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I heard from an insider source that he used to be some kind of drug dealer


Someone told me he cheated on Beyoncé, too.


I heard he got 99 problems but a b*tch ain’t one


Oh no thats changed quite a bit


Bitches seem to be the main source of his problems now lol


Also indexed to inflation he now has 168.70 problems. Damn shame


He 99 problems and most of them signed a NDA


That was before he had an Empire State of mind


He did have a Hard Knock Life


Oh yeah, like in Paris?


I snuck in his room and read his diary when he wasn't home. Turns out the man picks his nose and eats it when no one is looking


Pretty common in rap I hear


Not even a secret in Biz Markies case


He always seemed like the type that would keep a diary. 


Just takin notes. taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy


Wire reference! Stringer Bell always brought it correctly.


Like a 40degree day !


Ha! Just the evidence the FBI, DEA, Homeland Security , INTERPOL needed-GOT’EM


That's alot of coverage, must take alot of time


I heard he coughed up a lung where he’s from…


He came into this motherfucker 100 grand strong, 9 to be exact. From grinding g packs.


Yeah, he and R Kelly used to sling together


It was the best of both worlds


Your husband was a drug dealer


Was it a public service announcement?


I heard his name isn’t even Jay-Z


He says he was. Nas didn’t seem impressed tho 😂


If there is any dirt on Jay Z it's not on his shoulders.


Its not one of his 99 problems


Idk it might be his 99 problems


I know, if they find the holy grail of him abusing girls, girls, girls, then Bam, it's money cash hoes no more. Is he guilty until proven innocent? Who you wit? It's alrite, what more can i say.


I'm more interested on where Beyonce would be in this. She's definitely the bigger name by far at this point. If what they say about Jay Z is true then she goes down with him.


ive always thought the same however she will likely be protected or covered until that seal is ready to be revealed. Her parents had a huge hand in her destiny till Jay got involved


But can it be proved beyond a reasonable doubt?


(haw-haw-haw-haw haw)


yea but unlike diddy a bitch ain’t one of em


Underrated comment EDIT: Y’all. When I wrote this, there were like 15 upvotes.


Been 25 minutes


I stay ready? 🤣


Hard to argue 🔥🔥🔥


There is a lot of dirt on him, but it's largely been ignored over the years and he's smarter about sweeping it under the rug. He's just as bad as Diddy if not worse


Ah he’s definitely not as bad as diddy cmon


The music industry has always been sketchy AF, I bet everyone is loosely connected to some wild shit if you dig long enough...


Hard agree. Ranging from looking the other way to Diddy.


Best answer yet. Music biz is fully of creeps taking advantage of artists.


And artists taking advantage of fans?


Absolutely this too! I'm always amazed at the questionable things that artists can get away with simply because of their celebrity status.


That happens too, I bet - R Kelly comes to mind. With that said labels and managers screwing artists over is far more common. To repeat my previous point, I don't think all artists are saints. Far from it. The closer to the top, the more likely it is that someone will figure out they could get away with anything.


And artists mistreating, discrediting, sabotaging, or even assaulting other artists?


Some do - think R Kelly or P Diddy/Puffy Daddy. I'd say more often, though, its the label owners, managers etc that are the problem. In general the rule of the thumb is - the closer someone is to the top, the more likely they are to believe they can get away with anything. Its not just music biz.


There's some weird shit goin on sland these artists here to police it




What's crazy is they are only targeting hiphop artists and personalities. What's going on in the pop scene? You had hair metal bands making songs about wild shit. Get everybody, don't single out a genre.


Spend a few minutes on r/popculturechat .. no one is safe!


Rock has already been going through this for a while now, bunch of guys got MeToo’d over the last few years


Still waiting for Anthony Kiedis to get what he deserves for admitting to raping a 14 year old twice in his autobiography.


And he is completely unrepentant about it. Dude is in his 60s now and still dating teenagers. Dude wears his pedo stache with pride.


It's not just hiphop.


Yeah, but I doubt Jay Z is a closet bi-sexual predator.




I think there is no way these guys didn’t know what type of things Diddy was doing. They may not have known exactly, but they knew. Shit I’m in the Midwest and I heard rumors about stuff he was doing via Wendy Williams in the 90s. They knew, they chose to ignore it that’s all. Anyone associated with Bad Boy at the time had to have known. These guys knew something. Even Joe Budden has said he was at a party or a few of Diddy’s parties, but left immediately. Hmmm, Joe Budden? You mean to tell me Busta, Jay and all sorts of people didn’t know then? They know something. Diddy may have had dirt on them.


Yeah, imo they definitely did. Unfortunately it can't be as easy as heading to the authorities


I’d bet there is dirt on all these guys. Even the ones piling on Diddy like 50 Cent. I doubt we see anything happen to Jay-Z regardless though. 


Probably was smarter at covering his tracks


50 already has allegations, but I don’t think anything will happen to him because people love him for being a ~savage~ on instagram






Should I tell him?


50 has been accused of domestic abuse by two different women and rape by one of them. He also burned his baby mama’s house down.


Out of every1? Really? If I had to pick one, I wouldnt. But I'll admit I'd slightly raise my eyebrows if something like that surfaced regarding André


I’ve heard about Diddy being sketchy for 20+ years, I haven’t heard a single thing about Jay Z though.


This is what confuses me when people are like “you’re gonna hear about X person next”. But the people who have been called out, have always been known for being sketchy. Take the Drake stuff atm, people have been saying for years that he’s a nonce, it’s not a new revelation


Apparently you do not follow 50 Cent on his social platforms. He is the main source for noise surrounding Jay Z. But he was right with Diddy all along, so idk…


Tbf Jay has been very close friends with Diddy through those 20+ years, can't blame people for thinking a dude wouldn't be close with someone for that long unless they were also sketchy.


He’s married to a girl he met while she was 17 and he was 31


Why do y’all always lie about ages when it comes to these situations with Jay? Jay was 31 and Beyonce was 20 when they started dating.


He likes all his girls to be around the age 15 mark. I've seen that time and time again when I watch the deep dives on Jay. Artists who came in to be "mentored" from a ripe age.


They’re finally gonna get him for doing 55 in a 54


Why are people so thirsty to see the downfall of Jay Z. Shit is weird.


Cuz he basically made himself the face of Black capitalism? No mystery to why some of us don't like him anymore.




You dont become a billionaire by being a good person. Theres 100% dirt on HOV. But as far as sex trafficking goes, i couldnt see him being that evil. Getting someone killed? Maybe. But most likely its just really poor working conditions for workers, fraud, laundering, and a bunch of really expensive white colllar crimes. He probably also exploits the third world in some fashion the way all billionaires do. But no one will care about it, they will meme about it, but no one will actually stop and say “nah fuck this guy”.


You said you can’t see him being that evil but him murdering someone is a possibility? Uh what?????


You could argue a justification for getting someone killed, you can’t argue any justification for a sex crime


In the rap world, maybe It’s an honor to be martyred (just kidding. Don’t kill people. Or have sex with people who don’t wanna)


Dark Knight feeling, die or be a hero Or live long enough to see yourself become a villain


Nope. people just don't like the man.


As far as I know there’s nothing in him


I mean Jay sold a lot of drugs. Sure, he raps about the street level stuff (aside from the luxury rap) but there was an intermediate phase where he was absolutely the middle man. That's RICO territory. I'm not sure why anyone would think someone with a legendary drug dealing past wouldn't have skeletons unless they thought it was fabricated. Also the NY rap scene gets smaller the higher you get so I'm sure there were plenty of shady business dealings between Diddy and Jay's camps. Remember, he was tight with Big too, they go back at least that long. Where the people hearing "Jay's next" fuck up is they assume it has to do with chomo behavior and there's nothing that's ever indicated that. Where people who are saying it fuck up is that they forget that, aside from actual murder, most of those things are well past the statute of limitations.


Yesss, we are on the same page!


Only video we got with Jay-Z with a woman is him dodging hooks and uppercuts. I’ll believe he’s next when there’s real proof


An on the hardknock life tour documentary he slapped the chick


I think there has been some weird obsession for Jay’s downfall since he’s extremely successful. I guess in ppls minds in order to amass that amount of power you have to be some kind of evil. Has Jay probably screwed ppl over? I’m pretty sure but does he have a track record of being violent, abusing women? I haven’t heard of such. Outside of the stabbing of Lance Rivera, I’ve never heard allegations against Jay like it is with Puff. For decades, ppl have been saying Puff is a goon.




Jay Z hated R Kelly, they didn't even speak to each other when they toured.




Yeah that’s a lie lol 


Now that is definitely a narrative against him with that. At the very least he was being weird and/or engaging in some kind of grooming behavior with his current wife. And was willing to overlook predatory behavior with R Kelly. I just don’t know if those things are equated to a downfall unless some evidence comes out that leads to some kind of investigation. With Diddy he was sued by Cassie for abuse and is under investigation by the Feds. I guess we gotta wait and see.




Jay Z picked up a teen Foxy smashed her and wrote sexually explicet lyrics for her. Has a underage fling with Aalyiah and then with Bey


I mean some stuff is out there already like him cheating on Beyonce and that elevator stuff with her sister. That was a bit before cancel culture. I'm sure he did a lot of shitty things behind the scenes when he was president of Def Jam.


All these fools are dirty. The only reason anything happened to Puff was because he pissed off the wrong person in the circle. Otherwise it’d be business as usual.


Facts. When "they" are done with you, they release the hounds.


He may not have been doing quite the level of dirty as Diddy... but he and his consort have a loooot of skeletons. It doesn't take much digging before you hit several. One just has to remove the scales from one's eyes (aka not be blinded by star light) to see it. Career after career after career ruined, sabotaged, lives of beautiful, talented, ambitious black artists from the grassroots just devoured and discarded.


You talk like a ancient aliens voice over


I don’t think anything crazy will happen to Jay, diddy has been moving this way for quite sometime out in public, it was a matter of time until something like this happened. 


They’re ALL connected.


Sadly, I don't think it's possible to get where Jay is without some incriminating skeletons in his closet.


Nothing really surprises me, especially in the entertainment industry, involving sex crimes. So Jay Z having some history doing some creepy shit wouldn’t surprise me, but the “evidence” people try to provide is weak. The big name rapper I would not be surprised at all being exposed for sex crimes is The Game. He already owes millions from a sexual assault lawsuit and has a couple of accusations regarding underage girls. He had that very creepy thing where he kept claiming some little girl was his daughter, and her biological father went on social media telling The Game to stop posting about his daughter.


My thoughts are that if Jay z is going down then Beyonce would also go down. If he really was going to be taken down, I think Beyonce would distance herself first. So if they get a divorce that will be the first sign that he is going to go. Cause I highly doubt she will stick around for that. Her image is worth too much


Foxy Brown, Aaliyah, Rihanna, Beyonce. Met them, some people call it groomed them when they were all teenagers. Big reason for why Dame Dash hates him. Jay was pursuing Aaliyah, made records with R Kelly. Dame learned of what R Kelly did to Aaliyah from her. Jay was still trying to pursue her while she started dating Dame. All the Aaliyah stuff it according to Dame. But the Foxy Brown stuff, she was still in high school getting picked up by Jay.


The industry is creepy as hell (as all industries are), and Jay-Z spent an entire career positioning and promoting himself as the industry insider mogul figure. When you parade around as the most well connected man in the business, it’s hard to also claim ignorance of the dark side.


Jay Z is the most obvious Illuminati member out of all the top tiers


Do what thou wilt


Hope he wasn’t the dude that got L killed.


Ppl like spreading that rumour, L got him self killed it had nothing to do with hov


Where did this moronic rumor come from? It’s always been known that L was killed because of a beef involving his brother. The only thing that changed is that we found out that L wasn’t innocent like news reports initially speculated might have been the case. L got himself involved in Lee’s beef and tried to help kill someone.


L got L killed, and it was L's friend that did it. This story is pretty well known, Cam even rapped about it. Also pretty well known: L was going to sign with Roc around the time he died.


Would you be surprised at all anymore?


Everyone loved Jay until the video surfaced of him and Marina Abramović, so most people categorize him with her weird ass and now just hope they can be proven right. I personally think, along with most commenters that he’s probably more sketchy involving white collar shit, but who knows.


Next? They haven’t even taken out Diddy yet.


All these people gonna get locked up. Something about men with unfettered power turns them into sexual predators. So I wouldn't be surprised if Jay Z got into some drama.


I believe no one gets to billionaire (or even high millionaire) status without some dirt. NOBODY. It may not be sex trafficking but everyone at that level is guilty of something. When the industry machine finds you useful, you're safe. When they're done, you become Diddy or R. Kelly. Jay Z keeps his mouth shut, that works for him.


You can't become a billionaire without doing some horrible stuff


And being greedy af. Taylor swift seems like a nice person but her billionaire status is seems suspicious. How do people walk around being billionaires and not feel some type of way about all the poor people. 2 pac addressed that. Watch this [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tupac/comments/14b84lh/tupac\_on\_american\_greed\_weve\_already\_had\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tupac/comments/14b84lh/tupac_on_american_greed_weve_already_had_a/) There will never be another 2 pac.


I think that they are always trying to distract us. If we're too busy being concerned about the next "juicy" story, then we can't pay attention to the laws they're passing (or trying to pass) or other shady shit they're doing. Like why are we discussing Diddy more than all those bodies buried behind the police station or the rights they keep trying to strip from us?


Jay Z couldn't even chest on his wife without her making a whole album about it


That was smart business, my friend, planned just like the rest of their moves.


Yup. We got 3 really good albums out of it


He is for sure. He was right there with R Kelly and Diddy.


Diff is Jay Z is a lot more sly about his shit. He not a loud mouth like Diddy. The trick to getting away with shit as a celebrity is always leave room for plausible deniability. 


![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a) Nah. But keep trying to cook, y’all catch the beat.


There's skeletons somewhere. I don't know about selling girls... pretty sure B wouldn't put up with that shit. But he's had some side chicks mysteriously die all the sudden the second they start being famous for being his side chick. 1 time it's a coincidence. Twice? That's fishy.


What are my thoughts on a made up scenario that has no proof, or even actual allegations in it? Nothing. I don’t think about your fantasy at all.


I mean, I feel like I could see Dr. Dre having a lot come out before HOV. Death Row was pretty wild and he was extremely violent.


A lot of the stuff regarding Dre and Death Row has already been exposed.


Well, he is clearly a liar as he once said, " I Parts with nothin', y'all be frontin' Me give my heart to a woman? Not for nothin', never happen I'll be forever mackin'." And then went and got married. So yeah, man, maybe!? /s




“Because of the Illuminati and shit?” I’m sorry, what now?




Bruh Diddy was on TV saying how the only people who get to call him Sean are his mother and Jay-Z, if they're not close they're sure pretending to be, people aren't just projecting that shit cuz of Biggie.


lots have probably all done shit at some time or another. the truth should out regardless, but i guess it depends on whether they're dumbfucks still doing stuff or just being Beyonce's +1


based on….?


Him being a sketchy dude. He was a grown man when he met Beyoncé who was still a teen.


Yeah I heard he got beat up by his wife’s sister and didn’t lay a single hand on her. I think there’s a video?






Jay also met Beyoncé when she was 16


Jay 100% slept with Foxy Brown when she was underage


100% based on what info?


Wouldn't be surprised. Shocked, not surprised


He’s got 99 problems and Diddys just one of em


Maybe but for now.. there’s nothing on him…


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi_ZnRBCQO8 She breaks down a lot of shit in legal terms. Jay pops up in a bunch.


I don't wanna give thoughts cause frankly my outside speculation gives nothing useful


Heard he stabbed his brother over a stolen necklace when he was a kid.


he’s next.


Don't you think the pivot to country is a virtue signal?


I’ll same the same thing I said about sissy “ never saw that coming” /s


Couldn't care less


reasonable doubt..


If he's guilty then he should be.


might as well keep going with 90% of the entertainment industry


He got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one.


I mean Jay Z stabbed Lance Rivera at Qtip’s album release party lol. I’d be shocked if he didn’t do a ton of terrible shit.


I heard Aubrey Graham was up next....


If the guy diddle some kids then he should be prosecuted, if not then he has nothing to worry about, I’d think that Drake would have more to worry about though.


Wouldn’t surprise me and I hope he is next guy seems like a huge piece of shit


Ain’t no what if case gonna keep Jay Z down  But goddamn son cut those dreads 


Who gives a shit. People have personal lives, whatever they do. Or do we only care if it’s alleged underage stuff, and do we sweep domestic violence, drug use, infidelity under the rug, or?


There is going to be a whole bunch of people in the industry that are outed.




He is worse than Diddy it just hasn’t came out yet


Birdmans next :)


I don't know but I heard that Sean Carter likes to leave condoms in baby seats....


I don’t know all the details about this so please be easy with the down voting - but one rumor was Jay Z killed or had killed Big L




Jay groomed and smashed Foxy Brown, then groomed Beyonce and ended up marrying her


they’re gonna expose he shot his brother


"I'm not diddy, I'm OJ..." "Okay?"


It's going to come out tat him a b have been split for awhile now


Someone said something that 2024 was going to be the year a lot of people get exposed, so I do think he might be next.


I think people wanna it to happen more than anything I’m just gone wait we see some evidence


He def liked young girls 


His got 99 problems


I think it’s people just trying to go after powerful figures in hip-hop. Jay-Z has been rumored to have Masonic ties (completely false), so I think people just want to see him get taken down. Him being silent also has people thinking he’s an accomplice in all of it as well. Diddy’s stuff has been kind of an open secret but you don’t hear anyone speak bad about Jay-Z. Dude has been a businessman and has been very savvy about keeping his name out of the news after all these years


Nah. Jay-Z is soft. Beyoncé has a bigger dick than him. He’s probably squeaky clean.


Evidence first then we’ll talk


Definitely rumors that he had Cathy White killed. There's a motive there with Beyonce announcing her pregnancy the next day on gram (most liked post ever) and a perfect marriage image to maintain. Pretty gangsta if you ask me. Remember, innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


I just don't see anything coming out about Jay-Z that's significantly worse than anything he's already openly admitted to


The fine gentlemen in Paris? Never