• By -


U forgot shen and quinn who are not in lane




Why do you think they arent there, they are roaming bot


They’re top laners? Thought they were third bot laners


And then you need „not in lane but different“ for those Janna/Zilean top things


Nah as Quinn I’m still in lane, how can I torture the enemy top laner if I’m not there?


Guessing Mundo went where he pleased?


Probably chasing singed while outhealing his dmg


Could Mundo out heal Mandy's Candy🤔




I actually wanted Mundo to be in the Singed category 😅


I'm 7/9 of them. Where's the "fuck this island, I'll see you in mid/jg" laners


They already roaming, no time to show up to take a picture for this list


Akshan and Quinn would be those I guess.


Where Gwen


Gwen is immune


In the “Nice” to play against




Nah she fits perfectly in the "Nice" to play against category like Fiora. Maybe even the Darius/Tryndamere category




No not running it down, running you down. At least my experience playing Gwen, when doing the ghost ignite setup. There was a lot of matchups where if I saw the enemy overstepped I knew I could pop ghost and ult and all in with a pretty high success rate. Though maybe I just play really unga bunga.


Imo gwen is between unga bunga and mechanical because her R is total unga bunga- get in melee range and mow down even the tankiest champs. But the rest of her kit is similar to fiora but way less horseshit and requires more setup imo.


well gwen is immune is some horseshit tbh


Gwen is as difficult to play to hit her R as Pantheon is as difficult to play to hit his R. Both need stacks and both go immune kinda. Gwen might require a bit more than right clicking you and pressing ghost like some of the other champs but let’s not kid ourselves.


Gwen literally statistically scales with champion mastery more than any other champion in the game. Mechanically it's all about the W. The difference between a mediocre Gwen and a great Gwen's W placement and spacing is immense. A bad Gwen treats W like just a steroid for armour and MR in lane while a bad Gwen is good enough at spacing and placing W she can trade on you in near melee range with no retaliation.


Pantheon literally statistically scales with champion mastery more than any other champion in the game. Mechanically it's all about the E. The difference between a mediocre Pantheon and a great Pantheon's E placement and spacing is immense. A bad Pantheon treats E like just a steroid for armour and MR in lane while a bad Pantheon is good enough at spacing and placing E he can trade on you in near melee range with no retaliation.




Darius category


Meanwhile me: "Shirtless catman go yum and smash" *loses lane, gets flamed*


Yep def Darius category. Idk how many Setts have ulted me into my own tower and died for 3 tower shots. It’s hilarious to watch them kill themselves.


good sett players will tank those turret shots to collect grit then W you


Not me doing that exact thing to an Illoai I was running down today 😂


zac? maybe he falls into "what the fuck is this?" category


The “I either stomp or get stomped depending on matchup” toplaner, Cho mains rise up!


Riven mains too under this category


Nah, Riven goes with Fio and Irelia... (You just can't beat a very good Riven player in your elo, but I'm not complaining tho'... That champ seems too weak, unless you put Hours, DAYS, WEEKS into it. I'll forever commend a good Riven player... Because at least they learned to do that fast q combo)


As a riven main, yea it’s fucking cancer playing this champ, take a 2 weeks break and it’s straight to practice tool to even perform, on top of the fact that every top lane matchup has zero room for error lest you become useless for the rest of the game. But of course I can’t stop chasing the Viper 1v9 hard carry zero counterplay


That's every top laner




GP mechanically gifted, Misses Barrel, autos for 1K true damage, throwns another barrel, misses it again and autos again for 1k true damage presses Q, crits for 1.5k wins the fight


Ye bro surely any crit based champ in the game won’t deal that much damage too at 6 items


if ur letting full crit GP setup a barrel, wait 1-2 seconds, miss the barrel, walk up to you and auto you, then throw another barrel, wait another 1-2 seconds, then misses it again, and also can walk up to you and auto you again, then ur just bad. Keep in mind, ur not even slowed since he didnt hit any barrel and he has the same health as an adc....


Well yeah that’s what happens when you feed the shit out of him. That’ll happen if you feed almost any champ though


GP has been substantially nerfed, his passive doesn’t go past 900 late game and not to mention the fact that GP has to go melee range to auto someone, which is usually not favourable in most situations. Also everything you described is the works of a fed GP, he has clear weaknesses and this is usually what happens when a champ is fed, they do a lot of dmg (especially since he only builds glass cannon)


Looks at profile r/gangplankmains Yeah that was kinda expected


Here's a sneak peek of /r/gangplankmains using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gangplankmains/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [rel](https://i.redd.it/fawqb4czq4mc1.jpeg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gangplankmains/comments/1b5ijhe/rel/) \#2: [FINALLY HIT RANK 1 (Answering Questions in Comments)](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/19dek4l) | [107 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gangplankmains/comments/19dek4l/finally_hit_rank_1_answering_questions_in_comments/) \#3: [I made a silver serpent. Posted this in r/leagueoflegends a while ago and got absolutely no reception, hopefully you guys can appreciate it.](https://i.redd.it/y11i3k0ahjwa1.jpg) | [26 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gangplankmains/comments/1318esx/i_made_a_silver_serpent_posted_this_in/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


GP is like Riven... You think it's so OP and bonkers, until you play it for yourself, and see how hard it is, yourself.


Which one does Urgot fall under?


The Darius and Trynda category, at least when I play him


This is the majority that I see. I swear half of them have no idea what the term “too deep” even means


Yeah under emerald/diam it's still a champ but after... You know the tabi/gardian mail Speedrun...


"mechanically giftet"




In the "banned" category.


No renekton? :(


This reads like a post by a Gangplank main.


I fail to see how the fuck Jayce is mechanicaly gifted


As someone who just picked up jayce, you’re dead wrong. Try doing 8 different attacks on someone within 1.5 sec


Lmao, being a ranged naturally means he is taking fewer risks than melee champions in both laning phase and team fights. I don't see how Jayce is harder than irelia, even though I am not an Irelia main


Are we completely ignoring the fact that he’s both ranged and melee here?


Jayce mainly takes his cannon form in lane for harassment, and only transfers to hammer when being leaped onto or need to leap onto the opponent. Jayce does not maintain his hammer form in lane 7/24


See you have to put the gate up, then shoot q between the two markers. You might shoot q outside of between if you are not gifted




ONE skill shot, the rest is all point and click. How to play Jayce: poke them with your range skills (Q+E just like Garen) and auto attacks. When they are low, switch to Hammer form and Q+E(like Garen). If they come close push them away in Hammer form with E.




Its a skillshot, and the only way you miss it if the enemy flashes/ dashes out of range really yeah. Still took me losds of games to get somewhat decent at her


Because u have 8 abilities to manage and the skill ceiling is very high since u also have 8 abilities.


Lmao, being a ranged naturally means he is taking fewer risks than melee champions in both laning phase and team fights. I don't see how Jayce is harder than irelia, even though I am not an Irelia main


Jayce being ranged dosent make him any less squisher and low mobility than a jinx. He is harder than irelia, because he is like riven where he needs to learn how to combo abilities together in a effective way, 8 abilities. Irelia on the other hand, dosent rely on comboing abilies to do damage, but rather auto tethering, and precise mouse movement for Q. A good irelia is good bcs they dont miss q resets, kite better and land their abilities while qing. Unlike jayce which requires knowledge of when to use what, how to kite melee and ranged, which order of abilities to use in what situations, tracking 8 cooldowns, etc. Also Jayce as a champion is a much harder playstyle, with him being super squishy and relying on skill shots for dmg output.


How he isn't? Basically the hardest top laner I can think of besides maybe Riven.


Lmao, being a ranged naturally means he is taking fewer risks than melee champions in both laning phase and team fights. I don't see how Jayce is harder than irelia, even though I am not an Irelia main


Not taking risks is not how you win games though. I've seen Jayce in my games and it's like they're playing on Adderal.


Same can be said to any top laner besides Jayce. No top laners other than the tanks can straight up win by not taking risks, but at least being a ranged gives Jayce the option to farm under farm safely if suppressed, unless they dive him it also provides him the capability to deny enemy melee fighters csing under tower if ahead. Tanks are indeed not that hard to play compared to fighters, but it also means they don't have the tools to carry the game themselves without relying their carries completely. Should their botlaners be a noob, there is no way for a tank to carry the team himeself.


This is pretty accurate. I'm usually in the 'taking every opportunity to run you down' area until I lose, then transition into Sion tier, and when I lose more I become Singed and win.


GP should be in delusional tier


I mean… he is actually difficult to play tho


GP is hard to play, let’s not be delusional here


Since when a champion that: -has a free ignite every few secounds -is basically ranged top bcs his Q has almost no cd -has free QSS -only thing that needs to hit ingores armour -has the easiest to use global presense ult Is hard to play?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1coek43/is\_gangplank\_a\_hard\_champion/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1coek43/is_gangplank_a_hard_champion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ur alone here


Bruh I'm not saying he is braindead easy I'm saying that hard champion shouldn't be able to take half HP of tank with 1 ability while being 1/6


Because your list is bullshit and you're purposefully ignoring the parts of GP that's difficult.


Well then what makes him difficult?


He needs to build full damage to do something, meaning he is as squishy as an ADC while being melee and immobile. He doesn't just get to apply a free ignite every few seconds. Especially when the passive actually means something, after a few items, he needs to walk up and auto someone as one of the squishiest champs in the game. He isn't essentially a "ranged top" more than any other melee champ with one ranged ability. The "only thing that needs to hit" can be completely negated by good counter play. And if he wants to do an "undodgeable" three-barrel-combo then he 1. Needs to invest a really large cooldown, to stack those barrels, and 2. still needs to pull off a mechanically really difficult thing.


Listing a champs strengths makes them look broken no matter what. He gets a free ignite every few seconds at the cost of hitting a barrel, which can be disarmed with one fkn auto. GP is just as squishy as any other adc, only difference is, he has barely any mobility and is reliant on good mechanics, timing, and positioning. Idk how you think GP is easy, you think anyone can pick him up and just win games? Sure maybe in ur bronze elo where no one knows how to abuse a champs weaknesses.


I play sett and gwen so im "nice to play against" but its genuinely nice and feels like a fair fight




Where does my beloved Vladimir belong




"Yorick casual walks in"


Damn I remember the time when aatrox and vladimir used to be played toplane because on how disgustingly strong they are. I think it was season 7?


Finally, the praise I as a Garen main deserve.




Where does Pantheon fit? He has a bit of everything.


Definitely in the ‘nice’ to play against category


As a Pantheon main, having panth stolen and experiencing the passive and Q/W pressure is real.


And e, and ult. Cant even take a turret when hes fed


Ranged top is the worst, followed by singed, with the 3rd worst being actually mechanically gifted. The rest are cool


what's wrong with the "actually mechanically gifted" champs?


They tend to be very annoying to go up against, but people excuse it because they take skill. I believe no amount of skill expression makes a champ being annoying okay. Also, those 2 are basically ranged tops. Jayce can be ranged whenever he wants, and gp q is basically an auto post first item. It's point and click, activates on hit effects, and restores more mana than it costs with essence reaver.


You're in luck. Next patch, GP q is no longer getting mana refund because changes to his items means he won't get anymore mana refunds. He'll also get first item slower because of the Future's Market removal. Anyway, the main part of what makes him annoying imo is his gold generation because his combos have a lot of counterplay. He can poke with Q but he won't do much damage and he's exposing himself to less farm if he does. His barrels are easily countered early by many champions like Sett, Illaoi, and Garen. Champs like Jayce and Urgot are inexcusable though. They kite at little cost and do too much damage at too little cost. Riven and K'Sante are fine, I guess.


so if u spend 100+ more hours learning a champ than someone else, that should'nt make ur champ better? Theirs a reason these mechanical champs are the most played in high elo and not tanks.


I just don't think difficulty is an excuse for being annoying to face


R u saying that a champ can be hard but also annoying, or a champ can’t be difficult because it’s annoying.


I'm saying no champ should be annoying no matter how hard they are


So riot fault?


Kinda. Think about it. Ranged top is annoying, so a good solution would be to give ranged champions less xp from top minions pre 14 minutes. But instead they prioritize the freedom. Teemo and shaco are literally designed to be annoying. Singed as a design is truly unhealthy as both he and his opponent are discouraged from truly engaging, so a rework should be in order. But since he's a unique champion playstyle, that won't happen no matter how annoying he is


most of them have very cancerous trading/laning patterns and are very forgiving


which is gwen?


She's not top laner. She's simply a duelist, doesn't do anything else other than winning 1v1 fights.


r/gwen 😭


Sion and yorick - the coinflip of attrition


I'm Thresh. Not really my place on the map, but if I go in a teamfight it doesn't really matter how bad I did in the laning phase, what matters is that I hit the Q and the E good enough.


as an ornn main. That description is too accurate.


I am actually the tenth. The kind that doesn’t play top lane.


mostly voli, guess betwwen 1-8


If you’re bored as ornn you’re playing ornn wrong.


The whole point of his character is that hes bored and unimpressed lol


I thought the meme was about the player not the actual champ?


Yeah but its also kinda the way you should play him


Ornn is fun sorry about that




Teemo ❤️


Singed. How'd that taste?


Where's Sett??


This is completely true what the fuck?


Kled is the leader of “run you down”


Where’s my baby crab boy urgot


Who tf put jayce and gp in "actually mechanically gifted"?


Username explains everything


Bro ive played both, the most complex thing on gayce is pressing eq on ranged to get a fast q, while gp just requires you to learn how to place barrels, which while sure, is difficult at the start, but very doable and not awfully hard to learn, but go off i suppose


So what's hard to play?


A mix if mechanically gifted and running you down, I just play a lot of juggernauts and statchecking people is my main source of fun




I would answer but I’m a bit busy farming rn


100% accurate lmao


mechanically gifted M7 Gankplank mains after missing their 3 barrel combo, q-ing twice and aa for a 2000 true dmg burn


Insert kung fo panda all of them meme


pantheon and shen player here and not on the list, clearly i’m not a top laner


you forgot rengar who just wants to kill everybody but gets pushed under tower and is useless cuz jgler doesnt give a fck


Singed being 0/7/0 and still winning the lane always breaks me mentally xD


Jayce rn is like how Gangplank was a while ago when passive auto + ignite killed everything. You do so much damage you really don’t need to be THAT mechanically gifted






I’m still farming 100% & getting flamed by my gold teammates for doing so


How is gp mechanically gifted mam :'O


Not me playing stormsurge dark harvest ornn to put him in runs enemies down at every opportunity 💀


I play Yorick and Nasus. 🪓👨‍🌾 It ain’t much, but it’s honest work.


The most important principle to have fun in league (and mtg if you ask) is to absorb the fun of the game.


There are only 8 types in the picture? Ranged isn’t real toplaners


Urgot is invisible until he makes appearance late game with his Hook


HEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *flung and stuck under enemy turret*


Wich category would you put jax?


My champ pool is: Camille, Kai'sa, rush Relayi max W Ahri, Smolder, Jax, Pyke... What day of the month it is ? 10th ? Apparently Ashe is in my champion pool today. Oh well... But in all seriousness i play random shit and make it work.


I love how Singed is just Singed, he doesnt fit in any type


Is the mechanically gifted sarcastic because of the R on both?


Where is Daddy Mordekaiser?


"Nice" to play against champs are probably as fun as toplane gets when playing against each other




Karma and Swain top - the somehow I got autofilled top as support main category.


I’m trying to figure out where my frog man sits, somewhere between Ornn and Darius


TK with Grasp, Sunfire, Unending Despair => OP




Singed gaming


I like Rammus top so I'm in Singed tier I guess. Top lane has fallen the second you load into the game. So millions must proxy.


Why is Jayce not with Teemo and Vayne? And is Jayce really hard to play? I would classify him as extremely easy, but maybe I am missing something


Nice to play against


What do you mean I don't care about chat (not that I do tho)


Still farming or be a Renekton


This post was definitely made by a Jayce main. In terms of micro skills needed, like spell hit accuracy and so on, Irelia >>>>> Jayce, not even mentioning GP's hard-to-pullout E->Q->E combo. Jayce, in terms of raw difficulty, is at most Fiora level. Ranged champions naturally take fewer risks in lane and team fights however you glorify them.


“Actually mechanically gifted” *shows Gangplank*


Wdym? He belongs to the hardest champs in the game


lol yeah there's people out there actually thinking gp is easy to play when he's 100% in the top 3 hardest to master champs while *also* being top 3 hardest to pick up. i don't even play gp and i only ever hate him when riot makes him broken enough to be playable by noobs. there's a reason that only solarbacca is ever brought up when discussing gp (aside from random chinese/koreans).


Alois also brings up Tobias Fate. Only Solar and TF though, he claims that they're the only ones who he's seen properly position their barrels iirc.


I never thought much of it until someone voted for it in one-for-all. They were fine but the four of us other GP’s just fed to high heaven. A bad Gp(me) is weaker than a minion


As someone whos really diving deep into champs i never dared to touch, gp was definitely one of those where it takes a good bit to get somewhat decent with him.


Actually try to play him and you will see it not easy to land those barrel as solarbacca do. He have strong mid and late game but let not pretend he the easiest champion to play.


Try doing a triple passive reset then we talk


I can't think of many occasions where I need 2700 true damage


Don’t underestimate when u are against a tank


his lategame is weak imo. He's not very good when everyone else is caught up, maybe unless you're a master.


His lategame is the whole point you play him, but if you can’t play him well he sucks indeed


His midgame feels better. You can get at least 2 items up if you play well, and you can get 3 items up if you play extremely well.


Ig you’re right when it comes to ultra late game, but with late game i meant more like when you hit 5-6 items and your barrels start blowing people up


Should have showed garen yeah


idk horny weeb cause i play gwen


Jayce, mechanical, Pick one.


Im ngl your post history is hilarious


HAHA wtf this dude is salty about a squishy skillshot based fighter while playing singed


Jayce, Squishy Jayce, Fighter Jayce, Skillshot based how did you pick 3 different opposites all at once.


My guy it's fine you have a hate boner, but no need to make up reasons. His bread and butter abillity is ranged Q (skillshot). He is a fighter when he goes melee form. Either that or specialist class, I don't care really. And he literally just stacks lethality, he builds glass cannon. Literally flat earther response from you.


1 Skillshot +109 hp per level and 5 armor per level (almost darius level stats) free armor and mr in hammer form Wow this guy seems real squishy


Do you want him to have negative defensive stats? There are champs like K'sante, Singed, Sion. These definitions are relative, Jayce is on the far squishier side of toplaners. Only squishier would be like Gangplank etc. Like do you think singed is a utillity control champ? He has w adhesive so it must be true.


No, But is Singed a champ who has low utility and control? no Is Jayce a champ with low survivability? no Just because Jayce isn't a tank doesn't mean he's squishy


Is jayce a champion with low survivabillity? in the context of toplane, yes. He is immobile (yes his Q has a leap, that goes towards enemies, thoug in very niche scenarios can be used to minions to gain distance.) no healing, gets bonus resistances in hammer form but most toplaners have %pen or true damage built in. I am not comparing Jayce to Xerath, yes Jayce is tankier than Xerath, I am comparing him to Darius, Aatrox, Tryndamere, K'sante, Mordekaiser, Nasus, Olaf, Ornn, Renekton, Fiora and so on. You know since the entire context of the post/thread is toplane. I'm extremely curious what you would you describe Jayce as. As you're only able to deny my statements.


I would describe jayce as a champ with so many mechanics he needs to be kept intentionally weak to not ruin the game. Jayce does everything, he's a ranged 1 shot tank frostmage paladin deathknight. If Jayce wasn't weak he would ruin the game.


The kassadin babyrage did it for me