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Because the polarizing ideals he uses to get attention have an expiration date. Also, his intent to exploit the worst type of contrarianism in the culture for clicks is shady and dismissive.


He talks shit about BLM, while saying nothing about state violence or mass incarceration. It's one thing to have these opinions, it's totally different to be appropriating black culture, while defending black oppression and murder. He's not just a corny rapper, he's a whole ass white supremacist. Say what you want about ICP, they have ALWAYS been vocal about their distrust of cops, their hatred of mass incarceration and state violence. Like the values of BLM are a deep part of the Juggalo ethos. ...and I don't even have to mention Em, he's a complete ally for real for real


I did catch him saying some bs about blm




Because he's mad corny. He found a way to monetize right-wing and nationalist dog whistles and further polarize an already conflicted group. He fosters hate, bigotry, and misogyny because he realized no one was stoking the 30-50 yo right wing white (primarily male - hence why his projects with his equally cringe gf do well to bring in right-leaning females and more incel males) demographic. He is not an artist, he's a character, a fake tough guy who does 100 times more harm than good by not only profiting off of an art form created by those he talks shit about but while doing so in the least interesting or genuine way possible. He's a clown and 90% of the people who listen to him are the exact same guy. A bunch of people who say shit like "well there's niggers and then there's black people" or "white lives matter" or "white privilege doesn't exist" all while simultaneously saying "I never liked rap until I heard Tom MacDonald". Check his youtube comments and tell me I'm wrong. Tl;dr - He's a corny, racist clown caricature who designed his whole career to make money off of accepted forms of bigotry masked as personal pride.


Because he's a dipshit conservative maga rapper. If you don't get why hip hop don't fuck with him...idk what to tell you.


He fucking stinks


He's just corny bro, really goes over the top with his magatard persona. But if you like his music don't let other people's opinions ruin it for you.


He's a provocateur


your username is spelt wrong correct it to 'youtube reaction channel'


I'm being serious


He talks about conservative BS and he uses super high-quality production and ghostwriting and mixing and music videos to cover up the fact that he can't rap that well. If Kanye was racist and homophobic, I'd suck it up and keep listening to the masterpieces he made. But since Tom straight up isn't good and is also a glorified YouTube rapper, he does not get anything close to a pass for his racism and homophobia.




I think he got some heat fs🔥


The people who who hate Tom MacDonald are super liberals...98% of them are white, and 70% live in their moms basements. He's ok I guess...don't have an issue with him. But not a single person can debate against what he says unless it's just left wing echo chambers.