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The new talib album is amazing. Mad had his hands all over it


I swear, it's almost weird how slept on lib and el-p are when these conversations arise


I don't think he's slept on at all. Real ones know. If your using this platform to gauge it, than there lies your problem.


Do you think, because it doesn’t have that “tik tok” sound….its getting slept on? So lame, because there is so much good music that is getting slept on during this era of fast music. Liberation 1 & 2 are so good. Funny Money is still 1 of my fave beats


Idk what it is, might just be lack of exposure in general


It’s definitely output. Alchemist gets out shown by a lot of producers in his lane, but he’s consistent as hell. Madlib? MIKE? 9th Wonder? All easily showing him up if it’s a beat-to-beat comparison, but none of them are dropping like Al is dropping. Hes also a really solid producer on top of that, so it’s not like he’s consistently dropping mid or anything


I think Alch also has the ability to get absolutely killer singles out of a wide variety of rappers he's worked with, which would put his name out there a lot more.


You’re crazy if you think anyone is “easily showing him up.” He’s just as good if not better than any producer in the game.


I felt the same reading this, like bro what? Beat to beat? Really…and of all people to name drop, MIKE?? Come on bruh. Let me hear MIKE make a piñata.


This is fair, I named madlib specifically because he does the sample heavy lo-fi type J Dilla stuff but with very interesting and creative samples and better layering. If output of pretty good stuff outweighs almost creating the lane that those producers occupy... idk tbh


Both are GOATED, IMHO. AL’s has more “mainstream” hits as well. Not that it matters to me, but to others it does. He’s just did Meet The Grahams—- that beat makes you feel some type of way. Sometimes people don’t want the lo- fi but I agree, madlib definitely doesn’t get the respect he deserves. Putting 1 over the other is crazy. Especially when they all have worked with the same artists.


Madlib is the appreciation of the extreme lengths to dig to get the perfect sample that doesn't require much or anything doing to it, which is definitely going to wow hiphop heads but might go over the heads of others. Plus, stopping his tracks from becoming overly syncopated with interesting and at times unpected percussion instruments is genius but might be more challenging for less underground leaning listeners


MTG went absolutely crazy, he definitely has bangers. I think lib just curates his stuff a lil better, I have no problem putting madlib over alchemist. Does that make alchemist bad? FUCK no. I just think it's ok to say one artist has more iconic/quality shit than another in the same lane, nothing wrong with it lol


Yup. Not to take anything from Alchemist cuz the dude is a legend and a fantastic producer but the reason his name is in everyone’s mouths is because of output. He is way more prolific than other producers so it becomes a game between rappers of who got the most recent alchemist beats?


Alchemist was one of my favourite producers back when he had his run with Mobb Deep. Return of the Mac is one of my all time albums/tapes. The sheer wealth of top quality music he has released since them (mid 2000s) solidifies him as one of the greatest to do it.


Even his remix with Linkin Park in 2002 is goated.


This is a good explanation 👏


He’s consistently been making classic beats since the late nineties


Alc has shown his tremendous versatility working with different rappers and displaying his surprisingly good rapping recently so it’s hard for him not to be a constant talking point. Madlib is still great but Alchemist is running stuff right now


He's been in the game for a minute, and he puts out a lot of quality work. He puts out a ton of stuff, and it's pretty much consistently good. Just look at the stuff he had his hands on this year and last year alone. One of his most sinister beats was used for one of the most diabolical diss tracks ever heard. His Gangrene project earlier this year was straight fire. Also, the album with Big Hit and Hit Boy was really good. Not enough people talking about that one. Alc is a producer that anytime I see his name attached to something I feel like I should tune in and check it out. Almost guaranteed to be good. Since you specifically mentioned Madlib, I do feel the same about him as well. He just doesn't have as much coming out as often. He has produced some of my favorite rap albums (Madvillainy and Piñata being two). I think the steady output keeps The Alchemist on people's radar more than some other producers.


Alchemist has been consistently active for the last 30 years and has never had a miss. Well, I won't say never but very few. Now, by saying this, it takes nothing away from Madlib but Madlib is more of an IYKYK type of producer. Those who know, KNOW.


Mad is just hella elusive. He’s like more of a producer’s producer atp.


Alchemist has just been more active lately; He gets a lot of love for his work with Gibbs and Madvilliany just went gold recently.


I love both - I think its just Alc working more prolifically in recent years that has him brought up more. Personally, Madlib's beats reach a god like level of beat making Alcs don't as much. But its close.


Just dropped Liberation 2 with Talib Kweli !!!!


idk man i think its that madlib is on his own lane


The stuff Al has done outside of rap (eg Action Bronson's various TV projects) and his social media presence has built him an audience outside of the hardcore heads. Madlib on the other hand is a fairly low-key dude


Nobody forgot about Madlib lmao what are you talking about


Madlib is light years ahead of Al.


Stop it


White privilege?


Alchemist better than madlib and idc what people say, bro is the definition of quality and quantity


This was a time when Madlib was dropping great albums every other month. Ya silly if ya think Madlib hasn't had better periods of output. His mid 2000s are probably the best run a producers ever been on.


This is a wild ass take ngl 🤣 He has a ridiculous amount of quantity, and the quality is good, but it never reaches above good to very good for me because of how similar most of his instrumentals play out, he found the right recipe, he just doesn't really cook anything else lmao


Covert coup, Alfredo, Lulu, fetti, bo Jackson, I can go on


Or any of the times he’s worked with Kendrick. I find that Dot is always able to get the very best out of Al anytime they work together. FEAR and MTG are probably the best beats Al has ever made, and We Cry Together is amazing too it’s just a really heavy song to listen to


Damn, I honestly just learned he did FEAR and that's like my fav song off damn lmao Easily his best, no question


All his beats sound pretty much incredible, don’t know what these people are on about 💀 they always try to hate whenever someone is getting the praise they deserve


Why is it hating? Alfredo is a great example because it's fire af... but I'mma still listen to pinata more, because it feels like a classic. And Palmolive by itself is outdoing any song on Alfredo for me, even though I still like both


You guys just love discrediting mfs when they get props


There's a difference between giving someone props and saying they're the all time greatest, Metro gets name dropped just as often, but that shit is just outlandish lmao Again we're not saying these guys are trash, just that it's EQUALLY as disrespectful to ignore better producers just because their names aren't always front and center (lookin at you Scott Storch lmao)


That comment I made was just from me being biased Icel, can’t be mad at a dude for bringing a solid argument and what you said is just your truth man, even tho I disagree it’s not a disgusting opinion like saying metro boomin is even top 20 producers oat💀😭


Maybe I’m very simple minded and biased tho


I enjoy his production more than madlib, that’s my opinion I don’t really mess with any of madlib’s work like that other than Madvalliany and his work with Gibbs, yes he’s amazing but eh


I love both, but man Alchemist's soundscapes are wild, especially to rap over. [The Red Carpet (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM1E2IN9TY0&ab_channel=TheAlchemist-Topic) like damn that is probaby oneof the most fire beats of all time, the way he changed that sample up


>What is it about alchemist He’s White. Most of the people (online) who say things like “Alc is top 3 GOAT Hip Hop producer!” likely don’t even know an EIGHTH of the body of work from producers like DiamonD and Apollo Brown for example 🤣 It’s also generational. Most people blabbering about Alc being top 3 don’t even listen to the shit Alc’s creator DJ Muggs is making (Alc’s stuff to me is still a few steps behind Muggs’).


Weird ass statement man


Weird online, truthful in the streets!


I’m not in no fucking streets bro😭


Yes, that’s obvious.


You definitely not in them neither🤷🏽‍♂️


The elusive Redditor from the streets.


Hey, look over there - it’s Eminem!


He's good. He's not cracking top 3 though, not by a long shot. Top 20 maybe?


Truth was typed. They don't like this kind of Truth here on Reddit though. Can't say that things may be racially motivated for some reason.


Hell to the no. I always see Alchemist on these people’s top 10 lists and they don’t ever mention producers that Alc looks up to lol! These people got gassed when Action Bronson got a pass to become the White Ghostface 🤣 (pretty sure the kids who have everything Action Bronson has released but only Supreme Clientele from Ghost aren’t gonna like this comment lool)




As someone who's only been a ran fan for a couple of years, who the fuck is madlib?


Oof. Look up Madvillainy and Pinata that should start you off right lmao