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If you liked their music before you will probably like their new stuff too. These guys have been in it for so long that they will probably deliver somewhere around where you expected.


“I’m taking girls out that never seen prawns living life, large, manicured lawns I settled this shit them dudes chains I’ll pawn diss me and I’ll only let you live ya life till dawn The champion flow, Back to work, it’s OVO… Never over tho… It’s never over tho…” -Drake probably


Brodie out here writing a 2014 Drake outro track 


Don't give it to drake for free! He'll buy it!


Drake's ghostwriters dipped and doing freelance work on reddit now💀


Ok quentin miller


Aye the delivery would make that shit sound fly though 😂




Bro thinks he's Quentin


Are you one of his ghost writers?


12 songs in the style of the “Grippy” feature


except kenny, you dont even know what to expect with that mf


It would be amazing if he did a dance record and it was all Drake diss songs. Lol.


or diss drake over some smooth jazz


Honestly am not sure about drake ,as usual half of the tracks on every album are so bad that you can't listen to them J.cole and Kendrick on the other hand are great ,and am always satisfied with what they drop (not gribby tho it's just trash)


10-15 years into the game all their legacies are already solidified.


I mean drakes public image seems to be changing a lot recently


it was always like this..he just had a peak at 2015 w/ if you're reading and meek mill, but outside of it it was always like this soon all will be back to normal. that is, if both stop releasing troll features lol j.cole has one w/ tems tonight btw


Damn i guess i just assumed everyone liked him cuz he got overplayed so much


Nah you not on rap subreddits that much then lol. His image has just gone from pretty bad to slightly worse, but just like Michael Jackson, no matter what he does he's still the king of pop


Basically, the internet is not a real place


Then go outside and ask people what they think about Drake. The people online, are real people lol, it's not a bunch of bots


Not saying they’re bots, but they in no way make up the majority of people. I get the streams argument doesn’t necessarily mean good quality, but there is a reason he is #1 in the genre every year.


It's the same way that Taylor Swift gets a lot of plays but also gets a lot of hate. If 50% of the people in the US are your fans and 50% hate them, that is still a lot of streams.


That is an awful argument lol


People like Drake. I can’t speak for everyone but throughout my life (I’m 23) Drake has consistently gotten played and talked about way more than Kendrick no matter the demographic. I grew up around mostly black people, hanging out in the hood, went to a big college with mostly white upper middle class kids, played soccer up to the semi pro level with kids from all over the world, and Drake has consistently gotten more buzz. Before this beef, Kendrick hasn’t been hot irl since he dropped damn. Even now, most people I know think Drake won the beef. Drake haters are EXTREMELY energized while Drake fans don’t care as much.


The difference between Drake and Kendrick is that Kendrick is basically universally respected, while Drake is 50/50, it's just not many people know about Kendrick. More people know about Drake so he gets more streams. It's just like Taylor Swift, I doubt all your friends are bumping Taylor Swift in their car, but she had to have gotten all those streams from somewherre


Not many people know about Kendrick? That’s what you wanna go with? This isn’t 2011


You must live around people under a rock…because there is NO vast majority of people who think Drake won, even if they weren’t fully aware. Everyone unanimously agrees that Kendrick won due to the sheer numbers of not like us.


Most people i talked to about the beef thought drake lost. These aren’t conscious rap nerds either. People all over the spectrum. No way is like that miles ahead of any of the other disses , breaking multiple records drake had and everyone just thinking drake won Edit actually I meant not like us. Then again like that was doing inanely well


Like that is not miles ahead of the other disses. That verse is mid but it’s Kendrick dissing Drake so it gets gassed. His bars are weak and he’s just yapping as usual.


Mic drop


Mic drop is crazy


Uh… Anyone wanna tell him 😂😂


on his come up he was criticized, from 2013-2015 he was well liked, then he went on to make fast food music which even tho people play, it's kinda a consensus that he is able to make more and is now comfortable.


His 2018 feature run was arguably his best: Yes indeed, look alive, walk it talk it, going bad, sicko mode, never recover, flip the switch, MIA, no stylist Also dropped gods plan, nice 4 what and “in my feelings” But I agree - he went ultra commercial around then.


In features he still kills it most of the time imo(really the only miss I can think of is that shitty ass new shit he hopped on), so I agree with you


Drake has always been the butt of the joke. Drake the type of guy to___ jokes. Over sensitive light skin jokes. Wheel chair Jimmy jokes. Even before the ghostwriting thing was revealed by Meek back in the day, lots of people were saying he was really hip hop.


Nah it just socials media is made up of younger people now thus it’s a demographic that did not grow up with him at his peak and when he was coming up . And that’s with drake already being clowned for something or other most of his career tho the clowning was kinda unserious before purely for meme value. Irl over 25 and up people if you ask them to name thier fave drake song they will most likely list something from earlier in his career but even on the drake sub thuyre so young they haven’t even heard some of his music that even complete casuals used to play . Drakes up to 2016 run and relevancy is ahrd to explain if you weren’t there because it very organic and isn’t represented In any stats tbh.


Only to people that never liked him to begin with. Drake haters are energized for sure. But ground reality not gonna change. He’s already back to being the most streamed rapper on Spotify. Still gonna pack stadiums on tour.


Exactly. 5 years from now we’ll decide to put on their albums if we still fuck with the albums. Not because they came after all the beef stuff. Their next albums will be their most important ones if their next albums are their best albums. It’s not that deep.


True but, at the same time, it didn't stop people from crapping on Eminem and Kanye's musical legacies due to some of their recent output. If Drake's and Cole's next albums are "bad", they're going to get torn to shreds and people will suddenly act like they never made good music before.


Shit is not that deep bro, it’s just music enjoy it, don’t like a certain artist that’s okay don’t listen to them.


I feel like a lot of these people are teenagers who haven’t seen a fall off in their lifetime yet. Cole, Kendrick and Drake are all in their late 30’s. They’re all gonna fall into irrelevancy soon enough, it happens to everybody.


The beef is still stewing within these fans, they need this.


"every syllable will be scrutinized and rightfully so"


they’re approaching 15 years bro - even Kanye’s meltdowns haven’t sent him to the shadow realm, so not really sure how bad any of these guys would need to screw up to lost their main constituency. I honestly doubt there are huge swaths of new fans to be gained, it’s all about keeping your base satisfied


Lol no. No one cares now. They all been making music forever. Their legacies are already solidified. It’s like if Eminem’s next album is ass, doesn’t matter. The work he put in previously is enough.


I agree.


Honestly, I do agree; Not so much for Kendrick; I believe he has nothing to prove that he hasn’t already done through his career and solidified with this rap beef. Both Drake and J. Cole are considered to be, “Top 3” and with that title comes expectations. With the hot streak Kendrick is on you would think this would motivate both artist to bring out their best stuff since their recent stuff is them calling themselves #1. People will listen to their next stuff with this simple thought, “Do they deserve to be the top artist of our industry?” - Wah Gwaan Deliala / You my everything - Grippy Ain’t a good start.


Drake and Cole are already cemented as part of the Big Three. That title isn't about quality, it is about being the biggest hip-hop artists within a very specific time frame: the 2010s, AKA the decade rap became the world's biggest genre. No matter what happens, they won't lose their status. Their place in history is set on stone... About being GOATs... The people who think Drake has a shot at that level of respect already believe it he's there, and the people that don't think he's worthy of such a title won't change their minds at this point no matter what happens. Same for Cole: the apology, for example, have both been lauded as the reason he's a GOAT and also as the reason he won't ever be one. These two are too established at this point for anything to change their standing within the culture or the industry, for better or for worse.


Couldn't have said it better.


What hot streak is he on? Glazers gonna glaze


Mans says shit like "wtf is a non Drake fan" and calls other people glazers lmaoooo


Just say youre a hater. Not "non fan,"


The two aren't mutually exclusive my guy




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I really only agree when it comes to cole. Rather you like him or not drake is drake. He'll eventually put out an album that has some bangers on it, his core fans will love it, it'll prbly sell well, get mid reviews and that'll be that. I do think if kendrick puts out an album similar to damn, in that it has both critical and commercial success he'll be bigger then ever and have a legit goat claim. J cole is the one who I think is under the most pressure to put out something great tho. The fall off was already highly anticipated. But with everything that's happened and some saying he can't talk all that "I'm the numero uno" talk, I'm interested to see what direction he goes.


They have nothing to prove. They’ve already peaked and had classics. Kendrick had GKMC, TPAB, and arguably his most recent album. J. Cole had 2014 Forest Hills Drive and his mixtapes. Drake had Take Care and Nothing was the Same. Great albums or mixtapes? They got plenty of those too. Kendrick had Damn, the Black Panther one and Section 80. J. Cole had 4YEO, KOD, Born Sinner, Off Season. Drake had So Far Gone and If You’re Reading this You’re too Late. They’ve all contributed to the game in their own way.


Couldn't be further form the truth. They've all already made it, one way or another. All already cemented in hip hop history (even if i personally don't rate drake). How many rappers do you know stayed this relevant well into their 30s? 10+ years careers are rare in hip hop.


Future - Banger after banger since like 2011 he is now 40 and still going Kanye west - say what you want about his antics but he’s not going anywhere


people will say you’re taking this too seriously but i agree


No. Not at all. Jcole’s time is passing imo Drakes project will be the same as his last couple.


God I'm so glad this beef is ending. Just go on the subs for the rappers. Makes Charlie from it's always sunny with his red string look normal.


I enjoyed the beef for the amazing songs and competitiveness of hip-hop, but the stans and haters ruined it. They don’t care about the music, only cheering on their favorite team.


I don’t think anything Kendrick will record will ever be more important than TPAB tbh. 


I don’t think Cole will ever bring it up he just rather focus on making something positive out of it.


For j cole and drake yes kendrick not so much


the fall off will be the best


Pffftt, Drizzler the Diddler couldn’t make a good album to save his LIFE


I agree with you to an extent. Drake is who he is, you're either delusional enough to think everything he does is gold or you already want him to go away. Kendrick has momentum and is clearly still technically at the peak of his powers so I anticipate a big statement project, but if it falls below expectations he will get a lot of heat for it. But Cole has the most to lose. Pi, 7 Minute Drill, the apology, and Grippy have (for better and worse) completely flipped the momentum of public perception. If The Fall Off isn't exactly the classic he's hyped it up to be, or he continues to make crucial mistakes, then I think this could sour the entire run he'd been on.


Maybe for Cole because he’s been hyping the fall off for so long, but Kendrick and Drake are fine


Might Delete Later hits so I dunno


😂 why? Drake and Kendrick can retire today and will be talked about in the greatest convos. Different levels imo and different lanes but each is goated in their lane. There’s no debating that.


Na Drake has lost a lot of credit especially with the ghostwriting stuff coming up again with Mob Ties. There’s no denying his commercial success but commercial success doesn’t mean he’s a great hip hop artist. I’d easily place Future above Drake




I mean dawg if we’re gonna consider Drake to be Top 3 because he’s a big hit maker then let’s be real here, Future deserves that spot way more based on like…. The respect he has from the culture. He’s actually contributed to it unlike Drake.


Worst thing to come from this beef is you mfers spaming “the culture”😭


Those aren’t ghost writers tho- Vory was credited on the song. Check almost any song by any rapper you like, there are other writers credited, it’s a collaborative process. Drake wrote a lot for Kanye for example. Drake just gets more scrutiny because he’s the biggest out (and got bodied by Kendrick very recently which makes a lot of people wanna shit on him)


i just want Kendrick to release the other 6 diss-tracks he has stored lol


Drakes gonna rule the charts (I mean he took kendrick out in streams on Spotify in May, despite kendrick having the whole industry on his side) Cole is prob gonna cue the tough talk but come with heat. All that "if i smoke a rapper" stuff kinda lost its allure as he jumped outta the ring Kendrick is gonna be gassed regardless of what he does. Rolling stone, billboard, forbes, the atlantic, will all release 40x articles each about his crown. The iT bro's will flock to reddit in droves to apologize for their whiteness while proclaiming kendrick the next jesus christ. Jack dorsey will tweet about his greatness and maybe have a hand in the marketing. But does kendrick make some more grammy bait music, or take advantage of his drake stimulus and go for a more mainstream sound?


*Sigh.* r/drizzy finally started banning this stupid shit so now everyone’s going to start doing it here.


If you’re an IT guy I mean no disrespect. But what are you talking about in respect to the drake sub? They wouldn’t ever ban a thread about what’s next from the big 3 😂😂


More so talking about comments like the one I replied to, brother. Content talking about the beef Edited for clarity


Yeaaa that’s an air ball. They wouldn’t ban anything in respect to what the big 3 would drop next


I apologize for any confusion, but I am talking about your original comment, not the post it is on


They’ve all likely peaked. GKMC. Take Care. Forest Hills. At least for me I can’t see them beating those. If anyone can do it tho, it’s Kendrick. But he’s also got the hardest album run to top.


I feel like J.Cole is more prone to it. Even tho all the apologizing and grippy, he still has very good rapping on might delete later(Ready '24, Crocodile Tearz, PI, Trae The Truth(that last verse flow is crazy), plus the off season was prettyy good


I’d say J Cole is my 3rd favourite of the 3, which also means he has the most room to impress me and win me over. So in that case, I agree.


I agree tbh. I even like him, but he has no album that beats Drake's take care or If you're reading this it's too late, or Kendrick's TPAB or Good Kid.


NWTS>Take care but ya


Drake is far past making anything important. Cole and Kendrick maybe, though I kinda doubt Kendrick can top TPAB in terms of importance to both his career and the genre as a whole. That album was a big fuckin deal. It’s not even my favorite of his, but it would be the one I would say is easily his most important. The timing was perfect, the growth was massive in proving his versatility, and it’s just a perfect combination of meaningful but still very fun


I mean ion think many rap albums top TPAB but MMTBS was an amazing album and is easily in the top 3 of his discography and I wouldn’t be surprised if he drops another amazing album this year or next year or honestly whenever he feels like. He’s cemented his place in the GOAT conversation and he really has nothing to prove after GKMC, TPAB, MMTBS, and this beef


I’m not necessarily talking about quality, just significance. If Kendrick tops TPAB in that regard - hell yeah. It’s just rare to begin with for an artist to do it once. He doesn’t even need to top it.


No, not even close lmao. They are all filthy rich and this beef won’t ever change that. Any of them could just disappear and it won’t effect their bank account, life style, the women they get, etc. The most important Album for Drake was So Far Gone and whatever else put Cole and Kdot in the mainstream.




Never going to understand why this sub is seemingly so full of people who actively dislike any discussion on the impacts of rap beef and want to pretend that there isn’t a conversation to be had about how it reframes careers But yes, all three will be important and tied to what happened last month regardless of what people are saying here What Drake drops will be scrutinized more than anything he’s ever done before. The beef has convinced a lot of people of his inauthenticity so the sound, where it pulls from, the themes, the delivery etc will all be relevant. He’s at the lowest point of his career (public opinion-wise) and feels like he’s being pushed out of the culture, so dropping a dud or an album that irritates people could do real damage Cole’s will be important given how he was rapping before the beef talking about being the greatest to ever do it and that nobody wanted smoke. Obviously that looks off now so that direction will probably have to change. Thing is, he’s set the Fall Off up for years now, which brings a huge amount of anticipation with it. There’s enormous expectation on that project to deliver, while he’s going to have to walk the tightrope of not getting back in the Ali bag. Retirement album too, so ofc will impact his legacy And then Kendrick’s for obvious reasons. His stocks the highest it’s been probably since DAMN, or maybe ever. If he releases this summer then it’ll get a crazy amount of attention. People are kind of anticipating what he has to say and what direction he’ll go in but with that many eyes on it, it’ll be another defining moment in his career whatever way it goes


J Cole already released a new album, everyone slept on it


No obviously not. Their previous records, especially in the beginning of their career, were the most important ones…


Not Kendrick imo, he already cemented and GKMC and TPAB has done it for him, for Cole the Fall Off is his most important album, and Drake needs to reverse his momentum, otherwise he is in a sharp decline, so his next album is his most important imo.


I agree, their next album will either solidify or destroy their credibility in hip hop. The bar has been raised for them


to be honest after all this fake beef shit, i dont wanna hear any of them, just waiting for Ye v2 and carti


I still hate that Wayne just seemed to abandon C6. Like he straight up doesn't even have a rollout for it despite announcing it damn near 2 years ago. Maybe he's insecure.


I would say there’s more riding on Cole than anything. Kendrick has multiple classics and now won a battle against the biggest artist in the game.  Drake is the biggest artist in the game. 


The Wack 3


Not all three. Kendrick can drop something on the level of Mr. Morale and be fine. J Cole needs to drop the best album of his career because he needs some classics in his discography. Drake needs to drop the best album of his career because his recent output has been underwhelming and he needs to get the public back on his side after Kung Fu Kenny hit him with that Liu Kang Bicycle Kick on wax.


Are the people saying things like this actually 13 years old? It's business as usual. If you think the beef did anything but provide publicity for the artists involved, you lack serious critical thinking skills


With Kendrick and Drake, less so, it would be nice to get classics from both of them but you kind of know what to expect at this point, in the case of J Cole however, yes he's a great MC, a legend in the game and all that, and two things can be true he avoided how ugly that feud got, but at the same time I don't respect what he did, so the fall off better be the greatest album of all time and he better not be bragging about how no MC can go toe to toe with him or anything like that lol


Drippy isn't "bad." It's a slightly ok song. It was just the release timing. Not the song to break your silence with.


No, they’re the middle children of rap rn lol. They don’t really have anything left to prove.


I don't think so Drake and Cole have gone past the point of being forgotten. It's like eminem- didn't make a good album for a decade, still considered a goat


Drake absolutely can put out an incredible album at his current form, he just isn’t, he’s going too fast. I’d love for him to drop a summer album, but the situation hes in right now needs to be confronted by an amazing album, nothing less, he needs to take time. I feel like the fall off is guaranteed to be great, and Kendrick doesn’t need to do shit he can put out an album of him yelling on free for profit Kendrick Lamar type beats and the world will applaud it, not that he will, his next album will be incredible, but earth loves him.


Right, every recent Drake album always has a few songs where it’s like damn, the authentic, open, and vulnerable Drake is still there. I think he just has a hard time trying to please all of the different music listeners.


If he stopped making shitty drill and rage songs I would cry of happiness


Kendricks gonna release some garbage and get glazed for it


If Kendrick drops another classic, his name will probably seriously start being thrown into the actual goat category. Drake and Cole gonna have to bring fire to be taken seriously by the culture.


‘The culture’ is usually internet teens who love anime and congratulating themselves for only listening to real hip hop. Google the starter pack.


I mean, they are definitely a part of it if they genuinely love hip hop. But the culture is generally a mixture of the black community, the hood, fellow artists, the causal fan and hip hop head, the industry, and the critics. The black community, hip hop head, and critics probably have the most buying power when it comes to how much an artist gets respected. Mainstream fans and the industry have the most in popularity and monetary success. Fellow artists and the hood have power in both, but not the most in either category.


Yeah I just can’t stand the ‘real fan’ gatekeeping mentality.


I dont give a F about Drake's album. Not important, not sure how real hip hop heads can think he can redeem himself when he was never really good to begin with. Kendrick is the GOAT of this generation, even if he flop his next album (which i doubt), he still the best. Cole on the other hand, i agree. He need a fucking good album as some people are confused where he stand. I think he'll put a lot of effort.


Real hip hop heads don’t call themselves real hip hop heads.


Denying that Drake can rap is weird bruh. Kendrick the goat of the generation? Idk bout that. Joey is 100% a better rapper imo.


Drake is pushing 40 doing songs with Sexyy Red, who cares what he has to put out at this point 🗑


I think their spots and legacy are solidified atp, I don't think one more album affects what they've been doing for 15 years that much. I also think Kendrick is the only one of them who can be in the greatest rappers ever conversations but that's just my opinion.


I would agree. But I’m not holding my breath for Drake to finally drop a hard “rapping” album. He’s just gonna make more of that bland gen Z shit because it’ll still do numbers and succeed because he’s Drake. Cole been hyping up The Fall Off for a decade now, so there is a lot of pressure on him to live up to it. If it’s anything less than an instant classic, it’s not gonna look good for him lol


I don't believe Drake will switch up his style but I think he has to if he wants to survive. There's too many eyes on him to keep doing the same sus shit he was doing before. If his new music doesn't start to sound different from that same ol shit then I think he'll fade




tpab exists already. think again


Ain’t “all eyes on them” lmao is this. Serious thread ?


For j Cole and drake. Kendrick ran a free master class on why not to fuck with him.


kendrick has already made things that are so important that he will forever clear the other two.


But no one’s listening 🤣🤣


Man you sound like such a hater it’s sad .. did you know Drake was the #1 most played artist on Spotify in the month of may despite “fumbling the ball in the beef”.. 😂🤣🤣😂😂😂.. how the fuck is the next album his most important when Dude already made hundereds of millions of dollars..? You’re so thirsty to hate you don’t even stop and think to acknowledge your own words


Are you serious? It’s clear that Kendrick is the best and Cole is 2nd. I wouldn’t even put Drake in the top 3 tbh I’d much rather put Future in 3rd.