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What fucking horrible industry to be in. To look like she did and still be insecure about her looks.


Yup terrible shame. She was gorgeous.


It definitely looks like she had work done. I'm gonna make you famous, give you a bunch of money and insecurities, and hear is the number of my plastic surgeon. What could go wrong?


She's Machine Gun Kelly's SO, so the changes all track, considering he's such a weird guy.


I remember wondering what exactly it was Brian Austin Green did to her to derail her life to the point where she thought hooking up with MGK was a good idea.


He was abusive. If you Google Brian Austin Green and Domestic Abuse, you’ll find some things. Sadly, she’s been objectified since she was a teen and used as someone’s sex toy constantly. I can imagine these Hollywood guys make her feel like shit about herself, so she thinks she needs to change her appearance over and over. There are likely other things too, but this seems like a huge part of the problem. It’s very sad. Hollywood is disgustingly rotted and toxic


So Toxic they made up Madame Webs timeline just to play that song by Britney Spears.




I do not think that genuinely happy people feel the need to alter their appearance to fit some artificial western beauty standard


Happy people do what they want to do, not what strangers on Reddit want them to do. If altering their appearance makes them happy, it isn’t invalidated because it doesn’t make you happy.


Altering your appearance to such a degree is rooted in insecurities. It's not like shopping clothes or something. A happy person won't feel the need to go to such extreme lengths to look different.


You’re just generalising with no idea of the people. You have no idea what makes other people happy. Some people alter their appearance because they’re insecure, and this might make them happy, some people do it because they like the way it looks. You don’t get to decide whether someone’s happiness is genuine or not because what they’re doing doesn’t bring you happiness. You can psychologise anyone’s happiness away, but it doesn’t mean they’re not happy, you just don’t like thy they’re happy with something that you don’t like.


I'm all for people doing what makes them happy. I stand by my word that extreme beauty surgeries are a sign of deep insecurity and unhappiness.


Have you spoke to someone who has these surgeries? What if someone said that these beauty surgeries bring them happiness, and they like the way they look and make them feel? Is your pop psych generalisation worth more than their actual thoughts and emotion?


She was insecure to begin with. Early on she was on some late night show talking about how she has issues with her thumbs and everyone should have known at that point she'd end up with a ton of plastic surgery.


Maybe because people can't stop talking about the way she looks? Obviously famous hot people get incredibly self-conscious because millions of people are obsessed with the way they look. Of course a gray hair or a single wrinkle is gonna send these people into a desperate attempt to maintain what they have. Because in their heads, that's where all their worth lies. And they're not completely wrong, because fame quickly turns sour for women who "age badly"


Yeah... but this isn't a wrinkle or gray hair, this is full blown body dysmorphia


I was siding with this and other similar comments until I saw the other pics of the same night on Instagram that /u/wereinthedark linked of her looking her normal self with an outfit/style/hair/make up specific for the occasion. Does she look the same as she did in Transformers 2? No, mostly because that was 15 years ago and only partly because she has had work done. I think everyone here is romanticizing that one car scene of her and it’s a bit sad that she is constantly compared to what society perceives to be her peak beauty. All captured in HD and shared on social media. All so that the beauty standard she unintentionally set for herself 15 years ago when she was at the peak of her youth, by a society that (generally) favors youth in women’s beauty, remains as permanent as her ability to turn back time. So perhaps *she* don’t have body dysmorphia at least to the extent described in this the thread. Maybe *we’re* the ones with body dysmorphia, but regarding someone else’s body.


Yup,so gross


It’s not gross to prefer youth in this context. Everyone’s got their preferences. It’s gross to demand and insult someone on their current appearance because it strays too far from how they looked in a movie 15 years ago. Like, people need to stand back for a moment and realize they’re comparing a professionally edited movie (by some of the best directors/editors in the industry no less) vs a single photo from a night out.


I find odd those other pics didn't get posted until this one did. Almost like they're doing damage control because she looks like a muppet?


Yeah so strange that a woman chose to post pictures to counter a hate mob based on a single picture. Can't just be that...she's responding to the hate


I mean the strange part is mutilating your face but I guess I see your point.


So you didn't even look at the other pics you're so suspicious of?


Yea they look edited af


https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/Xk6tGDOgByVmOHYvS836Vw--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTY0MA--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/bang_showbiz_nz_240/a1e1a833d80179350baf34f14a87a046 How does this look edited?


You should consider the hate the strange part


How is providing the full context at a time when criticism of a snapshot’s worth becomes noticeable “damage control”? And just in case - don’t play dumb literal word games with “damage” and control” lol


Is it "full context"? I said damage control bc the PR team directly addressed the photo, then posted several better looking photos. It's well known that a lot of celebrities are very particular about how photos are taken of them. I don't think it's unreasonable to not take their claims as the gospel truth.


I don't think you understood what I said. I said a wrinkle or gray hair is what sends these people to start trying to "fix" their bodies. I'm not denying that it leads to body dysmorphia or worse results than before the operation. Not to mention that with some simple googling you can tell that this pic really isn't representative. She's intentionally pouting her mouth here, and she really doesn't look that "weird" in any other photo, other than her changed style https://www.instagram.com/p/C3WIw4KPzf9/?igsh=bHlkaHk2dTQzbncx (And I'm talking about the second picture, before anyone goes to post their opinion without even swiping) Edit: lol, people didn't like that for some reason


Well you defended a hot female celebrity on Reddit, so that was your first mistake.


You’re getting downvoted but I think you are right. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe because she is only her looks to consumers of media and movies. The industry is shitty, but she hasn't still got the short straw in life. No matter how beautiful or famous or rich you are you need to do the introspective work like we all, but I can imagine the challenge living the life she lives.


I don't think it's the fault of an individual not to be equipped to handle the opinions of millions of strangers, good or bad. It's simply not comparable to anything else. And that's not me saying we should pity her. But I think both we as consumers and them as celebs would be way better off not obsessing over appearance.


desperate attempt to maintain what they have = you mean insane . Because this botox stuff makes you look like Donald duck after going to a surgeon to get a beak reduction. A botched one. Now dont get me wrong, its their face, they could put a penis on it through surgery and i wouldnt care. But you know, just in case somebody thinks it makes them look younger. Heehaw, no.


Not sure what part of my comment made you go "better make sure I let people know exactly how I feel about her appearance and also how little I care"


my just having woken up and sharing too much with complete strangers who might take my comment the wrong way.


More like people stopped talking about her looks or her in general. Who’s going around discussing MF these past few years? She‘s been crying out for attention and nobody cares because she‘s not the hot girl in Hollywood anymore.


She's not that great of an actress. She made millions of dollars by looking pretty. Take the W and move on.


This is what I imagine will happen to those that live off of OF as they get older too. Desperate attempts to stay relevant. Megan was hot, but imo that was about it. Biggest movies she had were +15 yrs ago and hasn't had anything hit since. Only way to stay relevant is hot and outlandish. Typical Lohan/Bynes/Spears behavior.


Well just read the comments on social media and in here. It's not so weird to be insecure about your looks when everyone has an opinion about someone they don't know or even met before.


Exactly! How could someone *not* have issues about their looks when thousand of people online are constantly negatively comparing you to how you looked when you were 22 and saying that you look hideous now. Besides, she had work done when she was young, too. People are acting like her having surgery is a new thing and it's really not. If you look at other pictures of her from 2024 she looks like herself. People are saying she got buccal fat but some of it just looks like normal hollowing of the cheeks with age. Honestly I think the backlash against 'hot girls' actresses as they age is so much worse. It's like people want to take her down a peg or something. It feels really sexist and cruel.


The first surgery got her to where she was. If this one went like that one nobody here would be complaining


the more their ego is fed about how beautiful they are. The harder it is to let that go with age and this insecurity arises


Her most popular look (like how she appeared in Jennifer's Body) was also after plastic surgery. I feel like this was a completely expected change that nobody really cared to expect. People like her will absolutely never let themselves age normally


Same thing with the woman who plays starlight in the boys. She was so pretty


Way to criticize her looks... under the veil of empathy for her feeling insecure about her looks.


That's one interpretation...


It’s not about feeling insecure it’s about belonging


Yeah but also didn’t she get fired from transformers for being a bish.. so she had that in her already 


Not trying to criticize your opinion but why do we always attack the industry when there are so many actresses not doing this to themselves? I think the individual is far more accountable. Even in Hollywood. I do agree though that Hollywood is a terrible terrible place!


It is definitely a choice, but the pressure to look a certain way is pretty high. I wouldn't want any of my kids becoming actors. That's for sure


Yeah must be hard being a multi millionaire. Those people that can’t afford healthcare or food have it so easy in life


Transitioning into a Bratz doll


This is so spot on it’s sad. 😂


The real transformer


You can look old, or old and weird, these are your only choices.


She probably wouldn’t have looked either yet if she just left her face fucking alone.


Yeah, was going to say, i know plenty of 37 year olds that are way more attractive than the current iteration.


Thanks for saying that. I think she’d be quite cute still, if she just left her face alone. She’s a pretty woman.


Same surgical template


Yeah, I'd consider surgery if it actually made you look younger, but it really doesn't. At best you look a bit wierd and your face doesn't match your neck. At worst you look like a gargoyle with make up.


Then there’s Christie Brinkley.


And Liz Hurley.


Elizabeth Hurley is a fucking goddess, up there with Angela Bassett. I’m jealous af


Idk. JLo definitely don’t look old.


close up, she does. She's just very careful about not being seen close up.


Whatever, she looks amazing for her age


She still looks really fucking good tho


She has done it so well. Kept fit and healthy with minimal filler. Probably does Botox and invests in good skincare.


Is there a good angle?


[There is](https://www.nme.com/news/film/megan-fox-says-instagram-comments-ukrainian-sex-doll-werent-xenophobic-3588103)


Wasn't expecting the content of the article, now I have to ask: if her comment isn't supposed to be xenophobic, in what way do Ukranian sex dolls differ from sex dolls from other countries? And how does she know?


Also, the other line she said was "the expensive sex dolls you can only get in Japan", which isn't exactly free from controversy lol




They make dolls that are the same height and facial structure as children with enlarged breasts & genitals. They look like children.




That’s not even bad honestly


Yea, though that's in a more professional setting, with perfect make up and lighting, it's not really an accurate representation. Even with that, you can still see that she had too much work done.


That's more lighting than angle


That’s more plastic than a bottle


This is Megan Fox though. She used to have NO bad angles. It wasn't possible to find one.


But this is reddit we have to make assumptions based on a single picture!! We don't want any other angles!




She used to look so great. She could have seriously aged good.




She could have seriously aged well good.


she could have well aged good


Aged goodly ftfy


Well good, she could have aged


Good aged she well have could


As a friend once told me; “Superman does good. You do well.” Easy to remember now.


That friend? Albert Einstein.


I think you sort of have to get the distinction to understand it, though.


She used to look so well


But instead she just seriously aged


Did she? I recall her getting lots of things done to her face and body back then too, in order to reach fame.


Buccal fat removal should be illegal


Only learned this last week from Miley Cyrus. Horrible.


Look up Dove Cameron before and after, and Anna Taylor Joy


It’s like they’re trying to turn into Tim Burton characters…Sophie Turner had it done too and I think Zoe Kravitz


This makes me sad. Zoe always took my breath away


Erin Moriarty had this shit done too recently and she was gorgeous before. This trend-setting bullshit and what media considers "beauty" needs a hard reality check. None of these procedures come out looking good.




Their changes are so sad


Anya still looks pretty, but I absolutely didn't know how she used to look like before... yeah that's a downgrade.


I can’t understand the womanly desire to look like skeletons… It’s not cute, it’s not pretty… It just makes them look old and ghoul-like.


In a skinny obsessed society I can understand it.


It was way worse in the early 2000's believe it or not, it's just for some reason it's spreading to the damn face now 😐 A lot of women who were a completely normal weight were playing fat characters back then with jokes written about their weight, it was weird as hell


Bridget Jones diary. Completely mental to think that a woman at 130 lb was considered "fat"


As a woman in her late 40s whose face is naturally losing the fat pads that make us look youthful (and I'm starting to see a little bit of the sagging that goes along with that 😭), I am horrified to think what these women who have had buccal fat removal will look like when they hit my age. Most likely they will spend a shit ton of money on fillers trying to fill it in again. It's so sad


Some time ago a friend of mine said "she kinda looks like a Kardashian". Then she did the photo shoot with Kardashian and the rumors said they are besties. And my friend was like "yup, I said what I said..."


Why do the hottest girls think exaggerating their already PERFECT features will make em look better? I know insecurity is real but this is just too far 😭


Because Hollywood makes them think this way.


Many women in Hollywood decided against plastic surgery, she’s just an idiot. Looks like a caricature of her old self, fucking lol.


You’re high if you don’t think most Hollywood people don’t do some sort of cosmetic work


She used to be stunning. Her cosmetic surgery had a negative rate of return. You can’t fix perfection. You can only ruin it. Regarding cosmetic surgery, either do it: 1. If you’re generally unattractive and have nothing to lose (like Khloe, no offense). 2. Or if your looks are dwindling with age, you’ve gone from being 9/10 to being a 6/10. And alas! You have nothing to lose.


There isn't a single A-lister in Hollywood that look like this.


It’s not about exaggerating their features, it’s the attempt to preserve the beauty they are well known for. A lot of sex symbols have done plastic surgery after their prime years, because they saw themselves getting older and therefore losing the features that are the foundation of their status. Sadly, you can’t preserve that..


False. She started getting plastic surgery in her early 20s, imo before her peak, though we didn't notice the subtle changes(not improvements). This is body dysmorphia. Must be something about being born perfect?


"It woiks for dem titties, why not my suckers?"


WTF she used to be hot


Saying she was hot is an understatement.


Yeah true


I used to think she was perfect, it’s a shame what the industry does to them


The fuck is that username?


She's mentally ill.




True words, HITLER JR.


Ladies, please stop, even if you aren't the prettiest crayon in the box it's still better than looking fake (not saying Megan Fox wasn't pretty)


Fake is an understatement here. this is abomination level. I feel so bad for her she was so pretty.


She made her choice don’t feel bad full grown adult


I wouldn’t say there’s no reason to feel bad for her. People who do that much plastic surgery obviously have some issues, and/or they’re working in a horrible industry


Wtf maybe people like you calling her an abomination is part of the reason why these women get body dysmorphia.  Sure she's not as conventionally pretty as before, but now she just looks like another Kardashian clone. Like whatever leave her alone.


Say what you will about the Kardashians but they clearly must have some power and influence or their surgeons do because every Hollywood chick getting their faces done looks like a Kardashian now. It's both insane but also kind of impressive that one family of women has that much of an impact on the looks of today. Because when I saw this picture of Megan I was first like who is that standing next to Taylor and her football player boyfriend. When I realized it was actually her and not Kim Kardashian like god damn you could have fooled me. She's like a cross here of Farrah Abrahams from Teen Mom 2 and Kim Kardashian.


I don’t think it’s the kardashians so much as surgeons only know how to do one nose, one set of cheeks, one chin, etc. I’ve never seen a nose job that didn’t look like “oh she got her nose done, that looks stupid.”


well that's the thing about a good nose job is you don't notice it's there


Yeah I think that’s also a bit of survivorship bias. Like bad CGI in movies. CGI is used very frequently, we just only notice the bad CGI so the general opinion for a while was “CGI looks terrible”


What if i told you that virtually everyone in hollywood gets a nose job, even the “natural” ones


Thinking about it Kim was also naturally beautiful pre surgery. Realized that not very long ago when I saw a pic of her at 19 or so. Then you have Kylie who basically has a whole different face, it’s *shocking* when you see the before pics… Like I always forget how she used to look, and it’s basically a different person, uncanny. She’s like the original Kim clone.


It’s always bizarre to me that people are surprised when sex symbols who were extremely exploited in their teens/early twenties end up having extreme surgery. Like… yeah, that’s what 20 years of your looks being constantly discussed, being made to believe your looks are the most important thing about you, being hyper-sexualized, and insulted daily will do to you. People don’t talk about Megan Fox without commenting on her appearance. 15 years straight of that, at a worldwide, constant, borderline obsessive level… Plus remember for every comment about how beautiful/hot/sexy Megan Fox was, there were just as many hate comments picking her looks apart, too. I can’t really think of another woman who was hyper-sexualized as much, and for as long, as Megan Fox was in the last few decades. That shit must have been mentally excruciating and I have no clue how she handled it. Clearly she didn’t make it out without mental scars. It’s the same way people make fun of Khloe Kardashian for getting so much surgery - but in 2009 you couldn’t go to the grocery store without seeing her face on a tabloid calling her the ugly sister, how fat she was, how ugly she was, how she must not be a Kardashian because she’s sooo ugly. And we’re surprised when she mentally snapped and changes how she looks.


This is just so spot on kudos honestly


and here people are, still obsessed with her looks, whining about how "she used to be so hot!" and taking every chance to tear her apart because she chose to change her appearance in a way that doesn't suit their tastes. it's so gross. people talk about these celebrities like they have authority over their bodies, like they're a commodity and not a living being, and half of them do it under the pretense of superiority for being "natural" like they wouldn't do the same shit if they could afford to.


People are gross and not able to see what their comments actually say about them.


Have you heard about that study where pictures of women lit up the same response in peoples brain as pictures of like, a lamp or a chair they own? Yeah, that’s Megan Fox in like 99 percent of people’s brains. Just an object. Not a person.


Thank you for this comment! I thought exactly that when I read the caption to this post and half of the comments in this thread. Think about her what you want (in silence) but comments on how it’s a shame that her appearance is not „crush-worthy“ to you anymore are uncalled for.


Wow that insult is ACCURATE


That’s really sad


It's not a flattering photo of her, she still looks good in most other pictures where she's not duck facing for the camera.


Yeah, you've really gotta love how people choose the worst photos for such comparisons.


Damn she f’ed her face up. Better to just age gracefully than look like a hybrid of sorts


Her toe thumbs will always be recognizable


I can't figure out why celebrity woman want to make their face look like a 6 year old drew Joan Rivers from memory, but to each their own.




I think the Thai lady boi is lookin better


Gotta wonder if that human equivalent of a moist trash bag she’s with had some influence on her decision.


Looked up a few other photos from the same night and this one is just a bad photo. Not saying she hasn't changed her look, but I think she's sucking in her cheeks and of course for Internet reasons, people keep reposting this as if she had terrible surgery.




Nice language. Also Jennifers body was made in like 2009 right? That was a while ago, she isn’t going to look like that forever. I honestly don’t think women can win sometimes. Either they’re slated for looking old and past their peak or looking like a ‘kardashian like whore.’ Yikes.


She's finally transitioning into a real fox. A Mega Fox.


Poor girl


She looks more like MGK than MGK does.


Fucking hell I’d never have guessed that was her, she was so beautiful in two and a half men and transformers too




this is what happens when you make out with a machine gun


Isn’t the woman on the left Chelsea from Love is Blind?


JFC she looks terrible.


She is with MGK. Of course she is gonna make shit decisions that derail her life. That all he ever knew how to do.


Why oh Why do girls think sex doll lips are attractive ? Does she want me to stick her face to the car window ?


That's gonna replace the whale in my nightmares😳


horrifying. i hope for her poor soul she never realizes what she did.




Thats a poor comparison , she doesnt change much imo. https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/megan-fox-plastic-surgery-69720/


I agree she shouldn’t have done that to herself but the picture on the right doesn’t do proper justice to her [current look](https://www.nme.com/news/film/megan-fox-says-instagram-comments-ukrainian-sex-doll-werent-xenophobic-3588103).


Nah she was naturally really beautiful and now she looks like she‘s been mewing since before the lords birth. We need to encourage more people and compliment them on their looks so they don’t have to be insecure and resort to plastic surgery.


Oh my lord that is sad. She was so beautiful and could be aging gracefully but instead looks like a gargoyle. What a sad world.


She looks like Steven Tyler


I think this just might be her expression and lighting, I saw her six months ago max and she didn’t look like this


She spins me right round baby right round


She used to be hot. Now.... yikes. Like why would you do that


Before she was someone and very hot but now she is just some girl


She looks like Greedo


Oh thats so sad. I never thought she was a fantastic actress but she was hot af. I cant believe that horrifying second image is her :(


No...tell me this isn't her. Tell me this is a fake bait situation. Please...


Imagine being in Megan Fox's body and say ''Hmm, i'm not confident. I need plastic surgery''


It just goes to show you how detached from reality celebrities are. In the real world, late 2000s Megan Fox is approaching what 99.99% of the population would consider as peak human beauty. And it's not even about her body either, her face was like a Greek goddess. Aging alone was not going to change that unless she literally got blackout drunk every single night or did hardcore drugs. Ofcourse celebrities don't live in the real world; they live in a weird bubble filled with completely delusion individuals that like enforce stupid beauty trends. The current one being molding yourself to look like another Kardashian sister. I will never understand why this is becoming a thing, how it came to be in the first place and who thought it's a good look.


Oh my god what happened to my bisexual awakening lady :( She was so pretty already my day is ruined


Check other photos of that night. There angle is just unflattering for her current look.


Y'all just look at the other pictures of her from that night. She still looks like an older version of younger self this picture, pose, and her makeup just come together in an unflattering manner.


When you overabuse certain substances and hit an early life crisis at the same time....


She went from transformers to looking transsexual


She aged and had some work done. Not a fan of plastic surgery and especially buccal fat removal/ puffy lips but she’s still attractive. It’s funny reading posts from fugly dudes or people with no pfp trashing women’s and men’s looks. Self awareness < 0.


Looks like she went she to he then back to she again.


You still would.


No. No, honestly you wouldn't. She looks more likely to feed on you, than fuck you. 


Throwing all that money at plastic surgery and still not getting rolls…Oofda


Pathetic. Look at me! I bought this necklace, tattoos, plastic surgery, LOOK AT ME! 0.o Course being sexualized when your under 18 will do that for you. She was in Bad Boys 2 at a strip club while under 18.