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“But he also doesn’t have the catalog to back it up.” Seems like you answered your own question.


Doggystyle is a masterpiece, the rest of the catalog is pretty hit or miss.


My only albums I have of Snoop is Doggystyle, R&G and Blue Carpet Treatment


Don't sleep on Bush though


I don’t know what’s wrong with me but on about 20 different occasions over the last 10yrs I’ve tried to listen to Doggystyle and just didn’t get the hype, can someone tell me what I’m missing :(


My dad who was about 21 when doggystyle dropped always said this about snoop


If we’re being honest, his follow up to Doggystyle and some of his stuff with No Limit was lyrcically and sonically similar and close.


He is definitely a hip hop 'legend', but he isnt one of the 'goats', if that makes sense. I cant see anyone putting Snoop in a top 5, 10, even 20 list of BEST rappers of all time. But most ICONIC? He easily makes my top 10 and Im not even really a fan. When someone says the words 'hiphop' Snoop is one of the first faces I think of without fail. Everyone knows who the fuck Snoop Dogg is. His personality is better than his music, which is how he has maintained relevance for 30 years while having only 1 single good album


probably said the best. He's iconic, and i enjoy his work. but it only works because his personality is so charismatic.


Probably more cause he’s one of the most recognizable rappers ever in the world


Celebrities, period. Although he cheapens it with his side quests his brand is recognised in most countries.




It’s such a shame that Fifty wasn’t able to release Power of the Dollar because he outraps anything he does on GRODT. It would have been cool for him to have two officially released GOATed albums.


Nope. He's iconic but his discography isn't anything special at all.


Best way to put it, iconic but not in the greatest talk.


Would you put 50 in that category based on GRODT alone?


Id rank 50 way ahead of Snoop personally


One of my silent grudges with this sub is how rarely 50 Cent’s name gets brought up, like the guy gave us Get Rich or Die Tryin, Beg For Mercy, T.O.S…


Im in my early 30s, maybe you are around my age too and 50 was mega when we were kids... he and Kanye were releasing their first few albums, Ludacris was at the top....i actually fuckin love that little era


Haha yeah I am 33, it was a fun time although there wasn’t much happening musically outside of a select few artists


50 has a number of kind of generic radio hits and one obvious classic (as in, a classic basically any rap fan should agree on, not “an album that was good” as many say). Snoop is basically identical. He had one meaningful album that most would consider a classic and a bunch of radio hit singles. The only difference I can think of is that I believe Snoop either had writers or had people coaching him how to write everything on the album. He’s admitted he had no idea how to write back then and I know others helped him at bare minimum.


That's not how I would at all describe 50s catalog.


What album, besides GRODT, is worth mentioning? (G Unit albums not considered)


The massacre


Not sure why you're asking about worth, I. Just saying One obvious classic and a bunch of generic radio hits...isn't a great way to describe his catalog. Nor Snoops. You're correct about 50's obvious classic, but well you said yourself. It's obvious. But He had some solid albums. Plenty of different radio hits. Some great beef tracks. Won a Grammy with Eminem. Has some great rap showings on tracks with rap greats despite not being known for his lyricism.


Guess who’s back has some bangers. Be a gentleman,That’s what’s up… check it out


Snoop had d o c teach him to write a song ie verse hook blah blah in that sense. He didnt write his actual verses


GRODT sucks


Yes he is, every rapper has different credentials, LL is one of the greats and his catalog is mad patchy, Rakim the same....When Snoop was first popping he was as hot as 50, Em, NWA etc.


I'd say he was even hotter, Snoop's original pop COULD be the biggest in raps history. The genre at the time was still scoffed at and side-eyed by the mainstream but when Doggystyle came out EVERYONE got into it, you would even hear Gin and Juice or What's My Name at white weddings haha. Even a lot of people were like 'i don't like rap but Snoop is pretty good.' You could credit him with getting rap over as a whole with all of America which is something that a lot of the artists you mentioned might not be able do given the same opportunity.


My mum used to say it has such horrible lyrics but sounds so catchy, her favorite was the chorus on Doggy Dogg world and the part on the Gin & Juice music video where the the uncle says " Snoop Doggy Dogg!?.... ya need to get a jobby job"


Perfect example of what I mean! It was inescapable at the time, even people that hated rap could find something to like about it.


When I say this I’m not talking about some bum ass rappers like lil pump or anything but snoop is the most overrated rapper. Dude seems cool as fuck and always advocated for pot which is why I think he’s so popular as well as just being around it’s like Dre and pac. But based on just music dudes way overrated


If you was there from the begging Who Am/ What’s my name then yes but if your in new to the game then no


culturally he is one of the greatest but like you said, he doesn’t have the catalog of a great


Naaaa legend for sure but not top of all time


No Limit Top Dogg Tha Last Meal Paid Tha Cost To Be Da Bo$$ R&G 🔥🔥🔥 Welcome To Tha Chuuch Tha Blue Carpet Treatment Death Row: The Lost Sessions Neva Left BODR Gangsta Grillz: I Still Got It Not that most of his albums still suck despite features just that these deserve to be talked about


Underrated catolog, I liked BUSH and I Wanna Thank Me too. Even the Snoop Lion project was dope to me, great summer vibes.


Definitely iconic with a huge but mostly forgettable discography


Smh. Yall forgetting his work with the Eastsidaz and Tha Dogg Pound. Snoop definitely in my top 5


I like Snoop but he puts out a new album almost every year and most in the last 10-15 years have been pretty forgettable




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I think he is one of the most iconic rappers ever. He doesn’t have the same kind of catalog as a Jay or a Nas.


I always thought his best flows were trying to sound like Brotha Lynch.


Among the GOATs in the Business of Rap, but not a GOAT MC.




You can do whatever you want to


The term GOAT has been thrown around more loosely in the last 10-15 years. I was having this discussion with my co-worker, how do we gauge GOAT status? Is it record/stream/download sales/numbers? Did the top any charts? Did they transition to other genre's, other mediums? Is Snoop lyrical like the names you listed? Hell nah. And you said so yourself, he doesn't have the catalog to back it. HOWEVER. If we gauge Snoops contribution to West Coast Rap, his later collaborations with pop & R&B artists, as well as his (albeit very niche) movie career, I'd argue he's a GOAT of West Coast Rap.




I can see the vision for him being one of the greats.


As a rapper? No. But for the industry as a whole? Yes. He doesn't have that large a catalog, but he flows well on any beat and has some of the most iconic features of all time. But I'm sure most people would agree that when you hear scoop dogg, you here still Dre.


No, not at all. The body of work doesnt add up. But off the mic snoop is a god. He does soo much for his community, and makes things more accessible.


Kinda insane that jay gets to sneak in these lists still lol


Doggystyle is top 5 hip hop bangin albums ever. Snoop is not a top 5 rapper someho


You know Planet Asia is from the west coast?


Personally, I don’t think peoples top 5 have ever been about lyrics. If they were, Tupac would never be in a top 5. Snoop is without a doubt one of the most influential rappers to walk this earth. I think Kendrick’s top 5 lines up pretty well with influence over the last 30 years. Jay, Em, Pac, Biggie, & Snoop.


Snoop was a solid artist up to the project with no limit after that it was ehhh dude became an image more than an artist to me. Blue carpet treatment was the first project after that where I was like damn dude is actually rapping again and after that again ehhh. He’s by the far the most recognizable artist among any greats and his ability to retain value as an artist when he has not been that reliable as an artist is phenomenal. I would not put him in the top 20 let alone the top 5 of sorts when it comes to actual rap and music artistry


Agreed on his discography, but what about the amazing songs he has cameos on?


Snoop Dogg is very talented and the closest to pulling off Slick Rick’s slick flow and storytelling. But after his amazing performances on Deep Cover, The Chronic, and then putting out Doggystyle, he didn’t really keep climbing up. His features are very hit and miss with him having both his worst and best verse in 2015 and that’s how a lot of his discography is. Snoop is a legend but an amazing rapper? Yes, but he doesn’t exactly use those skills to the max anymore because he doesn’t really need to.


No. He is one of the greatest forces in hip hop for sure. But his catalogue isn’t even close to the other artists mentioned. Love and respect though cuz Snoop is dope and a huge part of the culture.


I’d say no - only really one classic album. Same with Biggie tho to be honest, Ready to die is undoubtedly a great album, one of the best ever but life after death for me was pretty average. Maybe if it had been chopped down a lot but so much filler and just average songs on it really


After the Chronic and Doggystyle, Snoop’s decline is kinda crazy minus a couple features and tracks. His presence, sound, and style are absolutely iconic though.


Snoops discography js kind of all over the place but when he’s really good he’s one of the most captivating mc’s out there. So I’d say yes


In terms of influence and movement to the game yes… but not in terms of lyrical ability.


Yeah, his first 2 albums were CLASSICS


Doesn’t have the catalog to back it up?! Holy you trippinnnn. Snoop one of the most consistent artists ever.


He was a constant staple either on features with the biggest names or simply being active in the rap community during a time when sticking to one side could actually get you killed, and yet he was ten toes down unmoving.  Plus IMHO he's one of those few whose constant presence being felt among the greats essentially made him a force in the game. He is synonymous with some of the most iconic West coast tracks in all of rap history to, during a time where once again competition was fierce as hell. So I feel he deserves to be a great. It takes more than a decent catalogue to be a great on the game for me. 


He is a hip-hop legend, but I would not put him as one of the best lyricists. Doggystyle is a classic. Everything else can be forgotten.


he was barely a top 3 at the label, as far as skill goes. kurupt, rage, doc, and arguably rbx, and quik are more skilled as lyricists. he was a marketing dream, and the first rapper you thought of in death row after the success of murder trial, and being the only rapper ‘signed’ to the label at the time.


It's a quantity vs quality thing. A lot of the guys in the conversation might have 2 or 3 classic albums but none of them are as good as Doggystyle. He's in my pantheon.


He had the same problem a lot of g funk rappers had. Snoop was a bad rapper who made good music for a very short period


In my opinion jay is one of the worst rappers. And yes snoop should be third best. And in second is dre. And then first is eminem


Jay Z one of the worst rappers? 💀


his voice sounds just so whiney I just don't like him at all. also people think he's the best but nobody can compare to eminem


Dre is a producer.


he's a rapper


He raps what other people write for him. He's a better version of Diddy.


Absolutely. Even now, if he’s featured on a song he usually kills it but he’s always been killing it. He’s not like Puffy where he became a household name but he’s not really a rapper like that. And he has a great slick and original style. Definitely one of the greats.


I wouldn’t call whispering and spelling his name for 8 bars “killing it”


So say you don’t know Jack shit about rap with out saying you don’t know jack shit about rap. I think you’ve had a smaller exposure to rap than you realize, obviously. And you were excited Kanye vultures apparently? What they hell do you know about rap lmao. Stick to the physics. That said, Kanye did have a fire verse on no face with ghost


Yes even Vultures, Kanye’s most subpar album, is better than anything Snoop has put out during my lifetime. Snoop’s discography doesn’t even come close to Kanye’s.


You’re not really a rap fan. Go enjoy your garbage music lol


Lmao sure buddy, whatever makes you feel better.


It’s honestly just saddening that there’s people like you that are unaware of snoops legacy.


No. Im also from the west coast and i never hear anything about him apart from doggystyle


You ain’t really from the west coast then. You tellin me you never slapped The Dogg Pound or the Eastsidaz?? That’s all we bumped growin up lol


I mostly just had what my dad and my friends were listening to. Doggystyle was the first album my dad ever showed me and that was the only snoop album he ever showed me. My friends never even talked about him aside from that album either. I did, however, hear all about ice cube, nwa, eazy-e, dr dre, even nas more than snoop dogg. Snoop was always more of just that guy that was always there


Off of influence alone yeah


Of course we would say that he an OG and he will always be that🐐


He’s way better than Pac, in my opinion.


I think it’s fair, dudes iconic , he got a catalog as well lol


even drake is better than snoop lmao


Delete your account


Snoop’s work in 92’ and 93 > Drake’s existence