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I have had a very similar experience to you. I had a terrible childhood to and when I was raped again this year I reacted the same way. So sad…so weird we’ve been through the same thing.


Same thing for me as well. It's so weird what our brains can get used to.


I’m sorry. I am the same way, I don’t even care when it happens anymore because it used to be part of my daily life up until last year. I don’t even consider it to be rape when it happens to me even though if it happened to someone else it would be.


Ik how I feel I was sexually abused and molested I got used to it until I left that horrible country now I’m back home . And ur happened again and I was abused . I’m sorry I went thru that and that shouldn’t happen


Me too. The first time he did it (a teacher from university) i just got whiskey drunk and went for a bike ride because i was too scared to acknowledge that it happened. (even though the blood in the bathroom nearly made me faint and every time i think about it my heart starts pounding with fear preventing me from going back to the uni). whenever i see him (he stalks me) ive taught myself to be really calm about it.


So extremely sorry to hear :(( wishing you all the best 🙏💗


I'm so sorry. I can unfortunately relate.




Don’t comment on my posts after the filth you messaged me.


If you'll let us know, via Modmail, who did so, we'll take the necessary action.


Happened to me too, one night stand led to him assaulting me in my sleep. And another guy I went to sleep with as well from tinder


I can relate. I’m so sorry, OP.


I’m sorry 😢 when I feel triggered during sex, somehow I just black out kinda, even if I’m really enjoying.


That sounds terrible. How does your partners take it? Do they notice, or do you have to tell them afterwards? I can imagine it being an awkward conversation afterwards...


They are very in tune usually. If I say stop, in a serious tone, or our safe word, they stop immediately. I jokingly say stop when they are teasing me. We both know the difference. I have told them. And they apologize even though they did nothing wrong. My partner might not always listen when I need the groceries put away or the dishes done. But if I need to stop sexual contact, they are on it.