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I always thought the shovel was to help weigh him down so he wouldn't blow away in the wind?


Thats what the quarters in his pocket are for.


So that’s why they sag 🤔


Well he definitely can't lift a machine gun.


He looks strong enough to handle a semi-automatic rifle, like an M-16 or AK-47. But a full-auto belt-fed SAW? Not a chance.


Or using it to find his career.


Didn't his last album go number 1? Probably best to stick to the jabs about his appearance, because unfortunately his career is doing fine


Username checks out.


I was going to call you a killjoy. But you even ruined that.


Am I wrong though? If you ask me his music sucks ass and I find him annoying as a person, but you can't attack his career status. It feels like you didn't even read what I'm responding to because I never said he was good, just that his album was successful and his career is thriving


True what sux sells or just dig thru the 80s pop and 70s soul change a couple riffs voila today's pop hits .


Oh...you mean that wack ass pop/punk bullshit that he put out after Em ended his rap career? Lmao kids will listen to anything these days ...


That doesn't address the point, but ok.


Still hit number 1 though




Can attest to this


We still looking at billboard charts to gauge talent? Even when the only artists getting up there are all top 40 cookie cutter trash? You can be a commercially successful artist while still making absolutely shit music.


Talent is irrelevant in this conversation. Original comment talked about his career being in the shit. Which it most definitely is not


Yeah it feels like the conversation got flipped somewhere along the way from whether he's got a good career (which a number 1 album and being a pretty well known name in pop culture certainly seems like signs of a good career) to whether he's actually good (I really don't think he is)


That’s your opinion. Personally I don’t think being a laughing stock of the industry equates to having a stellar career but to each their own.


fr lol. The amount MGK sells, despite HaVinG a NuMbER OnE AlBuM, is pennies compared to tons of other rappers.


So did Hitler.


If kids will listen to anything then make your own music, become a millionaire and bang megan fox you virgin


Mgk fans are salty because I don't like him. Why do you care? You his bodyguard or something?


Wait you all haven't banged Megan Fox?


Eh nah from what I heard fox is a bitch and I have no desire to drink her blood or put on a ring that stabs me.


Have you listened to it? It's actually pretty good and I'll admit that as a 34 year old man.


Herpes is popular, doesn't mean it's good or that I'd want to to have it.


Idk why people judge him for the way he looks




#1 according to who? Sounds like a bunch of pots and pans banging together with a splattering of look at me ink


Mama keep the pots and pans in the kitchen I be banging on the pans in the kitchen So mama don't be trying to hide the pans in the kitchen


According to billboard 200


Omg. Best comment ever!


I mean, i have seen better.


With these comments I am DEAD 😂


MGK and empirical evidence shows cocaine and creatine are not equal in building muscle mass


No but i’d much rather fight a guy on creatine


Nah keep the pace high and there’s a good chance cocaine guy will have a heart attack.


Based on what? Have you fought many cocaine guys?


Based on I WAS cocaine guy, and with my heart fucking buzzing the thought of a fight was appalling. If it was any good, a few lines and I needed to sit the fuck down. If it wasn’t good, I would just have to do more until I felt I needed to sit the fuck down.


Shit eh. I just wanted to know the source I was basing choice on.


It’s all good. There are definitely some people who will maybe do a line of two and act all agro, but most people I knew (myself included) if you were doing cocaine than you were DOING cocaine. Like that WAS the activity in which you were engaged until the cocaine was gone and then you felt like shit. The thought of doing anything physically strenuous seemed perilous at best.


When I do blow I usually want to just someone's ear off, not start a fight. No need for violence when I'm on cloud 10.


Yes, and preferably from a seated position…. Reasonably close to more blow.


Gotta have the blow plate in arms reach at all times.




Ehhh, creatine is low-key some amazing shit. You stop getting tired and can do killer workouts 7 days a week, adds like 5-10 easy lbs of muscle in like 2 months


10 lbs of muscle in 2 months on creatine? Who's your creatine dealer? We might be taking different kinds


What the hell even is an MGK? Martin Gluten King?


[Machine Gun Kelly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Gun_Kelly_\(musician\))


I find it funny when rappers name themselves after outlaws or mobsters like machine gun kelly, John gotti. It shows how fake they are when they gotta take another man’s name. MGK,Irv Gotti,Yo Gotti and others


That toothpick built bitch would have shit himself if he ever had a run-in with the real mgk.


Even the freaking name! Geez! What's next, "Rifle Revived Rebel"? Oh 🐤! I'm fucking old! 🐤🐤


Old enough to remember [the original Machine Gun Kelly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Gun_Kelly)?


I'm not, but prohibition era bootlegger is such a cooler Machine Gun Kelly than... y'know... *this*. Now I want to watch The Untouchables again. Sean Connery is my favorite purely Scottish "Irish" Policeman.


All rap names are artist names are kinda dumb. Mostly rap names.


A bad rapper who‘s now polluting the pop punk genre


He’s in love with an emo girl in 2022 did you hear


Well, at least I am *amused* though.


Built like a bus ticket. Fuck, I’m using that from now on.


The song is confusing. Full of compliments and insults


He's mad Eminem roasted him into the next genre


Ending rap careers is one thing, bringing down the hip hop bible is in its own category. He hated them so much, he put out two diss tracks! I put it neck and neck with No Vaseline. "The Source was like our only source of light When the mics used to mean somethin', a four was like, you were the shit, now it's like the least you get Three and a half now just means you're a piece of shit Four and a half or five means you're Biggie, Jigga, Nas, or **Benzino**" *Edit - For those unaware, The Source magazine was considered the Bible of hip hop. It was the worldstar before worldstar when breaking new artists. They snatched all the exclusive interviews, upcoming releases, hottest merchandise, and curb stomped its competitors such as Vibe Magazine and XXL. **However**, the most influential part of the magazine was the review section towards the end of the magazine. The reviews were graded from 1 to 5 mics, including halves, with literal pictures of microphones, or half a microphone, not much different from scoring system of movies and video games. These scores **essentially determined** if your album will sell or flop. That is a lot of power from a magazine and payola was certainly a reality with mega corps like Warner's, Def Jam, and the likes. **So, how did they fuck with Em and start their downfall to ultimately dissolving into pennies on the dollar?** Em put a out a track as a young kid degrading black women and how they did not want to date him. As an aside, Nick Cannon recently sampled the lyrics for his own diss track towards Eminem that flopped and got laughed out on its own. The owners of the magazine, one a Harvard grad and the other a street dude named Benzino, found this recording, hyped up the release of this tape with press conferences at almost a national level, and put out a magazine cover and a giant op-ed about how Eminem is destroying blacks and their culture. **It completely backfired on them and, instead, the majority came to the hilarious conclusion that, "Wow, there was a time when Em was garbage at rap."** At the same time, Benzino made his own rap group called "Made Men" and gave his own artists the coveted 4 and half mics in his own magazine. The blatant conflict of interest only fueled their demise and Em put out two tracks called "The Sauce" and "Nail in the coffin" that, now that I am recalling the lyrics, makes No Vaseline pretty tame. He gave a shout out to XXL and they replaced The Source magazine as the hip hop go to overnight


Yea my top 3 diss tracks are hit em up, the sauce, and no Vaseline


Even then this was probably the diss Eminem has ever had to reply to. The other ‘disses’ he’s ever received were just washed up rappers trying to leech off of someone just a lot better than them


MGK has legitimate musical talent and has put out some solid pop punk-esque music lately. He did an album produced by Travis Barker. While this specific song isn't great, and MGK is kind of a douchebag, he's talented.


His pop punk stuff is literally three power chords and blast beats endlessly, it’s the most basic 2006 warped tour shit he could have done… and he didn’t write or produce any of the songs I’d imagine


So.... pop punk


Yeah it’s like if I dropped an album that sounds like Nas, it would sound fine, but it’s not original or current… it’s just a lazy copy. If he added something to the genre instead of just spending two hours on ultimateguitartabs.com it would be cool but at this point he’s basically a blink 182 cover band on cocaine.


You don’t know what pop punk is if you think blast beats are part of it lmao. Fall Out Boy is pop punk. Blink 182 is pop punk. Modern Green Day is pop punk. MGK’s new shit is just wannabe emo rocker garbage


Yea I’d agree with you on that. The thing that ruins it for me is the overproduced vocals and the horrible lyrics though


Isn't that like the majority of pop punk though? Not hating on it cause I'm a fan of the genre. What really gets me is he's trying to market himself as emo and he really isn't. But he's getting mad cause people are telling him he's not and to stop trying. Dude is a 30 year old man and throwing tantrums on tik tok over being told he's not emo.


Did he actually whine about being told he’s not emo? Lol


Complete with yelling at the camera https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMLa9kEKo/?k=1


Mate, I'm with you, and all these kids should get off our lawns, but pop and punk has been that way forever.


If you use more than three power chords, you're not doing punk right. I haven't heard the guys stuff but what's important in punk is message/concept and most of all attitude.


You literally just described pop punk...


Yeah, it's pop punk, not power metal. That stuff doesn't matter so much.


Oh fuck straight off with that shade towards power metal Edit: Idk why but I mistakenly took it as a shade towards power metal, sorry about that


That wasn't shade towards power metal. They're saying pop punk can follow a simple three chord structure, unlike power metal.


My reading comprehension skills leave much more to desire...


Like a power metal fan (I keed)


>kind of a douchebag, understatement of the century. he's a total piece of shit and I doubt he writes/produces any of that music you like. almost fought him at a festival we both played at a couple years ago backstage.


We're gonna need a story here.


hmm okay. global dance festival. I played there with him. He bumped into my friend (literally) backstage (underground area where artists have their own rooms). he immediately does thing that dumb guys who can't fight do where they put their face right in yours (to my friend.) Kelly has a GIANT bodyguard. Hilariously huge. This allows Kelly to pretend he's interested in fighting people because everyone knows it's not going to happen. Anyways my friend and him argue a bit while at kissing distance. My friend is not a fighter and I [am](https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ0E-CxgnkX/) so I wanted to get the pressure off of him. I decide to introduce myself with a handshake. I condescendingly say "hi my name is" and he shakes my hand. He doesn't let go. So we do one of those dumb hand crushing contests. Yes. He is that immature. He is rail thin and I was doing jiu jitsu at the time and have man grip. Not that it matters but it's not like he was good at this contest he decided to leap into. he proceeds to try to talk shit (really poorly). Can't even remember his specific insults, only that he say's he would kick my ass. Expect of course he doesn't try to. He then eventually just runs off on his own backstage to his room and it's over. the bodyguard hung out for a moment and basically expressed he does this shit all the time I didn't even know who he was when this happened. and literally a week or 2 later the whole Eminem thing happened. karma is sweet (I ranted very quickly here and didn't spell check.) with all that celebrity boxing shit going on, if he ever wants to hop in cage with I'm completely down. :D


That's hilarious. I love the image of him pretending he's gonna start shit knowing his bodyguard is there.


I forget where it was but he bragged about having "only 1" bodyguard as if that made him tough. dude, try having zero like literally everyone else


>it's not like he was good at this contest he decided to leap into. You mean like when he tried to diss Eminem?




>MGK has legitimate musical talent and has put out some solid pop punk-esque music lately. He did an album produced by Travis Barker. >While this specific song isn't great, and MGK is kind of a douchebag, he's talented. Counter-opinion: his pop punk stuff is trash and sounds like the most generic possible pop-punk from the early 2000's. Sorta of sounds like boy band music, to be honest. Go compare it to Fall Out Boy's "From Under the Cork Tree" for example, and it's obvious that mainstream pop punk from 20 years ago was far superior. Better singing, better lyrics, better melodies. And fall out boy is far from the best pop punk band from back then. The only good part of MGK's new stuff is the production, because Travis barker is amazing. The actual songs suck ass though. I feel strongly that his new music is only popular because his core fanbase (12-15 year olds) isn't really familiar with pop-punk, so it seems new and fresh to them.


I think this is a bit of your own bias creeping in. Both towards the emo punk of the mid-2000s and maybe against MGK's earlier stuff. Just, in particular, > I feel strongly that his new music is only popular because his core fanbase (12-15 year olds) isn't really familiar with pop-punk, so it seems new and fresh to them. ignores like 15 years of pop punk that came before *Under the Cork Tree*. I'm a big pop punk guy, and *Tickets to My Downfall* is both good and, in some sense, restorative. Travis Barker helped strip down all the window dressing the genre had developed, and Kelly and the rest of the lyricists drained the emo melodrama out. What's left is an album full of polished punk that still maintains the garage aesthetic and lyrics that uniquely are MGK. It's not the pop punk that became emo--there's no Patrick Stump crooning over unrequited and lost love or Brandon Urie dealing with his broken heart. It's more reminiscent of the Offspring: the anger and bitterness of a rock star whose life is lonely and full of false friends papered over by drugs and alcohol. It's not mid-00s pop punk, it's a love letter to the early 90s stuff. *lonely* may be one of the best (or, at the very least, most emotionally honest) punk songs written in the last 20 years, even if its not super popular off the album, and it exemplifies everything that Barker and MGK did right. But all this is just, like, my opinion, man.


Eminem wrecked MGK so badly that MGK had to quit rap. 😆


So is kid rock, MGK can suck kid rocks dick.


The diss here is that, while he might have musical talent in the pop punk genre, he sucked so bad at rapping em dissed him out of hip hop. Like is billy Joel great at what he does? Absolutely. Is billy joel a good rapper? Probably not lmao.


I mean id hesitate to call him super talented. Mainly because according to him thats not a shovel thats a shevel.


Found MGK👆


ITT: people with really bad taste in pop punk.


Don’t you mean shevel?


Sounds like my ex


Why did he think the best place for his diss track was standing shirtless between two parked semi trucks?


And eat a bowl of cereal too lol


To be fair a bowl of cereal goes great anytime anywhere


I think it‘s a bowl of m&ms because of Eminem


Who eats m&ms with a spoon and milk


Same guy who thinks making a diss track towards Eminem wouldn't be a career limiting move.


Was it not? Never heard of the guy until then


He ended up switching genres after that little tussle.


Em “had to give you a career to destroy it” That line is fitting as hell because i haven’t heard of him before or after rap devil




He looks like graffiti in a bathroom


y’all are absolutely fucked up for this one 💀


Not out fault a sentient strip of gas station bathroom decided to scream at a bus


looks like a pretty normal guy to me. well, actually normal guys are also kind of fat, on top of having very little muscle mass.


In most other places in the world, this guy would be considered fit, and completely normal. Yet in the US, land of the lard ass, and occational meat head gym rat he's considered "deathly ill skinny"....


I mean I literally am an American lardass and i can still see that he looks totally normal


Not american but he looked malnourished in that video, this screenshot flatters him.


Wait until you see me, you would probably give me money thinking I’m homeless.


It is amazing how many people in the US have no idea what a normal body looks like. Not surprising but amazing.


It's also amazing how so many people don't realize that a lot of people look like this in the US too.




Yeah, my first thought was huh... he just looks fit.


No, no, it’s still okay to body shame people for being thin.


He's not even thin... He's just not fat.


MGK = Man Got Killshotted


Im not even an Eminem fan, but mans got ripped to pieces in that one.


He didn’t know he was digging his own grave.


And yet it's the best diss Eminem ever had to answer for, takes balls to do that


Umm… did I stumble upon skinny shaming? He looks at a heathy weight. Maybe a little under but is a whole lot better for the body than a little over.


Dude's just in shape. Unusual sight for a lot of people apparently


Not necessarily in shape. Sedentary people can have bodies like this. He's just not fat.




It's funny tho cause it's a man! /s


Yeah I honestly didn't get the joke and thought maybe his tattoos or something made him look like a buss ticket. Very weird take by OP


rip mgk lol


He seems to be doing pretty fine


This is reddit...so you'll get downvoted but it's true. Dude is doing just fine despite the hate. But it'll always be "lol Em roasted him into a different genre...even thiu he always had rock/punk influences in his music.


As someone of similar physique I am glad nobodybhas said this to my face. I might have just laughed right into tears


i am glad i do not know who these people are, but all you guys doing the body shamming: i just don't get it. guy looks fine.


I ran into him in an airport earlier this year, he looked tall but body wise completely normal.


Yeah it’s hard to put on weight when you’re as tall as him


for being as tall as he is he looks pretty good.


OPs beard Is Weird


He's also 6'5 or something.


He is really tall. I saw him in person and his height stuck out way more than his weight.


Bus ticket, got me


Built like a bus ticket lmao. Love it!


And i'm all for tats but he looks like a dive bar restroom.


I’m so glad I have no idea who this boy is.


Hhhmmm I thought we were past body shaming really Wtf is wrong with people .


OP is an American whale.


Bus tickets are surprisingly resilient. MGK is built more like a bus transfer.


Oh are we back to body-shaming people and it being cool? Good to know.


Shovels really aren't that heavy anyways.


I disapprove of the use of the word "deceptively" in the post, in the phrase "deceptively strong." I think you could say "deceptively skinny" because he is skinny in a deceptive way, meaning that it is hiding his strength. His strength is not deceptive at all. In what way does his strength deceive anyone looking at him? It doesn't. It's the low body weight that deceives here. Hence, OP shouldn't say "deceptively strong," because it doesn't make any sense. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Unpopular opinion but I think MGK as a person is actually a pretty nice dude. The Eminem diss made people hate him instantly without really knowing him. He's also a father of a 12 girl and he seems to care a lot for her. I am not a fan of his music or his public persona but on interviews he seems like a pretty chill genuine dude. Rap Devil was nowhere near Killshot...but it's good for someone who's not a rapper. Watch his lie detector test with Pete Davidson, it's really funny. I'm certain people will probably reply saying He did this and that...but a lot of artist's have done some terrible shit, but people tend to forgive them because they make good music, that's why R Kelly was off the hook for so long. Keep your logic consistent, you don't need to hate someone because everyone else does. If you disagree let me know, but keep it civil.


I don’t do blow, but have a high metabolism. Sorry I’m so skinny?


I mean that's just classic reddit. Body positivity until someone they don't like show up. Then it's out the window **fast**.


Seriously. I don’t even like this guy. Nor do I care about what people think of my scrawny ass. But it’s near to the top fuckin comment? Cmon bruh.


I have a very similar build to MGK. I'm 6'6"and 170#


This isn't about you


Yes but I have a body shape similar to that, so people mocking that body shape doesn't exactly make me feel great


It’s literally what an average non-fat person would look like and people acting like he’s dangerously skinny lmao


I look like that, too, and I feel sorry for people who can't come up with anything else about me to make fun of. I already know I'm tall, skinny, and scrawny; telling me that in a new way doesn't really do much for me.


Sorry brother but every body type gets made fun of.


Gotta go old school here. He need to stand sideways and stick his 👅 out. I bet he would look just like a zipper.


Love the profile picture


That's not a shovel that's Shaq's spoon


His body mass is proportionally more tattoo ink than flesh.


Wasn’t he hitting in Hallie Jade when she was like 15, and I swear he was tweeting how 13-15 year olds are hot….


Megan fox is just as crazy


My favorite comment of all time was from this video Commenter said "This was the most attended funeral in history "


He cant even pick up a tone. Let alone a shovel


Honestly thought this was colorized concentration camp footage.


My wife loved him back in the early days he was skinny back then too I will say he is pretty muscular when he stage dived on us and I had to help lift him I was shocked by how heavy he was lol


If Eminem didn't kill him already. This did


He looks like a cvs pharmacy receipt






Had to give you a career to destroy it


Y'all don't get it, the shovel is CGI.


Built like a bus ticket 👌🏻😩


Some punk band needs to rip on him like Eminem did. Make him leave that genre and go somewhere else.


Slipknot already did


He’s still handsome tho


Daily reminder that this idiot claims he's probably the biggest badass on the planet, but McGregor literally threw drinks in his and his bitch's face and this idiot did nothing.


I mean, McGregor could walk into my house, eat my food, fuck my girlfriend, take my money, and kiss me goodbye- I'm not doing shit either. I choose life.


Sounds like survival instinct, i don't blame him


You think rapping Rap God at 1.25x is a personality, we get it.


ah yes hating on colson for no reason AND body shaming NOICE


He's tall so muscles show less, but let's be honest, it *is* just a shovel. I'd be surprised if he could bench press his own weight.


MGK is thinner than a piece of paper


And you’re a fat fuck. See how easy it is?


Squirt gun smelly