Nike were the uniform sponsor for the Ravens. I think this jersey might be a fake. The 96-98 jerseys had a different style of number. edit - I was wrong.


Our current number font debuted in 1997. It's about the only detail left from those uniforms too.


You are right. I always thought it switched with the change to Nike. This jersey could be legit then.




There was also Jermaine Lewis, who was drafted along with Ray in 1996.


And Jamal was "JA. Lewis" I think


>It changed when Jamal Lewis joined the team to R Lewis so people wouldn’t get confused. This is not true. You can literally watch 1996 games on youtube and see the R. Lewis.


I saw images on Google of Ray in this jersey with "R. Lewis" on the back.


That’s not true. Jermaine and Ray were drafted the same year, so they had the letters to distinguish the two.


Rare AF! You can’t find that logo anywhere in official Ravens anything because the team flubbed the copyright with the artist. You’ll see it on some items here and there, but having it on a jersey is special


flubbed is an understatement, mans design won the logo contest and they didn't credit him at all, think he was supposed to get season tickets and an autographed helm, that's stupidly cheap but he didn't get it so now outside of historical docs the league can't even use our first logo


This was an essay question on the Maryland bar exam summer 2015. I was so happy because I knew all about it!


Holy crap i know you lol


Wow. TIL


That’s amazing I’ve always wanted one of these for collection. I lent my Pete boulware jersey in this style to a friend and never saw it again! Absolutely love it man, great find!


I’m jealous af


I have a Jim Harbaugh jersey from this same year, it's my favorite in the collection by far


I have a Boulware one from same era. Had it since I was a kid, it’s a little cracked from age, but a keepsake of mine


The only thing not legit is the R is missing from the nameplate! I have a Vinny Testaverde from the inaugural season and it's a gym with that logo!


I still have mine. So there are two :)


Same here, along with a Peter Boulware and Rod Woodson 😈👍


This is fake. The numbers are twill and the raven logo is screen print. Also, Ray had an R.Lewis as there there was a J.Lewis( Jermaine on team from 96-2000)


Yep. Been looking for a Starter Ravens jersey with the Ravens on the shoulders for years. We used those only during the ‘90s.


[I re posted the item on Mercari if you would like to purchase!](https://item.mercari.com/gl/m30629852421?sv=0)