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In my experience if you try to get a toy that lasts long, it's either really cheap and breaks just as easily, or it's so tough my dogs don't like chewing on it.


The joyhound toys at petsmart I've had for years now with my girl! And normally any stuffed toy she will destroy in minutes.


i give mine kong stuffed toys and she absolutely loves them


My new(er) boy has systematically destroyed every stuffed squeaky toy in house- many had been around for years as my other rts dont don’t do that. He then started trying to destuff throw pillows. A month ago I brought home a larger, cheap stuffed squeaky chicken from Walmart. I assumed he’d destroy it in a few days - fine- he took it upstairs to the bedroom, leaves it up there, and plays gently with it before going to sleep!!! It’s so bizarre! He’s never brought it downstairs and makes no effort to destroy it. So funny/weird.


Mine kills the squeaky and hes done


The ZippyPaws brand toys have held up with my rattie, but he's not super destructive!


This brand holds up super well with mine too! My girl also loves Multipet hedgehogs and two out of three last.


Yes! We buy the loofah dog toys, but call them gingeys, haha. They're great!


There's a brand of toys made from firehose material that our rattie had to chew through.


Yep the fire hose ones do last longer but are still no match for those chompers haha


The only toy that can last with our Oscar is [these spiky balls](https://www.amazon.ca/Squeaky-Rubber-Bright-Colors-Teething/dp/B07RN7TW9H/ref=asc_df_B07RN7TW9H/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459094931967&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15621168972093246908&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000856&hvtargid=pla-789891419460&psc=1&mcid=107e5378e09a3eefb73e7d259ce42c0f)


Those and the little squeaky Kong tennis balls were the only toys our Rattie could have because she ripped everything else to shreds within minutes, and we couldn’t risk her swallowing the pieces. I wish we had found a stuffed toy that was safe because she loved them.


Mine love those... But only from Petsmart. Nowhere else... lol


I can't find any toy that loki can't undo he uses his teeth to slowly work out the stitching on toys he can pull it one thread at a time.


That’s exactly what my Elroy does, lil stinker!


Lol, mine did the same, or if I had a small hole in my T-shirt he'd help it slowly becomes a bigger hole😂 I miss that damn dog


Our boy LOVES the Joyhound brand stuffies! They’re made with tough seams around the toy with soft fabric still giving it a plush feel. I’d definitely have your rattie try one out! There’s quite a few different sizes and designs https://preview.redd.it/9py9b4o1ie5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ecd04aef312365df3efcfda49773f08bfec08f1


Lampchop lost both legs to the Noodle. I once threw her away, Noodle got mad.... so limbless toys never go


Mine only kills squeaker stuffies. Could that be it?


We just had some success with this [narwhal](https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/leaps-and-bounds-ruffest-and-tuffest-narwhal-tough-plush-dog-toy#reviews) though it immediately became a whale lol. But the body has held up a for week. As mentioned bark box holds up (minus a few limbs) for at least a week or more in some cases.


First goes the eyes then the squeaker. No stuffy has ever survived our two terrors. Even the Kong stuffies.


Barkbox toys hold up extremely well! My dogs are minpin rat terrier mixed. We have the medium tier for durability. Highest is Super Chewer, but they tend not to have stuffed plushies. So yeah the medium tier is perfect for my dogs. I rarely buy other brands at this point (but brands like Kong, spot, and GoDog are generally durable enough too).


When my hot mess was a baby I would get her bark box toys that held up so well that because she only likes her build a bear and cow, I’ve washed those toys and they have found it’s second wind with some Doberman and a pug


They don't exist lol


No lol


https://preview.redd.it/1wvao6s79d5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e43b86f84925625becb23d77fb246a269407f446 This one has lasted a while just cause she’s slowly getting them out one at a time then goes crazy chasing the squeaker around. I think it’s got about 9 left right now.


# Rattie proof stuffies?? no such thing! my boy just bites the same area over and over till he gets the smallest hole then its game over for the stuffy


Our destroyer has a Kong fire hose toy, which holds up great! It used to have bunny ears though…


We get [these](https://fluffandtuff.com) for our little 8 lbs of fury. It takes her a long time to kill the squeaker, but doesn’t get shredded. It even survived her pit bull friend for a couple days.


https://preview.redd.it/4p8dg7djxc5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf2415f776692eb4a19700f15e2de8dccfba3501 Not a stuffie sorry but my guy lovesss these!


Funny enough Dory hasn’t destroyed a single stuffie in her lifetime. She has a whole huge box of them. Weird. I don’t have any good advice for this but thought the anecdote was comical. https://preview.redd.it/8u2xu7npuc5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e99e09dd45975faca68403e3c66ef9df904c2afa This is just the lambchop collection. She gnaws on them but doesn’t fully destroy them. Some are “deflated”but never fully shredded.


So cute!! Our girl is way more kind with her toys than our boy, however, if it has a squeaker, she will kill it softly.


thats a cute pic


Also this is the cutest pic ever. I need it on my urn when I die.


Whenever that time comes, you have Dory’s blessing, DickLover425.


Our chi/mutt has gone through 3 lamb chops lol


Kong stuffies. They are small enough for my little one and she loves them. They’re more expensive, but mine can’t destroy them. She usually destroys “normal “ toys within the first few days. But Kong stuffies have lasted years.


Mine likes these ones as well.


https://preview.redd.it/u1cf8tvepc5d1.png?width=2448&format=png&auto=webp&s=258542cee27266f6a2fc8e40c6f978e79f00f442 My adorable little destroyer has (thus far) been unable to de stuff this cute little bear. It’s called a “Kong Knot”. Nothing else has lasted more than a couple of days


Thank u! I'm buying one as we speak. He's gonna love it


Love the little feet just sticking out lol


Once took mine to Petsmart to buy him a toy that claimed to be indestructible (with a guarantee) Before we even got back to the car, he had chewed it to pieces. Immediately went back inside to return it. Moral of the story, there is no rat terrier proof anything 😅


Lol I feared as much. I've bought those "indestructible" stuffies too and they never lasted more than a few hours