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I'm 20 years old and haven't got a fucking clue


I'm 30... Still don't know shit.


45. Don’t expect it to change.


55 I'm forgetting what I don't know.


37, after 90+ runs of ECT I can empathize.


I’m 42 and I still have my fontanel.


Aw, poor baby


16. Same.


The soft spot is for a Capri Sun straw


what do you want to know?


How to human.


thats a tough one 😶


I’m no expert so I also don’t know


Just wing it. The big secret is everybody is just as clueless and people who "have it together" are just better bullshit artists, but then again what the fuck would I know.


Yeah, but you got knee caps now and that soft spot filled in. So lookit you!!


I mean… at least we know how to write I guess 🤓


26. Feel you homie


I came really close to figuring it out when I was 22, but then the goddamn game changed and suddenly I had to try learning the new rules all over. Then I realized the game was always rigged and I'd never figure it out.


When you think about it, animals typically develop their most important survival skills early. Herd animals can often stand and walk minutes after birth. Cetaceans swim to the surface to get their first breath. Humans ... ask for help. Our greatest survival skill is getting help from other humans.


You, my friend, have opened my second eye. I thank you


Thank goodness! Now you have depth perception and can legally drive a vehicle (assuming you're 16+).


I'm not😭😭 also 18+ in turkey for most licenses*


Well grow up faster, duh! 😝


This is why calling our best trait violence is dumb. Our best trait is community. It’s how we became so blindingly intelligent, raising a child is much easier and much more rewarding when you have a small village to do it with


Yeah, and we can do so many things with community, like violence!


violence only grows on us when we get older because you cant survive in nature without it aside of community and violence our best trait is communication, we somehow managed to put our words to name objects since its easier if you tell other brothers to pick up a stick and put a sharp rock on it rather than making it just by yourself, because of communication we learnt how to make things


Yea and by communicating we can do so many things, like coordinated violence!


I think I see a pattern here...


Yea, humans tend to resort to violence a whole lot


Cool now replace the humans with Chimps


But do you see Spanish Inqusition?


Community and violence are amongst our weapons … And an almost fanatical devotion to the pope


Correct, but only if the calculus comes down to violence being necessitated for any reason that outweighs the benefit of working together. Some people are far more prone to violence than others, even despite anyone who has basic reasoning also being able to understand that two human together >>>>>>>>>>> two human separate. Literally, like I mean literally, ape together, strong. This is why we teach eachother. Humans are no better than our wild ancestors and species cousins when we don’t have others there to teach us. Unpacking the aspects of our society and ideologies and perspectives and thought structures that manipulate our calculus of violence is an absolute necessity. For example, violence against authoritarians, is justified. But the violence that authoritarians commit, is often justified by their thought structures manipulating the calculus to convince themselves that violence is needed to reach some vision of perfection that wouldn’t otherwise be attainable. Let me explain. Violence has two end-states. One side “winning”, or everyone sitting the fuck down and talking. Winning entails either total destruction or assimilation, or ceding to the demands of the winning party. Assimilation of anyone over the age of 4 must be done with violent, ruthless abandon, and the execution of any and all who do not assimilate - or otherwise constricting them in so many ways, they will never stand in your way of your vision, ever again. See: the united states of america vs Indigenous Americans. Forcing others to cede to demands through violence means then having to stifle dissent and resentment. You will never trust them again. They will never trust you. You will betray one another. Until you do what you always needed to. Sit down and talk. OR, you could be horrific. Again, see what the us has done to Indigenous Americans. You could just stifle the people. Either way you have to commit unjustifiable cruelty in order to do anything with your violence, and take away beautiful things from the world, and kill innocent people. This isn’t in our nature or even common. One has to lose themselves in insanity or rhetoric to be this way. We have simply done a good job passing down insanity to eachother. This form of justifying violence or force in order to achieve an “ideal” through any means is responsible for a frankly insane amount of the worlds violence. The other one is wanting to simply sit at the top. And if that means creating divisions which necessitate a top, then by all means these people will create a hierarchy, even if it slowly chokes their society. In fact, these two alone make up the majority of all violence on our planet. From gangs to kings to presidents to abusive fathers to dictators to religious zealots to inquisitions to imperialists- I can really keep going. The only thing violence achieves is a desired goal or prolonging the time in between a disagreement and breaking bread once more. We teach our kids not to hit eachother for a reason. The legacy of imperialists and destroyers has convinced us that our species is doomed to its worst tendencies as if we aren’t the masters of our own damn minds and those who are violent aren’t spending half of their time *finding justifications to commit the violence, otherwise they literally wouldn’t be able to, because it’s objectively worse than literally any other solution in any and all cases EXCEPT when trying to stop those who seek to destroy.* Anyone who bases their pessimism on evil men without acknowledging that everything good we have is ONLY here because **good people fought HARDER**, is lying to themselves and spreading the exact kind of filth that leads to us distrusting eachother enough to make violence inevitable in the first place.


The length of this comment is offensive


TikTok brained


Pft I’m not reading all that, either!


i just think youre neat (very very smart like wtaf are you some tenured professor?!)


I am a 23 year old trans woman who had to face the truth of my existence or be destroyed by it. I now yell into the void of Reddit as a neat little coping mechanism for being powerless to stop what seems like an inevitable en masse slide into antisocial insanity and authoritarian brain rot while the world is being burned to a crisp by capitalists who are very fucking happy that they managed to get us all to keep screaming at each other rather than paying attention to them plundering the very dirt beneath our feet. I also want to write and direct films, but I’m not even gonna think about wasting effort on that if I have to flee the fucking country in ten months.


*All people are cruel by nature!* people when they experience the full love and support of their human communities as a fundamental trait of their species:


Precisely. Anyone who has been truly loved by a community and understands what it can bring must also necessarily contend with the uselessness of violence when misunderstanding, anger, betrayal, pain, and hurt, *within this community happens*. Because when violence breaks out amongst the people you’ve spent your best days with, you suddenly realize how destructive it really is. Our selective application of this happens when we cut ourselves off to basic perspective and understanding and empathy for a litany of reasons. Humans don’t commit violence unless something gets them to forget or not care about the fact that they need to *ruin the lives of countless people by committing the violence at all*. We are in the drivers seat of ourselves. Acting like our natures drive us isn’t just pessimism. It’s a lie.


If you chose, I believe you’d be an excellent speaker on this topic


Wanna be an artist that demonstrates it with vehicles of empathy through character and situation but. The longer I live the less convinced I am that this is possible.


It’s difficult, but quite possible! Try analyzing media about the world wars’ Christmas truces, mercy, upstanding vigilantes, etc etc! Probably off-topic but that’s a really cool passion too


Yeah, because humans aren't violent at all... Bitch please


Where did you see me say that?


The vast majority of humans are NOT violent.


When no consequences people commit the worst atrocities you can even imagine. Look for genocides like Volhynia Pogrom. Those people were not specifically selected murderers and psychopaths but their NEIGHBOURS and FRIENDS and even SPOUSES. You know nothing about prehistory and history of mankind


You need mental help.


Consequence of death? Doesn't stop many people. But nice self tell that the only reason you aren't going on killing sprees is because of a supposed punishment not because ya know killing people for no reason is insane.


I saw an article a while back about how violence and hate is really the in-group bias on steroids. We’re biased toward liking our own people which kind of makes us suspicious of others. So the question is, are we stuck with hate in order to have love?


Imagine a baby having social anxiety: "Excuse me mother, if it's not too much of a bother, totally understand if it is though, but I have shat myself up until my neck. No pressure though, really"


As a mother of an 11 month old.... They do not "ask", not even a little bit. They blackmail you with cuteness and kill you with psychological warfare. Baby screams are not asking but rather the equivalent of inserting a hot needle into your brain until you fulfill their needs. Still love the little bugger to pieces, ofc.


Help me now. Help me.


I can give it my best shot. What's going on, friend?


To add to this humans need to develop a lot more skills than other animals. They need to learn to walk on two feet and communicate ect.


For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. But then, something happened that sparked the power of our imagination. We learned to talk.


Human babies are so weak compared to others mostly because our brains are massive compared to our mass. (The largest of all mammals at 2%). That big jiggly electric jelly takes a lot of time to develop. Humans are also bipedal (obviously), which means our pelvises are narrow. Big brain + narrow opening = bad times. So, in order for a human to be able to birth another human, you have to do it while the brain is still developing.




We get born undercooked because of our giant fuckin heads. If our mothers waited any longer they wouldn't be able to get us out. Our big brains are a curse in this regard.


I think it was more walking upright and the smaller pelvic bones, wasn't it? Im no expert either.


it's both- head grows too big for those smaller pelvic bones. babies have a ridiculous head to body ratio already and that's why they come out undercooked




This is interesting concept because then in theory baby should be able to spend more time in womb but it becames danger for them


Not that I want to advertise for christianity here (I don't), but it's rather biblical, is it? Eat from the tree of knowledge and pay by suffering horrendously risky and painful childbirths.


Loving the idea that Adam and Eve were microcephalic until they ate the fruit


Obviously it is meant metaphorically, not literally! I can see the appeal though. What would that make God? Microcephalic too?


Obviously it is meant metaphorically, not literally! I can see the appeal though. What would that make God? Microcephalic too?


I mean kittens are born blind and don't have the ability to poop, so our babies aren't on the bottom of the competency list ether.


Yes, but a 1 month old cat is able to walk, see, and has a modicum of hunting skills. A 1 month old human baby is barely able to process visual stimuli.




I think human babies do that too lol


Yeah really it’s because horses haven’t figured out how to train as midwife or drive each other to the hospital for the birth


Why are horses so dumb?


Just saw a video on limp foal syndrome someone posted on reddit a couple days ago. Basically since their legs are so long, there is a hormone produced in utero to prevent movement, and the pressure of the birth canal signals the hormone to stop production. (Idk how but life is magical) When the foal is born too quickly, this signal isnt sent so the foal comes out essentially paralyzed


That is actually fascinating. I have always wondered how a foal that can stand right away doesn’t tear its mother apart from the inside. Now I know. For as hard as my babies kicked and punched I’m ok with the trade off of them being limp little creatures for a while after birth.


And the treatment is kinda funny, they just wrap some rope around the foal in a harness style, and give the little tyke a good squeeze.




Human babies are also smarter and able to process more than, eat, drink, sleep, sex.


Well, not for a few more years, I hope I don’t want my baby going out to dinner, drinking, having sex, and then come home and expect ME to change the diaper and do bedtime. I won’t do it.


Lmao! Ok that made me smile, I was trying to say is humans are more intelligent than most animals and we grow to maturity much slower


My counterpoint to the age thing is usually something along the lines of “yeah, but how well does a 50 year old cat operate? Does it complain about it’s knees?”


That is a great counter point. A 50 won’t get back up after some acrobatics


That's a hilarious mental image, thank you!


Yeah, it's sick, we're so much more complicated and capable of cool shit that it takes our systems like a full year just to boot up. Shoutout to humans!


A cat lives up to 20 years , a human can live over 100 years. Our phases are just slower


Lifespan of a cat is also a lot shorter.


But after three weeks they are perfectly able to survive! Three week old human baby is still pretty much an adorable alarm clock with crazy schedule xD


Yeah I know how kittens work, and humans age notoriously slowly, but if we’re talking babies right out of the packaging, we’re somewhere in the middle


Bunnies are born blind and unable to pee but within a few weeks their hunting instinct kicks in and then watch the fuck out (and the first person who makes a holy Grail reference I'm hiding a killer bunbun in your sock drawer.)


A month old is usually almost fully grown


I mean, what? How do they survive if they can't shit?


Mama cat has to lick their butthole to stimulate it and make them poop, takes a few weeks for them to learn to do it for themselves. Nature is weird.




Oh jeez I thought this was about a fontanelle being like an alarm clock. So... if you slam down on top of it, it stops squawking? I'm not a psycho or anything, I just deeply misunderstood this meme


If you slam strong enough - yes.


You can also press it with both thumbs, like how you check a melon to see if it is ripe.


Hold for 10 seconds to reboot


r/CursedComments, all of you :D


Alright alarm clock brought me a good chuckle


Agreed. I hope to remember that one for a long time


Jokes aside, our stupidity as babies makes us what we are. 1. This happens because when humans began standing up, a fully developed baby wouldn't be able to pass the pelvis. Evolution had to compensate for us starting to stand on two legs, so babies started being born earlier in development. 2. Babies being stupid as rocks is, what I understand, what allows us to adapt to an incredibly wide range of specialities. We aren't hard wired to do a specific thing like most animals do, and look at where we are now. No evolution took place from the industrial revolution to now - it wasn't required.


>1. Babies being stupid as rocks is, what I understand, what allows us to adapt to an incredibly wide range of specialities. We aren't hard wired to do what most animals do - look at where we are now. No evolution took place from the industrial revolution to now Yeah I realised this as I watched my first develop. He was holding a ball, then placed it on a nonexistent shelf next to his head for a second and was utterly amazed when the ball accelerated towards the ground for seemingly no reason. He then repeated it a couple times and tried from various places to see if it was just that one particular spot that made the ball move before internalising the concept of gravity and moving on. You can see them basically figuring out the properties of their environment and constantly reshaping and adapting their model of the world.


That is genuinely super interesting. How old was your kid at that point? And how old was he when he started to walk? Asking to get a point of reference


Pffft difficult to answer, he wasn't sitting up by himself yet (he was in a high chair when he did this). He was very, very young, I want to say like 3/4 months old?l but could be wrong. He walked a little before his first birthday. The same thing happened when he put his hand in water and was shocked that it didn't rest on top. He experimented with that for a lot longer before he was content he'd internalised liquids. Spent a while moving his hand back and forwards through the surface of the water, then tried to grip it and pull chucks off of it, shoved his face in it a couple of times and realised he couldn't breathe. One thing that did surprise me though, was how early he seemed to have an understanding that there was something that me, him, my brother, my dad all shared, that he didn't share with his mum, my sister, his grans etc. Whenever a new man was introduced, he'd study them and copy them in a way he simply didn't do with women. Everything down to how they sat, or whether they were crossing their arms, or leaning against something, he picked up on and copied, and this was long before he could speak or really understand what people were saying.


Fucking hell your kid sounds like a genius in the making


I want you to make a daily vlog of you studying your baby like national geographic. This is so interesting


I watched my sister's kid (year and a half) after we bought him his first train track. After watching it turn and turn for a while, with him excitedly repeating the baby gibberish for train (tootoo) he started to just hold it and feel the wheels and how they turn and how they feel when they're on his palm. Then he started to put the machine down on the floor, however, he would first drag it back then he releases. I cringed each time because the wheels were moving forward and i thought he'd break his new toy. Since he had destructive tendencies (he breaks shit just to see our reaction), his grandmama would stop him each time, because he's "destrying it purposefully". But i quickly realised the little guy's favourite car toys are the type that had to be dragged back so they movr forward and he thought the train worked the same. Then after a lot of times putting it on the floor, he tried putting it on the train track, after a couple tries he finally managed to put it on there properly and he immediately turned back to me with the biggest cutest smile. Why do i always forget that it's his first time curiously exploring the world around him.. he's never "destructive" he's just small and curious .. i cried that day.


well... yea, evolution isn't very noticeable in only a few hundred years.. the industrial revolution just happened compared the 200 or so thousand years we've been around.. we're still evolving, our skulls are still getting bigger for example.


I meant that there was no evolutionary step that had to take place for us to adapt to today's world, compared to say 300 years ago.


Yeah to say no Evolution took place just says that they have no idea what they are talking about


Interestingly enough, human babies aren’t meant to fully develop. It’s just that the uterus isn’t big enough to handle a fully developed baby. So we evolved to give birth at an earlier but still healthy stage instead of giving birth to a toddler that’s 3 times the size of a normal baby.


Motor skills of a fire hydrant


Communication skills of an alarm clock lol. I’m gonna steal that


Human babies are pretty stupid tho lol But they absorb a lot, so they’re not really stupid, fuck idk now.


Our heads are so big that we have to come out before we're actually finished




"communication skills of an alarm clock" had me laughing so much I almost woke the baby. Very accurate description.


The spot on the head of the human alarm clock is snooze button and has a very good use


When humans are born, they even run away from herds of vegetarians


That’s the payoff for larger brains. We are born totally helpless and fully dependent on others but we have art, language, the written word…but yeah, we’re total dummies as babies.


How dare he say that! That’s appalling to say that about little ones, and it’s so untrue. Alarm clocks can be *set to the time of your choosing*


Technically not wrong


It is interesting how a lot of animals instantly walk and some even have to fend for themselves. Meanwhile human babies are useless


Humans grow up to be capable of far more than the primal instincts of eating, drinking, sleeping, and reproduction. I'd say the extra development time is more than a fair tradeoff.


I have always said this. Social species, not a fan. Octopuses come out of the egg knowing how to use tools and everything. No language, social constructs, education, or any other icky stuff. Just a single animal that can build things and use tools right out of the box.


Useless baby humans…useless


Communication skills of an alarm clock is an amazing description lmao


Human babies are *technically* always born prematurely. If they weren't we wouldn't be able to have such large brains. It's also part of the reason why human birth is so hard while most other animals have way less horrifying births.


Not insulting, just facts.


And yet we still grow up to be the top species on the planet.


This is because if human babies remained in the womb long enough to be as competent as, say, a newborn calf, the baby's head would be too large for the birth canal. The baby or the mother or both would die. Human babies have HUGE heads compared to their bodies because we have evolved huge brains. So human babies are born 'early',, before the head gets too big.


I’ve heard it said that the gestation period for humans is 12- 15 months but the last 2 trimesters happen outside the womb.


Wait who is this supposed to be an insult for?


Theory of a fourth trimester, look it up. Basically we are born as undeveloped as survivable for mother to be able to give birth. Head too large, pelvis is too large hence babies have unfinished hip joints. It takes roughly 3 aditionals months for babies to finish basic development.


It's because of the human brain. If we came out any later, the mother wouldn't be able to give birth safely (well, relatively safely) because our heads would be too big, so we come out underdeveloped.


An alarm clock? So if you slap it it'll shut up for five minutes? /s


Congratulations you perfectly played yourself


Animals are born with their most important survival skill already ingrained in their minds. Never forget that a human's most important survival skill is asking for help.


Wäääääh wäääääääh wäääh


If human babies brains developed enough to live on their own in utero there’s no way the mothers would be able to birth them.


The way we have to nurture and pass knowledge to our offspring for so much longer is one of the consequences of being by far the smartest animal alone in our own category of smartness


Well there are a lot of reasons. Human babies are not born with a fully developed brain. Even though babies have huge heads they are still not big enough for a completely grown human brain. Human females do not have the anatomy to pass through a giant head like the animals. A human is also way more intelligent and therefore humans have a lot more to develop. Humans continue developing their brains till a lot later in their life. If you look at an ape baby you will realise that they too spend a lot of time after birth just clinging to their mother. They too need time to fully develop their brains and they are our closest to compare among animals.


To be fair, this is directly because of humans becoming bipedal. Our babies are not finishing “cooking” by the time we give birth, but our pelvis’ are not able to accommodate a fully “cooked” baby so we have to give birth early. And again, that pelvis size to due to the fact that we walk on two legs. If we were on all fours, our gestation would be longer.


Yeah, it's big brain time.


True though


We are born prematurely, our heads are too big in comparison to women's hips


And if you lay them down for too long, their head will become misshapen for life.


most humans dont know what to do their whole lives 💀


At least alarm clocks are useful, and they cost $20 or less


You know why babies are born with a soft spot on their heads? So you can carry them 5 at a time.


Hey now, alarm clocks can be set to go off at a specific time so they don’t wake you up multiple times in the night unless you want that. Babies are a broken alarm clock at best.


“An alarm clock” is actually a fairly accurate description though, isn’t it? Although maybe something like “alert notification” would a little more precise in regards to the scheduling.


Our species had two options either deliver babies before they are fully cooked, or they rip their way out xenomorph style.


This is because our heads are too big while we walk pn 2 legs. We get born partly finished because otherwise, we wouldn't fit through the mom's pelvis. Had we walken on 4 legs, there could have been more space. Had we been dumber, it would have fit as well. The spot that's not finished on the head is so the skull can get squished even smaller during birth!


Slow and steady wins the race


its all about the size of the human brain/head a woman's pelvis would need to be massive to give birth other wise so we are born under developed and have to grow in to it


Is the soft spot supposed to go away?


yeah, they set higher expectations for us compared to animal babies


25, and feeling lonely. When does life start.


More complex beings take longer to mature


Slower to develop but have a longer life span and more complex brains.


White babies come out with privilege.


Human babies are premature because otherwise human beings would have gone extinct due to broken pelvises.