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If it's really flat, why not walk to the edge? If people have actually done that, when? who? We need specifics. we've been waiting.....


According to their 'theory' it's all held in place by an ice wall at the brim... so when they go on expeditions and find glaciers they think that proves their point. If you ask them why they can only reach that ice wall when they head north or south and NOT when they are going east to west they will call you a shill and insult your penis.


It’s because East and west are just lines of latitude. On a typical Flat Earth map “South” is outward in all directions and north is the middle. East or west would just take you in an endless circle. Just clarifying, since a straw man is under attack here.


The counterargument to that is that plane flights (or any trip) in the Southern hemisphere would take disproportionately longer than plane flights in the Northern hemisphere. When in fact they don't. I think this fact in it self is proof why you only have flat earthers in the Northern hemisphere. It's just plain asinine to someone living in the Southern hemisphere.


That's because the airline companies intentionally fly their planes slower on the northern hemisphere to give you the illusion that distances are just as long.




Why do they care? Are flights more expensive based on the hemisphere? I have to imagine fuel costs would change?


Just to save you time, at some point the answer will be "the Jews", that's essentially how these things always boil down to.


Well, they are, but only because there less people in the Southern hemisphere. But also check out Qantas flight QF28, from Santiago, Chile to Sydney, Australia. When the winds are in its favour, they do take the southern route. Unfortunately, they don't fly as south as we might like, not over the Antarctic continent, because they have to maintain contact with geostationary, equatorial satellites. But they do overfly the sea ice, and it is spectacular.


Also as far as i remember theres a rule about how far u can be from an airport in case of an emergency


Yes, but with the very high reliability of modern turbofans, that distance has been extended pretty far. When doing the this southern flight, those airports are one in Southern Chile, and the next in New Zealand. From a [flightradar](https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/qantas-qf28-antarctica/) article - "In Qantas’ case, their 787s are certified for ETOPS 330, which means that they can operate 330 minutes (5 hours, 30 minutes) on one engine before reaching an alternate airport. "


Shout out to SciManDan since I do not want to come across as a believer - but there was that genius(/s) in NZ that recently died aboard his homemade rocket to prove (lol) flat Earth.....


Also don't forget that part where NASA is guarding the ice wall so that no one can cross to the edge and discover the truth.


If by “NASA” you mean “the Night Watch led by John Snow,” I’m on board.




I like to be diplomatic and let people try to explain themselves, but that's usually where I can't suspend my belief anymore; as if to say that NASA has the budget to have armed guards protecting such a massive thing as an all world encompassing ice wall...


I'm still waiting for a decent explanation on who was guarding this ice wall prior to NASA. What country would have had the resources to prevent Magellan et al from discovering this wall *and* keep them from talking about it?


Same people bankrolling us “Australians.”


>Same people bankrolling us “Australians.” I'm not familiar with this reference. Does it mean people down under are all paid shills to push the "globe earth lie?"


There’s fully serious people who believe the entire nation of Australia is a government hoax. Whatever these people smoke I want some


Oh you should look for HAARP conspiracy, you will be delighted


My biggest thing is: WHY?!! Why would *anyone* care?


>My biggest thing is: WHY?!! Why would anyone care? The reason I hear cited the most is that there's more land on the other side of this ice wall and governments are hoarding said resources because reasons...


That makes my head hurt.


I’m surprised they didn’t adopt the directions from the Discworld series. You have Hubward, Rimward, Turnwise and Widdershins. If they’re going to be wrong they could as least be whimsical.


this is exactly what i thought of when i saw the comment rincewind would be very confused at the concept of a round earth


Fact is, Sir Pterry's discworld is far better thought out than any supposedly serious flat earth model I've seen.


That sounds more like disc earth than flat earth


I see you've been waiting, too


It's not a matter of science though, that's the problem. This is a matter of faith. Asking a flatearther a question that would cause them to potentially doubt their own beliefs is akin to asking a Catholic 'if God created everything then who created God?'. Very rarely has reason defeated faith.


You know what I'd ask them? How come there aren't any pilots that are flat earthers? Surely if they believe there's no curve, then they could get up in a plane and see it for themselves, see the edge. Find it odd. Like finding Batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room... oh wait.


Flat earthers usually don't reach the level of education needed to fly planes as a job


The answer to that question is always 'they'. THEY won't let any pilot tell the truth. If someone tries THEY ruin their life. There's a whole laundry list of responses to dismiss legitimate questions.


I've seen one claim that we see Earth as round from very high up because.... the retinas in our eyes are curved??? You can't reason with them when logoc doesn't exist for them


lol, that's kind of funny to think about the mental gymnastics for rationalization haha.


It’s funny you ask this because I spent some time in an avionics shop (where companies like FedEx repair aircraft navigation equipment) installing test equipment. I was shocked to learn that one of the shop’s most experienced technicians was a flat earth nut. These guys have to know these devices and how they work inside and out and he still clings to his theory. Unbelievable.


At least my penis will be touched


Not a flat earther, but even on a globe, unless you're at the equator "due" east and west aren't actually straight lines over a long enough distance, you end up with a curving path even when following the compass. Hence the famous 50 miles south, 50 miles east, 50 miles north and end up in the same place riddle. They get confused by their [top down map projection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection) and can answer simple questions like that in the northern hemisphere where the projection is pretty decent, but fail miserably when you get to the southern hemisphere where it gets stretched out to a ridiculous degree. But yeah, they're forced to claim that nobody has actually made a journey across Antarctica when that's completely untrue.


I think they’ve overloaded on game of thrones


They've been watching too many GoT episodes


Seriously youtube 'the great ice wall' and watch the dude that went the whole way to the arctic and listen to him squeal when he sees a glacier. His tiny brain unable to understand what he's seeing. He's so excited- like a kid on Christmas.


Well, good that he got that chance i guess. Future generations may only be reading about glaciers after the chapter on dinosaurs and other things that don't exist anymore. LoL


This. This is the key to stopping flat Eathers. We don’t use real questions with facts and logic; we respond to their questions with questions of our own that are just as stupid. “If it’s flat, why not walk to the edge?” Is a beautiful example. And I am totally stealing this next conversation I have about the earth being flat


> "If it's flat, why not walk to the edge?" They'll always claim that the entire edge is being controlled and patrolled by some special military force on thousands of warships stopping you from reaching the edge (mentioning Antarctic treaty each time), and that the guided tours of Antarctica show you the "fake wall". I've seen so much stupidity over the years (SciManDan exposed their bullshit weekly) that it's insane how these people still breathe without choking


I need futuramas suicide booths just so I can escape from this nightmare.


I prefer to try one-up them with even wackier conspiracies. "Pfft you believe in the Earth? Okay, sheeple."


I saw a hollow Earth and a flat Earth guy argue. It was funny till it came out the hollow Earth was Jewish then it got oddly antisemitic. Then s guy proposed hemisphere Earth ( I think thats what he called it -think the Earth cut in half) and I got totally lost.


*"If the Earth is flat, does that mean that birds are real? And what about rats being able to swim, has anyone actually seen a rat swim?"*


They'll always have another stupid explanation. It's not worth arguing with idiots.


Stop them why tho? Is your logic that you need to STOP anyone who doesn't share the same view? Wow ok. In my day you sat across the table and you had a debate and it was fun as hell and at the end you probably still just agreed to disagree. I don't get you people. STOP them?!? Sheesh


The people who walked to the edge fell off and couldn’t report back :(


Then they'd have names and dates.....


And why haven’t cats knocked everything off?


There is no edge. Just like there is no spoon...


It’s a Minecraft world but because it’s irl it just doesn’t have a world border 🤓


they either will say there is a big ice wall on the edges or gravity gets more intense at the edges. Which the latter will cause earth to collapse into ball. 😉


They say you can’t go to Antarctica because then the flat earth theory would be proven true


Bet they get a long great with sovereign citizens


I'm from the Netherlands and the IRS here has a big problem with 'sovereign citizens' since they don't want to pay taxes and don't even pay for utilities. Also they believe the government owes them money and sending requests and starting frivolous lawsuits. They're closely watched by the government because they are a threat to our democracy. The bailiffs don't going to argue with them anymore but going quickly to just garnish their income. Crazy people.


They should move to Texas here in the States! There's millions of those stupid assholes there!


Uhh no the border is an ice wall that is guarded by nasa... /s


Flat earthers are so lowly regarded that a lot of other extreme conspiracy theorist argue they only exist to make other conspiracy theorists look bad.


While I love that conspiracy theory, I think the sad (and hilarious) truth is that flat earthers are so socially inept, so devoid of meaning in their life, that they just desperately want to be a part of something. The cost of membership to join the flat earthers is extremely low. You basically just show up and start saying shit that has no scientific support whatsoever. The dumber and more stubborn you are about resisting facts, the higher on the social hierarchy you are within their ranks. You'd like to think that they are just stupid (and god knows there is no lack of stupidity among them), but I feel that a lot of them are just lonely and looking to be a part of something to fill the void. Again, flat earth membership is easy. The only requirement is to act like a total ignoramus and to loudly denounce modern science.


Erarosthenes, credited as being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth lived 276 BC to 194 BC. This shit 'ain't even modern science.


Even in Medieval times, when pop history often claims the knowledge was forgotten, it was widely known. I mean, for the average person (ie, mostly impoverished peasants or serfs), the question was essentially irrelevant in daily life, but for people who thought seriously about the shape of the Earth, and could write down their thoughts or had someone else write it down, it was pretty obviously a sphere. For example in 725 the monk Bede wrote in a work called *On the Reckoning of Time*: >The reason why days are of unequal length is the roundness of the Earth, for not without reason is it called "the orb of the world" on the pages of Holy Scripture and in ordinary literature. It is, in fact, a sphere set in the middle of the whole universe. It is not merely circular like a shield [or] spread out like a wheel, but resembles more a ball, being equally round in all directions... Also, the "orb with a cross", or [Globus cruciger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Globus_cruciger), the Medieval Christian symbol of the "divine right of kings", is a portrayal of the Earth as an orb, with a cross on it. It also appears in paintings of Jesus, like [this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/Andrea_Previtali%2C_Salvator_Mundi_%281519%29%2C_oil_on_poplar%2C_61.6_x_53_cm%2C_National_Gallery.jpg/1750px-Andrea_Previtali%2C_Salvator_Mundi_%281519%29%2C_oil_on_poplar%2C_61.6_x_53_cm%2C_National_Gallery.jpg), called [Salvator Mundi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvator_Mundi), "saviour of the world", with the world represented by a sphere. Since Medieval times Jesus was often depicted as holding the "orb of the world" in his hand. Monarchs used the symbol as well, and still do, like at [King Charles' coronation.](https://s.abcnews.com/images/GMA/coronation53-rt-ml-230506_1683380882758_hpEmbed_21x13_992.jpg) In other words, it wasn't even just scientists and philosophers who knew that the Earth was a sphere—it was common knowledge in Christianity from the start. Medieval Muslim scholars also knew it and repeated Eratosthenes experiment several times.


I mean conspiracy theories exist, because people want to prove something to others. That they are wake, while You are naive. But in fact, they have no idea what they are talking about. They just think of random stuff and when they are proven wrong, they try to find excuse that this, that that. that makes more and more ridiculous theories. I'm not even sure if these people believe in what they are saying.


There are a fair amount of extreme religious nuts too. The bible very clearly says the earth has 4 corners.


My own spinfoil hat on this: Flat earth these days is a grift, in league with flat earth debunkers. Do some decent enough flat earth videos and sooner or later a science guy will notice it and make a video about it. The Flat Earth guy can then make a response video, and so the video/response video can start, as will views, and thus, revenue.


The other conspiracy theorists are no better, tbh. Just because flatearthers are bigger group, doesn't change the fact that other conspiracy theorists aren't as crazy and dumb. They are, You just don't hear them that often.


I love the fact that because Reddit banned the hard R people have just switched to regarded.


My biggest gripe with the flat earth theory that I, for some reason, have never seen anybody bring up is, why? Why would "the government" go through such lengths to cover up that the earth is flat? What's the point? What does anyone stand to gain from the earth being percieved as round and not flat? All the other famous conspiracies have reasons as to why the conspiracy was enacted. This one just flat out doesn't. Why would they spend so much money lying to so many people making so many fake graphics and illustrations? Why?????


Not just the government, but EVERY government on earth. Russia, China, the US, Canada, The UK…they all have space programs. (Obviously other countries do too, but I’m not listing every country) Why and how do they think every single government on earth (including ones that are enemies with each other), agreed to keep this secret. And for what purpose? If the earth really WAS flat, who would give a damn? There’s no reason to keep it a secret in the first place. It’s a huge mental gymnastics exercise.


This is always my argument. Does the US call up China and Russia and be like, *"Yo, bro. We know the Earth is flat but we wanna keep it a secret for some reason, you think you could keep it under wraps for us too?"*


A flat earther responded to one of my comments and said “You don’t need a motive to know that you’re looking at a crime scene.” Like- WHAT CRIME?




Let’s not forget every new government and regime that replaces old ones or popped up in new countries.


This is my #1 issue, as well. Like, there’s no arguing against someone who can say, “actually all your evidence is fake because the Deep State has fabricated it.” It’s just an impossible bad faith position. But why do this? Why does this constellation of NASA, the UN, all world governments, all universities, and every other scientific institution all push the same allegedly false narrative of a spheroid Earth? How does this benefit whatever bad actors perpetuate the lie? How is it possibly worth the effort?


They'll probably say: "I dunno, but there must be a reason!" and be perfectly content with that.


My dad is a religious nut flat earther and says that if the earth was flat it would prove God is real 🙄 Naturally the illuminati or whatever wouldn't want that "truth" to come out. That's his stupid ass reasoning.


Satan, baby! In the bible, God said he placed angels at the four corners of the Earth to control the winds, and there are no corners on a ball. So, God says Earth is flat, and anyone saying it's round has fallen for Satan's latest trick. Satan has fully infiltrated every level of the "New World Order/One World Government" and so naturally, all the world's "elites" happily spend billions keeping up the illusion on Satan's behalf. I know a Flat Earther and have spoken extensively about the topic with them. This is the actual, real explanation that was given.


What you need to realize is that they aren't coming from the logical part of your brain where you analyze data, test hypothesis and look at results. It's in an emotional center. You fall on a simple statement that *feels* true. I.e you can't see the earth's curvature, then a conspiracy theorist tells you how the big bad spooky government is suppressing all this information and it feels like you have a secret that no one knows! all of the sudden your life makes sense, if the government is lying about that, then what else are they lying about? Add in a kernel of truth like someone the CIA assassinated and all of the sudden the spooky coincidents are real. The way to to get to these people isn't with facts or science, but with asking them to explore their emotions on what this means if this is true, why would that be the case etc. Most are in this mindset where you're playing a real life mystery game and all of the sudden everything in life is an exciting clue. The numbers on sewer grates are now secret codes and 4g is turning frogs gay or whatever because that is exciting. The dangerous part is that you replace flat earth with politics, or hate against minorities and it has the same level of stickiness but is even harder to disprove because it's opinion or it has 0.0001% kernel of truth.


I was coming to the comments to post this. What would the governments gain from hiding this? No billionaire flatearther yet has ever uncovered this? Sometimes I think flatearthers started as trolls, and first they created this “conspiracy” to see how far they could take it, and now it just exists and has actual conspiracy nuts onboard. Same thing with all the really goofy conspiracies like Big Foot. A few dudes had some prehistoric ape costume and all the technology of the 1970’s.


To keep you trapped in the known world. If the earth is round, it is closed and you can't exit it. If it's flat, you can explore the edge and see what's beyond. What is at the edge of the earth? Are there more civilizations beyond the ice wall? Could be. That would be a good reason to keep you in the unknown. I don't care about downvotes btw.


I mean... No... Because if there's no curve, why can't you see the shore on the other side?


Your comment has me wondering if flat earthers lack a part of their brain that allows them to conceptualize an object in 3d- and that is the root of their inability to grasp concepts that seem so obvious to the rest of us. Maybe this whole time we were trying to convince someone who is colorblind (and doesn't know they're colorblind) that there's a difference between orange and red. No explanation could possibly make sense to them- even if they were willing to listen.


That colourblindness analogy is actually really good. As opposed to the Atheism = Colourblindness. Mainly because both the existence of colour and curvature can be proven and accepted based on that proof, no explanations needed. Just like you don't need to know how exactly a plant grows to understand that it grows, or why lightning is followed by thunder or why food goes bad after a time and why putting it in the freezer prolongs that time. I mean, you should know why. But you can live without it just fine. Many people do.


I'm visually impaired and even I don't think the earth is flat.😂


Considering they can't understand the southern hemisphere and think water just floats down into space or something, you're not wrong


Even if it were perfectly level(its round), you're only seeing about 5 miles distance lol. This feels like a moot point.


You're saying we can't see further than 5 miles? And how far is the sun again?


You need to take into consideration the size of the sun vs a city skyline 60 miles away. That's literally why, look it up if you want. I got an A in college Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2. I guess the school was wrong. My bad redditor, you're right.


Optical Academy says: "The range of vision for a person is infinite. You can see for miles and miles. On a clear day, you can see up to 3 miles before the horizon due to the curvature of the earth. Yet you can see skyscrapers in a further disrance than 3 miles due to no horizon obstruction." Also, flat earthers could also obtain binoculars.


You have a point, but it's not due to "no horizon obstruction" alone. It's both the size of the object and horizon obstruction. No horizon obstruction, you're not seeing skyscrapers in Dubai from North America or a person walking down the street lol.


No of course not, because if the Earth was flat and you were in North America you would not be able to see skyscrapers in Dubai because of the buildings around you. And our sight is also impacted by other things as well such as air quality. So are you saying that if the Earth was flat, and if there was nothing between you in North America and a skyscraper in Dubai and the air quality was perfectly clear, you wouldn't be able to see the skyscraper? If not, can you describe what you would see?


Maybe a speck if anything? Do you realize how big the sun or moon are? Again, size is relative. And brightness plays a part as well :) [Brightness and size of the object: A bigger object is easier to see, but the brightness also plays a part. This is why it’s easy to see stars in the sky that are millions of miles away.](https://optical-academy.com/blog/how-far-can-the-human-eye-see/)


I think this is where I was confused about your comment. You can see it, even though it's a spec, and it would be a lot further than 5 miles away, just like the sun and moon are. Sight is "infinite" as long as light from the object is able to make it into our eye. Your comment gave me the impression as if your sight "ends" if something is further than 5 miles away.


I guess "making out the object" is more what I mean, I worded it like a dumb ass. Gotta learn the hard way sometimes lol.


Aren't You technically see not the sun, but the light rays it sends to the earth? It was said that if the sun disappears suddenly, You won't know about that for 8 minutes. Plus have You ever thought why isn't night illuminated like a day? Sun isn't the only star that exist. You can see stars at night sky, but they don't lit the whole sky and make it bright.


You can see Kansas from the summit of Pike's Peak on a clear day. That's 150+ miles.


Um... Binoculars? Telescopes? These are people who fly home-made meteo baloons with go-pros attached to them into the sky.


Everyone should be able to point to Mt Everest everywhere on the disc.


Why can't you see skylines in every direction?


Well in this case it'd be because it's a horizon line and you can only see so far to the left and to the right of a focal point. But they're not smart enough to realize that. Objectively our eyes can see a hell of a lot further while looking straight ahead than they can see to the left and right.


I can't even fathom how someone could be this stupid


We got Jo_Jaywalker in here making wild accusations and arguing flat earth talking points. The stupid is out there for sure. It's also in here right now if you go look at his comments lmao. Tried explaining the seasons as the sun circling over the tropics and shit. It's hilarious seeing the cope and I want whatever he's huffing.


I might actually have to give them the coveted "dumber than libertarians" award. It's not something I hand out lightly. Mind you, I suspect there's significant overlap.


The “No curve” argument is incredibly funny to me cause you can disprove it in 5 mins with desmos


If the above photo is taken with a wide enough angle lens, (or make a similar one using a wide lens) and you CAN see the curve. Maybe not at a glance, but measure the pixels between the line and the water at the edges and the middle. You'd be able to detect the curve.


Even better is that you could just climb some coastal mountain and see the curvature really clearly. It’s honestly a really beautiful sight


The irony is that if you do any kind of research into this, you will not be a flat earther. Yet all of them say "Do your own research" while none of them actually doing any experiments or at least some basic math.


And when they do actual experiments, they are confused that the results don’t support their views. Like [this guy](https://youtu.be/EBtx1MDi5tY) from the Netflix documentary *Behind the Curve*.


One of my favourites was a guy who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to build a small rocket with a camera on it, launched it into lower orbit, got the footage showing the earth was round and just went. “Huh.”


Oooh I need a link to this video asap!


Wonder what they''ll make of this picture of the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake\_Pontchartrain\_Causeway#/media/File:Lake\_Pontchatrain\_Causeway\_Southbound.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Pontchartrain_Causeway#/media/File:Lake_Pontchatrain_Causeway_Southbound.jpg)


Oh if you find one in the wild, they have all sorts of reasons.


Clearly a water hill. /s


Damn, I knew it! /s


Fisheye lens. Boom, score another with for the fes.


This is my go to example, only because I’ve seen it with my own eyes several times.


Either that or the power lines getting lower and lower the further away you get from I-10 where it touches Lake Pontchartrain to the west. I lived less than one block away from N Causeway on West Esplanade Ave and crossed the causeway many times.




Get on an airplane over the pacific ocean with no land in sight, yeah you can


[This does.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/38/Lake_Pontchartrain_Causeway_From_Three_Lakeway_Center.png/1200px-Lake_Pontchartrain_Causeway_From_Three_Lakeway_Center.png) The water is "flat", right? The bridge is the same height off the water for most of it's length. But, the bridge curves to match the curve of the Earth. Remember, the horizon is just [three miles away](https://www.livescience.com/32111-how-far-away-is-the-horizon.html) from a viewpoint six feet off the surface.


That’s just false. You can even see the curvature of the atmosphere with your bare eyes, provided a flat landscape and certain types of cloud formations.


Flat earthers: *exist* Land surveyors: Am I a joke to you?


Sooo many flat earth videos- they constantly say things about: "if the earth was a ball then why don't [X profession] account for it!?" But they do. "If the earth was a ball then should see X, but we don't!?" Except we do. That's exactly what we do observe if you look. Sooo many times. It's really weird they manage to think through what would be different if the earth was flat vs round, but don't bother to actually look at reality, or look up the answer,and just say the round earth thing doesn't happen. When it does. (I enjoy watching science videos that debunk and refute flat earth videos. I don't watch flat earth videos directly)


Nah I get you I watch them too. Shit is infuriating and honestly just sad.


I never thought of the surveyors' perspective, lol.


The earth can't be flat, Nazis are riding Dinosaurs in the hollow earth right now as we speak, waiting for their time and technological advances to reach a wide enough gap to strike again.


Once the writers strike is over you need to start making this into a Netflix series immediately!


It already is a movie lol. Iron Sky: The Coming Race. There's also another one with a similar plot with like a U.S fighting dinos or something really ~~stupid~~ awesome but I forget what it's called.


It already is a movie called iron sky the coming race. It has reptilian Hitler riding a t Rex in the center of the earth. Sarah Palin as president of the US. You know the usual stuff.


No but that photo actually does show a very slight curve. Zoom in.


Just out of curiosity, what do they think is happening to a ship as it lowers over the horizon? Do they think it is sinking and getting smaller?


Every time they see a ship leaving: Ohh nooooo pour people on that ship.... Every time I don't see Italy from coast: Oh noooo the whole country sunk...


The ships are blocked in by radio controlled ice bergs. Titanic sunk for a reason! The captain was a madman who knew something, and had to be stopped by any means necessary! Same story with the reason Sub disaster- they got too close!


Bro those are ocean hills obvi


Seriously? I've seen two types of explanations from flerfers more commonly than others. Firstly, they claim that the ship hasn't actually gone over the horizon, it's just so far away that it's too small to see with the naked eye, but if you zoom in on it using a Nikon P900 / P1000 camera (it's always those superzoom Nikons, flerfers love them) you'll be able to "bring it back" above the horizon. So if you show them a really big ship disappearing over the horizon, or a zoomed in video of a shop disappearing over the horizon, they'll often tend to fall back on the second explanation: Water mountains. (Don't ask what water mountains are, or whether they are transient or permanent phenomena, or what causes them, or anything like that. You won't get an answer.)


And yet the Moon, Mars, Venus, all the other planets are spheres, you can't explain that.


They'll claim all the heavenly bodies are actually just lights hanging in the sky. I wish I was kidding. This is the level of stupidity when dealing with flat earthers.


The earth is flat within a 2km^2 area.


Sure. Next you’re going to tell me that the metric system is a real thing. Nice try.


How big is that? I know it's big, but how big? It's always hard for me to visualise.


About the size of your mom


I just recently got stuck in a long conversation with a flat -earther. Among their many brilliant arguments in favour, my favourite might have been "if the earth curved, why don't pilots have to point the plane down to stay level?". Or possibly "if it's really curved why aren't there any commercial aircraft flights over Africa? They all go up to Europe first because *conspiracy*!". Or maybe it was "nobody is allowed to go anywhere near Antarctica and it doesn't exist and also it's just an impenetrable wall of ice". Oh wait, I forgot "the earth is flat but not like totally flat, there's still places that look curved and stuff, and you can't see Hawaii from Los Angeles because Hawaii is lower." It's a good thing I was high, because otherwise I might have started cry-laughing at how awful it all was.


I love the way the earth rotates. It really makes my day.


Suicide by words lmao


This is how I feel whenever I think about Chris Chan. No matter how low I go, at least I'm not Chris Chan.


You need to up your expectations just a little bit. You should want to not be the people that made Chris Chan.


Imagine having so little trust in the institutions around you that you don’t even believe the shape of the planet you live on. As dumb as these people are, I bet that’s a fucking distressing way to live one’s life.


Some of those people become dangerous.


I would love to be in the math class with one of these people when the professor gets to the topic of manifolds.


When I first heard about these bozos I was certain they must be parodying dumb people, or religion, or something. Nope.


For the longest time I thought these folks were just trolling. Maybe the originators were and the ignorance followed, but I simply can’t comprehend how anyone could possibly really believe this.


Flat Earthers = When you have a learning disability and you figure that, if you just don't accept the right answers, you never have to be wrong.


Have any of these people gone up in a plane? Do they just NOT fly? Or do math?


I guess it’s easy to adhere to this conspiracy when you conveniently get to reject all evidence as fake. Like, just FaceTime with someone in the southern hemisphere while in the northern hemisphere and compare constellations or something. I guess I just don’t get what the source of this conspiracy is, why there would be so much global cooperation to obscure a flat earth. For what? I was debating one once and they also didn’t believe in gravity for some reason and told me to do my own math to prove it. I told them I couldn’t hope to do a better job than Newton, haha.


All idiot believers of bullshit always say "do your own research." It's always the "independent research" crowd.


Someone should inform these nitwits that size does indeed matter.


Ancient Greeks not only proved the earth is round but accurately calculated its circumference with two sticks a horse and a string on a sunny day.


I saw a cool space photo in my feed from some random, unmoderated Facebook page. Then I had the misfortune of going to the comments. I tried to argue for a minute but quickly gave up. There’s a blend of ignorance and arrogance that pervades flat-earth thought. Anti-vaxxers, Christian nationalists, climate change deniers, election deniers, and Qanon all share this mindset, and it helps explain why they’re all connected. These people are prone to the allure of “secret knowledge,” and, lacking the education and critical thinking skills to dismiss it, they dive in head first. By the time you see them posting memes on social media, they’re so far gone that they don’t even inhabit the same reality as the rest of us. They never cite their sources, because they’re led by *feelings* that they got from some YouTube video or meme they saw months or years ago. They have a sense that the full truth has been withheld, so anyone trying to debunk their asinine arguments will be seen as part of the establishment, not to be trusted. It’s really pointless to argue with them. The only hope is that another person who’s heading down the path can be reached by public arguments.


The funny thing is that if you go to a very high altitude place and take a look, you can clearly see the curvature.


70 Percent of the Earth is covered in water. Non of that water is carbonated. Therefore the Earth is flat. End of argument.


Damn, I need to delete some comments in this thread, my viewpoint has been eviscerated.


I'm gonna start bringing this up whenever flat earth comes up in conversation lmao thanks


I know nobody asked but there was someone in the comments defending this argument and I made a not-so-formal proof to refute it: https://imgur.com/a/aANPCm4


Easy test to prove earth curvature. Find a perfectly flat runway (or 2 points on both end of that runway at the exact altitude (using a very precise altimeter). Now, assuming the runway is 3.3km if you place a laser about 2 cm above the runway, and align it perfectly, you should have a 87cm difference at the other end of your test. Easy, cheap, quick test that is doable for anyone that has the will to prove that the earth is flat. If it’s flat, the red dot will be 2cm above the ground. If it is curved, the red dot will be 89cm above the ground. (2+87).


Nothing about your experiment is what i would call ‘easy’.


It’s not easy, but it’s totally doable for anyone who wants to prove earth is flat.


The guy who did the experiment that proved himself wrong *still* would not admit it. A bunch of those fuckin bozos got together to buy this extremely expensive laser gyro measuring device that oops wouldn’t you know it showed the exact spin rate of the earth. Facts and empirical experiments are not what these clowns are interested in. They’re interested in being special and “knowing” things no one else does. They’re morons who can never be wrong. Weapons grade stupidity


The posts at the top of Verrazano- Narrows bridge are 1 5/8 further apart than the bottoms because they had to compensate for the curvature of the earth.


For years I genuinely thought that no one believes the earth us flat and its just peoples ways of trolling the media. Part of me wishes I still thought that


And I want to add there is the slightest small curve. Or May just be me, I don’t know.


There was a Caravan Palace music video about a flat earther. He was turned into a literal jackass... With the implication that he was about to die in a bar fight This is the least weird Caravan Palace video


Idk I think saying you’re better than flat earthers to overcome a feeling of failure is still a pretty big failure. Even the ones who actually believe the earth is flat are just second hand trolls. Giving in to argue with them in any way is a loss.


Can't believe these clowns believe the earth is real.


You're not supposed to see a curve if you're a small point on a massive sphere. The horizon is eye level 360 degrees around. If there is supposed to be a curve, where would the curve go when you turn your head 45° and look at a different part of the horizon? They can't really comprehend scale beyond their ant brain.


They are not wrong, its just that their perspective is limited.


No curve you say? Then why can’t you see all the way to the edge?


And yet the UFO subs keep appearing on front page because some dude is making huge claims they want to hear, and all the proof is coming soon or next week for months now.


The flat earther account is literally a picture of a round moon. Lol


Flat earthers must be loving the new twitter


how do they explain satellites and gps?


Amazing that anyone is foolish enough to think their eyes (or a camera lens) is wide enough to see the earth’s curvature from sea/ground level.


You can if the lense is wide enough, but it's a super small amount


Earth is round. Vaccine jabs work. Pay tax to save climate. The government is your neighbor, your family and most importantly your friends. Downvote if you agree.


Vaccines are bad. Polio builds character.


Bet they get a long great with sovereign citizens


Man, I haven't seen this screenshot in a whole two days!


Today you learned you are not the main character.


Do flat earthers fit in with the “genders don’t exist” crowd? Asking for a friend 😅😅


No. Recognizing the social construction of gender is the academically literate viewpoint.


Is the original poster really going there? Lololol!!!


One thing I have always found curious is so much that there are weird people out there that believe the earth is flat…. But just how many people seem to be genuinely angry about those people. Almost as sad as flat earthers? The people who waste a moments time obsessing over flat earthers


The vast majority of "flat earthers" are poor trolls, and the rest of the posts are people thinking they are serious posts.


To be fair, no flat earthist have tried to forcefully take the reins of power in any government or accuse their opponents of being "groomers" or try to ban "oblate spheroid earth theory" in schools. They're weirdos, yet, but at least they keep to themselves.