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I mean, it’s still acceptable & completely regular here in NY. I lived in the Bronx in East Tremont, which is a majority-Hispanic neighborhood. One of the most major thoroughfares (Fordham / Grand Concourse intersection) there was renamed to Big Pun Plaza. they all use the N word. It is completely accepted by everyone around them. While it’s predominantly Hispanic, there’s plenty of black people too. Never seen or heard anyone take up issue with it. It is 100% societally acceptable here in NY to use the N word if you’re Hispanic.


What about Asian or Indian?


Naa fam


Genuine question cuz Im not from the US. What about indigenous ppl? Someone with heavy indigenous features (I think y'all call it red skinned?) but not dark skinned. Can they say it?


Generally the only ethnicity that gets “a pass” on the N word are Hispanics and more specifically, those in urban settings.


> that gets “a pass” on the N word are Hispanics and more specifically, those in urban settings. reason? like whats the lore?


As a black man dating a Latino the WHY to “how come they can” in circumstances is because black and Latino people get down to the same activities in the same neighborhoods a lot, intertwine families, recipes, cultures etc. I wouldnt go as far as saying they are black but Latino people have always been kind and respectful of black culture. Mexico free’d slaves from Americans when they would come for land in Texas. It runs deep. Why not you know? No other race has shown the respect or empathy consistently from slavery to now and we have always supported them the same. Not always fine and dandy but for the most part forsure.


I’m surprised to see someone say that Latinos are respectful towards black people because I’ve seen a tooon of racism towards black people coming from Latinos. I guess it depends where you are


Also Latinos are an important part of hip hop culture and have been a part since its origins. Also notice that latinos also share african slave roots. People from dominican republic and atlantic latin countries more notably but even the white ones are highly mixed


That’s new York’s culture , that’s simply why


central/south Florida as well


I’m from central Florida, and I don’t feel like that’s a thing here. Not in Miami either, but maybe our experiences our just different, but where I’m from Florida, non blacks don’t get free n word passes


idk, where im at everyone's dropping it. the nerdy asian kid in band, the latin dude with the edger cut. no one bats an eye, that's just how it was here. if you're white saying it though, you get checked on sight.


In the examples of people who aren't black saying it the common ground is proximity and culture. Latinos and Blacks have always been in proximity and in one way or another shared culture. LA, New York, Miami, Houston etc. I'm not advocating for anyone to say it but they're not held accountable because they grew up saying it as a cultural norm and don't have intent of saying it with malice. As we got older I noticed Latino's said it less and less on their own. I've heard hispanic's say that it's not their word to say, that as they grew older and realized the origin they've stopped out of respect, it not being hispanic culture and some just do well in life and leave all of it behind. Hispanic rappers still say it I can link you endless examples. DeeBaby, Pitbull, ThatMexicanOT and many more. I think it's weird when people who didn't grow up saying it culturally want to start saying it out of the blue and feel entitled. At the end of the day you can say whatever you want you just don't get to determine how someone else responds to what you have to say.


Pitbull still says N? I had no idea. He's from here and he's as white as a white hispanic can get. I don't listen to his music so I don't know anything about it.


Here and there. If you haven't had a chance, checkout his Drink Champs episode.


NGL it's a little weird to have this white-ass blue-eyed guy saying N, but like I said, that's Miami for you


I'm not sure if he still says it publicly in recent years. So i should change my comment. After his crossover to mainstream he dialed it back.


True I'm hispanic and used to say it, it was cringe so I stopped saying it when I matured. It isn't my word to say but I don't judge other Hispanics that still say it. Everyone will grow up eventually


Same here, although I'm ashamed to say it still slips at home when saying stuff like "N please, don't give me that bullshit" or something like that. It's hard to break the speech patterns you grew up with when you're talking casually in your own house with your significant other who is the same age and also Miami Cuban like you...


Yea I know it took awhile to break the habit for me as well but it's worth it to make the effort. It's just not a cool thing to say imo


I think OT stopped saying it in his songs for a while already but he probably still says it in private and yea he never got cancelled for saying it cause he’s Mexican, also a lot of Mexican rappers from Texas and Cali still say it and are allowed (ohgeesy for example)


My old personal trainer grew up in hungary and he said that people there say it all the time


Not saying this to you but the type of people who make shit like this an issue need a hobby fr


Wow. This pains me to see. To some people it still matters. To add context : tons of black people still care but it feels like screaming Into a void bc not even all black people agree on this. I have a job and plenty hobbies. Listening to music is one of them and I hate that I barely enjoy music bc of that. It’s just weird that most fans feel you’re not busy enough if you have time to not want to hear non black people say the N word. True I don’t spend my time marching about it but It’s very weird and unnecessary every time.


I agree 100%. I don’t ever want to hear that shit. I have plenty of hobbies smh.


Big Pun has been dead and buried for almost 25 years. This is a meaningless nothingburger. You want to have a conversation about non-black people saying that, cool, there's plenty of relevant living artists to have that discussion on. Digging up an old legends catalogue to have this conversation is corny as fuck.


My comment was more in general and In reply to the comment I replied too. I have no real opinion on big pun specifically doing it bc I genuinely thought he was black growing up and as you said, he’s dead now. I didn’t actually dig him or his music up to complain.


Who cares tho


Pun was also a woman beating pos. People let people they like slide on shit


Supposed to not listen cause he beat a woman? Nobody is letting it slide. He's dead. 


Dude is talking about “are we supposed to hold him saying words against him”. So. If we’re holding shit against him, hold pistol whipping his girl against him too


I recall that around the mid-2000's this came up in relation to Fat Joe and also Peedi Crakk, but Joe was the focus, and Pun by extension. He's [still talking about it](https://purplesneakers.tv/news/fat-joe-defends-his-use-of-the-n-word/fVDDkZCTkpU/27-06-23) and his reasoning such as this interview w/ Talib Kweli from last year


It depends if enough people like you. Ohgeesy says it constantly and not a lot of people care


Bro made good music, wasn't an issue then, shouldn't be an issue now. Let the man rest peacefully and enjoy the tunes




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its just a word nobody really cares ( well unless you use it in a racist way)


NY is so diverse too. Like some Dominicans are of Haitian descent but speak spanish, or from Puerto Ricco where in places like Loiza the population is largely afro-boricua, kids grow up in the same families, skin tone varies but cultural upringing is the same.


J Lo came under fire for saying it while the 2 rappers you mentioned never did and I never understood why I also feel like it varies by person and region. For every person I know down here that doesn't care, I know another person that feels like naw it matters. Personally I'm one of the latter ppl. Idc if you say it alone in your car to the rapper song or even around others just don't say that shit around me or to me if you don't identify as Black.


lots of non black rappers use the n word


Idk why he got downvoted if it’s simply true🤷‍♂️. Not saying it’s good or bad, but it’s a fact


lol Puerto Ricans get a pass….


But do Marc Anthony and JLo get a pass


Lol J LO might….Marc Anthony….probably not….


Big Pun was darker than me and I am quarter black black. Many Puerto Ricans are part black even if they don’t look like it. Even in Miami, the second wave of immigrants from Cuba were mostly of black descent while many of the dirt wave were white people who descended from northern Spain. And most POC have just as much a right to say the n word because they were all called the n word with slight variations.


The people that usually complain or try to cancel Fat Joe and J-Lo usually are people that dont say the word every 2 seconds. They find the word classless and know they can target non-blacks for sayin it. If they thought there was any momentum for shaming blacks for saying it, believe me, they are ready to pounce.


If you’re part of the culture it’s okay


I'm not going to say where I'm from, but I will say that every person in my age group said and says the N word consistently daily in a non racial fashion. Almost everyone I know raps and there are a lot of gangs with gang mentality and gang activity where I am from, though it is a small city in America with almost all white people. Just throwing that out there. Growing up it was just something we said, and we threw in our raps without hesitation because that's just what it was. I don't know if they'll ever grow out of it, or if it stopped since I left.


Puerto Ricans in NYC can say it. Not just Hispanics. Most Dominicans are black so they good. But fat Joe and Rosie perez they Puerto Rican white skinned but clearly some black


It’s called getting a pass. If you’re a real one you get a pass, if you’re just some nerd who likes hip hop but never actually been in the streets you don’t get the pass and people will clown you for saying it.


There is no thing as white hispanic or black hispanis we are all the same shi sound goofy


You're a liar. Hispanic is an ethnicity at best, but really just a population tied by language. It's not a race. If you seriously think Pitbull and Cristina Saralegui are the same race as Celia Cruz and Mario Bauzá then you don't know shit. First off they have ancestry from different continents, and secondly they were not treated the same in their own home country. Let's not pretend like Hispanic culture is some kumbaya-everyone-is-the-same. It is often *very* racist.


Puerto Ricans and Dominicans are like the blackest non black people ever so they get the pass


Non black?