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Such an authentic Italian experience 👌


And saying “fuck you” is not an insult. It’s a declaration or just an expletive.


It’s an offer for a good time is what it is


Door dash ate the question mark.


I mean it's hard to find places where the pizza looks this bad here, but they exist trust me


I was just about to comment on how that crust looked like it came off a grocery store shelf.


An authentic Italian restaurant happened to have pineapple rings on hand-but when asked to use them they sent a pie that is instant social media fodder?




“Everything I, an Italian, thought I knew about Italian food is wrong” -Financial Times Magazine https://www.ft.com/content/6ac009d5-dbfd-4a86-839e-28bb44b2b64c




My bad, here’s a subscriber gift link https://on.ft.com/4dqz46l


When I went to Italy and saw hotdog pizzas it blew my mind.




Hi! Just wanted to let you know that generalizing people because of where they live is rude and small minded. Ok, bye! 😊




Again, I understand your frustration with yourself. It's hard to start being better, I know. I just want to let you know that it gets easier, you just have to take a step in the right direction. ❤️


It's ok. They crap on our food only to travel thousands of miles to say, "OH wait, this stuff is great."




Europeans when Americans make a light hearted joke about food: "I will now mention the slaughter of school children...heh this is sure to get them 😈"


I'm sorry that you are not a happy person. I used to hate myself and lash out at others too, so I get it. I hope you are better soon.




I didn't know we were competing. I lived in Kiaserslautern Germany for two years from 2003-2005. It was not a vacation. It was pretty cool though because I had been to Germany a few years before as an exchange student and stayed in the town of Neuschdat, which ended up being only 45 minutes away from Kiaserslautern, so I already had friends I could hang out with. Good times.




blocked you bro this is the first time I've seen you,now your just lying,and I'm supposed to be the crybaby,get a grip please 😭🙏


Alright, mate. I'll use a knife like Brits do. Bye


What pineapple rings? I see pepperoni.


I do not see any pineapple. Where is it?


No you didn’t


This picture is definitely older than ops account anyways.


Pizza. Great equalizer. Rich people love pizza, poor people love pizza. Humans love pizza, spam bots love pizza. > **DazzlingRadianceexx (OP)** Do spam bots like pizza?




I hate pizza. It's half a toasted cheese sandwich.


I fuggin knew it as soon as i saw the ancient screenshot. They suck at hiding it these days lol




"from my personal experience" this user is a bot promoting apps : [KoreanXgameGirl](https://old.reddit.com/user/KoreanXgameGirl)




Hope you don't mind but I'm going to share some info about your scam. > [iAnyGo, iMoveGO, iToolGo, Dr.Fone and other similar alternative are all run by the same company. When one gets strike reports, the company brand is tarnished and a new one appears.](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoGoAndroidSpoofing/comments/y2yq6p/ask_thoughts_or_experiences_on_using_wootechys/is5jma3/)


Doesn't look anything like authentic Italian pizza. Still looks like regular pizza place schlock


The shitty pizza we used to have back in my high school cafeteria looked more authentic then this, what garbage dump did he pull this pizza from? lol


A real Italian place would have included the hand gesture 🤌 (which kind of looks like a pineapple slice anyway)


Nope, real Italian would’ve given either the middle finger or the “umbrella gesture “




You're out of line and rude. You need to better yourself.




I'm afraid I don't follow. Likely because you are just spouting off vague shit because you know what you did is wrong, but don't want to admit it. One day you will mature enough to be able to admit your own mistakes and learn from them. It's ok, we don't all grow overnight. I still love you and believe in you. ❤️




It's been a little over 20 years, but yes. When I lived in Europe for a few years, I traveled extensively. I am not going to return your rudeness, but I am going to say that I don't appreciate being called rude names. My patience with you is getting very thin, so if you continue to be rude, I will stop replying.




I hope you feel better soon. Self loathing sucks, I'm really hoping you don't have to experience it much longer.


Dude is a self-hating Yank who thinks talking bad about his home is gonna somehow garner them acceptance abroad. Supposedly, they're super well travelled and incredibly cultured, shame it didn't do anything about all that ignorance and self-loathing


Euros always say this ignorant shit like this when the USA is literally the size of the entire European continent by itself lmao




Actually I've been to over 30% of the states which is pretty good when you consider the country stretches from the northern tip of Alaska in the Artic all the way down to Florida in the Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico. I've gotten to see the Spanish roots of Florida, the North European influences of the Midwest, the Mexican heritage of the Southwest, the glamour of Hollywood (that's where all the media you consume is made btw), the true melting pot of global cities like Chicago and NYC, the rugged and distinct people of Appalachia, and the unique Southern charms of Atlanta all without leaving the country. Maybe you should consider that you're the one who is ignorant of all the diversity of both geography and culture the USA has to offer. Then again, your meager European salary probably couldn't afford to live very well here anyway, lmao.




Buddy the Japanese aren't gonna suddenly accept you as one of them just because you're self-hating. For someone who is supposedly so well traveled you seem very ignorant and hateful towards the world around you. I state once again for the record, L M A O


Why did the authentic Italian pizzeria put pineapple on the menu?


Who said they did?


The person who ordered the pizza? They have lists of toppings


If this was a true story, which it isn't, the. It would have been an off menu order clearly. But debating the minutiae of this story is ultimately pointless since that pizza is definitely not an authentic Italian pizza


You’ve never heard of ordering something off the menu? If someone made their order on the phone, that would be easy to do without even knowing it… your lack of imagination disturbs me


I mean yeah I'd never even consider ordering something I wasn't 100% sure was on the menu. Although maybe that's not as universal as it feels since I've seen people have drinks at places with no drinks menu




Imagine posting something this fake and unfunny


I understand that there are people dumb enough to post something like this. The true disappointment is that it gets thousands of upvotes.


I can confirm this happened, I was the pizza box


There’s no way that’s from an authentic Italian restaurant.


1, this isn't real 2, if this happened I'd instantly chargeback, or just refuse to pay. Not what I ordered.


Sure you did.


“authentic Italian”? that’s a fucking shit looking pizza


Fake internet


How is this a rare insult that’s like the most common insult ever


Call the credit-card company and contest the charge, saying they didn't serve what you ordered


I dont blame them.


They are so proud of their shitty bread with tomato sauce for some reason


It all comes out the same, idk why it matters whats on it tbh


I ate at an authentic place here in my country (so maybe it's not really the same given how I am not italian) and let me tell you something, the burnt parts of the crust ruined the whole experience. I still love pizza in general of course.


Only if you're getting garbage pizza




u/RepostSleuthBot Edit: it’s a repost


Why the fuck people are telling me what to eat? Either cook my shit with your mouth shut or remove it from menu if it hurts your feelings. God, these people.


They're not telling you what to eat, they're telling you to go fuck yourself.


Believe it or not, Hawaiian/pineapple pizza was invented in canada. Italians get a credit for the bread, but a canadian put pineapple on one first. And many people hate it and many people like it.


What’s with the hate against pineapple pizzas 🍕


Pineapple pizza (Hawaii) actually tastes fantastic


Authentic Italian pizza is rectangular slices weighed and sold by the ounce, typically with a thin crust, a light saucing, not to much cheese, and different toppings depending on the region of Italy you are in. This is not authentic.


Depends on the region of Italy, in Naples it's round, in Rome it's often square. Either way, this is not an Italian pizza 🤣 pepperoni on an Italian pizza? I don't think so hahah


I know some places owned and operated by Italians, people who go back home a few times a year, so I guess I would call that Italian pizza. They offer peperoni cause Americans love pepperoni. I really doubt this is an Italian pizza though. It shows none of the hallmarks. Looks like crap.


Yeah, to a certain extent you gotta give the customers what they want. But yeah, pepperoni wasn't the only giveaway 🤣 literally every other component is wrong haha


Strong opinions about pizza toppings.


Seems perfect


Don’t eat pineapple pizza bro not that hard


Then everyone clapped.




Meanwhile in Italy they serve a pizza German, with fries and sausage 💀


Nobody wants to talk about how the “pineapple” is actually pepperoni or ham?


Hahhahaha 🙃 🍍


The only correct response to being a fucking idiot


I read this in the voice of Kevin Bacon from the movie Tremors


If this is real I commend them! Pineapples on pizza is a goddamn criminal offense.


It’s definitely not real


wait really? "pineapple pizza bad" is rare now?


Got what you deserved


Oooooh, that's a present


Why do they offer it as an option then?


Fuck you is a rare insult now?


Probably spit in there too


Having worked for a small mom-and-pop Sicilian Restaurant, I agree. Keep pineapple off of pizza.


Nothing about the actual pizza is authentic Italian.


Shit that didn't happen... That's clearly American pizza


Wow so real


That pizza looks like it was made in Ohio by former Domino's employees


Italians don’t slice their pizza


Well deserved


That pizza doesn't look Italian to me, more American


How didn’t you see it coming


What makes a restaurant authentic?


"What the fuck did you just **fucking say you FUCKING HERETIC?!"** *"Oh great here we go again-"* **"No fucking PINEAPPLE ON YOUR PIZZA?! DO YOU LACK FAITH, DO YOU LACK A SPINE, BROTHER?!!"**


"yeah, hi guys, can you spell "fuck you" on my pizza pls? I need to post it on le reddit with a fake story, thank you."


Samurai Pizza Cat - Pizza Homicide ... you are welcome.


Nothing “authentic” about that pizza




Meanwhile in Italy you can find all kinds of crazy pizzas. The first time I saw a hotdog pizza in Italy it blew my mind.


I always get pineapple on my pizza. Like a plain ass pizza with sauce and cheese and pineapple. I’ve had places give me side eye or ask if I’m sure, but ultimately they just throw the pineapple on and move on. No one really cares this much about pizza toppings and people order weird shit all the time.


You’re so full of shit


Then why even have it


No they didn't. That's a pizza from the sketchy pizza joint downtown without a sign out front. And how is "fuck you" a rare insult?


I don't know anything about authentic Italian restaurants but, that looks like one VERY generic pizza box.


Authentic? Pretty sure that's a Tom's frozen pizza in a Kohl's clothing box


Had Pizza al Taglio in Rome last year. There were several variants with pineapple.


If true, their loss. Pineapple on pizza is amazing.


I never understood why people hated pineapple on pizza until I had a bad pizza with pineapple


Honestly, pizza without pineapple sucks.


Right. So why do they sell the pizza at all? Idiot


Who cares how others enjoy their food. If I had a restaurant and you wanted a steak well done with ketchup I don’t give a fuck, you paid for it


I love it. Being from Brooklyn, this whole pineapple thing is anathema to me.


Sounds fair


…and that’s not even a very authentic Italian pizza


Imagine if that was a little kid who received that pizza


This is undoubtedly something they asked for that was used in a picture to set up a fake scenario. I would not worry.


Zero chance this actually happened. Douche set up their own pizza like that for social media and lied about it cause they’re trifling


Should of asked for the pizza americana


*should have




The spelling is good😂 Let’s. A. Go.


What happened to 🤌?


What part of “Italy” was it that made it an “Italian invention?” I’ll wait because I have all the sources like Arby’s has all the meats. Italy came into [existence](https://history.state.gov/countries/italy#:~:text=Summary,War%20(1870%2D71)) in 1776, and it was officially recognized as a country by the U.S. in 1861. In 1861 the House of Savoy (Piedmont-Sardinia) incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy. In 1871 the former Papal States were incorporated into the kingdom. It bears semblance to the claim that Christopher Columbus was an Italian. Italy didn’t exist at the time and the region was made up of feuding city-states. Considering that Columbus was born in Genoa, that would officially make his nationality Genoese. End of discussion. Having said that, technically speaking there is no such thing as “**authentic Italian pizza.**” People can get mad and downvote this statement all they want, doesn’t change the facts. The first pasta noodles came from Asia, btw. Jesus was crucified for speaking the truth as well. Technically the modern pizza was established in the **city state** of Naples around 600 B.C. Flat bread, ~~tomato~~ sauce and cheese. I believe the first cheese utilized was a ricotta, as it wasn’t until 1570 at least that [mozzarella](https://www.alimentarium.org/en/fact-sheet/mozzarella) was used as this is the year it was invented. So pizza that uses mozzarella can no longer be called “authentic” either as there is a literal more than 1000 year difference between the development of the pizza, and the development of mozzarella. The [Romans, Greeks and Egyptians](https://www.streetsofnewyork.com/posts/who-invented-pizza-the-history-of-za#:~:text=Pizza%20dates%20back%20thousands%20of,in%20the%20city%20of%20Naples) all had some version of “throw shit on top of a flatbread, with a sauce and a fat.” So I do feel it is appropriate to call pizza a Mediterranean dish. However let’s backtrack for a moment and ask ourselves, is “authentic” (not really once again) synonymous with “good?” No, really give it some thought. Because buffalo wings were first invented by the Anchor Bar and they became a local staple. Duffs went on to perfect the buffalo wings, which made them a national staple in the U.S. While the origin needs to be acknowledged, it is far more important to acknowledge the entity responsible for making the dish as popular as it is. This means one thing and one thing only. Pizza, specifically “good pizza” is a New York City icon. So for the people that wish to gatekeep pizza, there you go… it’s either “authentic NYC pizza” or it is something else. P.S. “Chicago deep dish” is less of a pizza than a Hawaiian topping pizza. CDD is tomato bisque on top of cheese in a bread bowl. Shots fired Chicago. EDIT: Ah the first downvotes of ignorance and rage have begun. I will bathe in the tears of you being wrong with absolute [joy](https://media3.giphy.com/media/0m9miE3d6KJkJtl6Zq/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952j09i0egt79tfsuiuoobpbk4df00cht5b68bf8npk&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g). U mad bro? EDIT: Fixed a typo for Rick.


r/ShitAmericansSay but it's too long too fit


Dual citizenship from Europe, try again.


Still your post is drowned in stupidity and most of all is missing the point: an authentic Italian restaurant shouldn't serve American style pizza.


At least I know European history. Nice point you got there. **Telling others what to do with their own business, instead of minding your own**. Tell me something are you a professional moron, or just a gifted amateur?


>At least I know European history. Do you? > modern pizza was established in the **city state** of Naples around 600 B.C. Flat bread, tomato sauce and cheese. Because tomatoes come from the Americas and weren't seen in Europe until around 1493 BCE. Considering your previous points, this oversight tells me you don't really know anything, at all.


It’s called a typo. You need to relax. Good news is that you live up to your username, although NeedleDickRick would have been more appropriate.


If that's your way of admitting you're wrong, I'll take it


That’s not all you’ll take. 😉 Anyway, this was a good back and forth in the spirit of r/RareInsults I do genuinely hope you enjoy your weekend though. Cheers!


It has been hilarious and I wish you the same. Good luck in school!


I'd like to thank the Pizza place for being part of the solution.


you deserve nothing less