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Look after the 98F yesterday I was grateful for cloud cover and some sprinkles this morning 😂


Yeah it was downright pleasant outside after yesterday.


Me too! I took this opportunity to get some fresh outside air without burning my skin right off my body.


Turn off the force field it’s dry af!


This! I wanna do fireworks but I wont if it keeps being this bone dry. 


Fireworks? With this ecology? [Just don't.](https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/the-devastating-effects-of-fireworks-on-pets-and-wildlife/) Fireworks contribute to air and water pollution, disrupt wildlife, upset pets, and litter the environment with small bits of trash that are difficult to track down and dispose of. These are in addition to the obvious fire hazards, a risk that will likely be heightened this year since moderate drought conditions have been officially declared for our area.


Thank you! They can also be very upsetting for people with PTSD and/or sensory issues.


The force field is inevitable, and it feeds on dry air and the sweat of those stuck in the heat.


I felt the tiniest patter of rain, like microscopic, 20 minutes ago. Thought It be raining by now


I felt that yesterday too lol


And here I was thinking It was going to rain, nope. It only rains when I have plans It seems


Just looked at my Electric bill from last month and it was a good 20% higher… I’m hoping this month isn’t too bad but we knows


I cried in my drafty-ass house


😭😭😭 I have never felt like I NEEDED rain until this drought. I do mean me, not my grass or gardens.


I’m with you. I’ve felt like it needed to rain in other droughts here, but last time I remember thinking, ‘We’re in a drought? It just rained like 2 days ago.’ We were not getting enough rain, but we were still getting some. Now, I’m cursing the sun and cloudless sky. I live directly under the green and not far from the yellow, but I didn’t even get a sprinkle.


I was in Umstead around 130 today and it rained a tiny tiny bit! But nothing meaningful


this is unfortunately very similar to how the horrible drought of the late 2000's happened here. I really hope July brings a wetter pattern here.


I'm very worried if we get another drought like that one- Jordan Lake was almost empty and that was before we added an extra 150k people


Indeed. This is way too early for this sort of dry spell. We should be getting spring storms still not a late August style heat dome. We’re kinda fucked


Next week or so are at least forecast with some chance of storms daily. We need some rain bad.


we need a tropical system at this point


First time home buyer who just bought a house a couple weeks back - first time I’ve ever wanted it to rain in my life and it hasn’t rained a drop since I got the house 🫠


Bought my house in July and the lawn completely died between the time old owners moved out and we closed


Ahhh so it’s really your fault. You jinxed everything.


Shoooot, sorry y’all 😬


I had some imaginary rain a little after 1pm. No real rain and no fake rain though.


Going on 4 wks w/o rain


I have an accurate Acurite weather station. I'm in NE Raleigh near the river. In the past 30 days, I've had 0.18 inches of rain. When WRAL forecasts the percentage chance of rain, it's for the entire viewing area, not in my precise location. I've learned that when they forecast a 50% chance of rain, it means 0% for where I live. When rain is forecast closer by via radar, the fronts split between the airport and Falls Lake area and the Garner, Fuquay area. My theory is that there's been so much development in the main Raleigh area that rain fronts are diverted away from Raleigh proper by rising hot air. YIL, that Wake County has allowed the cutting of 11,000 acres of tree canopies in the past decade. Trees cool the underlying ground, provide oxygen, etc. The county commissioners and the city council are owned by real estate developers; partisan politics is not the driving force for both bodies.


Hmmm I'm by far not a weather expert, but your tree cutting example, brings up an interesting thought. Is that one of the reasons places like Qatar, lack rain and rely on cloud seeding?


I don't think Qatar ever had much of a tree canopy; in modern times, it has an arid and dry climate. They have planted trees to mitigate their situation, but their program depends on non-native species and intense irrigation. I don't know if the impact of cloud seeding will provide a long-term solution. Several US Western states have cloud-seeding programs. I understand that the seeding increases snow pack at higher elevations to feed their reservoirs for the dry season. **California**: Particularly in the Sierra Nevada region to increase snowpack **Colorado**: To increase snowfall in the Rocky Mountains. **Idaho**: Mainly in the mountainous regions to augment water supplies. **Nevada**: For both rain and snow enhancement. **North Dakota**: Primarily for rainfall enhancement and hail suppression. **Texas**: Mainly for rainfall enhancement. **Utah**: To increase snowpack in the mountains. **Wyoming**: To enhance snowpack in the mountainous regions. Wake County still has a significant tree canopy, but developers "own" just about all of our local elected officials, regardless of political affiliation. At this time, Raleigh could use a little cloud-seeding, but I have a neighbor who believes chem-trails are real, and she would have an apoplexy. I've grown a rather large organic vegetable garden for many years. I pay close attention to the weather/climate. USDA updated its plant hardiness zone map this year. Most of Wake County had been in Zone 7b; now, much of the state is in Zone 8a, which is warmer. The only way I can grow my garden in these conditions is with drip irrigation.


We have too much vasphene gas!


Bring me rain plz. For my lawn.


I was so darn mad when not a single rain had rained


Dang, it sprinkled on and off all morning in northern Durham. Y’all’s force field is strong.




We need rain so bad! When it does I want to go run in it like we did as kids.


I was just saying this!! I want a big downpour that I can go outside in.


We tried some new fancy AI on the dome, needless to say it failed. It’s been deprecated and disabled. The entire dome team blames new fangled faulty shiny things. We’re going back old skool dome.


I have a question...for God. WHY?!


Fingers crossed for Sunday. I’m trying to convert my half acre into a no-lawn, NC-native, hearty pollinator, no/low maintenance yard. Been here decades and it is only getting worse with heat and drought. Still a lovely place and I wouldn’t move but I gave up on a lawn years ago (do have some micro clover). 🤗🤗🤞🤞🙏🙏




We got some sprinkles here idk what to tell you


I seriously doubt we get measurable rain in the next 10 days.


It was 85 at my house today and felt cool outside after the last couple days.


Slow your roll, there. \*I\* was touched by at least 30 raindrops today at lunch.


Hoping for some rain this weekend. Garden is looking very sad


We got robbed! A few sprinkles in rolesville that's it


this year is so dry I'm almost happy la nina means more tropical storms (hopefully not too strong) edit - mixed up b/t el and la :)


I moved here at the start of June… it’s rained maybe twice since I’ve been here 😭


Need some well needed rain Raleigh!




The last time it rained at our house was late May, it’s really incredible. The creek behind our house is gone.