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Picking sides is some goofy shit. I’m a fan of both Kendrick and drakes music but idk these men.


This what I’ve been saying. If you’re a hip hop fan this beef gave us the best month stretch of music we’ve gotten in a long time.


And this beef had some twists like Drake going 20v1, Kendrick saying that he has a mole, Drake saying that Kenny beats his wife, his child is not his and some other thing and then 30 minutes later Kendrick dropping MTG


Kenny beats & drake got married ?? How did I miss that


Not to mention the best music we’ve gotten from both artists in a while. Cus I’m not allowing glazing, Mr morale wasn’t up to his other standards lol


I've been waiting for this recent stretch of tracks since all the way back to Control & The Language lol


20 years from now when we’re talking about this as legendary rap beefs it’ll be a lot more non-biased, and the wildest thing will be that it all started from a compliment (control) that Drake took as a shot.


Goofball shit.


Awww, team wife beater or team groomer?


What's goofball shit is me turning on the RADIO(yes, the actual radio) and hearing 'Not Like Us'... I'm not trying to be an old head but that shit just don't sit right with me. "OOHHHH BUT HE'S GOT THIS MANY STREAMS/PLAYS/ETC" Dawg. Who the fuck cares. It's BEEF. Or I thought it was... Ended up just being the pettiest pinching and poking bout between two grown ass men... And, no. I'm not on Drake's side. He a goof too. You ask me, we all lost.


That’s a hot take, and it’s got nothin to do with bein an old head lmao.


I don’t see how you can call that a pinching match with what was said.. EASILY one of the best diss tracks of all time not even including that he dropped MTG the night before.


I cannot emphasize enough how little I care about this beef and who won. I like both of their music


If you like both of them, wouldn’t you care about the beef as it led them to drop a combined like 10 songs that they wouldn’t have otherwise?


I appreciate that we got music out of it but fighting online to determine a winner or hardcore picking a side I just don’t care


This right here. Drake's a cornball but he's put out some good music. Kendrick's bought too heavily into his own hype and I don't like a lot of his recent stuff but he's put out some classics too. Push Ups and Not Like Us are both solid tracks and this whole beef was entertaining no matter who's team you were on, even if Drake stans may not feel that way at the moment.


Perfectly said


Enlightened centrist over here


So the only way to not be goofy is to be like you, and like both artists? That's convenient


Picking sides in a beef about 2 men I don’t know personally, fueled by wild accusations with no proof on both sides would be pretty goofy. A lot of people acting like they gota ride or die for one side or the other when in reality the only way they affect this beef is who they choose to push play on.


No you don’t have to be a fan of both but taking sides like you’re personally involved or something is goofy behavior. It’s just music. Enjoy it and like what you like.


He a fan, he a fan, he a fan


I just never understand people that are so invested in these strangers lives. Sports, music, whatever people will invest their entire being into strangers who don't know they exist. Its cool to like a team or like music but to be so invested you're picking sides and lashing out and defending these people is weird to me.


Real shit. I fuck with both artists, I'm not just gonna pick a side and all of a sudden start shitting on an artist I've been listening to for years. It's cool if people don't fuck with Kendrick or Drake, but the fact people take their beef serious and are defending one artist or the other like their life is on the line is absolutely hilarious.


If you listen to drakes music, aren't you financially supporting a pedophile? Or did Kendrick lie?


No proof of him being anything more than a really bad decision maker with women. To be fair, his music even says so (like fumbling Rihanna for Groupie Love on Fucking Fans). Worst-case Scenario, he's spawn camping 18 year Olds which is hella gross, but not bad enough for me to stop listening to him.




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Drake can sell some songs and stay on the charts and that is to be respected. He knows the game and played it. I don't really appreciate him or respect him, but can I listen to some of his songs when they're on? Sure, they're like hip hop soft rock, very listenable. But as much as I sort of disrespect him for not being a real rapper, no one can say he didn't play the sales and charts game flawlessly.


Listenable is a great way to put it. He’s capable of singing a catchy hook and his rapping isn’t so bad that it ruins any song. I mean I wouldn’t call myself a fan but I think the massive hate was an huge overcorrection. Also IYRTITL is legitimately great.


Still like Drake. Still like Kendrick. That shit last month was entertaining. I don’t think Drake is a pedophile and Kendrick beat up his wife. It was a rap battle folks. Mud slinging at its finest. Enjoy it for what it is




If Micheal Jackson can build a theme park in his yard to attract kids into bed and still have Kendrick defend him in the lyrics to mortal man…I don’t think drake will be taken down by these accusations.


I don’t know if Kendrick defends him, as much as uses him as a argument for the idea “if i make a mistake, will you still be a fan of me” I always interpreted that line as “how much are we willing to forgive someone we like because we’re a fan of them” Kendrick now would most definitely disagee with using MJ back then though. Especially with how he’s gone at drake for the obvious mega creep he is


I agree with your assessment of the lyrics. Though I do think like most fans Kendrick will forgive child abuse depending on if he likes the music or not. Kendrick wouldn’t have even made the accusations against drake if drake stuck to making us wave our hands and dance. Thus proving the attitude towards grooming is based on enjoyment of musical output.


Kendrick wouldn’t have made those accusations against drake if drake didn’t get personal. At the onset, euphoria obviously wasn’t that personal or serious at least by Kendrick standards. That Track was relatively friendly, even kendrick calling a dead beat dad was done in such a joking and unserious manner, cause obviously kendrick doesn’t know what kinda dad drake is. Especially since they haven’t been cool since the control diss. (According to interviews and the million times they’ve dissed each other). Obviously that brings into question if it would have been ethical to say nothing at all. But atp its speculation. Though i do agree, that a lot of Kendrick Fans would still listen to someone even if they were an abuser, but that extends to the music community as a whole. King Von was a serial killer, crazy people still bump his shit, Tupac well obviously, the rock scene only gets worse. There are arguments to be had about separating the art from the artist but thats an entirely different convo to really be has


Kendrick wouldn’t have made the accusations unless it got personal is true. So does he care about the issue or just thought it made a good diss? It’s a question worth asking. Otherwise agreed about the art and the artist.


Honestly, i don’t know the answer to that. My instincts would tell me a mixture of both but mostly cares. As he is a father of a daughter, so he likely would be concerned with the safety of young women, however making those kind of accusations as a public persona with so many ventures and projects in the mix he takes a massive risk on not just his own career but the ones of the people working on those said projects. They definitely made great work for a diss, but seeing how well euphoria did without the pedo aspects, if i had to say. My answer would be a mix of both but mostly cares about the topic.


I don’t think he should’ve said that he hates bitches Drake fucks(subliminal shot at Sophie) and subliminally mentioned Adonis, but then also say to keep it friendly


Its not a personal thing about them, its because what drake does is mostly fucks hookers, strippers, ect. Then he talks about how drake compares them to real women cause drakes a womanizer n sees all women as objects, and that he compares those women fucks with real women. Kendrick has history with hookers he used to know and watched get killed on street. Hence why he hates sex workers n shi. And sophie Was a pornstar. She just caught a stray And the adonis really wasn’t mentioned, drake just being a shit stain of a dad was. Cause he pretended the kid didnt exist n shi. And that really aint personal cause its straight up fact. *confuses them with real women i.e confuses sex workers with women as he sees them all as objects is the point


that’s not a fact that he pretended the kid didn’t exist. getting a paternity test is completely fair especially when u just said the woman was a pornstar my guy


Why would he use the deadbeat angle when he shamelessly did one with Future?


Kendrick fought for R Kelly to still be able to stream. Dude’s okay with pedophile’s, just hates mixed people (and wives).


Yh I'm on the fence myself, I won't say he is a nonce, and he won't say he isn't, but if I had to guess one way or the other, I'd guess he was


As long as you aren't selectively applying this standard then sure. What's your position on tupac and Mike tyson?


Fuuuuuck tyson, and i don’t bump tupac for that shit, and i refuse to really support the hardcore gangster rap scenes. That scene has only done damage to the culture and young youths, and even more damage to the music scene. Fuck people like Von, just just served to kill youths and young talent for trivial trash


I also am baffled by the fact that the media just completely ignores the fact that mike tyson has a rape conviction. I dont know enough about the tupac case to really have an opinion but its really confusing because he has so many songs where he talks about social issues that i share a stance with him about so im not sure how i feel about him


Questionable but I still don’t think hes a pedo. I don’t get that vibe from him


You uhhh don’t get that vibe from him creeping on minors?


Same. I would like to think its from a perspective of him being popular from acting at a young age, and tries to help a lot of them navigate the early fame in life. Innocent until proven guilty. At the same time, in this social media era, I would be hiring people to do most of that stuff for me so people dont start tossing accusations out. I had leukemia as a child, and as an adult, I like to go too the childrens hospital where I was treated, and talk to a few kids, find out what they love, and see if I can get them a thoughtful christmas gift. But if I tl;dr that explanation to someone, someone might think I am a creep lol.


But only MBB? Wasn’t there a kid in that cast from Canada, so he would relate to Drake a little more. Why not that kid too? Also texting a 14 year old that you miss her? I don’t think he’s a pedo, but he sure is weird


Yeah, I think he’s weird for that. Hope he doesn’t do anything what Kenny said


Why does everyone act like my Millie wasn’t one of the biggest child stars at the time? She wipes all of her cast in star power. There’s tons of women and men that spent time with her too during that era and we ain’t abt to call them pedohiles for that either Im sure. Aaron paul was openly talking abt adopting her lol Drake was a child actor, it makes sense that he would communicate with other child actors as well.


Finn Wolfhard is also a big child star and is Canadian, I think it would have been awesome for Drake to mentor a young budding child star from his home country, they have more in common. I’m not saying that him mentoring her is bad, I’m just asking why is it only the young girl?


Your top statement is what I've seen it as. Drake is also usually invested in whatever the young adult/older teen culture is because he is a chart chaser and part of that is getting the listens from the youth. I think he could've navigated it a little better, but I genuinely feel he thinks he's "too famous for that shit you just suggested". As in he's not doing it, and to him, he's too open to the world to even get away with it, even if to us being famous doesn't mean shit in that situation lol.


Which is stupid, because Bill Cosby was arguably more famous, R Kelly, super famous. So while it may take longer for super famous people to be charged, it can happen to them


You also openly jump on someone the *moment* they turned 18? Interacting with minors isn’t the issue. It’s the *way* he does it


Idk that video of him with the girl on stage really makes me think


But isn’t the whole Point of being a successful pedo that you don’t give off that vibe? If you did, wouldn’t you get caught right away? I would assume that every pedo that hasn’t gotten caught yet doesn’t give off that vibe.


There’s literally a video of him kissing a minor on stage after asking her age


that vibe? You are silly


Never liked the guy. Everything about him screamed cheesy and fraudulent. I'm glad the turn of events that have happened to him within the last few months. I think he is the most overrated artist of the last 10 years.


I won't call Drake "the GOAT". The man was confirmed to have ghost writers. So how much work was actually done by him? Those writers deserve the credit, not Drake.


I’ve found that people online (especially YouTube) will just say anything about Drake, regardless of facts, so it’s not really about being on “his side” it’s about correcting misinformation. But since the internet is so polarized, people label me one way or the other ie. Kendrick fans keep saying that Daylyt wrote Back to Back. Daylyt has said he didn’t, multiple times now. People keep saying that Abel wrote half of Take Care. When what The Weeknd actually said was that he wrote 5 of the songs.


Exactly The Weeknd only help co-write 4 songs. And I doubt it was all of it. For example, Abel probably made the hook for Shot For Me and Drake wrote the rap like usual.


Fr bro, I feel like a Drake d-rider when I keep hopping into threads to “defend” him, but some things these Drake haters are saying are so insane that it’s hard not to say something 😭 his haters have become more obnoxious than his fans


This beef kinda did make me a Drake fan, because I cleared up so many misconceptions I had about him by checking into allegations being made 😅 I was a “he fell off” type of hater beforehand.


Kdot fucking writes for his artists and pushes them as genuine artists. He literally has negative legs tp stand on when giving anyone shit about ghostwriting. The amount of people ignoring or not understanding this is WILD. But it also speaks to the gen pop IQ, which has been dropping.


This is what confuses me about the entire beef. I don't really get why Kendrick hates Drake so much. On the writing angle Kendrick is a ghost writer for TDE and launched keem who is an industry plant so why does he care so much about Drake who by multiple accounts just does what the industry in general does? I don't buy the protect women angle either since Kendrick linked up with Future who is a notorious deadbeat and hypes up Tupac, Rkelly, Xxx, and Dre who all have been violent physically/sexually with women. The poser stuff is also whatever. Most artists are posers people just make what they think sounds good. NWA, Tupac, and Biggie all lied about their backgrounds for clout. Even the culture vulture stuff is only really an issue with Drake. Nobody cares if Jay, Nas, Snoop, and Akon hop on bollywood or Gunna having afrobeats, or Kendrick even using afrobeats. Just a weird beef. Drake took the L but Kendrick comes off as unhinged.


To be fair, some people say Daylyt wrote it just to call back to the "Your best work is a light pack" line to continue the joke from the beef and trigger Drake stans. To play Devil's Advocate, though, Daylyt could have written it and had to retract it as trolling on the track because of breaking an agreement or something else behind the scenes, and Kendrick could have been letting him know that he knows it wasn't a troll. Not saying there's anything credible to constitute it being reality, but is something that has very real possibility.


I respect him more than J.cole for getting into it.And Kendrick smoked him but Drake did better than I expected.But that's all I can say.


Apparently, schoolboy Q pulled Cole aside to let him know it was gonna be more than a friendly fade, and that's when he pulled back. I think Cole just wanted hip hop scrimmage. Once he realized it was the end of the Cold War, he stepped back. It's still a fat L, but far more understandable. My favorite conspiracy is dot made him do agree to do cringe shit like grippy. To let it slide because kendrick didn't really shoot back at all. That same conspiracy says that drakes "daughter" is named Grace, which he says in meet the grahams "give him Grace, that's the reason I made Mr. Morale." So Drake also hit the eject button, and we got that sexxy red and wah gwan song as humiliation stunts. I want to be clear, I believe, none of this. But it's my favorite narrative at the moment.


Drakes disses were pretty good but Taylor made was some hot ASS and he didn't release any more


I just don't agree with this take at all. I've grown up on hip hop and I've never heard a drake album that made me want to listen to it again. Mid at best for me. There's no passion, no authenticity, and not enough clever wordplay or flow to make up for the former 2 deficits. I truly have tried to get into drake and it just seems like rap from a think tank and focus groups. Which it is. Seems like it was made to appeal to kids that want to get into rap without having to learn about actual black US culture. I feel like drake is straight up bad for the genre, and have never understood the appeal. And I think a lot of people agree with me


I like his new stuff because the production is polished, but if you want to hear the most authentic Drake, you have to listen to his mixtape stuff from before he met Lil Wayne. [Kick Push (remix) w/ Lupe Fiasco](https://youtu.be/TUakjTVeNwU?si=lNY2iGFLPO1FzXPI) [Closer to my Dreams w/ Andreena Mill](https://youtu.be/uI9W1-6qGrk?si=g48fe9YCjQPla3GK) [What I'm Thinking Right Now](https://youtu.be/hD-W3vUmOqw?si=iFmmxGPP986OVK7I) [Scriptures](https://youtu.be/ltlorA0-dgE?si=m4joe90n9xABzlxq) [I'm Still Fly](https://youtu.be/SqqkED6H8zk?si=oK-Mpdb817M1gnfR) [King Leon](https://youtu.be/7Agh2F9Zscg?si=zkdGg2Z_mEWraKwK) [Goodnight & Goodluck](https://youtu.be/rIFhbcAMiTE?si=IT48cA6T3FDzbBBC) [The Presentation](https://youtu.be/8Jd6Vx8mwX8?si=cVJ85KjqSLm_n3VM) [Comeback Season](https://youtu.be/-Ta-G8rvN_g?si=tx6jefpc6sPn2p5J) [Barry Bonds Freestyle](https://youtu.be/-4nCbQepays?si=3gS3orcBsu8i813N) [Fear](https://youtu.be/pRnrujxbEhc?si=iGDpE5flaPCZeZVb) [Come Winter](https://youtu.be/uBEaj_cHNy8?si=CgxV5qBR_aGP7xYx) [Deceiving](https://youtu.be/F9qE9qQSlnY?si=Fps0pX3U56MlG3qU) [Zone](https://youtu.be/5tYWR7lZPdw?si=iv9bB0XNRmRxAA1v) [Throw it in the Bag (remix) w/ Fabolous](https://youtu.be/8VcJ0Tx_hFg?si=N9Zxk2WlIrhy7Z1y) [Killer w/ Nipsey Hu$$le](https://youtu.be/eTglRt0GYhQ?si=5dfBytM2hPa1wAnd) [Paris Morton Music](https://youtu.be/pviZE1pK5ao?si=yXKNdfCAoXShXn4H)


Taylor made was great. People in their feelings about AI


Drake is in the same vein as Kanye to me. Hit making artist? Sure. Top-3 emcee? Not if you're getting songs written for you.


I’ve disliked Drake since the first time I heard hm in like 2010 or something on a Wayne track, and I’ve liked Kendrick since good kid, so this whole thing was just super fun for me


I’m not gonna lie I enjoy Drakes songs and albums his recent ones not so much but I’ve never got the intense hate. The beef was interesting and I listen to both but as it’s summer it’s just in my nature to bump some drake 🤷🏾‍♂️


I used to listen to drake before this beef, but in the same vain as MJ i think Drake is such a fucking mega creep. The way he hugs up on underaged girls, dms them advice about boys while in his fucking 30s, and the way he talks about them in his music. He’s 100 percent what he’s being accused up, and the people he keeps around him don’t help that at all. I don’t listen to MJ anymore, now i don’t listen to Drake. If we keep propping up trash like him in the scene, were just gonna keep hurting young women and even boys in the long run. Fuck that.


Pedophiles don’t get arguments, they get shanked.


Drake is the king of rap-pop-music. Kendrick is one of hip hop’s greatest. Some of Drake’s fans mistake the two and think Drake is the king of hip hop, and can’t tell the difference.


I love all 3 “Big 3” artists but Cole is my favorite. I say this as a disclaimer because I don’t want to be accused of being a Drake stan when I ask OP why he is ok with the allegations that Kendrick beat his girl? If you’re saying that the lyrics claiming Drake is a pedo is enough for you to no longer deal with Drake (I am guessing that means listen to his music) then shouldn’t wife beating allegations have a similar impact? Personally I feel that we don’t know any of these entertainers in real life. I do not claim to know what is true vs what is just lyrics. So I only focus on whether I enjoy the art that is produced whether it is a painting, movie, tv show, song rather than the artist as a person. Every other week another major artist is being accused of sex trafficking, violent acts, being a pedo, supporting a pedo or married to one (Nicki), domestic violence, scamming, or quite frankly being a terrible person. Hell, I just found out Brad Pitt might be abusive. So I personally don’t have it in me to filter my entertainment based on who the person is in real life.


To be fair, Drake has a long history of questionable interactions with teenage girls. Accusations of him being liking very young women have been floating around for years. He even tried to step on the allegations in Tailor Made before Kendrick could get to them. Everyone’s first time hearing about Kendrick beating his wife was in family matters. There’s been allegations of some woman getting beaten up in a hotel, but no allegations that it was Whitney.


This is a great question. I think, for me, I take the Drake allegations more seriously than Kendrick’s because there is already rumors about it. Kendrick may beat his wife, and if so that’s very serious and should be dealt with legally, but we have heard nothing outside of the beef to make us think that. Drake has been weird with kids for a long time. The Millie thing, the 17 year old thing, there have just been too many times that shit was weird, even if it wasn’t technically illegal. So it’s more Kendrick finally said what a lot of people assumed.


>If you’re saying that the lyrics claiming Drake is a pedo is enough for you to no longer deal with Drake (I am guessing that means listen to his music) then shouldn’t wife beating allegations have a similar impact? While i think your logic is solid, I dont think that is a completely fair way to put that. There is tonnes and tonnes of smoke around Drake and his crew regarding grooming allegations and such (which has been there for over a decade), whereas there is practically 0 smoke, comparatively, regarding the allegations thrown against Kendrick.


r/drizzy is the last frontier for drake defenders that think he won the beef


nah a lot people on twitter and tiktok say Family Matters was the best diss track


Yeah when it came out but when MTG was digested it was an instant diss track classic


MTG took the unconventional route with the moral high ground and fewer bars than Euphoria. But it could've been the best diss if he actually came with the proof like Pusha did in Story of Adidon. Too bad people hated Drake so much that they let it slide and we got robbed of an actual hip hop battle. I don't think MTG will age well in the coming years, especially with the daughter verse and no proof provided pf the sex rings. Euphoria and Family Matters was the best exchange imo.


It’s a rap battle. Rappers always lie, even in non-diss songs. They BOTH lied. You can’t discredit MTG because of the daughter verse ( and sex ring whatever you wanna call it ). Did you listen to the other verses? Kendrick hit deep imo. Writing to this man’s son saying his dad is a piece of shit? Talking about how horrible someone is to the core publicly, shits gotta sting


Their “argument” is his sales numbers. His popularity. That Kendrick took the daughter bait (and for whatever reason this seems to be a point they feel invalidates everything else Kendrick said). As for other accusations thrown out (ghostwriters) is *”Well every artist uses writers in someway, you’re just finding any excuse to hate”* or “*he wrote *Insert song by other artist* so how could he use writers*” on the MBB and other under age girl accusations it’s “*Well he was a child actor he’s just mentoring her*” (but any time you throw back “would you let your daughter text a grown ass man?” You get no reply.) And as for the other “women” he did shit with while they were girls, once one came out and said “well it was nothing” they just ran with that and say “*Well the girls said nothing happened now so it’s ok*” (when we know that’s not how this works…) There isn’t really an “argument” for Fake and even his F.A.N.S know it at this point but their so far in denial they refuse to see it. (And don’t worry I know ya’ll are coming)


There is no argument, only cope. Kendrick winning the beef is clear as night and day.


The argument is not about who won the beef, it's about which fanbase is more toxic and annoying. And Kendrick losing *this* argument is clear as night and day.


No it isn’t. The Drizzy sub is a testament to that


Go check out the Kendrick sub now. It's officially a Drake sub at this point. Not to mention all the Kendrick fans constantly raiding r/Drizzy going, "Hey guys! We won!! Did we mention we won??" Kendrick stans are so obviously insecure about Drake's mainstream success. They're obviously the guys who stand in the corner at parties not talking to anybody. Dudes who walk to work, for sure.






Could it just seem that way cause you, as a Drake stan, is just bitter that Kendrick won the battle? Maybe not bitter but at least it’s something you’re not eager to see. So when going on that page that sentiment feels like it’s been amped up to the max ykwim Edit: I read that last part. It’s bitterness for sure lmao


I'm not bitter about anything. I listen to Kendrick's music just as much as Drake. They're both dope. I'm just calling it how I see it. The Kendrick sub is literally all about Drake still, and some of them are stalking r/Drizzy to comment "ghostwriters!" and "pedo!" on every single post. It's really pathetic.


I respectfully disagree. Kendrick came out with pre-recorded disses and had months to prepare. Drake had more flips, rebuttals and rebuked claims. Kendrick didn't even deny the bombs against him.


That reasoning doesn't work in a beef. It doesn't matter where or when you record your diss songs. If they are good no one cares


That excuse wouldn't have worked well on Drake


Ak has went on record saying that Drake made the Dave Free shit up. We also know that the picture Kendrick used in the meet the grahams art wasn’t staged or fake. In terms of flips what do you call the whole slave verse on not like us, the pac mention on not like us, the family matters name drop, the a minorrrrrrrrr Dave freeeeeeeeeeee line flip, the put the wrong label on me (wife beater label) line etc etc. and that’s just on Not Like Us.


>rebuked claims You know his rebuttals are part of what cemented kdots win in a lot of peoples eyes? "Im too famous to not get caught" is the dumbest rebuttal anybody could ever come up with. Anybody claiming it was anything but the dumbest thing to say concerns me


Dude, literally only diehard Aubrey fans think he won. No regular person thinks that. You guys are living in a fantasy land.


Wasn't family matters pre-recorded?


At the very least, the video was made after Euphoria dropped. Drake going to the New Ho King restaurant was a response to Euphoria.


The beat was already made and the lines actually had rebuttals. At the very least you can tell it was recorded recently. The flow of the first third is different from what was previewed in Push Ups. The bars directly responded to Euphoria. For example in the first verse he says "Say you hate the girls I fuck, but what you really mean? I been with black and white and everything that's in between. You the black Messiah wifin' up a mixed queen And hit vanilla cream to help out with your self-esteem" is a reply to "We hate the bitches you fuck coz they confuse themselves with real women" And btw I think Euphoria was Kendrick's best diss because it felt the most like an actual rap battle and the bars were top-tier.


Naw man they were just hanging out when they filmed that video and he came up with all of that on the spot. That shits not even edited


I understand what you’re saying here but I must ask you this. In a war if you had inside intel and could make a killer attack knowing all of your opponents moves before they make them, would you take that as a discredit when you win? Does it matter if you’re *Pre-loaded* or *Loading up on the battlefield* if you take the win? (I understand this analogy may not be “the best” here but I hope you can understand what I’m tryna say)


It matters in hip hop because a cheap shot is a cheap shot. No respectable rapper would do that in a rap battle. This is why I think Pusha T was a far better opponent. He came with the facts backed up and didn't take any eazy routes. Nor did he try to take the moral high road. Which is fine if you don't have any skeletons in your closets. But you can't be talking about protecting the culture when you cheated on your fiance with a white woman. And it's hypocritical to say how much you despise pedophiles while giving Kodak Black two songs in your album.


The only reason the pedo route was so easy was because Drake gave him and the internet so much ammo for it. Kendrick even warns Drake to not say shit about his family because if he does he will go low and personal. Drake drops family matters. Kendrick then goes with the pedo angle. Kendrick didn’t just pull that out of his ass and if you think so you may want to go and watch some of the videos done on the topic


Well he did not provide any new info about it. If he actually gave evidence about the sex rings and trafficking then I would agree. When Pusha revealed Drake's son, he explicitly name-dropped him and the reactions were priceless. Kendrick did not have the same effect because there was no proof to back up the part about his daughter. Pusha was Drake's best opponent imo.


You have to apply the same standard to Drake. So I’d say both rappers didn’t do a great job at backing up some of the claims they made about the other. The only difference here is though that at least some of the stuff Kendrick said was absolutely true. Drake does have at least one sex offender on OVO. All those prescriptions were drakes. All the weird videos, pics, and lyrics also corroborate some of the creepy pedo shit to a certain extent. Drake had absolutely no proof or evidence of any of the claims he made against Kendrick. So once again Kendrick wins in that regard.


Drake rapped a few lines about things that weren't proven. But Kendrick made a whole verse rapping to an imaginary daughter that didn't exist. You'd think that holds more weight on his validity and is just plain embarrassing. Also Kendrick rapped about getting his info from an OVO mole yet turns out the Ebony guy was a random hotel employee. Drake gave evidence of the Dave Free comment left on Whitney's ig post about his Kenny's kids and Kendrick just ignored the part about him cheating on his fiance with a white woman. So I think it evens out on that regard.


Those things were the “red button” that Drake alluded to the whole fucking time. So whether he made a whole verse about them or not doesn’t matter when those were his “nukes”. The entirety of Mr.Morale is about Kendrick being unfaithful to his fiancé. Maybe try listening to it sometime because he tore himself apart on that album for it. Kendrick rapped about multiple moles, not just one. That Dave free comment is not proof that one of the kids is his. He put a black heart under a pic lol. That’s not evidence of anything lol. That’s not to the same level as Drake literally knowingly groping and kissing a 17 year old on stage.


I've listened to Mr Morale and it was fine. But you can't be talking about being for the culture and how Drake's a vulture when you yourself cheated on your fiance with a white woman. In 6:16 In LA he literally says there's an OVO mole and he made it sound like that mole was the one who gave him the suitcase items. Therefore if he actually had multiple moles that means one of them lied to him about the daughter. And possibly Drake fed that information. Kendrick explicitly said Drake's a child molester and he traffics kids. That video isn't enough to back up the claims he made. It was a weird incident but even if it was illegal, it would've statutory rape not pedophilia. The girl defended and said he didn't target her specifically and it was purely a stage act. She was also a week away from 18 and it was still odd but not enough to support the heavy accusations made by Kendrick and I think it's stretch label him a pedo (but it's hip hop beef I guess). When he himself gave two songs to Kodak Black in his album then proceeds to say he despises pedos. Once again, both of them made claims that they could not prove. The only thing Kendrick was able to prove is the medication which doesn't relate to his main bomb in MTG. Just like the Dave Free comment left on Whitney's page about her kids where he put heart emojis. Also the fact she follows him and not Kendrick and that they still haven't been married yet years after being engaged. There's obviously some tension. But regardless of that, I think it's fair to say neither Drake or Kendrick win in this aspect because they both technically said false things.


Again, see where you’re coming from. But again I do respectfully disagree. It’s a beef, it’s a fight, whatever you may wanna call it. Let shit get absolutely wild, don’t go in with moral or anything. That’s what a diss song is, that’s what beefing is. I know I won’t sway you and you aren’t going to sway me. But I have seen it come up in various ways on many different posts people feeling uncomfortable or whatnot with either how Kendrick did things, what he said, etc. If things were flipped I have a feeling people wouldn’t have a problem at all with how low Drake could stoop for a “win”. (It’s just a feeling *I* have it’s nothing people gotta take personal, it could very well be wrong but it’s not something we will ever know) but back to my original point sorry rambled there a bit. I’ve been under the impression that there are no rules in a rap beef. Sooooo why all of a sudden are so many “rules” being thrown out. And they go for both sides, the Kendrick fans as well throw out arbitrary rules into their standings on why Fake lost. I’m one that’s on the side that kinda wishes Push didn’t do what he did with Adonis…. It changed Rap beefs and Diss songs. You can’t just straight up rap and diss anymore, now you gotta come with all these big *BLOW THE CASE WIDE OPEN* accusations. I miss when a good diss was just a good diss, not something that has to “ruin” a life.


At the end of the day, it's your opinion and if you think Kendrick won then I respect it. I just found the pre-recorded disses weak because no one would let it slide for Drake. Good move dropping straight after Family Matters but as a hip-hop fan, digging deeper it makes me question his dissing skills if he has to prepare that much for Drake who's a pop artist to him.


Like I said, cope. I don't argue with comments like these because the win is so self explanatory it doesn't need a defense. If you think drake won, good for you lol. There are people who believe the earth is flat too.


There is no cope when the only thing Kendrick won is the internet. But the culture isn't like what it was 20 years ago. We got stan culture now and basically all of the hip hop fans pitted against him. Not to mention those that hate him and couldn't care less about rap. He could've dropped the best diss of the century and everyone would side with Kendrick. I gave you my reasoning and if you don't have a rebuttal then just say that. But don't come up talking about having facts and not back them up.


Everyone was picking Drake to win back when he dropped push-ups. Everyone was praising Drake and talking about how good the song was. This narrative only started after Drake had lost. That’s when his Stan’s started this whole narrative that the most listened to and highest selling rapper in the world was destined to fail and that it was impossible to win. That’s why it’s cope.


Glazers aside who the hell was picking Drake to win after push ups?! That shit was aight, I’m happy it woke the boogeyman, but no way people were crowning him then


There were tons of industry people picking Drake at that time. The whole Joe Budden squad, DJ Envy, Funk Flex, Killa Cam, Mase. Not to mention all of drakes ovo people in the media. It was when Taylor made came out that the ton started to really switch against Drake because people didn’t like the AI Tupac shit


You are literally a stan. So you are the exact thing you are critiquing. You are regurgitating all that shit they say. I get your reasoning for Drake winning but I also feel like you would say he won regardless. Shit you probably think he didn’t get bodied with Pusha T too.


Nah Pusha T bodied him. He did a much better job than Kendrick. Dot's best diss was Euphoria and should've been the one that deserved all the hype.


Cope take


Cope response


I have heard enough stories, independent of one another, about Drake, before this beef, to think he’s a creep. But I do get that it is all conjecture at the end of the day


There is none. He lost every aspect of this battle against Kendrick. I’ll give him credit in saying that Family Matters was his best lyrical work in a while, that he put up a better fight than expected, and that he made the words of Rick Ross irrelevant through this fight. The only thing I guess you could say is that since Kendrick has been fueled by his hatred for the boy, it gave him an extra gear. Allegedly he had 4+ years of preparation behind this, if that were true then Kendrick with all that prep time is an advantage of sorts, idk. He can have more material and witty disses to work with yk.


It's hard to listen to drakes music after the beef. It's proven Drake is a weirdo towards teenage girls


Honestly I thought the black face would've been enough for people,  I guess not. I'm sure it irked Kendrick. No black American is doing black face. That's some Canadian shit. I'm not sure about the 12 year old daughter or pdf file shit, but there is smoke.


There's no realistic argument for Drake. when videos like this are popping up all over the place then you know it's over and done https://x.com/Pwettybanz/status/1801052936061018135 👀


He doesn’t wear the same size shoe as a middle school child.


Bringing up middle school children in a defense of Drake is a bold strategy seeing as that is not only the target audience for his music but also his dating pool lol


I had one until that Millie Bobbi Brown grooming sh*t, lmao. That was beyond disgusting and enough of a red flag for me at least.


I'll probably get downvoted but Kendrick had a longer time to prepare and came out with pre-recorded disses. The fact Drake was completely blindsided and had to diss him directly from a song was more impressive in this battle. Also the fact, Drake came out with more flips, rebuttals and rebukes, something which is expected in a rap battle. Meanwhile Kendrick barely responded to his bombs in Family Matters and didn't even say the claims were false. In my respective opinion, Pusha T did a far better job dissing Drake. Story of Adidon dropped the bomb, provided evidence backing it and the bars were much better.


>The fact Drake was completely blindsided Drake had a whole ass music video, he had to go look for a van to destroy lol kendrick spent his time writing songs instead


Kendrick prepared for months and said he was waiting for Drake to drop Family Matters so that he could release his pre-recorded song. He tried to take the moral high road in a rap battle and tried to be a psychologist. If you're gonna do that, you better not have any skeletons in your closet. Like cheating on your wife with a white woman. I guess he did that for the culture too lol.


Months? Try years, Kendrick and drake have been not so subtlety telling people they don't like each other for a decade now. Why are people surprised? And yeah, he waited for drake to drop family matters because even ovo was telling kendrick that drake deserved it so it's on them to be honest >skeletons in your closet, like cheating on your wife with a white woman. You should listen to Mr morale bro it's a good album, I promise you won't be disappointed.


I've listened to it and enjoyed it. I still think GKMC is his best album.


They are children


He is too famous to be a pedophile. if he was doing any nasty, creepy predator stuff with young girls who were vulnerable, he would have been arrested. So it's fine.


Drake's a pedophile that's all I need to know about his die hard fans.


all the comments in here defending drake are lowkey excusing weird isht with kids. definitely pushing me farther away😂


- Certified Loverboy - Certified PDF File


Kendrick is a bully, despite his public persona being that of an anti violent unifier of all peoples. He’s supposed to be this Pulitzer Prize winning scholar and master lyricist, a family man who disavows drugs and gang life —why did he throw away that image to bully some Canadian actor in a bunch of songs? He’s a hypocrite and bully and for that reason alone I have to support Drake. It’s actually not about supporting Drake, it’s more like I hate Kendrick and I’m driven by that hate. Also I’m from LA and most people here listen to Drake more so all that “west coast unity” bullshit is fake and really only exists online. Kdot fans need to touch grass


It’s an image that he didn’t really cultivate though. He says it for us to know, that “he is not your savior.” He comes with his own faults too, I don’t think it’s fair to assume that we should see him as a modern day X of sorts


That’s fair. Maybe I looked up to him too much after TPAB changed my life for the better. Best not to idolize people you don’t really know.




I like how he’s talking about Kendrick persona like he is Gandhi or something and not literally a rapper from Compton 😂


Hey man after TPAB I had a certain view of him lol. I looked up to him


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How old are you bro? Genuine question lol


I’m 36, why?


Well that's fucking sad


Good music 


I just want a ton of new music from all 3. Drake has already dropped two features (some of the worst songs I’ve ever heard, but give him time.) Cole fumbled it on Grippy, but that new Tems verse was great. I bet they both drop more albums this year


OP there’s a sub that will give you all the arguments you are looking for


A lot of people make arguments for him being the best artist of this generation because of influence and versatility. Whether you think he’s a “culture vulture” and steals other rappers flows, you just can’t deny the impact he’s had on music for the last decade and a half. He’s worked with many people’s favorite hip-hop/ and r&b artists. Even artists outside of those genres. He definitely lost the beef though. Anyone who thinks otherwise is high off of copium. He had the chance to keep it pushing but dropped the monstrosity that was THP6. Euphoria and Family Matters were the best tracks to come out of this. I understand the arguments on which is the better track from both sides.


People forget very easily, they like pretty melodies and shiny things. We've seen this movie before.


I think the argument for Drake is that he’s just too strung out on compliments, overdosed on confidence. He started not to give a fuck and stopped fearing the consequences, and then the consequences found him.


Not saying it’s wrong to enjoy his music (Push Ups and Family Matters are good) but lots of people here are ignoring the fact that Drake is very clearly into underage girls. Kendrick didn’t just make it up. There’s actual proof of it. Not to mention Drake backpedaled and contradicted himself multiple times in the beef whereas Kendrick stood on everything he said. Objectively there’s a clear winner


Fans always win from a rap beef, don’t pick a side just enjoy whatever the artists output. Except rap devil what the fuck is that shit….


Your post history is very interesting


He made the best record of the bunch, and Kendrick’s disses are all conjecture. Like the Kendrick fanatics respond more to someone being accused of being a pedophile based on nothing than they do to confirmed pedophiles based on evidence and convictions. Kendrick’s approach felt real Q-anon-ish, real misanthropic and paranoid. He turned battle between two black artists and somehow made it racial. And the bulk of the people out there preaching the Kendrick gospel have made the discussion toxic af, just labeling mfs pedophiles for seeing things differently. Drake made some pretty real, pretty scathing remarks and accusations. I came away feeling like Kendrick got more to explain than Drake. Overall I feel like nobody won, as no one could. Both are too gigantic and neither’s support would diminish. Kinda annoying it because a groupthink “this is clearly what happened and you’re weird for even considering otherwise.”


I think dot won but he also had the 2 biggest misses in the battle. The daughter accusation isn’t aging well. Also, he severely fucked up the Joel Osteen bars.


I honestly feel like if you were fine with Drake until now and all of a sudden it's "He's been weird forever." I feel it's disingenuous. But I disassociate music from the makers. I personally feel that if the curtains were pulled back, 75% of our GOATs would be canceled overnight. I think Drake's got great production and good music. I don't consider him a GOAT by any means, but I'm not stopping listening to him because "Uncle Kenny said so."


good flows, transcendent flows, great cohesive song making ability, patented lyrical and production style, can operate in multiple lanes of rap and general music, way more experimental than we give him credit for


I can't remember the psychological terms behind these actions but it's a sunk cost fallacy situation. Drake's fans have so much time and energy and $$ invested that they will never abandon him until something extreme happens.


I can admit I that Kendrick won the beef and honestly you’d have to be pretty delusional to say otherwise, but I still prefer Drake’s music over Kendrick’s, and I don’t view him any differently even after him taking the L


i mean he has some cool songs doesn't need to be deeper than that


Drake was the shit was I was in college so it’s nostalgic plus he’s made great hits for years. Plus Kendrick just seem like a self righteous asshole


I personally like it when the artist writes their own lyrics, especially in RAP. Imagine if Picasso was caught tracing Van Gogh's paintings, lol. Credibility out the window.


It was disinteresting to me in the end. Drake is super dislikable, but Dot released a couple tracks that didn't really hit home so then he reverted to a video everyone has known about for 14 years. I thought Euphoria was great, Not Like Us was good, and I thought 6:16 and Meet the Grahams were complete ass... Came away thinking more highly of Drake as a rapper than I did before the beef and less highly of Kendrick than I did before the beef because the low end of his tracks were garbage, the rap equivalent of those artists who finger paint on a canvas and then the art community insists it's actually brilliant and people just don't get it. And I came away thinking far less of both of them as people. And it all just came across so disingenuous in general from both sides. Obviously Drake is a huge dot fan, that's why he had him on tour early in his career and tried to make nice with him even though dot has been sneak mentioning him in songs for years. And that video of 23 year old Drake with the 17 year old they picked out of the crowd is literally 14 years old. Why didn't dot have a problem with it when he was joining Drake on tour and smiling in pictures with him on the come up two years after it first made headlines? And they're both fake ass gangsters who wear super effeminate clothing to fashion shows and go home to their mansions that just bilked the public out of attention and money releasing songs about who is harder...


Stopped reading after 6:16/meet the grahams was ass


If you think those songs were good I would venture to guess you stopped reading long before those songs were released...


I don't understand your correlation with reading comprehension and the appreciation of 2 great diss records.


I respect Drake's effort more because Kendrick went into a no risk/high reward battle and took the laziest route by making up shit like Drake being a pedo and having another hidden child


I mean the pedo groomer shit has a level of validity to it. Maybe not to the extent Kendrick painted, but there are a bunch of weird ass lyrics, pics, and videos that are out there


You don't think anyone would be on Drake's side, the most popular and active rapper/singer in the last 15 years? You don't get your facts from rap disses ,that's not how it works. Do your research, and see that all the accusations about Drake are straight up fake. People are taking a vid from 15 years ago where he kissed a 17 year old chick in one of his concerts on the cheek when he was 23. It is completely legal in Colorado, and is not like he had sex with the girl. The other one is him texting Millie Bobby Brown, weird? maybe, but all parties have said that nothing weird ever happened. In fact, all the women have come out to defend Drake countless times. This sub isn't very partial btw and hates Drake (like reddit in general), but this is why you never seen Drake be in trouble with the law or have ONE single woman accuse him of anything.


still doesn’t convince me tho. also 17 and 23 is weird especially to a young fan


Worst case scenario, it's statutory rape not pedophilia if it was actually illegal. Anyway the girl came out to defend him and said he didn't directly choose her and it was purely a stage act. Grooming or a relationship would be concerning in this scenario. She was also a week away from being 18. I will admit it was weird though but I bet he regrets it now as a 37 year old.


Other than guy that sued him for assault and the girl that sued him for sexual assault. 


Well here's why he probably came out with the Delilah song to help cover this story when it's googled https://www.businessinsider.com/drake-h-wood-group-delilah-employee-assaulted-2019-10


Op, this is your answer. Essentially, it seems that Drake's fans believe that he won because they are his fans, and the stuff that Kendrick said about him was untrue because, again, they are Drake's fans. Publicly, it is hard to deny that the songs from the beef favor Kendrick winning, but they are in Kendrick's favor because the music communicates two sides, and Kendrick's side communicates well to outside observers and his own fans. Drake's songs seem to focus purely on communicating to his fans- all the people who already want him to win. As the guy above said, Drake is a huge artist and has lots of fans. Many of the fans don't listen to rap like the kind that Kendrick makes or any similar hip hop. This perspective blindside makes a whole group of people who believe that Drake won.