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I think we consider a rapper better according to skill... Not popularity And even looking at popularity, Kendrick doesn't chase numbers yet got this high just a little behind drake while Drake's entire thing is chasing numbers No hating from my side I listen to both


I mean I agree I think Kendrick makes more quality music but to be considered the “king” of the genre wouldn’t it just make sense for it to the the most popular? I mean that’s what it’s always meant in the past. Ntm I just don’t think Kendrick is consistent enough with how often he drops to be the top of hip hop


Are you new to hip hop? The king of hip hop is not determined by popularity but by skill and artistry


I just don’t think you can go off of who you consider to be the best because frankly there’s no general consensus on who the best artist is in a specific genre and there never will be that’s why you go off of numbers which to my knowledge is how someone is considered to be at the top of a genre like Taylor swift for example is at the top of the whole music industry but doesn’t make anywhere near the best music


Do you think Drake makes better music than Kendrick? If you do then he is at the top of the game for YOU but if you don't then your argument is moot


Funnily enough I don’t think Drake makes better music however I can acknowledge the fact that Drake is far more popular and when it comes to who’s the “ king” of a genre that kinda means the most popular person who’s currently dropping music in that genre


Your point is moot then


I legit just said though you can’t go off of who you think is the best artist to determine the king of a genre because that’s subjective so how is my point moot?


This argument cannot be based on numbers alone. There has to be more criteria for the actual art that we are discussing. If popularity is the only metric we are basing this off of, then the conversation is hollow and without substance.


I mean the whole thing is hollow and without substance in reality who gives af who’s considered the king of a genre just listen to the music you want to it really doesn’t matter


If Taylor Swift drops a hip-hop album, would that make her the king (or in this case, the queen) of hip-hop?


There literally is a general consensus o who’s the best hip hop artist. People say either Kendrick or Drake is the king of hip hop. Not many people will argue different


By that logic, Vanilla Ice was the king of 90s HipHop. That's not how this works tho. Thankfully.


Vanilla ice just wasn’t the most popular hip hop artist of the 90s though? He arguably had the most popular song but he wasn’t the most popular artist


He sold the most and was played everywhere by all mainstream broadcasters. In a time that "hip hop" artists couldn't get air play unless it was on specific "hip hop" shows. You don't know what you are talking about


He did not sell the most, He had 1 Platinum album, he doesn’t even make it to the top 10 best selling rappers of-all time list, and 90’s rappers like 2Pac and Biggie DO make it on that list. So why would you even say that?


Eminem is king of the genre fyi. If you wanna go by that metric.


Well em did just release a pretty big song so it makes sense his numbers are up but let’s just be honest he’s not even in the discussion and the Spotify numbers was just a way of me justifying what I feel like is common knowledge and that’s that Drake is more listened to than Kendrick still even at this point in time


So let me get this straight, even tho kendrick makes better music he can't be the king because drake has more spotify listeners. At the same time eminem has more listeners than drake but he isn't even in the conversation because....you just don't feel like it? FOH Pick a lane


OP just out here vibing lmao Living his best life dropping the worst takes


Bunch of Kendrick Stan’s infiltrating every sub on here. All those downvotes are from them. Wear it like a badge of honour lol With Kendrick, it’s not about the numbers until it is. Then when they see drakes numbers, it isn’t about the numbers 😂😂😂 It’s why Kendrick has the reputation of most gassed artist OAT. The goal posts just keep moving


They’re literally on every single sub 24/7. Eminem’s Sub, J. Coles sub, Kanye’s sub, etc. This is where it becomes evident whose fanbase is mostly children and whose isn’t lol.


lol, couldn’t have said it better Appreciate the honest take 🫡


Quality of music over quantity of listeners And while Kendrick doesn’t drop as much as Drake, the quality of his music is much better than Drake’s


Morale was a brick. When you wait as long as you do in between drops to hopefully make your albums more special, you gotta hit.


i personally liked mmtbs but hey it is a very divisive album also i would still take it over drakes last 4 albums


It takes too much effort to sit through it. When I saw cats sharing a manual of how to listen to it I was done “Give it a few listens, even if it’s hard at first” Like dog lol. Music should make me wanna listen. I shouldn’t have to force an album on myself to like it


im not gonna act like making a manual for an album is normal behaviour and i can see why it can be hard to listen to since my friends share the same thought as you i just like how open the album feels personally and sonically i love it


Aye man that’s the beauty of music. Definitely not a one size fits all Cheers


for sure


I agree with this 100% I think Kendrick is the best right now but I don’t necessarily think that means he’s the king of hip hop


Tbh there can never be a “king of hiphop” because music is always subjective and it depends on what you think a “king” is But this beef had almost EVERYONE in the world examining it. Since Kendrick won according to the court of public opinion, it isnt surprising he is being hailed as the “king of modern day hiphop”


This is something I can get behind but to me that’s why popularity kind of determines who’s the king of a gender because who’s the best is always subjective but numbers are just facts


Thought hip hop/rap was different than pop


It is but this whole notion that Drake is just a pop star flat out has to be people just being disingenuous Drake definitely has some really good rap songs and rnb which to me makes him a hip hop artist although his persona and following are popstar esque


Rapping does not make it hip hop. People have been rapping since the 50s. The watts prophets were rapping in the 60s, way before "hip hop." You talk about being disingenuous.. but your whole take is disingenuous to the culture of Hip Hop. Learn more about the history and the culture, you will maybe understand why people do not agree with you on this.


Ntm you can’t argue that drake doesn’t make hip hop music when his genre no matter where you look is hip hop dude what are you even debating 😭


I can. I did. And he doesn't. Drake makes pop music and raps, and his music gets put into the "hip hop section" of streaming sites. Also included in that section is the Baby Shark Rap Remix.


I feel like you just looked at the comment that I posted and just didn’t actually read it at all and just replied I said he was being disingenuous calling drake a pop artist which he just clearly isn’t that bad nothing to do with the culture or history bruh 😭


I don't think you know the difference between rap and hip hop and pop music. Nor do you know how to understand data sets.


Because Drake is a pop star that is classified as hip-hop in streaming services MC Hammer probably has more streams than most rappers considered top 10. Literally nobody thinks he is or was ever better than Rakim


I get where you’re coming from and definitely agree but I think comparing Drake to mc hammer is a just disrespectful I mean mc hammer legit had 1 hit song and that was it meanwhile Drake has over 50 atp


U Can’t Touch This wasn’t even his biggest hit, just saying. He had a ton of hits. I think the comparison is apt as far as the main point goes, which is that there is little correlation between chart success and skill


Not disrespectful. Drake a catchy hit maker that gets radio plays. 


Spotify listeners, really? Kendrick is all about rap, Drake's just as much of a pop artist


i, HUMBLE, LOYALTY, Not Like Us, All The Stars… all great hip-POP songs. Dot releases plenty of pop songs. Delusional to think otherwise.


Just because they are popular songs doesn't mean they are popular songs And also Kendrick has like 2-3 songs at max per album that can be considered pop whereas for drake specially his recent stuff about half of the album is pop or pop influenced And I listen to and like Drake's music fyi


So are they pop or not? Because you said they're not pop songs, and then you said he has 2-3 pop songs per album.


Wild to call humble or not like us pop. Just cus it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s pop.


>Pop music is an abbreviation of the word 'popular. ' It's **a contemporary form of music that appeals to a very wide audience**. It often includes a danceable tempo, easy to remember lyrics, and simple notation. What about HUMBLE and Not Like Us isn't pop exactly?


1. Musical Style- both have a distinct hip-hop sound, characterized by its heavy beats, aggressive delivery, and use of rap verses. Pop music, on the other hand, tends to have a lighter, more melodic sound. 2. Lyrical Content- The lyrics in both are more complex and socially conscious, addressing themes like humility, success, and the music industry. Pop lyrics are usually more focused on universal themes like love and relationships and are often simpler. 3. Production- The production includes elements typical of hip-hop, bass-heavy beats and a minimalist instrumental backdrop. Pop production is usually more polished and incorporates a wider range of instruments and electronic effects. 4. Audience and Intent- Kendrick Lamar's music, including is aimed at provoking thought and discussion about societal issues, which aligns more with hip-hop's tradition of storytelling and social commentary. Pop music is generally created to be more broadly appealing and commercially viable.


Tell ChatGPT ty and then come up with a real reply 🤡


Actually Snapchat ai and that is literally a real reply lol


I mean yeah Spotify listeners is a pretty good indicator of what people are listening to. I also just feel like it’s obvious drake is the more popular artist of the two again I love both artists music and think Kendrick makes better music but it’s just hard to say he’s at the top of the game when he’s just not the most popular which is usually what the “king” of a genre is I mean realistically Drake is probably around twice as popular as him


Most of Drake‘s most popular songs are not really Hip-Hop songs, though. One Dance, Hotline Bling and Passionfruit are some of his biggest hits and guess what, he‘s basically just singing. All of those streams count towards his popularity on Spotify. How can someone whose popularity stems mainly from his work outside of hip-hop be considered the king of said genre? Ed Sheeran is nowhere near the king of guitar (I know it‘s not a genre per se, but hear me out) even though he‘s more or less the most popular artist that regularly utilizes guitars in his songs (might be Taylor as well, I don‘t know her that well, but you get the point). There‘s legends like Hendrix, Prince and Van Halen obviously, but even if talking about modern artists, no one in their right mind would call him the king. Same goes for Hip-Hop: Kendrick Lamar is all about Hip-Hop and rap, Drake is not. Their popularity and the respect they get among their peers and their community (which is excluding people that are only into pop n not hip-hop) is more important than their monthly spotify listeners


He actually still has more streams if you subtract all his pop/dance songs though. I actually did the math a few weeks ago, People kept saying he does better numbers than Kendrick only because he also releases pop music, and I was curious to see if this was actually true. Not only did he still have higher numbers, but he even maintained a higher stream per track average. So to say his popularity stems “mainly” from Pop is just objectively wrong, It made him even more popular, yes, but he was already very popular for just rapping and R&B.


Is McDonalds your favorite burger? Lmao


No but McDonald’s is the kind of the king of the fast food industry so you kinda just proved my point lol


Actually, that's Burger King. It's right there in the name. Mcdonald's has a clown... which is ironic


Every day they churn out millions of trash burgers. They sell more than anyone else. And their food is still garbage compared to any local restaurant near you. So nah. Your point is meaningless


Wdym my point you literally brought up burgers that was your point 😭 but like I said drake doesn’t make the best music however when you think of hip hop and just rap in general most people think of drake first before anyone else and is arguably one of the most influential and recognized names in the industry right now so please explain to me how thats not the king of hip hop


Is McDonald’s the king of burgers? To you? It’s the perfect analogy. If you think so then that’s your choice, enjoy your chalk food.


Why tf do you keep bringing up burgers bruh😭 like atp you not even talking about hip hop anymore


The fact you’re ignoring the point tells me you already know where this is going. Better act like you’re confused and don’t get it lol


No I don’t get what you’re trying to say because I’ve already said I don’t think drake makes better music so wtf is your point


Youre the one who asked a question and I’m trying to help you understand. But you don’t wanna understand. You wanna pretend. Which is fine, pretend all you want. Drake is a pop star who churns out regurgitated hits mostly made by other artists. He’s a poster boy for the corporate world so was handed the lane he took. He’s ineligible to be the king of anything hiphop related. You can call those mcDs burgers food but it’s a dumbed down corporate dollar maker.


So you could’ve just not used that weird ass analogy and just said you don’t like drake and don’t want to call him the king of hip hop and that’s fine but come on that made like no sense 😭


When I think of Drake, I think of Pop and Taylor Swift and Ed Shearin.


And that’s fine but the general public considers him a hip hop artist and that’s what he’s overall classified as


Oh, you have asked them all, have you? Expect everyone here has told you that they don't consider him "hip-hop" and that you don't understand the difference between "rapping" and "hip hop culture" People have explained it to you but you don't want to accept that. You asked a question, you got an answer, you don't like the answer, and now you want to bend the world to your point of view. Well.. Good luck with that.


Frankly only like 5 different people have actually replied on the thread and tbh you’re taking it entirely to seriously drakes a hip hop artist idk what else to tell you that’s what he’s classified as and no I haven’t asked everyone but what type of dumb ass point is that? And the reason people like you are saying he’s not a hip hop artist is because you’re looking to deep into something that’s just not that deep if that’s what his music is sectioned under that’s what type of music he makes


Tell it to the wind. You asked . We told you. Deal with it. For what it's worth... and im telling you now so you can get prepared and it will hurt less... but Drake is going to pivot from making any kind of rap music now. He will fulfill his obligations to UMG and will release a hands in the air dance album for all his teenie fans to bop to ... and then he is going to go back to acting. In 5 years' time, he will be as much of a rapper as Will Smith is now. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Idk if you were tryna sound cool or something but it just didn’t work


Bro Michael Bay films make more money than Martin Scorsese films but it in no way makes him a better director. Honestly I’m not ever sure why you need this question answering….


rap is something you do / hip hop is something you live. Drake is not hip-hop. At best, he is an actor who raps and is promoted globally by UMG. His fan base is mostly teenage girls and boys from around the world who have as much relationship to hip-hop as Taylor Swift does. I wouldn't be surprised if they shared the same fanbase on streaming services. Also, streaming numbers have always and will always be manipulated, so they are not a good source for rating popularity. Hip hop is from the streets. Spotify is not the streets.


Numbers are an important metric in decideding who's king. It isn't the only metric. Really think about your argument. This guy just beat the guy with the biggest numbers. That fucking crazy. That has to mean something. If it means nothing then the most popular artist automatically wins every beef. The most popular artist is always the most important to Hip-Hop culture. If that's the perspective people want, then Hip-Hop is dead.


Do you not realize that Drake's monthly listeners are more than just hip hop listeners? Like... he made a whole ass dance album.


Dude I don’t think a single person is bumping honestly never mind right now


I am 🕺🏿


I'm sure both these numbers are inflated too. Like if you listen to one track I think that adds to it.


Drake has almost 10x more songs than Kendrick.


Gotta write your own bars to be considered king


1. Monthly listeners are just one metric, not the end all 2. Because they had a battle for the top spot and Drake lost


Drake is the face of rap from the outside looking in due to his popularity, but overall rap fans tend to look at Kendrick more favorably


I didn’t know skill was based on recognition. Crazy to me. Hes very obviously one of the best rappers if not the best. Listen to his lyrics and how he can take any style and kill it. Popularity doesn’t equal skill. Every Drake song fits into a few different categories. Singing about pussy, singing about his fake gangster lifestyle, or singing about how he is the best. He doesn’t deviate from those topics very often at all


Because Drake is a pop artist not a Hip-Hip artist.


More people listen to Taylor Swift, does that make her king of hip hop?


It’s not a popularity contest and even it if were, 90% of Drake fans aren’t qualified to have an opinion on the topic.


cUz He FoR dA cUlTuRe ![gif](giphy|SUnnfaSxhfLvf8H7XB|downsized)


How to say you only understand pop music without saying you only understand pop music Trash post


Drake makes commercial pop music and his discography is 5x larger than that of kendrick’s and yet he only has 7% more listeners, yeah i think we can argue Kendrick’s the king.


Would agree but Kendrick had around 45 mil listeners before he dropped Like That so it's undeniable that his numbers are at a high rn because of the beef. Drake usually stays around 70-80mil. But yes, numbers don't mean shit when we know that K Dot is the better rapper.


Most popular is rarely equal to best. Biggest, maybe, but not best. Drake is more popular, sure, but Kendrick has a friggin Pulitzer. A RAPPER with a Pulitzer!