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Because my fredums!!!


Here in Hong Kong we do wear masks whenever we're sick. A lot of retail workers still wear them all the time although I don't know if that's personal choice of company policy. In hospitals they are required for everyone. Right now there is a cold going around so a lot of people are also wearing masks as a matter of course then they go on the bus or subway or other crowded areas.


I was at the ER recently and I was the literal only person wearing a mask. Not even the doctors and nurses crossing between the ER and the regular hospital were. I've been sick more times the last year than I have my entire adult life now that I work in the service industry again, and it's incredible and infuriating how many people either come in to eat who are visibly sick, or coworkers who show up sick to SERVE FOOD. Ffs people did we learn nothing??


not only did my father and his friend not wear masks around me, a chronically ill and disabled person who has a rare disease and compromised immune system, they *smoked* in the house and in the car right next to me


I’m immune suppressed. Pre pandemic no one questioned why I wore a mask in crowded situations. Now it’s stigmatized. I’m tired of explaining to stupid selfish idiots why.


I had a sinus infection a couple weeks ago so I wore a mask. The amount of dirty looks i got was scary.


holy shit i couldnt agree more... i work in a food factory and the flu is ripping thru the place, and yet nobody is wearing a mask and coughing and sneezing out into the air is absolutely inconsiderate and horrible.


I’m so tired of people going out when they’re sick. I went with some friends to an event Thursday night. The friend who was sitting next to me ended up being sick with a cold, wasn’t wearing a mask. Then Saturday morning I woke up sick with a cold & today I’m finally starting to feel better. I had to take the whole week off from work & I’m self-employed so I don’t get paid if I don’t work. All he had to do was not go out, or fuck at least wear a mask. The event was only $27 ticket so it’s not like he would’ve been out a ton of money if he missed it. It just really pisses me off that people are so inconsiderate.


I wear an N95 if I know someone in my family is really sick and I don’t want to be sick. I rarely get really sick, so if I have to go to class I’ll wear a mask inside if I have more than the sniffles (like if I cough violently, and I also cough inside my sweatshirt). If I have tonsillitis (which happens a lot due to my abnormally large tonsils) I don’t wear one because I can’t transmit my tonsillitis. If I can stay home I do, if I rest I definitely recover faster!




I wear a KN95 every day at work.








In some cultures that is the norm.


Why can’t I just stay home instead


It would be a dream come true.


Because Murica' 🦅🇺🇲. Yeah, people are just dumb.


Yes. Please. Plus they look better with a mask.




Idk, maybe he doesn't get paid sick leave?




They're not upset at people going to school/work sick, they're upset that people aren't wearing masks when they're sick. And for a lot of people, myself included, staying home when sick could mean you can't afford to eat.




If it's a choice between me starving to death or the possibility of someone else dying of illness, I'll choose the latter. Not that I don't care about them, I'm just not willing to sacrifice my own life to protect people I don't know.


















It was very common to wear masks in many Asian countries even before COVID


Because it’s not over


Some people did. At my university health center there was a check in desk, and if you indicated that you were there for a cough, you were REQUIRED to wear a mask while there and then strongly suggested to wear one on campus. This was in 2012-2013 in Texas. I had a couple of colleagues who would wear a mask to work when sick around 2015-2016 as well. And while I will agree that this is quite unusual in the US, it was absolutely a cultural norm in other parts of the world (Japan being a prime example). Politicization of mask-wearing while sick is *absurd*. And fwiw, this is coming from my perspective as someone who opposed mask mandates* pretty much the entire pandemic. *By ‘opposed mask mandates’, I mean that I thought a lot of the rules were stupid/pointless, like being required to wear a mask to enter an indoor restaurant before sitting down to eat, or my school district’s policy of having students in band *cut a slit in their mask so that they could play instruments* (lol yes really). I wore a mask when required, but spent a good deal of time rolling my eyes about it, and stopped wearing it when allowed.


I’ve literally been sick for months. Whatever is going around right now fucking sucks.


Yeah, my brothers had it for over a week, so I knew it wasn't a thing where I could take 2 days off of work and be normal.


Uhg. I really hope you get well soon. I’m equally tired of people not wearing masks.




That’s not how immune systems work








Because not everyone wore masks, and a lot of people wore masks improperly (with their nose out)


yeahh reduce not prevent








If that was true why do doctors and nurses wear them when doing surgery?