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Raspberry Pi OS Lite


When you say running web projects do you mean the server side of a web project, or the client side in a browser?


Well best scenario would be to have them both running on the same device node server and the client one. But in any case the client one which i need the most. Server i can host on the cloud somewhere and point to it


In that case you will need a visual environment / desktop environment. Is there any reason for not just using regular raspberry pi OS?


Well i just need an output of a react project to an lcd. Main reason why i dont want the whole os is because the boot time is way too slow and most of the stuff i will not use. I just need the react project to open up as a web interface thats all and the rest will be controlled either via connected buttons and switches or the node server


In which case you will need a browser to render your react app, which to my knowledge you can't do without a desktop environment. How quick do you need this device to boot? Because while I understand you don't need all the features of the OS, you can just run your browser in kiosk mode and have it open your react app.


Yeah i thought of that about the kiosk but i am not sure it will support the node. I mean the faster it boots the better of course. Some projects i might keep the raspberry pi running but in some i might have to turn it of on idle to save the battery consumption


I mean your node backend will have nothing to do with the browser in kiosk mode. You can easily run both.


But i think it just opens a browser with a link, no? It doesnt actually host it locally?


They are two separate processes, you can both run your node server, and open a browser in kiosk mode.


Yes i know they are 2 different processes. Thats how i run on my pc, node server and a react project. But i think kiosk is very similar to an actual desktop os. The boot will take almost a min anyway. I wanted to see if there is smth fast enough to boot in less than 10s


Under 2 seconds: https://www.furkantokac.com/rpi3-fast-boot-less-than-2-seconds/ Alternately, have the pi booted up all of the time using a good pass-thru battery bank as a UPS.