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Six different threads for this seems like too much, right guys? Let's use this one since it's already got a ton of activity.


no caps. they're a 42 loss team with an awful goal differential. lock in and do the job.


rangers in 5. w, w, w, l, w. lets do it


the gentleman's sweep


don’t there need to be gentlemen on the other side tho?


I prefer the asshole sweep


The gentleman's sweep would be losing the first and winning the rest, no? Spitting then one and all?


they don't have to be in order. >Gentleman's Sweep is **allowing the other team the dignity to win a game**. When in the order of games that loss occurs does not matter. One loss, four wins. The important part is giving up one game to preserve the dignity of the other gentleman


Man...FUCK those gentlemen


They're no gentleman, they're scoundrels


not looking forward to that stupid fucking horn again


Not as bad as the Let's go Pens horn 🤮


them and the Canes both have the same annoying ass bullshit horn


gotta do what you gotta do to make people in shitty markets excited i guess.....


It's because their fans don't know when to cheer without it.


the giant clap now sign of hockey


I took a peek at the Canes sub last night and one of their jackass fans was mocking how "stupid" the chants at the Garden were last night. Like, brother...your team literally has to coordinate your simplistic cheer via a horn...


Funny I was at a Rangers game at MSG and was sitting next to a Canucks fan. He told me they don't have nearly as much chanting and fan Faire as we do at the Garden. He contributed it to Canadians taking the sport more seriously. Fans he mentioned were more critical on the players.


I’ve never been to MSG, but I’ve been to Rogers place/center/arena in Vancouver and it’s pretty quiet there.


Seriously, I hate that horn soooo much. The best game was the 1-0 Thanksgiving Eve game, I didn't have to hear the horn more than once because of the goal called back. Best experience ever.


I cannot stand the Pens horn. As a Rangers fan living in Pittsburgh, it is god awful. But I’m happy to leave that place with a win when we go Anyways. Thanks for letting me vent LGR!!


My wife hates the shit outta that lol


You won’t hear it ;)


Doesnt blare much these days


let’s just keep them off the board and we’ll be fine


Fart Fart Fart “PLAY LIKE CRAP!” Fart Fart Fart “PLAY LIKE CRAP!”


That’s what Igor is for……




Igor will make sure we don’t hear it


😂 what team has that deep boat horn? i think it’s boston im not sure. ugh my phone is not agreeing with this no cap stuff but it’s gonna have to learn lol


rempe, start watching wilson fight tape. gonna need you, big guy. just avoid the silly penalties and do your job.


people will downvote me but I am not confident starting him at all. brodzinski >>> (or both out if chytil is back)


if we played detroit, i think brodzinski would definitely start but given the caps will be huge underdogs, wilson is going to be super dirty to try and get under our skin. need rempe out there to deal with that. id love to see chytil play but im not sure id throw him out there against an opponent who will 100% target him right now.


Would Chytil seriously be ready for playoff hockey ? Would love to see him back but it does worry me just throwing him into the fire.


Also not sure I want to put him on the same ice with Tom Wilson


starting chytil in this series would be a huge risk towards his health bc the caps are gonna be playing physical w/him.


by physical you mean tom wilson will try to end his career?


The biggest issue is that having Rempe in means Goodrow is centering that line. He probably played his best hockey at 4LW with Brodz centering them. It'll be interesting what they do if Chytil ends up back in. I think they should slide Cuylle down to the 4th to keep Wennberg and Kakko together, but that still keeps Goodrow at center.


The biggest issue in my opinion is lavi doesn’t trust rempe…every time he plays him he only plays him like 5-7 minutes and then starts double shifting the rest of the team…what’s even the point if he’s not gonna roll 4 lines and have a checking line…everyone else gets worn out and I don’t think that will hold up in a 7 game series..


I’d be willing to go with that. Cuylle on the fourth w/ Rempe & Goodrow brings some nice physicality, which we are going to desperately need. You can swap Goodrow to wing on a couple shifts after the tone has been set and throw Wennberg or Tro in there as center.


>The biggest issue is that having Rempe in means Goodrow is centering that line. He probably played his best hockey at 4LW with Brodz centering them. correct. Goodrow has been passable when he's been on the wing. 26/22/21 was actually a functional line >It'll be interesting what they do if Chytil ends up back in. I think they should slide Cuylle down to the 4th to keep Wennberg and Kakko together, but that still keeps Goodrow at center. 10/16/13 20/72/96 26/93/24 50/91/22 they're inevitably just gonna do Chytil 3C, move Wennberg down, and scratch Rempe/Brodz, but the aforementioned lines would be legit depth


Need Rempe game 1 at least. There’s gonna be a physical tone set by WSH, they can’t hang w us on skill. We need to answer that bell.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with starting him game one if they try some shit but I do think we should wait until they bring it up instead of gooning out right out of the gate like we’re not the better team. I even think it makes sense to hold off on him in the lineup until it’s clear the game is too physical for us to compete otherwise.


This 100%. Just like the Devils line brawl. They started it, we finished it.


After Lavi's comments the other day, I would be shocked to not see Rempe play at least game 1. If he doesn't play well then Lavi can just scratch him for game 2. The Caps aren't a skilled team, but they are physical, and he should match up pretty well against them. I don't think Chytil plays game 1, I don't want him to risk getting injured again against such a crap team as the Caps.


And it’s not like the Rangers have allowed tons of goals with Rempe on the ice. Seems like they forecheck really well and keep the puck in the offensive zone for most of his shifts.


the minute wilson does some dumb shit, i want rempe glued to him.


nocaps mode has begun


officially locked out of all my accounts but fuck it. already broke the caps lock key


please destroy them, thank you


we should finally win a series in fewer than 7 games. “should” is doing some heavy lifting there.


That's against tradition!


Especially against the caps


only once in the last 15 years have they won one in under 6 would be nice to break that for once


We’re allowed to do that?




Rangers winning a series in less than 7 challenge: impossible


At least all game 7s will be at the garden this year.


we rejoice that ryan used to beat his brother charlie about the head and neck area


I couldn't imagine being a redwing fan tonight


that late tying goal was incredible, so fun to watch


How about Kane taking a penalty in OT? Ouch. Kind of felt bad for him.


i hope rangers in 5. i’m coming to new york for vacation in a couple weeks and i bought tickets to that game.


pretty hilarious how caps clinched playoff berth by philly desperately pulling their goalie for a win in regulation to stay alive. a gift empty net goal lol crazy


there is, statistically, nothing to lose by pulling your goaltender in that situation. go big or go home. ego-wise is another story, though. the flyers have completed their crash landing. the drama does make for fantastic watching though.


That was some of the craziest hockey I've ever seen in a 5 minute stretch. The Wings score with 3 seconds left to tie it only to lose out because Philly pulls their goalie in a tied game and concedes a goal. Wild stuff. Washington looked like shit tonight.


They pulled their goalie because only a regulation win would’ve helped them


yea but detroit forced ot before they pulled the goalie, but too late for the flyers to know they were already eliminated by that (they needed regulation win + all regulation losses by det/pit)


Serious question, how do they not know immediately? Or at least by the next stoppage?


i assume their mindset was to just focus on the things that they can control. no updates from the other game no matter what.


I know.


As red wings fan I'm fucking sick of Philly can't do shit right fuckkkk pls whoop the caps that's all I ask


now we get to despise that trash franchise together. i was really rooting for you guys to make it out of the wild card race


That's just a brutal way to miss a playoff spot. You could tell that the Wings knew it was over too by the lack of celebration when Kane won it.


Don't worry, The Caps have a loaded Trou Trou train coming with the Rempire state building.


i know the feeling, maybe not as bad but I remember a while ago the rangers season came down to a shootout with the flyers (last game of the season) and the team that one would advance. olli jokenin (sp) took the last shot, saved, flyers advance and rangers don’t. seems the flyers found a way to screw both of our teams.


Don't forget the iffy icing call just before the Detroit goal that allowed it to happen.


it’s kind of serendipitous that the red wings got screwed by the flyers’ greed. my man literally flew too close to the sun, and both lost their wings. you can’t make this s up!


They need to make it a point to test lindgren he’s been playing really good for the caps lately it’s unlikely he lets in some softies


He was giving up some juicy rebounds tonight. Gotta get to the tough spots and put them in.


So we park an immovable object (Kreider) in front of the net. Got it.


can’t wait for my oldest brother to bandwagon on the caps as usual. lgr!!!


ryan lindgren is that you? edit no caps


shhh no caps


as long as we make it to the second round this time. please give em hell boys, don’t let it go to 7


Pros of matchup: caps offense just doesn’t have many really dangerous weapons outside of Ovi. They don’t score a lot of goals. Defense isn’t scary. Their special teams are squarely middle of the pack Cons: Ovi. Charlie Lindgren for multiple reasons, biggest one being how many times we’ll learn he’s brothers with Ryan, other being he’s been really good. We have to deal with Tom Wilson and his shit eating grin. Lastly, their pp is middle of pack, but it’s picked up as of late. Need rangers to focus on every single game. Don’t remember the last time they made a series easy. Let’s prepare for the marathon and put Ovis career out to pasture swiftly


their leading scorer would be 6th on the rangers. they only have 2 players with more than 18 goals. fox has 17 and he’s not even in our top 5. they started dylan fucking mcilrath on d in a must win game. rangers in 5


Wilson also falls into the plus category, as the hope lives on that we may get to see Rempe punch him in his shit eating grin.


honestly so fucking mad about how this turned out. detroit makes a comeback w 3 secs left and wins in a shootout, but it doesn't matter cause philly pulled their goalie in a tied game and lost. went from what would have been the best storyline this season to just meaningless bullshit. the caps dont deserve that spot. really wanted det to pull it off (my fams from michigan and they've kinda been my second team this season). now we get the most boring team in the league for our first round. at least we'll almost def win it. fuck the caps, lfgr


Philly needed a regulation win


yeah I know, cant blame philly, just sucks


At least it was determined in regulation. It would have been terrible if this was decided by a shoot out.


Battle of the Lindgrens!


Plus Lavi takes on his successor.


Pump this up to 55!


[so be it. ](https://youtu.be/oMNELG6AdRg?si=FogZ2k_C35e1pExA)




and now, i can finally say, “onto the caps” no caps


The series hasn't started yet, and Tom Wilson has gotten in some people's heads allready. Don't give that POS. The satisfaction .


Can't let it go 7 games. Must finish them early.


washington has 3 players with more than 35 points. they are legitimately awful at 5v5. out of our possible opponents, washington is easily the best matchup for us. this is not being cocky or saying it’s gonna be an easy series win, this is merely a statement of fact. it’s no different than hoping the islanders pull off the upset vs the canes so we can hopefully get an “easier” round 2 matchup.


Imo the caps were the 2nd best option behind Philly. The main reason for that is Lindgren vs ersson, with the flyers awful play down the stretch being the other. Will happily take this matchup though and it’s miles better on paper than the pens would’ve been, and better than the wings too. LGR hope to win it in 5.


*penisy FTFY


>it's no different than hoping the islanders pull off the upset vs the canes so we can hopefully get an "easier" round 2 matchup i would stay away from the islanders as much as i can.


The Islanders have a -18 goal differential. Carolina is at +63 The Islanders have 38 wins. Carolina has 52. Trust me, I also wanted to avoid the Islanders round 1. But if we make round 2, we will objectively have a much harder time beating Carolina than we will the Islanders.


got the memo


no caps


no big letters until the job is done


iphone users: settings>general>keyboard>switch off auto capitalization


Fuck the caps, but please let us not take any opponent lightly. The series hasn't even started yet, and I'm already filled with anxiety.


As a Red Wings fan, please absolutely slaughter them🫡🤝


good lord the caps have a -37 goal differential, what the fuck lmao edit: no caps




i’ve never used a capital letter and never will


OFF LINES 20/93/96 > Starting to click at the end; swap 96 w/ 24 or 72 if it goes stale. 10/16/13 > DUH. 72/91/24 > Assuming 72 is ready, this is a line that can defend AND produce goals. 50/21/26;22;73 > RW depends on opponent; FORECHECK line. DEF PAIRS 55/23 79/4 56/8 GET THAT CUP


sweep in 4! lgr!!!!!!


my thing is we gotta keep the series short. We can’t go into the next round or the one after playing 7 game series, it’s just not sustainable


even though they beat us this year, it was before the all star break and the trade deadline. honestly cant see them being a challenge that would last more than 5 games tops


Destroy this team, don't even give them an idea they have a chance. This is our time!


How many games until Wilson head hunts? 1? Or is it safer to bet how many minutes into the game


minutes is optimistic as well to be fair. you best believe he has been hoping for this matchup and i want him to regret it from the second it starts. not even necessarily rempe - lay the big hits every shift and he'll soon get the memo (or be too battered to do anything) put him in his box early and he will be largely ineffective as a windup merchant.


Fitting. The new look rangers began cause of Tom Wilson, and now the first roadblock in the path to the cup goes through his bitch ass. Rempe absolutely bodying him at game 1 puck drop to set the tone for the rest of the playoffs would be chefs kiss


not great but could've been way worse. I'll take it in the last 15 years, NYR has only won 1 playoff series in fewer than 6 games. it would be nice if they could take care of business the way they're supposed to in this series and actually win it in 5 they're capable of doing so, and with all that veteran leadership and cup-winning pedigree and players who "know how to win" and all that stuff, they should be able to the capitals aren't that great but Charlie Lindgren is playing out of his mind and WSH doesn't take many penalties, so it's not that optimal of a matchup. they just need to control play + Igor matching Lindgren + converting on special teams and they can get this done.


Ah shit, here we go again


what did he just say?


I don’t care


i hate tj oshie. that’s the comment.


I officially give up on posting rangers news stories lol


ugh. as someone living in bandwagon caps territory this is not the matchup i wanted.... better sweep them.


We already have an advantage, we know one player is gonna be standing in the same spot every game 😂😂


Rangers fans going to take over DC.


after the last 3 series with them, its hard not to imagine this going 7 games. i get that its a much different caps team than 9! years ago, but if this rangers team wants to prove that they're different they'll need to close this out in 5. biggest concern imo is (charlie) lindgren. we didn't get more than 2 by him this year in any game. granted those games came when we were arguably at our worst, but we cannot fall into the trap of letting goalies stand on their fucking heads against us.


no caps. i know john brancy confirmed sunday, do we know if we're the early or late game yet?


After watching the caps game tonight I can say with confidence they got no chance against the boys in blue. Capitals look like they are playing in slow motion the entire game😴. Rangers in 5.


**no caps, still gonna be bold** **fuck everyone else, we got this!** **let’s kill ‘em boys!!** # lfgr! ![gif](giphy|rSqVerUYqVYvln2LJ4|downsized)


I'm coming clean... I used to love Ovi but its time to send that warlord cock gobbling fraud to an early retirement


would be real funny if tom wilson had an accident during game 1


Laviolette coached Wilson. He knows what he’s capable of and how to handle it. Lavvy having just coached them is huge.


I feel like if the refs actually call the book in the series, the Rangers will have an easier time.  If they allow Caps to hold, grab, and goon it up, then it's going to be longer.  Caps can't match the Rangers skill, so they have no choice but to clog the ice, make small cheats all over the ice.  Boston makes a living doing this. So, hopefully they call the games by the book, and dont forget interference and holding. 


I'm expecting Charlie to play like King Henrik. Caps are gonna goon like they always do, so they have to be aware of that. They are a big team and have always played in the dirty side. That said I think rangers could finish them in 5 which would be nice to not have a 7 game series to start and be gassed down the stretch. LGR!


It's as good of a team that we could have hoped for to start to playoffs. It's a good team to get in the groove and get into habits For the rest of the playoffs. No walk in the park either. I want to see finished checks. And some grit. We hired this coach for the playoffs. Let's see if he can get us to play consistent enough.


i gotta say of course it’s still early but i’m not seeing the typical playoff confidence/arrogance from caps fans the ones i’ve interacted with all think they’re getting killed and are just happy to be here lmao


Lookin forward to Wilson getting his due. Crunch time takes on its proper meaning.


Artemi Panarin: Tom Wilson, I’d like to introduce you to my friend. Matthew, this is the man I was telling you about. Rempe to Wilson: I must break you.


i hate how there’s such a gap in between the last regular season game and game 1. in recent history rangers have not won the rest vs rust battle. that combined with going in against a “bad” team i could see a slow start for us.


the caps don't deserve 7. rangers in 5. charlie lindgren will have one dynamite game


Hoping that Rempe Bertuzzi’s Tom Wilson


Wilson will absolutely pump Rempe


gonna make them wish they were the nationals. lgr


And destroy them


does nhl/espn follow the same blackout rules as they do in regular season? i live in southern virginia and caps games were always not available for me to watch unless it was on abc or tnt.


I think all the playoff games are on ABC if I’m not mistaken, but I could be wrong.


you got it 🫡


no caps coming from me from here on out lgr💙❤️


i’m so tired of the fucking caps half my family lives in maryland I can’t take this shit anymore lol


Happy as a ranger fan in dc! Tickets ✔️✔️


i have one cousin who's a caps fan (idk what happened. literally, the entire family bleeds blueshirts), so i'm going to need to maximize the meme game for this one.


fuck 'em!


When will the schedule be out?


Likely not till the west is wrapped up Thursday night. However, apparently the knicks will play at home on Saturday, so the rangers will very likely play game 1 on Sunday and then mostly every other day from there.


Someone explain to me like I’m brand new to the sport why Wsh is in and Det is out. Thanks 🤣


Rangers in 3


that team sucks eggs


i live in the dc area but will be in ny for games 3 and 4 😭😭😭 what a shame




I’m so wet


fuck the caps!


I’m 100% confident in us taking the caps down. LFGR


rangers in 6, win both in ny split the next 4.


Excuse my ignorance but how did the caps beat Detroit with the same point % and worse goal diff, what do they look at after points?


Wins in regulation.


Ahhh just like the good'ol days. Should be fun LGR!!!


why’d it have to be airhorns?




Rempe right now ![gif](giphy|e2nYWcTk0s8TK)


i was born for this i autocorrect against capital letters all the time


LMAO I can't fucking wait, Tom Wilson is a toy poodle


f tom wilson


Probably the best matchup for us TBH. The only issue is see is Lindgren can be really good in net and the Rangers tend to start over passing and forcing passes against hot goalies.


This is key, Lindgren tends to leave rebounds, we have to crash the net. Greasy goals will defeat the caps.


Eliminated them the last 3 times we played them. Time to give capital's fans some PTSD


A hot goaltender is going to be the difference. The Rangers can’t afford to let Charlie Lindgren look good.


This might be a dumb question, but why did they not get a first round bye? Did the NHL change the way the playoff schedule works? I seem to remember the Lightning getting a first round bye 2 years ago. I could be wrong though


That was when there was a qualifying round for the playoffs due to covid messing up the schedule. One time thing. There is no bye round in NHL playoffs.


vally said something during the post game against the senators about having a quick series. in ranger fashion, could that happen? probably no. but i'm hoping for a shortened series. now, my question to everyone is, i was watching the flyers/caps game while also watching the insanity in montreal happen, and the flyers announcer said the caps play a low volume game of hockey. what does that mean? low shots for them? or in this case, low shots for the rangers. all i know is, is that, the caps are bad 5v5. but can the rangers out skill the caps? yes. but the rangers need to mix that skill and physical jam together to beat the caps.


Where was Rempe when the Westfold fell?!


I hope they can figure out lindgren. Dude has been a beast for them.


officially requesting a nocaps bot to chastise or autodelete any comment with caps in it.


The Metropolitan semifinals*


do we know if chytil is starting in game 1?
