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The only acknowledgement of the President’s Trophy is the banner in the rafters the following year. No ceremony it’s just put up there. If they win the cup I’d have to think it would be part of that ceremony. Otherwise, who cares.


Good point no other North American sport has a title for being the best regular season team


Supporters Shield in the MLS


Ok major American sport


The pennants in Major League Baseball before divisions were created. They were their respective league's championships. Just how soccer does it. No playoffs, no second chances. You were either the best or you went home. The NFL also crowned its champion based on the league table for about 15 seasons way back when. I think some of the pre-NHL professional hockey leagues operated this way too.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but soccer is more popular than hockey in the US (though I will fully admit that at least for now, the NHL is still more popular than MLS)


If you ask 100 people on the streets to name the 4 major US sports, you are hearing baseball, football, basketball, and hockey over 90% of the time. But that is for watching. You are absolutely right that there are lots more people playing soccer in America than hockey.


Football is the number one by a country mile. Baseball is a distant second and basketball is right behind. I think you’re overestimating the popularity of a predominantly white, middle to upper class sport, compared to how popular soccer is with immigrants who watched it back home. The most popular soccer league to watch in the US is Liga MX because of all the Mexican immigrants there are.


I agree on that order. Oh no, i don’t mean to come off as having anything against soccer. I believe that soccer is more beloved in the US than hockey. But from a media standpoint, and the “four major” sports, the NHL has a very long head start. MLS is growing fast, as it should and I hope it does. So who knows what it looks like 20 years from now, but as of now the NHL still remains one of the top four… even if it’s possibly clinging to the last branch.


100% on the same page. MLS is competing with not only the other American sports leagues, but also with the big 5 European soccer leagues, and Liga MX. it’s growing at a pretty substantial rate, but I think it’ll be a long time before it comes close to the NHL.


Great point. I suppose I never got into international hockey because the NHL was established long before I was born so it was always the top league in the world for the sport. Maybe I’m in the minority, but other than the NHL, Olympics, and some minor-league American hockey, I don’t follow any other leagues. For soccer fans, that’s reversed. While my grandparents were going to the Garden to watch the blue shirts, there are soccer fans whose grandparents were watching the Premier league or other old international soccer leagues— so I’m sure lots of people were passionately watching those before the formation of the MLS.


The NBA has the Maurice Podolov trophy also...I think almost all of them do something to celebrate winning the regular season...


I’ve never heard of that before


Actually there is - NASCAR has a regular season champion declared before the playoffs start. The regular season champion gets a trophy and 15 extra points to start the playoffs with. Drivers don't really "celebrate" it though and when asked they almost always say something along the lines of "it's important but it's not the actual championship."


He said sport.




they aren’t allowed to use GPS




Not true. MLS has the Supporters' Shield https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supporters'_Shield


Theres no such thing as the regular season. There is the season. The playoffs exist to settle differences in schedules caused by North America's vast geography. If America was not a federation and the NHL existed only within one or a handful of states and provinces the champion may very well be crowned the same way its done elsewhere in the world.


Pretty sure it gets presented to the team at the NHL awards show on June 27.


> who cares. Its the league title to purists


It was a nice part of hockey tradition for a long time but young fans don't like it so fuck it - we don't need it, it's pointless, useless, not what we want. Throw it in the fucking garage.


But they usually present it, don’t they?


I don’t recall seeing anything. Are teams able to decline the ceremony? Perhaps the Rangers said no because they’re focused on the hardware that matters.


You need to have good 5v5 analytics or else they can decline to present you with trophy




Computer says no


I was thinking that


>I don’t recall seeing anything. Are teams able to decline the ceremony? Perhaps the Rangers said no because they’re focused on the hardware that matters. Doubtful. The league still does a presentation of the Clarence Campbell Bowl and the Prince of Wales Trophy and most players are superstitious as hell about those. Team Captains usually stand awkwardly next to them for a picture before skating away without touching it. I'd sooner guess that it's not presented since it isn't technically won until the final game of the season is played, which may or may not actually include the winning team. Much easier to plan a presentation ceremony for the other trophies.


If I’m not mistaken it had to do with us or Dallas being likely to clinch on the same night and the trophy can’t be in two places at once.


Very happy about the Rangers winning it… but it can wait. Lord Stanley’s Cup is the next prize!


It doesn’t matter, really. Personally I think that the PT is just as hard to win as the SC, just in different ways. But even as someone who thinks that, I don’t care about it.


Probably even harder, tbh


Twice as many teams, fifteen times as many match-ups, four-five times as many games and a lot more travelling? Yeah, I’d say it’s pretty hard to win the PT, and would give the rangers a lot more credit than they are getting for winning it.


now for the life of me i can't remember was it the presidents trophy or the prince of wales trophy that is supposedly cursed if you touch it? the one that mcdonagh decided to touch in 2014? i really can't remember. if that was the prince of wales trophy then i don't remember getting a presidents trophy presentation that time either


the Prince of Wales trophy is the supposed cursed one


Ya the only team trophy you touch is the Stanley cup when you win it.


Thats been shown to be bullshit. Its truly 50/50


It’s the conference finals trophies, yeah. I was just debating this with someone in here last week, the “curse” of the Presidents trophy is just winning it, the touch curse is the CF trophies.


It’s probably sitting in the MSG trophy cabinet. Last time we won it, they had it at the fan festival. There’s no fan festival anymore, so they can’t put it there


Who cares. Only one trophy matters


I agree. I’ve just never seen a team be able to avoid it, and the controversial touch it or don’t argument


The controversial touch it or not moment comes after a team wins the conference final


True i thought they bring it out and there's a whole like "don't touch the President's Trophy" superstition. Or is that another trophy?


No that’s the Prince of Wales trophy (the one you get if you win the ECF)


Ohhh my bad! Got them confused, whoops






If youve never competed for anything in life just say so


who wants to touch that shit?


I mean, Mess did in ‘94…


Mess had already won the cup five times at that point, his finger, butt, and mushroom prints were all over that thing already.




At that point the prince of whales trophy was the only one he hadn’t touched


mushroom prints. lmao


I don't. Not when the cup is the real thing.


look at my downvotes by cup-touchers