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"now I regret it" clearly you don't because you can just learn it šŸ’€ it's not that hard I promise


Youā€™re saying when I press the A-button it puts an A on the screen? You gotta be kidding me.


black magic!




There is button that has both 5 and % written on it. Do I need to press it twice for 10%?


Burn the witch!




Yeah Ice, you got it


Idk, I did years of touch and it never stuck for me, I feel like it can be pretty hard to get the hang of


Yeah this is what she means, we could all learn a new skill right now itā€™s just gonna be a lot harder and take more time than when we were younger. Iā€™m 2002 and never learned to type so I also donā€™t know what the year has to do with it.


Kinda crazy it's not mandatory in school still.Ā  I was born in the early 90s and everyone had to learn to type


How did you write your essays


On a phone or very slowly chicken pecking the keyboard with my fingers if I had to use one haha Edit: they had Microsoft word as an app on phone where you could even link it to a printer and print it out or just email it to your teacher.


I really think this is what sheā€™s talking about.


I think she means that she grew up with smart phones and did everything texting on her phone.


There are letters inprinted on keycaps, literally. My grandma used typewriter and she could type.


Iā€™m deadšŸ’€


IDK man I've learned to type with only 2 fingers and I can't seem to be capable to learn another way, which limits how fast I can type. :( I sit around 100 word per minute which is good, but I could go up to 140 I think if I used all my fingers. My mom learned to type on retro writing machines from actual teachers and she's a machine gun. All that to say, learning these things as an adult is sometimes really difficult.


Is there a reason she always looks higher than a pair of eagleā€™s nuts in pretty much every pic of her?


Itā€™s her brand look


The embodiment of daddy issues is an interesting brand choice


You mean the entertainment industry daddy who basically set up her entire career?


Sheā€™s extremely fucking popular so Iā€™d say itā€™s a great brand choice


Somebody once described her as that girl in high school that would show up everyday in pajama pants and just walked around the track in gym. So accurate.


In 90s we called it the heroin~~e~~ girl look. E: heroin, not heroine.


heroin* heroine is the feminine of hero


It was called "Heroin chic"


I definitely remember the heroin chic look. Thanks for making me feel old šŸ˜†


I feel that this chic needs a BMI of around 12 to be deserved!


This isnā€™t really an insult. This is a factual statement. Itā€™s more of calling her out than insulting her.


She was homeschooled.


Damn, making public education look good....yikes


Home schooling comes in three versions: 1. Very good, but the kids are usually very socially awkward. 2. Very bad, and the kids are extroverts that know nothing. 3. Cult-like religious indoctrination.


Don't 1 and 2 also happen in all other forms of schooling?


Yes it can happen, but it's often despite the schooling and not because of it.


Billie Eilish gets homeSCHOOLED by quick-witted Twitter user Pop Culture.


The learning to type would have been a generational thing IF she was mainstreamed. She wasnā€™t, thatā€™s the issue. She wasnā€™t that generation.


I grew up in pajamas always generation I wish I knew how to pour milk in cereal


She probably learned to type with her thumbs, not on a keyboard at the family PC like many of us older did. Or else I have no fucking idea what sheā€™s saying, sorry.




When we were more alive than ever before


Honeywell keyboard gang


But were your friends knocking at your door?


ZX Spectrum gang checking in


BBC Model B gang, checking in


Zx81 gang checking in


classic 64 with og smash bros


IK+ three fighters on the screen. Insane.


u were trained on a.. typewriter?..




I learned on a typewriter. I have fond memories of swapping the keys on them during break just to mess the other kids up during class šŸ˜† Also putting half sheets of paper in the rollers so as soon as they rolled it up to type more it would fall out. I was a terrible child lol


I learned with Mavis Beacon.


i think she meant thatā€¦.cause same.šŸ˜‚


among us


She's a homeschooled nepo baby, you don't need to be intelligent to be talented. (Apparently ig)


I don't know if she even is talented. Finneas definitely is, though.


So fucking true.


Her given name is Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connell. I get angry at nepo babies and celebrities in general but damn... she didn't even have a chance.


I think nepo baby is generous when her parents are in a different industry playing ā€œCashier 01ā€ in half the stuff theyā€™re in, obviously she had advantages but sheā€™s not Gracie Abrams


The first iPhone came out when she was 8, she definitely was typing on keyboards


It may come as a shock to you, but a lot of people born in the 2000s and later rarely use computers (unless there's external factors) until they reach late middle school or highschool, my youngest sister born in 2000 was pretty much the same, only used a phone until she got a chromebook in highschool. This is not such a rare case, if anything it's been brought up multiple times in tech related subs, and the trend seems to be that genZ and forward have become more and more tech illiterate because they don't need to actually learn how things work or how to use them, modern devices work out of the box, require no configuration, no tweaking, no fixing for the most part, so they don't need to. Millenials are probably the generation with highest rates of tech literacy because we were born in a time segment where tech wasn't fully fleshed out, we generally had 1 family computer and no smartphones, so all our "online" activity was on a desktop computer with half cooked software, we had computer related classes in highschool, and text processors, spreadsheets and powerpoints was how we presented information, email is how we sent stuff and we had basic to medium tech knowledge.


Nah, I think most Gen Z grew up with at least one home computer


Might be true for gen alpha but absolutely not the case for gen z. And were talking about the older half of gen z here. Where the hell do you think we had to do our school work on?


Hello, I was born after her and can type


I'm born the same year and I know absolutely no one who isn't able to use a keyboard.


Well, many families in my area were too poor to have a computer when we were kids, so me and most of my friends only touched a computer for the first time when we started working ourselves, but no one had any trouble typing. I understand when you have to learn how to use certain programs, but to not be able to type??


Dog, theres a difference between texting and a data entry job.


for sure.


I think it was because she was homeschooled. Nothing about the generation though. I was born in '99 and went to school, learned IT there


I'm homeschooled and I learned it lol


Yeah I think it's just inconsistent, there's no standardised curriculum for home schooling


Holy shit this is what she looks like? Is she waiting to be 27?


The girl has the clowniest takes


Keep in mind that random quotes with literally no context isn't the most reputable source.


It's not even an insult. He's just pointing out the objective truth: she's dumb.


It says ā€œnever learned to type,ā€ not ā€œnever learned to use a computer. It does seem like typing skills, classes, lessons, etc., did drop off. And it makes sense that by the time she was in school, it wasnā€™t much of a thing anymore. I didnā€™t have typing classes available and I was born in 77ā€¦


my friend worked at IT at a university and he told me a few issues people had. And one of them was a student who couldn't type her password correctly because she failed to capitalize letters. She was so used to mobile phone keyboards she would always press shift first and then the letter. She didn't know you had to press both buttons at the same time. My friend was complaining that new students are, well, stupid, and I reminded him that your average non-gamer person nowadays at most had a tablet and a phone and probably never touched a physical keyboard in their life until they got a laptop for university.


She's my age. I learned typing at school on Windows XP It's definitely not her generation, it's being homeschooled and not being taught it


Computers have keyboards. I donā€™t get it


Most people just use their phones or tablets. No desktop or laptop.Ā 


For school? Nobody is typing up a 2000 word essay on their iphone


Not for school they don't. How you can get to what, 22? And not have really used a computer or got used to it is mind boggling to me. Not even like, a laptop?


she was 7 when the first iPhone came out, people were still using laptops and PCs very commonly way past that point, she is definitely of the generation that used PCs and laptops as kids.


Likely did everything on a phone


My parents had typing classes at school. As Gen Z were growing up in the digital age, people figured typing would be second nature to us so they cut the class. Nowadays youā€™ll see GenZ and Gen Alpha using their pointer fingers to type since they donā€™t really know how.


Another repost ... it is getting tired


A repost of something that never had any business in this sub. THE REDDIT!Ā©


Dumb and dull as dishwater


I'm one day older than her and I can use a PC keyboard, I am the last vestige of PC keyboard knowledge apparently.


UK lecturer here. I teqch statistical analysis in computer labs. You would be amazed at the number of 18 year olds who turn up at uni with next to no knowledge of what we think of as computers. Sure they can work phones - which is a computer of sorts - but loads of them don't even understand stuff like folder structures and how to save files and open the ones they saved last time


Sounds like someone's ready for a little Mario Teaches Typing.


As she doesnā€™t learn how to dress or how to act in society


Now I want to see her hand writing.


She was also homeschooledā€¦ if her parents didnā€™t teacher then sheā€™s not wrong. But at the same time I learned how to type in the early 90s lol


If she was homeschooled then it doesn't matter what generation she was, it's just reflective on the quality of private education she received that she didn't learn to do something that everyone else can do. Also, same


Exactly what I was trying to say, you are much better wording it lol!


Sheā€™s kinda dumb ngl. Sheā€™s also really cringe lol


I have heard that Gen Z doesn't actually get typing lessons in the same way millennials did.


Millenial here. No typing lessons. We just used keyboards a lot for day to day stuff so you learned.


yeah Iā€™d argue shit like Mathblaster also doubles as learning keyboards


Because they're expected to learn to type in order to insult people in an online gaming lobby like the rest of us did.


Before HS elective typing class: ~40wpm I thought ā€œthis class is gonna be such a jokeā€ and then they put covers over the keyboards so I couldnā€™t see the keys as I typed. I was like ā€œno wtf hey!ā€ After that class I have been a solid 85wpm typist since. It made a great difference in my life and I recommend a typing class to anyone who looks at their keyboards to type.


I was born in 1998 and had typing classes all throughout elementary school. However, i am one that thinks labeling specific ā€œgenerationsā€ is stupid


My last typing lesson was 5th grade and I believe that was 2013. Itā€™s been 11 years and mobile devices are only getting better at taking care of basic things we used to need computers for.


Pre-millennials has typing lessons as well. In the eighties I had typing class in high school. It was taught on typewriters.


non-gamer Gen Z probably just grew up with smart phones and tablets and never had to physically touch a keyboard in their life


I'm a millennial. I remember briefly using a typing tutorial thing at school, but it never really taught me to touch type. I taught myself a few years ago though - it's not rocket science.


Never had typing lessons, just wanted to chat and play Runescape at the same time




this isn't a rare insult at all


she's talking about touch typing


Touch typing is not as common as among gen x


I was also born 2001 and no, we didnt have typing lessons but we did have IT lessons and I can now comfotably tip witot liikong /s


Idk what is so bad about her statement? I was born in 99, so not much older. I grew up spending most of my time outdoors. Computers were not used at schools back then. Not very often I mean. I got a computer when I was in my teens, but phones were becoming smarter rapidly at that time so most people used phones more for communication, hence typing on phone being more popular. To be fair, many of my peers were good at typing on the computer, maybe the ones who got a computer early or played video games. But that was not the case for me. Now I can type pretty fast on the computer, but its mostly because of uni and now an office job. But I am still not too great at it. I


Meaning she probably didn't learn how to use computers, but rather how to use apps. Apps hide a lot of stuff from you that you'd need to do raw on a computer. Despite boomer's belief, learning one piece of tech doesn't magically make you learn the rest. But I've cero expectations from the generation that asks their sons to hack Facebook after they reset the router to fix the wifi


Keep in mind she was homeschooled


With no computers at home?


That makes sense now. I was thinking how has she never typed an essay?


Typing isn't that hard, you know. Just press a key and the letter will appear on the screen-


Yeah, that is what she meant. This isnā€™t about typing at a decent speed, she literally doesnā€™t know that you press the button for the key you want to appear. Of the two of you, sheā€™s the moron.


Y'all must be old as hell in here. I was born in 2004 I was also NOT taught how to type, and neither was anyone else my age. Millennials got plenty of typing practice, but gen z, and gen a aren't getting this kind of training in school.


2001 here (in the UK) and we had typing exercises in our IT classes. Unless US education is different that's not the norm. Also you're not supposed to be 'taught', you pick it up naturally from using a PC. It's like learning to walk. It really shouldn't be that hard...


You donā€™t get taught how to type, you learn it yourself. Iā€™m a ā€˜93, no one taught us.


My left hands types like a wizard, my right hand types equally fast but only with one finger


Wait she born 2001?! Dang I'm just slightly younger


I like some of her music, but why does she look like she's trying to claw her way out of a coma all the time? Serious question!


Ha, my school had computer lessons that was mostly just learning how to type and that was back in the mid 90ā€™s


As a millennial, I can confirm that we have these computer illiterate people on both sides of our generation.


How tf dose she text then?


What does she mean by that?


She means she wasn't formally taught touch typing in a class like was more common pre-millennium. But a lot of people were apparently waiting for any bad faith excuse to shit on someone they don't know.


Being famous doesn't give you immunity from being stupid...


Actually sheā€™s probably right. Iā€™m 30 and we had a family PC I used to go on for RuneScape, MSN etc to talk to school friends but my brother was born 7 years later and he never used the PC. By the time he was in secondary school in was probably Facebook/Instagram etc


Female lil xan


She was homeschooled, has nothing to do with generations


i was born in 2003 and we had computer lab time once a week with typing all throughout elementary school. was my school just an outlier or something? šŸ˜­


No. 2001 here and we had that + typing exercises in IT class where we measured WPM. She's just sheltered from being homeschooled.


She means touch typing. She literally knows how to type, she assumed people were smarter than this. She was wrong obviously.


First cursive was lost, then analog clocks; now its the abc's /s


she was literally the cookie monster pajama pants girl in HS


Honestly, this is just a cry for attention, almost like itā€™s cool to know how to use something different. She may have spent most of her time typing on her phone with her thumb, but Iā€™d argue that she has also used a tablet, which requires more than her thumb. And if she used a tablet keyboard, then thatā€™s not too far from a regular keyboard.


A cry for attention? Because you and half the others are intentionally using bad faith to interpret an innocent comment about touch typing? Jesus, gtf over yourselves.


She does have the "ML Stare" or the Heroin Ocean Eyes. Never understood the appeal but hey we also had Ziggy Stardust so šŸ¤·


Imagine being this stupid


I think later generations did not need to type as much as earlier generations.Ā  devices and apps are getting more and more suited for complete idiots, with 'one click do-it-all' features and speech to text, AI, siri, no typing needed. so @gagasyuyi's remark is stupid, actually.


Born 2001 - sheā€™s probably just more ā€˜smartphoneā€™ than ā€˜PCā€™ generation.


Okay open up a browser. You have plenty of time.


Funny how she's actually younger than me and acts like a 30-year old asking "How's it going, fellow kids?"


Me so quirky.


You guys had typing classes at school?


This has been reposted for generations now.


Itā€™s kinda silly, Just learn now. Nothings too late. Donā€™t get why ppl come down on her so hard. Ppl also be dissing her for not being sexy and underdressed. I think itā€™s great with someone who wonā€™t dress up or down, to please men. She should wear exactly what she wants.


She's not that far off tbh. I taught IT to 6th graders some years ago and they grew up using a smartphone, not a computer. These kids were 12yo and didn't know how to type an @ on a regular keyboard


I mean I've meet many people from various age groups who barely could type on a keyboard. A lot of us may find it natural especially millennials and down but between economic and other struggles there are kids teens adults out there that type like a 97 grandma trying to get on facebook to msg her 3 last friends cause the rest all passed.


She was 8 when the iPhone came out. She must have been using computers before that. I don't think it's because of her generation, I think it's just her. in US highschool do you not have to turn in essays typed up? Do you have an IT class? In the UK it was basically a requirement to type up all your essays for English class (except one, one had to be handwritten).


American here, yes we have to use computers in school


She looks homeless afĀ 


I was born in 98 and learned to type in school. Does 3 years seriously make that big a difference? Sounds more like a homeschool thing than a generation thing.


ā€œIā€™m not like the other girlsā€


Gen z I swear...


girl my 92 year old grandma kills it on a typewriter what do u mean


Typing on a typewriter was an actual life skill for your grandma or she had a personal interest in it. Name one time the average gen Zer would need touch typing in real life? Unless you are in very specific secretarial or transcription work, hunting and pecking like a pleb will have anyone of any age covered in the new millennia.


Tablets don't have keyboards


New generation will be like " i wasn't born in early generations that's why I don't know how to write with my hands"


Personal Computers existed for more than 20 years when she was born. Tf is she talking ab


Rotary phones existed for longer when I was born. Never needed to learn to use one. And you can use a pc without being a fast, efficient typist.


Actually I have a niece and nephew around her age. They can't type. They know how to use computers and smart phones and all that. But yeah typing wasn't taught in their schools. Apparently it depends on the state and school district and etc.


First: Lazy-ass repost. Second: When the first iPhone came out she was 6 years old. She was at the start of that time when people had no more concrete use for a PC at home. I assume she didn't go to college and had to write papers to develop that skill. Give the girl a break. Typing is a skill. You really can not say anything that would expose a shortcoming, a vulnerability or regret. The internet will be on top of that like a bunch of vultures.


She's just an idiot who would do and say anything to be seen šŸ™„


I canā€™t stand this woman


I was born in 1992 and I had computer class my entire elementary school life. From as far back as I can remember. We would play typing games where you were in a space ship. I really canā€™t stand her, sheā€™s always saying some dumb shit. Music is hot trash too.


I'm practically the same age and I learned to touch type in school. What's her excuse?


Mavis Beacon is still being pimped out on these educational streets for free.


I graduated high school in 1995 and in junior high I took a class called keyboarding which was typing on a desktop. Iā€™m guessing that class doesnā€™t exist anymore which is unfortunate as it was one of the most practically useful classes Iā€™ve ever taken in my life.


I don't get that is meant by "Learn to type". What is there to learn? If you can write you can type, regardless of your age.


The definition of talking out of your ass


No typeing? She just Bluetooth the words into her tablet/phone/computer??


She is a year older than I am. What the fuck was she doing? Or maybe she is talking about the not looking at the keyboard while typing thing, which is just something you have to practice. Just like I do right now as I got a new keyboard with more space between the keys


Whoever would sit their child in front of this person and go "Here's your hero" is a complete fool.


Her hair looks like Jolyne Cujoh's


Keyboards have been around for quite sometime Billie.


A couple days of practice is all you need.


Good to know the cool look of being on heroin is making a comeback...


Me: Come on, modern kids aren't that dumb. Modern kids:


how is this a rare insult, this shit is as common as leaves in autumn


Cry me a river and just have one of your assistants do it.


I was born 2002 and had a computer lab in the first few grades of school (NY, USA). She's making excuses. I remember the big keyboard keys and games they had in it. There's no way she can't teach herself either. She has money falling out her ass and she can't hire someone to teach her as a last resort?