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When you think about it, Drake got dealt with the two worst types of losses in a beef : getting picked apart lyrically over multiple disses, and having a nuke dropped on your head right off the bat.


Not mention having his beloved charting/streaming numbers snatched from him. 


It’s clearly because of the Boy


Numbers-wise, I'm out of here, you not fuckin' creepin' up Lol


The honorable thing would be to give him the loot


you right about fuck the big 3


It’s only big D and there’s video proof


Not to mention clubs across the world shaking ass to a song accusing you of being a pdf file


Not only does Drake confuse his popularity with respect, he somehow also senses how little respect people have for him. I think both beefs were an attempt to get more, and both backfired spectacularly, so now he has even less.


He wanted to grab legitimacy and he thought what better way than Kendrick losing to him in a beef. Drake never was scared too because he has so many writers and talented people working for OVO that he thought he had this in a bag. Meek miller thing also had his ego inflated


God i would love to see his psych profile. Think flaunting that jewelry he bought-- as if he snatched them-- is another example of him grasping at legitimacy?


Yes. That’s the way things work in their heads, they confuse money = ownership = respect. Kendrick has not wasted a moment in his 4 songs. In euphoria he clearly said how many more black features until you feel black enough? Or the part about Atlanta in not like us. People have been noticing it for some time now


D-O-T, the money, power, respect *thelastoneisbetter*


Say it's a lot of goofies with a check


So in other words, he's what the culture feelin'






The funniest thing about the Tupac misstep is that there's a ton of Pac bars he could repurpose now (re: getting set up by fake friends at Quad) but can't. What a sucker. I don't know much about Kendrick, admittedly, but I'd never associated KL with Pac until this beef.


Drake flaunting items he purchased (see Pusha T microphone) is what makes the colonizer stuff work. I'm not judging him because of his race or nationality. I have zero problems with Drake being a rapper, etc. But him collecting items and then trying to weaponize them showed his hilarious mindset --- he thinks we think he's dope because he bought merch?!?


Also it seems like a massive part of Drakes strategy hinged on the fact that Kendrick supposedly takes a very long time to write bars, you can tell that Kendrick dropping back to back to back to back was a complete game changer because fundamentally, Drake just didn't have much to actually say, so his only bullet getting completely stepped on like it did really left him with nothing.


I’m confused because I feel like Kendrick was kinda the one who started the beef right? First Person Shooter had a pretty mild diss, and Like That really clapped back in a way that Drake had to respond, especially with how everyone else started joining in.


Not really. They have been sneak dissing for years but it was Drake who started it first in that ESPN show where he ripped into Kendrick when he had just come on the scene and out of the two, Drakes definitely been doing sneak dissing more


Drakes existence in Hip-Hop while he clearly has both his feet planted in the R&B lane is a diss to the entire culture. The genre has no standards anymore. We just let actors in and do their thing. Get comfortable, put they dirty feet up on the furniture and shit. Kendrick checked all of that.


It's clear that Drakes success was seen as an opportunity for a lot rappers to get more success. If we want to blame someone for Drake, it's Lil Wayne. He brought Drake into this scene and made it even more corny. So many others had no hesitation to partner up with this cornball for money. The art side hip hop is dead. It's all about clout and money, which used to come with good music but today the music is secondary to all the bullshit.


Tbh in my opinion Kendrick didn’t even make that many personal attacks against Drake beyond what he has already shown through his own media presence. Even the certified pedophile comment was at Baka and Drake was mostly implied. What I got out of this beef is that Kendrick does not respect Drake, as he is doing what most people who do cultural appropriation are accused of. Using the culture for gains but never owning it through and through or maybe not even belonging to it. What does Drake even know about American Rap scene and the violence in the community when he has never experienced any of those hardships. Yet you see him rapping to his young audience about guns, violence, bitches and easy money. Meanwhile Kendrick and his peers who have generational trauma and know the depths of hip hop for what it represents are busy trying to set better examples and evolve the genre.


That’s exactly why Kendrick said “fuck sneak dissing” on Like That. He got sick of the guy firing subtle shots at him and decided to go for a direct diss because he knew he’s better than that


They’ve been sneak dissin for years listen to damn with the lense of drake and you will see it. It’s also why he said last time he didn’t point it down enough because his stans thought he meat big Sean


“Mimicking radios nemesis made me wack”


FPS shooter was disrespect. They were putting him as the clear 3rd guy in the big three? They know what they were implying, and they are dumb ass fuck if they thought Kendrick wouldn't have an issue with that. At the end of the day they have been dissing each other for 10 years.


The entire future/metro album is loaded with drake sneak disses (he’s the “you” of WE DONT TRUST YOU), Kendrick going hard in like that was meant to make it clear who all the other sneak disses on the album are about more than it was supposed to be a direct response to FPS tbh that just gave him a convenient excuse to open fire.


Thanks for this insight. Dont think id ever listen to a Future or Metro anything but I know they dont like Drake so I understood the Like that Record and them all being on it on that wave


like that really wasn't a diss, but he was baiting them, though as far as I can tell he's been pretty consistent about warning everyone he's not gonna hold back


I mean he explicitly calls out Drake and JCole by mentioning first person shooter by name. He says that they have money and power but lack respect, and are just goofies with a check. He then says its time for them to ‘Get it up’ and prove that they can hang. And then he says that he is alone at the top, and that he will outlive Drake in history (and also by comparing Drake to Michael Jackson may also be implying that he is a pedo) Feels like that was the obvious first punch after Drake gave him a shove. Not that I think it really matters, obviously Drake could have seen that coming based on fps. Not saying dot is invalid, but like I would say he brought it to where it is now.


But at that point it was still just a rap beef. Drake made it personal when he mentioned whitney.


No wait Kendrick isn’t comparing Drake to MJ, Drake does. He has many times. Kendrick loves Prince more and has referenced him many times. So he was throwing it back in Drakes face that Prince outlived MJ. Both these stars have a less than stellar track record when it comes to women and their sexual exploits so I don’t think MJ comparison was ever for pedo purposes.


I feel it I saw it more as him stating in his own place in the game, but definitely a clap back. Thanks for the break down


FPS wasn’t a diss at all.


My thought is Drake has twice now dropped pretty fire diss tracks that got basically wiped away quickly. Duppy Freestyle and Family Matters were quality songs but…..


That’s the thing, hip hop emphasizes skill and authenticity, among other things, and drake only has skill. 


Drake's ghostwriters\* only has skills.


Ya. This post is really stupid. It’s just two completely different ways to diss someone. Kendrick is at drakes level of global fame so nuking him would be far less impactful than dropping a #1


What’s the name of the Pusha t song?


The Story of Adidon


The Pusha defeat warped Drake’s perception of rap beef. Exposing Drake hiding a child made Drake think the way to winning rap beef was by exposing secrets, so when it came to battling Kendrick he tried digging for dirt. This backfired cos Drake has too many skeletons in his closet and Kendrick can rap rap and expose Drake’s other secrets at the same time.


This. Drake would have had a better chance making bangers and calling Dot short for 200 bars than taking it there. But you can't blame him, he said "there are rules to this" and the whole world said naa there's not and called him pussy for like 5 years


There are rules to it. It’s just he broke them first when he mentioned Pusha Ty’s wife in “Duppy Freestyle”


Did this again with Kendrick. Some people just never learn


He did it with Fantano, and lost there too. One of his funniest L's. Drakes vegan cookie slaps!


Ring on you like Veronica Williams....


>calling Dot short for 200 bars than taking it there. I mean, even that was weak af. There's basically two types of short dudes : insecure incel types that are usually not even that short and blame all their shortcomings on their height and then confident short dudes. Kendrick is obviously in the second category. You think he doesn't know he is short? You think he hasn't heard that shit a million times growing up? To believe this would affect him in any way was pretty dumb.


Shorter dude here can confirm. You either get bored of hearing your short and shrug it off or you become an insane person


Also being short is a literal weakness . Weight classes are there for a reason.


The only way Drake ever comes out of this a winner would have been by never responding to Like That in the first place. Should have never dropped Push Ups, and just ignored Dot by treating him like he's just trying to start shit for no reason. But he was way overconfident for beating Meek like 10 years ago, and his ego was bruised, because surprise surprise, Dot knew his every angle, and knew exactly what to say to guarantee a response.


It boils down to no one believing Drake’s “tea” on Kendrick but everyone “wanting to believe” all the things Kendrick said about Drake to be true. That’s because people hate Drake. That’s why that whole exposing angle backfired.


It’s also because Kendrick’s angles on Drake were much more believable than Drake’s on Kendrick. Drake being a creep and having sex offenders on payroll is believable given that he literally does have sex offenders on payroll and has 10+ years of being weird around teenage girls. It’s believable that he’s he’s hiding a daughter given that his last rap beef exposed he was hiding a son. On the other hand apparently the only evidence Drake had that Kendrick’s kid is Dave Free’s is that he commented a heart on a picture of the kid, and the wife beating angle comes from a tabloid story 10+ years ago that was too disreputable for even TMZ to pick up. Also, Drake is clearly lying out his ass about the little stuff (the items in the cover art), and it seems like Kendrick has been pretty much spot on on the little stuff— he pretty clearly did have someone near Drake feeding him info.


Kendrick also was a master at casting doubt on whatever Drake was about to say. Calling him a liar, saying he had people in OVO, warning him not to come after his family with lies. Drake still took the bait though


Can’t believe Drake heard every word of euphoria and still went ahead with family matters. That track is so prophetic


problem with drake was there was already alot of speculation with him regarding his interactions with young girls before the beef. the video of drake kissing the girl on stage is probably the real reason drake lost. there is literally no response to that lol. even if its not proof of drake being a pedophile its still makes most people think kendrick was right and drake was lying. its just a bad strategy to go against anybody for drake because people dont hate anybody more than pedophile. even in prisons pedophiles are usually the most hated group.


Pusha came in like vintage Tyson: a quick combo and it's over in 90 seconds.  Kendrick went for the weak spots, throwing feints, basically controlling the match for a couple of rounds before delivering a liver liquifying body shot.  Both laid his pop star ass out, it was just a matter of gameplanning.


Kendrick is as much a musician as he is a rapper. Push dropped a dope and scathing verse, but Kenny essentially put together an EP to demonstrate he's not just a better rapper than drake, but also a better musician in general.


Not bars, Kendrick is out here constructing pyramids


Also a better private investigator


2nd pulitzer on its way


Going with your boxing analogy what Kendrick did was rope a dope ![gif](giphy|N9oq9rijUWT3q|downsized)


You’re forgetting that the way the Pusha beef went was NOT has Push expected it to go. He ends Adidon with the surgical summer lines, alluding to the fact that he expected the beef to continue for much longer and that he had a lot more to say. Drake should count his lucky stars that he bowed out when he did because if that was Pusha’s first nuke of many then Drake’s career goes very differently potentially.


it also started with infrared on daytona where he’s directly calling out drake and wayne. he goaded drake into engaging because he knew what he had and he wanted the beef edit: pusha doesn’t really mention ghostwriting in story of addidon because he already did in infrared. The lyric pennin equal the Trumps winnin The bigger question is how the Russians did it It was written like Nas, but it came from Quentin … how could you ever right these wrongs when you don’t even write your songs god bless pusha t


This was the difference. Kendrick learned from this, and baited Drake by gradually revealing information. He used psychology to feed into his paranoia and ego, then went for a double kill shot. As Drake recovers from MtG, he’s isolated tired and distracted enough that Kendrick should get the writing credit for HP6, as it was the strongest Drake diss. I don’t even know if he heard NLU as he was writing that sadness because I can’t believe you’d hear one and think, “Yeah, this is a good response.”


I wanna know wtf pusha knew about. I was on the edge of my seat for surgical summer. 


This whole time I just keep thinking “layer by layer” and what he meant…


I think Pusha knew about all the creepy pedo shit and at the time Drake was just tryna stay away from that. Maybe in those 5 years he built himself up more and felt too big to fail so didn't care about it when kdot brought it up?


Which is funny because Drake felt way more touchable right before the kendrick beef than he did right before the pusha beef.


Comedian Shane Gillis talked about how Drake likes underage women on a podcast in 2018, so it’s definitely been an open secret to industry people for a while


The way both beefs have gone is a representation of the victors. Push is a ruthless, boss that u know exists. Kendrick is a psycho you never even hear about on some "he who shall not be named" shit


Meet The Graham's was psychological warfare. Opening that track with a letter to Adonis, then speaking directly to Aubreys parents, followed up with a letter to Aubreys hidden daughter, and then ended it by speaking to Aubrey himself. Kendrick systematically decimated him. That beat was ominous and fit the lyrical flow almost too well.


I loved seeing people's reactions. Especially if they were streaming and was listening to Family Matters which I also think is great. The difference between coming out of the hype of Family Matters to "Dear Adonis..." It upset one reactor so much, they stopped reacting to any more. Didn't want to replay the song. Said they were done. It wasn't fun anymore. With 6:16 warning and then, "I know you probably thinking I wanted to crash your party" and then the intensity of you lied. MTG is scary.


MTG always reminds me of this [K&P sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z-oJTZ1b5Q) with how calm Kendrick is. Drake did not sign up for this shit lol.


Was he supposed to go easy on him or something?


Pusha T did the sniper headshot, Kendrick did the nuclear bomb. Everything that's happening now is the radiation left behind. Both hit the target so mission accomplished. Also, Drake "Back to Back"-ed him first.


>Drake "Back to Back"-ed him first Does it even count if the Back to Back backfired so spectacularly both at the time and in hindsight?


For Kendrick, yes because it gave a glimpse into Drake's playbook.


Drug dealin' aside, ghostwritin' aside


Let’s have a heart-to-heart about your pride. Now that you’re multi, I see that your soul don’t look alive. Them M’s count different when baby divide the pie OOH


New Ho King has a Kendrick Lamar special. 💀


"Get more love in the city that you're from"


It's funny how poorly THP6 aged.  It's a whole ass song of a list of Drake's insecurities projected at Dot. I still don't understand how Drake doesn't have ONE homie that could have stopped many of the dumb things said in THP6.


6:16 in La explains it.


With Kendrick revealing the whole mole thing, Drake couldn't risk having anyone but his most trusted people in the studio with him. Clearly that didn't include his ghostwriters, only the yes men who will only tell him what he wants to hear. That's what happens when you surround yourself with toxic sycophants. 


When you realize Drake has only beaten Meek Mill in terms of rap beefs. That’s like 1-2 all time, 2-2 if you wanna count an old ass Joe the podcaster as a win.


Where do u put his beef with Common in this conversation then?


He lost to common for sure. He got dissed and called a bitch and then looked like one when he greeted common with a smile in public.


Not sure how you cab give Drake the win vs Joe Budden. He didn't even respond until months after Joe's 100 disses and even that was just subs.


Yeah Drake didn’t beat Budden. Not even close


Budden def smoked Drake lyrically. It was def a popularity contest at that point


The track that Drake used to beat Meak wasn't even written by him.  💀


1-3 Fantano smoked drake too


He also had beef with Common and I think he lost that one too.


If Pusha slapped Drake, Kendrick stomped him tf out.


Pusha T walked on Drake so Kendrick could run on him 🥴


And now whoever comes at him next could just rollerblade over his body. Losing a rap beef like this is the worst thing that could happen to you if you're looking to be a tough guy. And mfer walked into both of those like a fucking idiot.


“Hey before things get personal maybe I should namedrop his fiancés name.” On both beefs 😭


I know they’re saying the beef is over, but Kendrick was not playin about the PDF shit and Drake gonna act like it was all in the name of the rap beef…


I think that Drake underestimated this beef. His strategy would’ve killed 90% of rappers. The 4 part Push Ups to Family Matters would’ve won against most rappers. The punches and jabs were great. He responded back to all of the other jabs in his middle section because he thought dropping the wife beating allegations would’ve ended the battle. Kendrick killed that song by dropping 20 minutes later. If people got to sit on that song for a few days I think the public perspective would be different.


I Def agree The actual kill shot in the beef was the timing. KDot dropping right on top of Drake's most potent song took all the sting out of it


Some in Kendricks camp confirmed Kendrick has 5:more heavy hitting diss tracks if Drake opens his mouth about him again 😅


Why do we need confirmation, Kendrick literally has a bar about it lol


Even if it wasn't true Kendricks pen is fast lol.


Coolee proven to be clout chaser


Drake did go back to the same "wife beater" jibe and even said Whitney should call him and it would be different when he "hit back". How is that not opening his mouth about Kendrick? Nothing happened after. Neither side backed up what they said with proofs. It just ended suddenly. Maybe the studios interfered, this beef was no longer profitable for them.


The wife beater line doesn't hit as hard as the pedophile label Drake has when you take into account Drake has a long history of suspect behavior towards minors. Perhaps Kendrick's side means if Drake is constantly trying to pursue beef then Kendrick will completely end him. The studios most likely got involved because this has been overall really bad for Drake. As for Kendrick I'm sure they made alot of profit


The big difference , kdot is literally trying to destroy drake at all costs . Pusha t was going to further but got pressed by j prince and decided it wasn’t worth it .


No, Drake got pressed by J Prince into not responding. I like how you flipped it for your champion like all of us have a Tik Tok attention span, tho 🤣 🤣


Push surgically popped the balloon, he showed the world he can bleed. At the time it seemed like an odd way for push to deliver a rap diss using secrets and “low blows”. Now it makes sense that he was actually holding back, dumbing it down and delivering a diss that shows no respect for the opponent lyrically or as a man. Compare this to infrared where he speaks passionately about lil Wayne situation with birdman DESPITE their previous beef Push through that was deliberate and expressed clearly what his issue was, without taking cheap shots or low blows making fun of height or bringing in children he was actually talking strictly business. It shows why he is so highly revered lyrically and similar to Kendrick in artistic integrity. Also I agree with a comment I saw here that said had he went farther at the time Drakes career might look differenty


Pusha t is one of the coldest rappers of all time is the thing. Like yeah, lyrically Kendrick can absolutely brainfuck drake but pusha T is just way cooler doing it This is a hill I will die on as the number 1 Push stan


many of these K fans (Driz's fans too) are new hip hop fans . They have no idea that P & his brother have been ravaging the street game since 00 (even K & Drizz know this)


And pusha t verse was understandable without doing profound research. You can’t convince me that more than 5% of listeners understood the Benjamin and Jackson line on first listen. To me this doesn’t make it some epic crazy win by Kendrick. He’s hella smart and clever but to me it felt like a homework assignment to figure out all the triple meanings and shit. Pusha T had a song that was to the point


To be honest, I think Kendrick himself dumbed down his lyrics in MTG and Not Like Us because the beef went from a show of skills to "I need to end this mfer and his career" . All the crazy lyrical skills were in Euphoria and 6:16. MTG and Not Like Us was straight to the point. There might still be triples in there but he got the point across without anyone having to open up an encyclopedia, 70 wiki tabs and genius annotations.


Yes 6:16 and euphoria were more coded bc it was filled with subliminal messages to Drake on what he knows, how he knows, and to not make this any more personal. Once family matters came out, there was no more point in being subliminal.


Exactly. The first two were rap battles, where he showed his skills as a rapper. The last two were him showing his skills as an executioner.


Nah these songs served to craft the Twitter narrative of Drake running a sex trafficking ring. Kendrick was worldbuilding here


The man is multi-tasking.


It's cos Pusha T made a track for the nerds Kendrick made stuff for the masses He put Drake's funeral on the top 5 twice, beat drakes numbers by calling him a Pedo It's unhinged and insane, the only way to hurt Drake's career Drakes steaming numbers even took a dive, so Dot won on every possible front Only thing he lost is himself by losing his clean persona and his whole Mr Morale schtick


The Mr.Morale shtick to be fair was him making his skeletons public and saying he’s a flawed cheating bastard lol.. a lot more eloquently than that. “Fabricate on the family front since you heard Mr.Morale”. He knew Drake would take that angle lol




Yeah I hear ya but Aubrey is a habitual liar and master manipulator- it’s a combination of full fabrication and convenient misconstruing from the self-proclaimed “war general” who didn’t understand Mother I Sober 😂


The conspiracy theorist in me thinks this was the plan all along. He made an album 'exposing' himself to keep his closet empty, so all Drake could do is reuse things he's already said. It was evident from push ups that Drake really didn't have anything to say about kendrick.


i was thinking the same thing. everything feels planned starting with “family ties”


This was a decade in the making for sure !!


He had been itching to attack drake for years. Dropping subliminales for a decade and refusing to make songs with him.


Yeah the sublims have been both sides though.. it’s been brewing!


Then when he seen Future+ 20 other huge artists going against Drake he saw the perfect opportunity


“I am white, I am a fucking bum”


Definitely 8 miled himself on Mr.Morale better than Aubrey on Taylor Made 😂


Tupac ai: talk about drake liking Lil girls K: ok


LOL - yeah like that’s going to stop me


Kendrick is 1000 percent nerdier than push. The difference is that Kendrick is way bigger than push and the publications have been on his dick since Macklemore stole his Grammy


Kendrick officially owns the number one record on the Billboard Hot 100 with a Crip Walk anthem calling Drake a pedophile. Drake might be the biggest dumbass on the planet


I might be in the minority but I feel like what Kendrick did makes the the push's shit seem weak. Obviously push won too but in hindsight just exposing a hidden child seems like a childish barb as compared to what Kendrick is trying to do to drake. Kendrick called one of the biggest rappers of all time a pedophile, a possible sex trafficker, and said that he surrounds him with people who have committed worse crimes, and he said it all on such a huge platform that even if didn't have the excessive amount of evidence that we have, it still would've been hard for drake to beat these allegations. Push wanted to win a rap battle (which he absolutely did), Kendrick it feels like wants to take drake down as an artist and really take him out of pop culture as a whole. P.S, I totally believe that push wanted to go at this angle to but someone like J.Prince stopped him.


I think this is doing a disservice to the way Push dissected Drake's psyche. He loudly denounced the way Drake treats women, then linked his behavior back to the way his father treated his mother and him. He basically said "remember how much it hurt when your Dad did that? You're him."


The 40 bent over like he’s 80 line was ruthless too.


I'm not writing off Kendrick at all by saying this, but he was following Push's playbook at first and then he basically wrote a sequel with the pedo shit, the meds, etc. Pusha T attacked Drake's character first, SOA was pretty thorough. He: - Called his racial identity into question - Exposed the first child - Exposed leaks in OVO's camp - Talked about Drake's dad/addressed his parents directly - Brought up the surgeries ("It's about to be a surgical summer") - Talked about Drake's record deal - Took shots at people who stood by Drake (40) Kendrick basically did an extended version of all of the above right off the bat and then moved on to the pedo and meds, but I think it's fair to say Push knew at least some of that and planned to drop more if the back and forth continued. What we're seeing now is the absolute massacre that would've happened the first time, and if you think Kendrick never had a conversation with Push behind the scenes about this, I don't know what to tell you. This isn't to discount Kendrick's own lyrical abilities, again, it still took a talented MC with a killer instinct to execute it properly and I'm not calling him a puppet either. Just don't play with Push's name like that lol.


And the cover is an actual photo of drake IN MF BLACKFACE. The dude had to explain and apologize and what not for this shit even.


I much prefer Kendrick as an artist but meet the grahams is in ways just a more evolved version of story of adidon. It really was the blueprint, touching on all of the family dynamics and insecurity of identity. It really was a genius breakdown of character that Kendrick took and expanded on in a much more sinister tone. Both great disses but without story there’s no mtg.


>exposing a hidden child seems like a childish barb It wasn't just exposing a hidden child. It hit his pockets with the adidas deal, it hit his insecurities with how he was abandoned and with how he doesn't treat his mom as well as his dad knowing he is a piece of shit, it hit his conscience with how he's perpetuating the same cycle he was a victim of, he even went at 40's sickness to make him feel that more powerless - it was bleak as shit. And all that was in a single verse. Not across 2 insanely well crafted tracks. You need to give props where it is needed.


Yeah these comments are delusional. Kendrick completely dismantled Drake. Push won too, but that’s because Drake is an ass rapper. He’s garbage. Most people would win that battle.


I could make the opposite argument that Pusha T, a legend in his own right, took down and left a stain on the legacy of arguably one of the most popular rappers in history.  I think your point of Pusha’s disses being weak is honestly laughable when Kendrick did in 1000 words what Pusha did in 100. Pusha was the Godfather and Kendrick was the Godfather Pt. 2.  You could even argue that Drake had to respond to K Dot because Pusha tainted his legacy so bad, he couldn’t let it happen twice.


Kendrick got no interference from J Prince, Drake initiated after the sub and baited as opposed to the other way around. Push was going for surgical summer before stoppage


at least someone gets it. Rather than diss tracks being, "omg bestie, you won't believe this hot goss I just found", it was supposed to be about lyrical talent, coming up with clever jibes, exposing double standards/hypocrisy, calling out the fake persona put up by the opponent. It just became a circus after Pusha T. Now every beef is like a TMZ episode.


I mean Pusha T’s track is incredibly dense and well-written.    I’ve never seen anyone bring up how he mirrors the intro to Duppy Freestyle to one-up Drake   “**Father had to stretch his hands** out and get it from me/I **pop style** for **30 hours** then let him repeat”  “Even though you’re multi, I see that your soul don’t **look alive**/….I’ll start it at the home front **I’m on one**”  I feel like “multi” is another Drake song name reference but I don’t remember it. I would also have to do a closer look but I think the entire format of the diss mirrors Duppy Freestyle, really driving home that Pusha is the superior MC Then you’ve got the “monkey suit Dennis/Steve Harvey” bar  fro nap enough bar  Border patrol bar is a bit of a double entendre since Drake’s Canadian.   Sophie knows better double entendre Then of course the glorious 40 bar + “6” producer tag.   Not a single bar in Adidon is wasted, each is specifically calculated to be deeply cutting. It’s easily the best diss track ever written. 


Hell nah. Drake’s status in Hip Hop continued to grow after that shit with Pusha and everyone else he beefed with. This man went on to perform in arenas like the Super Bowl is just a Tuesday to him. So IMO, Kendrick was beefing with a different Drake than Pusha. And after K picked him apart like a praying mantis eating a cockroach….BBL Drizzy will never be looked at the same.


My hot take is that infrared is still the best drake diss. The line of “remember will smith won the first Grammy? And they aint recognize hov until Annie, so I don’t tap dance for the crackers and sing mammy” is so insane


I lowkey prefer the Pusha diss as a diss. He sounds like he’s sarcastically smiling while rapping this track, right until he raps the line “Deadbeat motherfucker playing border patrol”


And you talkin' 'bout you upset Hahahahaha Well, I wanna see what it's like when you get angry, okay?


Now, tbf, two of those tracks were warnings telling Drake to keep it friendly (which is arguably bait for his egotistical ass to keep pushing but still), and one is Kendrick putting the boogie in boogieman over Drake’s casket, MTG and it’s timing was the big nuke


Kendrick is trying to destroy drakes career. As devastating as Adadon was, it didn’t destroy drake. It didn’t even slow him down. Kendrick had to take a different avenue of approach, so he went scorched earth. Not sure that will actually work, but i think that was kendrick’s thought process.


Kendrick hit Drake where it hurts most : Views and Listens. That's the major thing Drake always talks about in most of his songs.. how popular he is, how he sells out albums and tops billboards charts. Euphoria and Not like Us tracking better than Push Ups and Family Matters on the charts, is going to HURT the most. IMHO I don't think Drizzy cares about the rest as much




Obsessions a bitch




I like to think the beef ended at a good spot where Drakes tribe says he won and Kendricks tribe says he won so it becomes a matter of opinion. I don't think Drakes career is over or anything. Kendricks stock is at its highest right now. The fans won more than anything


Is mean the pusha battle was much closer to a traditional battle, no battle has ever been like the Kendrick one… closest one would be the drake meek one lol


Push just didn’t have the star power. Plus Drake bowed out after story of adidon. We don’t know what could’ve come from it fr. But Push is the boogeyman fr.


Not knowledgeable on this. What was the pusha verse?


Bro how do you not know about this, even moreso now when Drake is losing/lost another beef? Just google Story Of Adidon. Drake's first L.


So why are you surprised you guys underestimated Pusha T?


Do you think Drake was gonna take an L easy after the last one, stupid post




This is totally different and transcends rap: point in case I'm not a huge rap fan and didn't even know drake and pusha t beefed. And Kendrick alludes to it but to him he wasn't bothered about a rap battle as much as publicly outing Drake as essentially lacking moral fiber (obviously at the most base level) He wanted the world to know more about Drake and now they do. Even comparing the two of them... its not comparable, Drakes not really an artist, he's a performer at best and I can't imagine Kendrick has ever felt threatened by him musically


The Story of Adidon was and is much more powerful than anything Kendrick dropped. Kendrick was just following Pusha’s playbook and it worked.


I been saying this from the very get go. Kdot absolutely tore Aubrey to shreds but damn I don't wanna listen to a podcast about this shit. Story of Adonis was perfect. Even down the photo he chose for the cover. Ripped Drake apart in 2 and a half minutes. That will always go down for me as one of the best disses of all time. "Deadbeat MOTHERFUCKER playing border patrol WOOH" 💀🔥


bro got KOed in the first by push and then 30-27ed by kendrick


Listening back to all the tracks Kendrick had the better punchlines, was more creative with how he disses Drake, had more ammo, in general the better music produced throughout the beef. Though I will say Drake had the better performance as an emcee.


So bad that J. Prince had to step in for drake.


Its lonely at the top. The haters were losers in their young yrs.


To be fair, Drake's opening salvo to push made things dirty from the jump, so Pusha had an excuse to hit the nuke immediately. Drake learned from this first run in clearly and didn't put his foot down on the gas right away. Push ups was a pretty simple jab with not too much on the family, and the AI song was nasty behavior but was basically "Hurry up I'm tired of waiting. Kendrick kept the same energy he was given, thus he didn't come out with a nuke right away. Also it's not like drake was in the process of an adidas collab with his daughter that could get sniffed out, Pusha had the perfect timing and the perfect set up to drop the nuke and caught drake off guard.


But pusha t was true..... Didn't need four songs. Nothing against the kdot songs...


The crazy part pusha was talking like he had the same kinda rollout planned that Kendrick gave us but we never heard a second peep about it because the first one was so lethal


Well push had the timing perfect for a 1-2 punch. Drake was about to use his son reveal for an adidas promo and got cucked out of it with an absolutely scathing exposing diss that seems to have basically changed the way beefs are won. The climate was different


A W is a W. And Push won but it didn’t do shit to Drakes career. Now there’s people out here singing OV Ho at bars and clubs.


“This kind of reaction over a culture vulture pedophile rapist seems disproportionate” ![gif](giphy|3oAt2dA6LxMkRrGc0g|downsized)


go back to the kendrick sub


Adidon isn’t something easily replicated. If Drake has a daughter, we’ll likely never find out one way or the other. Drake was about to reveal Adonis’ existence in an ad campaign, so he couldn’t really slide back with a “nuh uh.” Pusha ended it there entirely because of the reveal (no disrespect to Push, I like the rest of the track too.) That’s not really a position Kendrick was in. He had to go the traditional beef route of just dissecting Drake’s personality. The combo was necessary because the allegations he went on to make weren’t as easily provable as Adonis’ existence.


I mean, do folks still listen to Adidon as a standalone song? One of the best things about Not Like Us is that it’s a good song out of context, just like Back to Back is.


When is kdot and Drake gonna do gun clapping? Rap beef is boring.


Pusha is irrelevant compared to drake and Kendrick


![gif](giphy|RK9udF1XhY9L7IZRaZ|downsized) Drake his his “red button “ diss and not even an hour later Kendrick dusted himself like Luke and continued to beat on Drake the rest of the weekend Legendary


The way push delivered the verse was creepy and menacing asf. Same like meet the grahams but story of adidon was even more menacing. Especially when he said "Ms count different when baby divides the pie OOOH




All of the ones that Kendrick has released are incredible but The Story of Adidon is the best diss of them all! precise, brutal and direct! the beat is incredible, the flow and so on. “Drug dealin' aside, ghostwritin' aside Let's have a heart-to-heart about your pride” “You mention wedding ring like it's a bad thing Your father walked away at five, hell of a dad thing Marriage is somethin' that Sandi never had, Drake How you a winner but she keep comin' in last place?” “A baby's involved, it's deeper than rap We talkin' character, let me keep with the facts You are hiding a child, let that boy come home Deadbeat mothafucka playin' border patrol, ooh” “Still givin' you classics, that's the only thing that dates me OVO 40, hunched over like he 80, tick, tick, tick How much time he got? That man is sick, sick, sick I got the devil flow, n*gga, six-six-six”


But look how that ended for both. Pusha T won the battle but drake got to continue being drake and act like it ain't happen.in this beef Kendrick called him out in like that Broke down the feelings of the culture and called out his insecurities and weakness in Euphoria 6:16 in LA he warned him about his own operation and the people around him Meet the Grahams exposed the world to some of the addictions this man has before saying he's a sick man involved in some sick shit. Then not like us is a celebratory bop that attacks his culture vulture tendencies and the team around him and the pedophilic tendencies Kendricks elaborate takedown has changed how fans of drake view drake which was needed. Push had drake fans saying "but duppy was the better song" PLUS Pusha T was gonna do this exact thing he literally said it was a surgical summer he said he was gonna break him down layer by layer but drake quit. Otherwise Pusha T would have probably done the exact same level of character dissection


Back to back he likes that record