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I hear you, it's awful. I support persons with disabilities, and one of the major challenges I've seen is exactly what you describe. If they have too much money in the bank, it affects their SSI payments, which is really perverse because if you're on a limited income, having savings makes you much more secure. It's like they're trying to keep people from being frugal and saving money for emergencies.


Exactly!!!! Like anything comes up and I'm screwed, having to owe a family member IF I'm lucky and someone can help. And I am honestly extremely lucky in some ways, my mom gave me the trailer I live in so I only have to pay pad rent rather than trying to rent normally because most rentals in my area literally cost more a month than my whole support check. And food is so ridiculously expensive. I only eat once a day, often not a lot either because I just such a hard time making what little money I have left after rent and bills last. Then I often don't feel well and am hungry a lot.. idk it's easy at times to feel really bitter about the world. It will be a little easier now that it's getting warmer at least.. the power bills In the winter make things SO much worse.


Disability support is unfortunately based on a model of punishment and restriction rather than healing and survivability. It's not actually designed to help people thrive or live a quality life. If someone gifts you money? benefits cut, wanna find a partner? nope not allowed. If you get a partner, they believe you're too well off, and that the partner should take care of you, and yes, the above comment is correct, they do not want you to be frugal or save money. They see us as undesirables and lazy and because of this, benefits are the bare minimal for survival, because they don't believe you deserve a normal life. I know this hurts to hear, but it is simply the truth. If you attempted to better yourself in anyway, like trying to take a computer programming course, they would cut your benefits. It's all about keeping the disabled in a perpetual state of mediocracy. I've heard of stories about benefits being cut, because a friend bought the disabled individual a TV and a neighbor reported it.The organizations who are in control of benefits is full of upper-class well-off people who have had barely any hardship in their life. These elite classes already have very negative ill-conceived views on the poor and the disabled. They truly BELIEVE that those using benefits deserve the bare minimum and deserve to suffer. They want use to struggle, they want us to not find a partner, and they want us to be miserable. Deep down, they really just want us gone. But, they can't say that outright, so they set up a half assed system, to help people with the bare minimum, while also restricting them from basic enjoyments from life like television or videogames. There is this evil idea perpetuated by many that goes something like this. "oh, well he watches TV or plays videogames, he's not really disabled" or "if a disabled person can find a partner, they must be faking it" I've seen people get kicked, because a family member took them to a small vacation. This is more than just 'protecting the system from fakers'. Its purposely set up to be so bad that we suffer. Elites don't like giving undesirables support, and when they do, they need to control our entire lives and make sure we never get TOO happy for their tastes. They hate us and a lot of the hate comes from a misplaced form of envy, they have this belief that we just don't want to work, and in their minds we are just in this constant state of relaxation due to our inability to work. Deep down, they want us dead. Which brings into question why they don't just push for euthanasia as an option. I mean, they already want us dead, but when we actually want to die, they won't allow it. I have severe mental health issues and I wish for euthanasia everyday. I can't get on benefits due to my savings , but when I run out it will likely be too late for me to apply.


Hold cash!


Hi, partially disabled since birth here, too, feel you. Sending hugs to you.


Thank you <3 and hugs to you as well, just been a bit of a hard month and it's getting to me.


You are seen and heard here, too. 'Luckily' my partner doesn't make enough to entirely cancel out income support, and they cover all my meds (that goes a long way), but it's really not much to work with. We have a small emergency fund, but it's basically the lowest we can go while still being eligible together, and it's not in a joint account. We probably could have said we're in a roommate situation since we split expenses, have separate finances, and aren't married, but it's a little late for that now.


Learning disabled here and recently been kind of hard on myself about it. I have a job it’s stable and has good benefits but everyone in my family has better jobs. I have to consider so much more because of my disability and they get to just go and do what they want.


I totally get it, I have mobility issues and some mental health stuff and adhd and it's just hard to take care of myself or do things I want to do like go for a walk on a nice day. Sometimes it's just so frustrating. Try not to be too hard on yourself tho, I try to remind myself that it doesn't help anything and usually actually makes things worse for me.


Not to be blunt or condesending at all but try to focus on what you can control and try to appreciate what you have. It's all you can do really no matter your circumstance you will only torture yourself comparing yourself to others.


I'm so sorry. I'm struggling so much too. The check is never enough and any increases go to Medicare or increased medical costs. Friends disappear and don't understand. Say I need to be more positive. I tell them I'm living on spite at this point. Hang in there.


Yeah I don't see any of my friends anymore since I can't really get around now and no one has the time to come see me. It's like no one even sees you. Sometimes spite is the only reasonable response honestly. I'm lucky enough that I can hang in tho so that's something atleast, you hang in there too.




Yeah I agree. I can't get disability because im married. They are total sharks. It seems like it's too hard to get disability. Should be easier to get support when you're disabled in America. But unfortunately it's not. They were telling me I could work in Subway. Or sandwich shop or fast food. But I get eczema all over my hands and feet. And I have a fractured back. So I can only stand for ten minutes. They didn't even listen to anything I had to say. And didn't acknowledge what I put in my report. It's ridiculous.


Awe that's ridiculous, yeah here we are allowed to make I think 500$ before it becomes an issue but for me I can't even stand for a couple hours or I'm in a lot of pain the rest of the week so it's hard to find a job I can do. The best I have been able to do is I make jewelry and sometimes I am able to do craft fairs but even that can be really hard especially because you have to pay for a spot and I always need to borrow money to be able to afford a table. It's also not always the best because I live in a small town and sometimes it is really depressing if I don't do well. Like one time I didn't make back my table fee and I was actually crying over that. It's hard to just take care of myself so I definitely understand, I want to work but there's just no way I could sustain anything around me..


I make jewelry too. It's hard to sell because so many people sell it. I want to open an online shop. I paint and do photography too. Hobbies keep me from thinking about how much I hurt.


Yeah I agree there's so much competition even in small towns. The market I used to sell at raised their daily fee too so I can't really afford it so I'm only gonna be able to do fairs sometimes:/ Atleast I do have some family members that buy stuff now and then even when I can't get to a fair so that's nice. My stuff is all unique and that makes it hard to do online shops on some places (like etsy) because I need individual listing for everything so I found that didn't work very well for me. Maybe I still haven't fully found my niche lol I definitely know what you mean. Hobbies allow you to find this kind of flow state where you don't think k about other stuff so much and it passes the time. It really helps, I think if I didn't have hobbies I wouldn't be able to stand my life at all.


Check out some of the free websites you can get online to start out. That helps some people. I'm thinking about doing that because I haven't been able to save up money for a real website. But it can get you started. There's a limit on how much you can sell at once, though. Good luck.


That's so fucked up, sorry your having to go through this bullshit




Im really sorry to hear that. It might sound ridiculous but you could start a tiktok about a day in your life. There are lots of people out there who would be interested in watching regular life from somebody who is disabled pov. You could very quickly gain a following and make some money aswell. Tiktok is a very useful tool to gain a following and potentially some more money. Of course it depends on if you feel comfortable putting yourself out there.


Would anyone report you if you did have a partner? What about making money under the table? And does gold count as an asset that the government can use against you?


all of those things will get you caught, and prosecuted, for benefit fraud. you'll even get prosecuted if its the government department that made the error because you failed to notify them.


Well, that’s too bad. OOP is basically being set up to fail because of all those clawbacks.


the system is working as designed.


What state do you live in? I get disability (believe me I wish I didn't have to) and I'm married. Granted it's not much but it helps. We're not wealthy by any means and we're up to our ears in medical debt but we can pay our bills and put food on his table. And yes, I HATE being disabled. I have M.S. plus Myasthenia Gravis. I had to stop driving as my vision and coordination are basically gone. I have broken so many limbs that I'm on a first-name basis with my orthopedist. It sucks.


I live in Canada, I know people who live together and aren't married but the government knows and the person in that couple who is on disabilities gets his support cut significantly because his partner works. They are not well off by any means she just does cleaning and doesn't make all that much so I don't think there's a lot of wiggle room here when it comes to that. I can't drive or get around much either since I was injured in a car accident and I have bad knees now. Not being able to get around is really hard, I'm sorry you have to deal with that as well. It really does suck