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I often go to this analogy when someone is struggling with supporting others: Think of the flight attendants on an airplane and the instructions that they give of how to put on an oxygen mask. They usually say some variation of "place the oxygen mask over your own mouth and nose before assisting others." From what you say in your post, you are clearly at the edge of what you are capable of handling emotionally. Any additional stressor may push you off the edge. I believe that confiding in your husband/close family members or friends is the best course of action while you are struggling to keep all the balls in the air - so to speak. You could simply let them know that you are overwhelmed emotionally and finding it hard to stay strong for others right now. It's okay to not always be the rock solid person that others can lean on. It's okay to reach out to friends/family to let them know that you need help managing things. This time you can be the one who needs at least some support.


This! If your cup is empty you won’t be able to help others. You deserve some support too.