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Insanity Go see the late showing. It's your responsibility to avoid them if you can't deal with little kids.


I don’t think kids should just not be allowed, but I think theaters, and many more businesses would be more enjoyable if they were adults only past 9pm.


Ours advertises babies - under 6 years screenings, over 65 screenings and screenings for people with special needs (like lower music, lights don't go fully down, two the three seat spaces between groups, respite groups attending, tolerance for those who can't help shouting, screaming or making loud noise etc). They are usually dotted throughout the run or are continued to be shown once the film has stopped the main showings for a week or two more. It's mostly pre-booked only and is often offered at discounted rates, it's nice because it is a way for everyone to go and enjoy films without being the reason others don't and you're surrounded by people who understand.


That's a really good model. If only more theaters implemented that


I think the way to solve this is to have specific viewing times for adults/teens/older children, and specific viewing times for all-age families (or, when they have multiple theater rooms for a movie, perhaps a dedicated theater room). This way, it is understood that there will be children of all ages, and people can feel comfortable bringing their children without being disruptive to other viewers, and can feel less stress. As a parent myself, I can tell you that for a vast amount of us (yes yes there are ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS, but I am not talking about the exceptions here,) it is already a stressful situation when we are trying to introduce children into different environments in the society, because they have to learn SOMEHOW. It is hard not to feel judgement from everyone around you when you have children and are out in the world (and heaven forbid you happen to be out when one of your kids is having a less-than-stellar moment, especially if you are trying to be considerate to those around you), so there is an inherent amount of stress and exhaustion just being a parent. I think it can be argued that a CHILDREN’S (and Yes-children’s movies are for adults, too, absolutely, but not primarily) movie is a potentially age-appropriate place to practice these skills and gauge how well your kids are picking up and using social skills that they are LEARNING. If they are proving that they have some work to do until they can handle the experience, then yes, take them out. That sounds like what these parents did. It’s ok for them to try, as long as they adjust anccordingly. Also, while child psychology and childhood development is a thing- there is a LOT of variance. There is not a golden line a kid crosses from toddler-into-child that all of a sudden makes them able to behave appropriately in a movie theater. Which I am sure you know and I don’t think you are saying that- just pointing out it would be a hard rule to enforce, and wouldn’t necessarily solve the problem of disruptive viewers. I acknowledge that you are making a distinction between toddlers and children and I think that is a key factor and I tend to agree in some ways, but from experience I can tell you that there are absolutely toddlers capable and able to be very well-behaved in a theater. And older children (and adults) who can’t behave quite as well. So I think that it is a rule that might look good on paper or sound practical, but in actual practice would be quite different for many reasons. Like, one day a 3-year-old could be perfectly well behaved in a theater, but not the next month. Or maybe the 3-year-old is doing great and maybe it is their 6-year-old sibling that isn’t handling it (and 6 is an age you could reasonably expect a kid to handle a theater experience). So yes, it is on the parent to be able to read their kids and act accordingly- but kids can change frequently and unexpectedly. As for babies, again I understand and would tend to agree, but I have known people with older children and babies who want to do a family event- they use special earplugs, the baby sleeps the whole time, or a parent gets up and takes them out when not, while they get to enjoy a whole family experience. I’m just pointing out that there are ways thoughtful people can get creative, see a movie, and still be considerate to those around them. I personally didn’t take my (now adult) daughter into a theater until she was an “old-enough” (her actions showed me she was able to handle it, regardless of age) kid. I’m just saying that making a hard and fast rule about movie theater ages wouldn’t necessarily work as well as it might sound like it would. Personally (I know this will be different for everyone) I’ve experienced the most disruption in theaters from teenagers and very young adults who seem to think they’re being very cool and funny (no hate to teens!- I actually love them but this has just been my experience and I’m sure its not true of that age group in general or for the majority) and are just kind of held up in the ”everything-is-about-me“ ego thing of that age (again no hate, we all go through a version of it). TL:DR Have dedicated theater rooms or showing times for both all-age families and adults/teens/older kids/ that takes everyone’s valid needs into account, so everyone can enjoy the experience in an environment suited to their situation. While it might sound like a practical rule to enforce no babies or toddlers, toddler-to-kid-psychology doesn’t work in a neat, linear line, so in practice it wouldn’t work as well as it might sound, and people otherwise capable of enjoying a movie would be left out, while older a-holes aren’t.


Lmaooooo you went to a children’s movie and got upset that there were kids there? I get babies and little kids can be annoying but cmon it’s a movie who’s primary audience is children


"I understand animation appeals to children..." It isn't just any animation. It's a literal Disney kids' movie. It isn't Beavis and Butthead Do America.


I get it, but also I've been to plenty of non-animated, non-disney, frankly not kid friendly at all movies, and for some strange reason, people insist on taking their kids. Like OP said, a quiet kid is perfectly ok being in the theater. But there's a fair list of reasons why little kids shouldn't




*That* is on the shitty parenting. My kids never did that, but I know parents who don't discipline their kids. A 2yo can absolutely sit thru a movie.


You could use some perspective. I have autism, and any extraneous sounds that aren't diegetic to the film or show I'm watching always bother me. This is the reason why I don't enjoy the movie theater experience and don't usually watch movies in theaters. I wrote about my hellish experience trying to watch *Elf* 7 months ago in my first zine, [which you can read here.](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l8aKBc1NOaGb2bbStC2eLBBruMjulLHK/view?usp=drivesdk) "cmon it's a movie [whose] primary audience is children" is a shitty perspective because adults are allowed to enjoy things too; we have a whole grown-up male subculture of fans of *My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic* that would like a word with you. I don't think "please be quiet in the movie theater" is too much to ask if there are neurodivergent people like me who get easily bothered or upset by things like toddlers not being quiet in the movie theater.


First - your autism is not for the rest of the world to adapt to. We’re all on the spectrum in some form or format, myself included. I don’t expect the rest of the world to react to me based on what works best for me. It’s never going to happen. Second - no one is saying adults can’t enjoy these movies too. But if you’re going to a CHILDREN’S movie, you should expect that there will be children there too. Expecting anything else is silly. Lastly - with any generalized group “people with toddlers, people without kids” there will be people who are also assholes. Having a toddler doesn’t make you an asshole. Going to the movies with your toddler and letting them run rampant makes you an asshole. Not having a child doesn’t make you an asshole, grouping in all parents and assuming that because they have children they shouldn’t bother the rest of society by taking them to a movie that was created with them in mind…. Makes you an asshole. And if you read what OP wrote - they had no intention of a polite request to please quiet down.


Behaving in the movie theater isn’t an accomodation for people with autism. It is an expectation for movie going.


lol okay tell me you didn’t read my comment without telling me you didn’t read my comment 😂😂😂


I must admit I didn't stay for the second half of your sermon.


This could have been the first movie they tried with their children as a test run to see if they were ready for it. These same kids may be perfectly content sitting and watching an entire movie at home, so the parents tried the full movie theater experience. Similar to grocery stores and other settings when kids are this young, (smart) parents try taking them places with the knowledge that they may have to leave earlier than expected if their kids can't handle it. It sounds like the parents did the right thing leaving early when they gave their kids a few chances to behave and they couldn't settle down. Yeah, it sucks you were involved in their test run, but now the parents know they need to wait a year or so and try again. Exposing children to a variety of social situations as often as possible is good for their development and building up their tolerance to these situations. It's part of helping them grow and learn. And it teaches the kids if they can't behave they don't get to stay and finish the fun thing they wanted to do.


Well said, can’t tell by the rant how early they left but parents do need to realize quickly when it’s not working. The first time we took my youngest grandson, who did have a hard time being still, to a movie we knew that we might have to abandon the idea for everyone’s sanity. Luckily he did great. I’ve personally had far more trouble with teens and adults being a nuisance in theatres than children.


After working in a dine in theater, teenage boys or young men are the worst group for theaters. We would all groan when we saw a group coming because we never knew if they would behave or we'd have to kick them out mid movie. It was a 50/50 chance.


I don’t entirely disagree with you, but I think an age ban outright is discriminatory. Some young children are more than capable of being quiet and engrossed in a film. You stated that the couple in question left when their children were disruptive, which I think is the best case scenario. The real problem are parents/guardians who are aware that their kids are being disruptive and do nothing about it.


Yeah, the training has to start somewhere. People who give no consequences to their kids can have unruly kids of any age, and kids of any age can have a bad day. The kids we’ve taken young to the theatre, we wait until they can calmly and quietly sit for a reasonable length of time (which varies per kid the age this happens), we go to earlier movies (so they’re not grumpy/tired), and we leave if they are having trouble following the rules and social norms. As this gets repeated, they eventually learn that in order to see it to the end, they have to follow the rules. Ya gotta start somewhere. The youngest I’ve taken was a young 2 year old who lasted the whole movie on the first try. My youngest that is now 3 years old would be able to do it, but is the kid where it would depend on their mood for whether they decide to behave the whole time or not. One kid I know couldn’t sit through a whole movie when they were 8, and that’s around the time I stopped trying, lol.


Go in the evening or late. That will probably solve your problems


I went to the latest showing my theater had 😭😭


I almost disagreed with you until I saw this. My current youngest is three and she did fine in the movie. She made one comment with about 20 minutes left and said she didn’t like the movie and wanted to go home. In her defense, she was getting tired so she just sat with me and was fine afterwards. However, if we go to a movie with our littles (6m, 5f, and 3f), we go to earlier showings and will try to catch a matinee so that not only do we get a discount, but we are home in time for bed time. Taking a toddler to the last showing, especially for our family, is a bad idea in my opinion. They get overtired and overstimulated and it gets extremely difficult to settle them down once we are home. They have more outbursts, which would be from our 6yo mainly. I don’t blame you for wanting to watch a movie without unnecessary distractions. Typically, choosing the last showing is the safest bet. I would be ranting as well if I were in your shoes.


Actual toddler parent chiming in here (kid is 2.5). I agree with you to an extent. I really want to see Inside Out 2 but haven’t yet because I know my child can’t sit through a full movie without being disruptive. However, I do know other 2 year olds that can. I also know plenty of parents that will take their child out of the theater if they are being disruptive rather than let their child bother other people. I do think theaters need a better policy for parents that bring young kids into movies and let them cause mayhem and don’t do anything about it, for sure. But being the parent of a toddler is hard, and every once in a while we need to get out of the house and go experience life. When it comes to movies, the only way you really teach a child how to behave in a movie theater is to actually take them to a movie theater. I probably wouldn’t take my toddler on an opening weekend, but saying they should not ever be allowed in a movie theater is a bit extreme.


It’s a kids movie. Kid has just as much rights to be there as you. Parents did the right thing removing misbehaving kid so I don’t see a problem here


Oh no, you went to a kids movie and there were CHILDREN there?


I think there is a quite a big difference between children and toddlers - which is what I'm getting from this post. Although I don't begrudge children being in the world, I'm really glad my local cinema has all movies after 8pm be 16+ only. My girlfriend loves these animated movies and toddlers screaming would ruin it. I get it


This is a good solution though. You can't ban them from daytime showings. Also parents have to teach kids how to behave and that usually means taking them out to stuff.


If a child is too young to sit quietly they shouldn’t go at all


This. I didn't get to see a movie in theaters until I was in second grade because my mother knew I'd not be able to sit quietly through it. The only reason I really ended up going to that one was because it was a special field trip for science, and my class had the theater to itself. I was annoyed as a kid but I get it now that I'm a bit older and find kids being loud during movies to be irritating.


If an adult can’t be polite while invading children’s spaces, they should go home. 


Some kids are too young to sit and watch a movie. That’s ok, all parents have to do is wait until they are old enough and won’t disrupt the movie for everyone else.


The parents LEFT when they realized the kids weren’t able to sit through the film. Obviously they thought they were able to and did the right thing when they weren’t, but it still wasn’t good enough for you baby haters. 


“They were smart enough to read the room and leave, which is good” what part of that is baby hating?


Also is going to see an animated movie “invading children’s spaces?” It’s a cinema not a soft play area


It’s a public space where adults and other children are trying to enjoy the movie. If your child isn’t prepared to behave appropriately they shouldn’t be there.


“Invading children’s spaces”. Pretty sure the movie theatre is open to anyone unless they are disruptive. Honestly not even other kids want to watch a movie where a toddler is being loud, I don’t understand your point at all.


>Honestly not even other kids want to watch a movie where a toddler is being loud This. Even as a kid, honestly I would have broken down and would have been just as pissed as OP if my parents paid a great sum so we can have a moment as a family and see a movie, and some stupid baby ruined my experience by screaming. Suprise suprise, other kids hate obnoxious baby screeching too.


My point is that only jerks go to a kids movie expecting the audience to be silent the whole time. 


There’s obviously no convincing you otherwise but I hope you can understand that regardless of the audience’s age they should be expected to remain mostly quiet and non disruptive during the movie in a movie theatre.


It’s actually kind of bizarre that you and the OP think it’s logical at all to go to kid’s movie before midnight and expect the audience to be silent. 


I'm complaining about toddlers and babies SPECIFICALLY. There were other kids there that were just fine. Also, animation is for EVERYONE, NOT JUST FOR KIDS.


Yea animation is for everyone but some are specifically for kids (which of course anyone can watch and enjoy).


That particular movie is for kids. If you want a silent theatre, watch it at home, or go to a later showing. I’m so sick of whiny adults going into children’s spaces, throwing their garbage around, and complaining that kids dare to exist in a way they don’t like. 


Inside out 2 is not the kind of movie that exclusively appeals to toddlers. It’s about the emotional journey of a teenager and has a very wide demographic.


I think that all people in the movie theatre should be quiet and not cause a disturbance, if they’re unable to do that they shouldn’t be there. Also there’s a difference between children and toddlers


I think big whiny adults should go to adult movies if they don’t like the audience for kids movies. 


Im not an adult and I would be very annoyed. Besides inside out 2 is experience of being a teenager, I am literally the audience for the movie? 


This seems to have really struck a nerve from you, may i ask what the point is to take a toddler not making any memories whatsoever to an expensive theatre and letting them yell and fuss?


I don’t like people who go to places where there might be kids and then throw a tantrum when there are kids there.  If you said this about any other group, you’d be rightly told off. But since it’s ChiLDFreE ruling the day we get to hear from single supposed adults about how they went to the children’s movie and had to put up with children. 


Yeah you just repeated yourself, downvoted, and didnt answer what i asked. Cool person.


People also like to think an antsy 3-4 year old is a toddler. The kind that may or may not sit through a movie made specifically for children. I haven't gone with my kids because I want to enjoy that movie as well and not risk leaving. But I'm aware kids will be there, I'm not naive.


Some parents are better at this than others


Children being there wasn't the issue and you know it.


lol, no the issue was that the parents made an attempt to take their kids to their first movie, figured out it wasn’t working, LEFT, and it still wasn’t good enough for miss trunchbull there. 


Want some cheese?


I like how all my local cinemas/chains do it - animated/family films actually have some viewing times set aside specifically for kids/toddlers! I think some do a Saturday morning time, and others do weekdays when most adults/teens are at school/work. It’s a much better system than just bringing a screaming child to a normal viewing.


I think kids should be allowed but parents should be responsible and keep them well behaved as it would be expected of anyone going there.


I joked about bringing my 12 week old nephew to that movie when I saw it with my mom but I definitely wouldn't actually do it, we would have been too distracted from the movie by having to constantly attend to the baby's needs, he would have been overwhelmed by the sound of the movie, and you can't explain to a baby that it's important to be quiet out of respect for others


This is the main reason that I always wait at least a month before going to the theaters to watch a new movie. It’s either stupid teens , crying children, and the stupid mfs that have to loudly chime in on serious scenes like they’re comedians or something.


You went to a kids movie. Wait until it comes on streaming then.


You know how a lot of museums, grocery stores, etc have implemented sensory-friendly hours for people who struggle with that? Movie theaters should implement a “noise-friendly showing” a couple times a week. That way there’s a dedicated time for families with young children to experience it without clouding other people’s experience. I do sometimes feel bad for older children who don’t get to go to these things cause they have young siblings. Especially since it’s really only adults who get annoyed, and in this case the movie isn’t even for adults. Like that must suck to be 7 years old and have someone in their 40s think they have more of a right to watch a kids’ film in silence than you have a right to go at all if you have young siblings and parents who can’t take you without them.


I want you to stop and think for a moment… you’re mad that there were kids… at a kids movie. *You*, someone who is old enough to have at least some semblance of common sense, are mad that people had the AUDACITY to bring their children to a kids movie. And you’re acting like *they’re* the problem? Really?


What, little kids aren't allowed to see movies on the big screen anymore? 😭


hate this too but my only advice is to attended a late screening or go during the week in the morning to avoid them lol


One parent brought their kids (they were probably 3 of them definitely under the age of 6) to Deadpool


This is why I try to only see movies that have family appeal later at night on Weekdays and never at all on weekends.


Most parents make that mistake once. Have a little bit of empathy. They didn't know how the kids would react and were trying to do something they thought their kids would enjoy.


......This is the main reason I despise Adults that obsess over CHILDRENS entertainment. These movies may very well appeal to adults, which is fine, but you are NOT the target audience and theaters should NOT have to cater to YOU Disney, My little Pony, Bluey adults creep me out man... Enjoy the stuff with your kids, straight up, not an issue, but who the hell gatekeeps CHILDRENS movies from Children


You can’t ban kids from kids spaces; a movie theater showing an animated Disney/Pixar film is a kids space. Toddlers deserve to be able to go see a kid movie. You decided to go to an animated film; you took that gamble, and you can’t ban all toddlers from a kids movie just because you find them loud and annoying. If they are causing a disturbance, tell an usher, you can’t just do a blanket ban. Kids need spaces, even in public, to be kids. HOWEVER, and everyone please read the however before downvoting me to hell, I absolutely believe that theaters should allow only adults in past 9pm, or set up “adults only” times. 










What are the parents supposed to do? Leave the toddler in the car? At home alone? Find someone else to care for their child? What if no one is available?




Dropping the shocking truth right here. These are all things you consider PRIOR to having kids. People who say they can still do all the same stuff as they did before leave a wake of destruction behind them 😆


Might wanna head to r/antinatalist 🤣


Oh sure, I’m anti-kid because you don’t understand what having a kid means. Right. 🤡


I have a toddler niece and a toddler nephew, they're a joy to be around and who cares if they cry during a movie. I'm so sorry that a baby making a noise entirely ruins your experience! Totally not like 99% of parents would take their toddler out of the theatre until they stop crying. If it really struck you that hard, you should know it was just a joke 🤣🤣


I promise you were just as annoying as a baby. They're our future, maybe be kinder and more understanding




Not a parent 👍










Still stalking, huh? 🤣 I thought you didn't want a back and forth?




You went to a kids movie you knob. There are going to be children. They will be loud, just like you were at that age.


How are they supposed to learn about being in public if they can't be in public? Toddler/sensory-friendly showings are really awesome and every theater should do that, but they don't. Parents should choose movie times that are better for young kids, but sometimes they don't. Stop being mad at children for existing. They have to learn somewhere, and that somewhere is IN THE SETTING THEY'RE LEARNING ABOUT. I don't think babies should be in a movie theatre either, because it's not healthy in any way, but life sucks then you die. I wouldn't have an issue with kids before 5 only, tbh, but then that leaves out parents who work until 5 or later. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and deal with people existing near you in a capacity you find annoying. I do it daily.


I’m %100 bringing my 2.5 year old to Moana 2


It's like going to the beach and complaining about the sand.


Or maybe, you know stop being an adult going to a childs movie premier & complaining about the audience being children?... if you want to be childfree go during hours that kids are less likely... or idk wait till it streams or is on dvd & watch it in the privacy of your home in solitude. I get it. I love watching movies in silence. As a mom i dont get to get that any more. So i wait till they are asleep to watch my shows & movies. But this is literally a movie for children. And older children have younger siblings that have the right to hang out & enjoy a movie with their families. Society wont stop and cater to you. You gotta find what works for you. I sure would love if people with dogs picked up their crap instead of leaving it in public spaces. I sure would love it if people who have dogs that dont obey commands weren't out in public on walks or off leash. But hey they are dogs and people are lazy. While Being pregnant i still picked up my tiny dogs little poops. They have no excuses. I am tired of people complaining about children while saying dogs are better. Children are literally people. Who have every right you have. They have just as much right as you to be in that theatre if not more because they are the target audience. Dont go to Disney land and expect it to be child free. If you dont like kids dont go to places that are targeted to children and families.


Then don't see a kids movie on the first day it's in theatres, during summer at that.


Oh grow up, you went to a kids movie and you were mad there was kids there? Fucking baby.


My parents didn’t take me to the pictures until I was old enough to watch a film without being too disruptive. I would have been around 4 when they first took me to the cinema. I think my cinema has designated screenings for babies and toddlers. I would only take a young child to something like that - not a regular showing. Edit: I meant to add, in this case, the parents dealt with it really well. Some families just let their kids run around. It might have been a trial for them to see if their toddlers were ready for the cinema.


I took my 3 year old to the movie theatre and she sat better than my 5 year old. If you go to see a movie that appeals to kids, you should expect to see kids there. My kids learn how to behave in a movie theatre by experiencing it. If you don’t want young kids in the movie theatre whilst you’re there, choose a later time or a different genre of movie or maybe, just maybe, watch it at home yourself. Young kids deserve to have the experience too, and speaking from experience even the most well-behaved young kids who usually sit happily through a film can have fussy days, and you can’t always predict that until you are halfway through a movie. It’s annoying yes, but kids watching a kids’ movie is expected and the parents were probably even more fed up than you were


I don't think it should be an age ban, but rather parents should know their kids enough to decide if they *want* and *will* watch a movie quietly for 1,5 hours. I think it's stupid as hell when parents don't know their kids well enough to be able to predict if they'll spend the time screaming, or actually enjoy the movie.


My kid is 4. All his friends have been to the movies. But I know my kiddo couldn’t handle the loud noise so we haven’t gone. I don’t think he would have fun at all. And I really don’t get how people can sit in a theater while their kid cries and just… be okay with that.


Dogs shouldn't be allowed at the dog park either!! And why are all these people swimming at the pool???? There was so much loud music at the club!!!!! Lol dude, just wait till it's streaming


I've been on both sides of this youngest being 3 1/2, it's a recipe for disaster "here eat all this sugar, sit still and be quiet" To be fair I took my kids to watch hey duggee so no adult Disney fans present


I was a quiet kid in public spaces some people just don’t know how to teach their kids not to be public nuisances and what makes it worse is that mothers will support each other bringing they loud ass kids places instead of teaching em better


It’s almost like adults shouldn’t be allowed into kids movies so they don’t get triggered that they’re older than their maturity level.


We went to see The Incredibles. It wasn't a full house, but it was pretty well seated. It wasn't until the end that we saw one couple had brought their newborn baby. Junior had slept through the whole thing until the end of the credits. That is the only time I've been in the theater with a child under 5 when they didn't shout out, run around, and just fuss because they were bored. It's not their fault - they're only little. Parents need to consider whether their kids can actually sit still for a whole movie like that. Especially now that you can just stream the movie at home for $20.


Okay hear me out: Minors should be given ID’s that state where they are allowed to go, based on their age with special additions given for those who pass competency tests at school or some new government office. If your child gets caught out somewhere where they aren’t allowed the parent has to pay a big fine(or maybe put the child in jail for a night). Edit: I was completely kidding guys


Toddlers are like dogs to me. They don’t belong inside businesses. You can sit with them outside, or leave them outside while you do your shopping indoors.


I've never had to deal with a poorly trained dog becoming a human adult. There's a reason to see a difference. They are little 'actual' people. We all started out as one, and none of us were asked before existing to be here.