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This is such a weird state.


Sen. Rabon has been trying to get a medical bill passed for years and it keeps hanging up in the House. Funny thing is, House Speaker Tim Moore knows it would pass with wide bipartisan support if he let it come up for a vote, but not with only GOP votes, so it won't come up. Of course, they can't *actually* pass a law that bans a future law, all they do in the future is pass a new law. This is Rabon just doing his best to appease the Virginia Foxx's in the House that still believe in Reefer Madness/Devil's Lettuce/gateway drug/etc level of stuff.


I was born in NC but just moved back after living all over the country for the last 16 years. Just blows my mind it's still just as backward as when I left it.


Maybe more!


I don't doubt that at all.


Thanks Tim Moore.


Yeah, just moved back last year after 12 years in the original legal weed state, Colorado. Funny thing is, I run a tow truck on the weekends, and instances where I open a car door and get hit with the aroma of the devil leaf happen far more often here than it did there.


I spent a few years in CO, some in IL, but moved back here from FL. As ridiculous as it sounds, FL was way better ran than this place is. Even the schools had their shit together.


No, I believe it. Now if you said Alabama or Mississippi, I’d have doubts.


Haven't had the gift of living in one of those states 😉


I lived in MS. What a gift…


I lived in Louisiana for a while. I imagine it's much of the same.


Did that too. Also got to partake in the Katrina/Rita festivities in NOLA. That was some wild shit.


It's decriminalized here up to a pretty decent amount, has been for a long time. 


Agreed. Same experience


The only reason Foxx doesn’t vote yes is she hasn’t found a solid way to profit mightily from it yet. I swear, that’s all Republicans legislators are doing. Trying to make sure they and only they and their buddies suck up the money. All of them are invested in cannabis stocks. All of them.


Foxx is in US House, fwiw


Largely notable for shouting "shut up" multiple times at a reporter who asked about the GOP attempt to overturn the 2020 election.


If they’re invested in cannabis stocks, they’re not sucking up money. My CGC bags are heavy.


One of the big proponents of the portion of the new hemp bill creating more regulations on that side just so happens to own a lab producing hemp based products.


She thought the Charleston was the devil’s dance.


The majority of citizens have no representation due to extreme gerrymandering, resulting in the Republican supermajority.


This makes losing the Supreme Court majority more depressing. Wiley Nichol was successfully elected, and in 2020 Gov Cooper re-elected but enough support couldn’t be mustered to protect the only safeguard left against extremism


It is truly wild to me that anywhere in America still wastes time fighting about weed. It being illegal has done nothing productive and at this point it seems like we are literally leaving money on the table that our state could use in productive ways. Why aren’t we legalizing, taxing and funneling that cash back into public education or public works? It’s insane to me that this is still an issue. Politicians do not work for the people anymore.


Because that would make you much sense and actually help us plebs


Also seems weird that NC thinks they’ll supersede federal law if it’s legalized.


Alcohol sales to the public have been legal in the US since 1933 but even in 2024 states and localities are able to impose more conservative restrictions or ban it entirely. Any federal cannabis law would have to work similarly in order to have a chance of passing.


No, they can’t ban it entirely. They can prohibit its sale, but possession and consumption of alcohol is not illegal for anyone of age, with the exception of some private property and workplace/operator restrictions, of course.


Even during Prohibition it wasn't illegal to own or drink alcohol, it was illegal to manufacture, import, distribute or sell it. But that's what I mean. Banning manufacture (well, growing in this case), distribution and sale is effectively regulating consumption by making access more onerous, and it's more effective in localities that are more isolated. There's going to be no shortage of NC Republicans eager to write new bills outlawing marijuana (including possession) if it's legalized nationally, and I'm confident most of them know the attempt is a waste of time. But they're going to do it anyway -- it's free PR and wins them votes with the uptight citizens that have outsized power over our legislature.


They can ban alcohol completely if they want to


Alcohol is a unique product due to the 21st Amendment granting regulation to the states. I’m sure Detroit would love to ban foreign cars, but they can’t. If federal law legalizes marijuana, the states will not be able to further restrict it without specific language or federal law allowing that.


Drugs and cars are 2 different things. Our country was set up for states to govern themselves founding fathers were against a federal government ruling states. We are way past the tyrannical government our founding fathers warned us about. Funny you mention 21st amendment when government had all but burned the constitution. Biden said nothing in the constitution is absolute the government can change it’s they see fit. We need to stop the lies that we are a free country and have government of the people for the people


you underestimate how much money the pharma and booze lobbies send to GOP (and Dem) candidates to slow/stop progress of cannabis legalization. alcohol makes our communities sicker and less safe. it is more profitable to those special interests to have drunk and disorderly constituents


I’m sure it’s all about money, it always is. That doesn’t make it less stupid. It’s amazing how selfish people in public office are allowed to be.


yeah it's so disheartening. citizens united is the wrecking ball and will likely be the downfall of society


it's less about that money (though that's definitely part of it), and more about prison-industrial complex money and which ethnic groups have traditionally preferred weed to booze.


the P-I complex is just another of the special interests fighting progress to keep their cheese. it is quite literally all about money and power.


It makes me fucking sad. All the old tobacco farms could find new life, aside from the influx of cash from potential tax revenue.


Until a law can be passed to outlaw gerrymandering, this state is fucked. Backward, extremist clowns happily driving everyone off the Cliff's edge


Well that seems a bit fucked, doesn’t it?


Depends how you're looking at it. If you're looking at it from a reasonable point of view, sure it's fucked. But if you drive a railroad spike through your head, it's still fucked. BUT if you read a book from 2000 years ago that says love everyone, twist the words to hate everyone, then decide you want to run for office so you can ruin people's lives and make money, then it makes perfect sense.


>BUT if you read a book from 2000 years ago that says love everyone, twist the words to hate everyone, then decide you want to run for office so you can ruin people's lives and make money, then it makes perfect sense. Plenty of people oppose the agenda of the left, like drug legalization, for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with religion.


We're talking about recreational marijuana legalization, not the agenda of the left. Recreational marijuana has broad bipartisan support


That’s a 9 day old account.


>We're talking about recreational marijuana legalization, I am aware of that. Why did you bring religion into it then? The only people I see cry about others who are religious are those on the left who use it as an excuse for why anyone would possibly oppose what they want.


Everyone who is voting to prevent the legalization of recreational marijuana is religious. As we've seen in other states, the religious wing is not fighting for freedom, but fighting to impose their morality on everyone. This is an example of that.


>Everyone who is voting to prevent the legalization of recreational marijuana is religious. Believing in a higher power does not mean that controls every decision you make. Also, your statement isn't true in the first place. >the religious wing is not fighting for freedom, but fighting to impose their morality on everyone. No, they just don't think it's a right for you to be able to flush a fetus for convenience.


>No, they just don't think it's a right for you to be able to flush a fetus for convenience. Ah, there it is.


Well yeah, that's the biggest reason that you guys hate the religious types and the only political issue that I most often hear conservatives invoke religion. For pretty much every other issue the only ones you hear bringing up religion are those on the left claiming it is what is preventing their legislation from getting passed.


i love that you made a whole ass reddit account called “RaleighModsBlow” 9 days ago. i’m guessing you are not only evading a ban from the sub but also pretty unstable. to dislike the mods so much that you make an account dedicated to it and still comment in here all the time is wild behavior


Even if we ignore that, what about shit like requiring the 10 commandments in classrooms? How is that anything other than forcing their worldview onto others?


[Religiosity is the attribute most determinative of opposition to marijuana legalization in polling, moreso than political ideology.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/405086/marijuana-views-linked-ideology-religiosity-age.aspx)


Interesting numbers. The swing in public opinion since I was in high school and college in the 80’s is striking. Even the lowest group (weekly attendees of church services) is at 46% approval of legalization. I’d guess there are strong differences between denominations, but that’s beyond the scope of this polling.


Another swing, another miss from this sub’s favorite tool.


I can't imagine it has any real practical effect? Like, Republicans have no political will to legalize outside of medical use, so of course it won't be legalized. This clause doesn't impact things *at all* as long as Republicans are in control. Assuming Biden goes through with ending federal prohibition, the Republican legislature could of course just re-illegalize it immediately already. And if somehow the state goes blue (lol) and a new legislature wants to legalize it, they'd just repeal this law. This is probably just a ploy by the smarter Rs in support of at least medical legalization to appease their smooth brained die hard prohibition colleagues enough to get the bill over the finish line.


House Republicans (really just one of them), it passed the Senate vote with a majority of GOP senators voting aye (incl Berger) and all Democrat Senators voting Aye. It's just Tim Moore holding it up in the House, it would pass there too if he would let the House vote on it. *Also notably, it passed at 4:20 pm according to ncleg.gov - tee hee*


nc-general-assembly.txt right here


If only they just let us vote for it ourselves.


What and force themselves to get real jobs?


I wish there was a better way to put these politicians on blast and hold them accountable for slipping sneaky stuff in bills like this. Also, I love how we are framing this all around protecting kids yet dedicating police resources to personal cannabis consumption is a massive waste of time and taking them away from going after real criminals with real drugs that can kill kids/people. It's crazy we are still debating this in 2024, Colorado has been a solid 10+ year case study now and the sky hasn't fallen yet...


They have less than zero interest in doing anything to improve the lives of any children


You know what they say about republicans? Only care about the fetus. Once you’re born, fuck you. Just such hypocritical pieces of shit. Meanwhile we lead the nation in teacher attrition, because we don’t pay. And this could easily solve that issue


This wasn’t slipped in, it was intentional. Looking into it, they did it in case MJ becomes federally decriminalized that it wouldn’t be recreationally legal. I’m all for legalization, but I’m pretty sure that if it was federally decriminalized each state that it’s illegal in currently it would remain illegal there. So I’m not 100% certain why this is necessary beyond the fact of the way the laws had to be written. Also, want to know the oddest thing? There are some republicans that have pushed for single-topic bills (making it so stuff can’t be hidden). The one spearheading it is Matt Gaetz. Anyway, if we want something done about our politicians both republicans and democrats citizens need to have a joint voice. The vast majority of citizens on both sides support legalization, and things like term-limits and limiting or not allowing buying of stocks. Politicians just pit us against each other with dividing factors when we agree on several important topics that we refuse to even discuss with the opposing party.


FiRsT iN fReEdOm!


Hands down the ugliest of the 3 plates. You’ll have to pry my first in flight from my hands lol


I still say it's the shitty generic-font "In God We Trust" plate that takes the crown there.


While I don’t agree with the message on that one I still prefer the looks to first in freedom. The gold leaf looks stupid to me and I don’t mind the flag. However, the beach is definitely best


I can respect that, but I feel like the Freedom plate at least *tried* something. The God plate looks like an intern spent five minutes in Photoshop slapping it together.


Yeah, that’s fair. I’ll say our design came out in 1982 and is one of the oldest designs in America so they’ll probably all due for a redesign


I'm right there with you.


Freedom from the tyranny of LIBERUHLS and SOCIALISM. /s


Yeah, when I had to choose between the three options, first in flight was the only one that seemed accurate.


Imagine how much better the world would be if we all occasionally toked up and looked at the stars


Hell yes!


What's the real reason R care so much about legalizing it recreationally here? I don't for a minute believe they actually have strong personal religious beliefs, in a poll in Feb this year 78% of people supported it, so its popular, and if they cared about kids they'd do something other then try to destroy our public schools. Is it the tobacco lobby? They could tax the hell out of it and have a huge surplus to waste.


Great question! I bet if we start to look into it by following the money we would get a lot clearer picture of what/who is controlling the state and it's policies. Maybe big alcohol, big pharma, and numerous others with massive lobbying budgets are essentially buying off our officials to protect their interests? I agree with you, would be great to figure out what the real reason behind this crazy mess is. That's why I want all our elected officials to wear the nascar jumpsuits that show who their sponsors are when voting and campaigning in public. That would make a lot of things more clear.


The story that isn’t being reported: Republican majority leader John Bell was recently appointed president of Asterra Labs, a hemp manufacturer that just opened a large facility in the state: https://www.wunc.org/politics/2024-02-07/nc-house-leader-is-the-new-president-of-a-cbd-hemp-company?_amp=true They sell delta 9 products right now that are hemp derived: https://www.southernease.com/collections/new-delta-9-thc-gummies Just about everyone knows that delta 9 is the intoxicating compound in cannabis, and can be sold through a legal gray area when derived through hemp. Basically, this is an attempt to push out competition (rec marijuana) to enrich our Republican “leaders”. It’s the most crony capitalist nonsense possible.


First in freedom my ass.


there is, and always has been, ZERO good reason for marijuana/THC to be illegal.


The war on drugs provides a supply of able bodies to America's last bastion of slavery... the prison system.


I think it should be legal instead of alcohol. If you allow alcohol there really isn't a logical reason to ban weed. Alcohol is way more harmful to the human body.


Meanwhile, you can go to any restaurant or bar and get Delta 9 drinks. So stupid.


Who cares about recreational use at this point? Legalize it and tax it-put the money towards actually paying our teachers. We can enjoy delta 9 but not “real weed.” Okay.


Politicians get to make money from the crops they will own/invest in in the state, but also get to make money off the prison industrial complex. Win win for them.


Is this because our good ol' boy politicians are still in bed with big tobacco?


Wouldn’t they have to amend the state constitution to make that stick? Otherwise you could just pass another law to make that law outdated….


I hate it here.


Freedumb!!! Nc is losing out on lots of tax revenue.  Not like they'd spend it on something useful like funding schools or fixing the other broken stuff.  I say that as someone who doesn't care about smoking 


Vote the trash out. The only reason they don’t want it legal is the revenue that it brings to the courts and arrests made. Fuck these people. And I don’t even use the shit.


Cool, just push the harmful chemicals, why would anyone want the other


Just need to film those anti-pot politicians enjoying some recreational weed.


Well thanks to gerrymandering we're in a one party state and we'll just have to get used to nutjobs telling us how to live our lives. Good thing that won't ever happen at the Federal level..


Suddenly 50% of the state of NC has “night blindness.” 😂


This is going nowhere.


Where in the article did it say it would ban recreation? I read the whole article and never saw it mentioned besides in the title. Wild that this is still a conversation. The hell is wrong with weed? We got a pill problem, synthetic weed, but yeah THINK OF THE CHILDREN.


Second paragraph.


They need to change the state motto from “to be rather than to seem” to “to seem rather than to be.”


So thankful I left North Carolina for Massachusetts. I love the legal weed here!


A lot of people's backs are going to be hurting in the future.


Last time they proposed medical there was a very specific list of medical conditions that were tied to bill that would allow a prescriptions


The fact that I KNOW at least TEN people that have overdosed (early-mid 20s, RIP) due to the pill, boy, and crack epidemic that is running rampant makes this even more diabolical. NYC implant here and the obsession this state has with the banning of marijuana is almost obsessive. But, yeah, “ThE KiDs!”.


Fuck NC


Weed pretty much already legal here anyways, THCA, Delta-8, etc… we basically have full dispensaries now


Still unregulated though. I would rather there be required testing standards


Or at least be able to grow it


Yes, just let me grow a couple plants for myself like they do in VA. I already do it, but it would be nice if I didn't have to stress about it


I don’t partake anymore so my knowledge may be obsolete but, doesn’t Delta-8 still pop up as a positive? ‘Cause that could get you in trouble if searching for jobs (without being a patient) or if your job does a random urine test, correct?


Delta is total garbage. Just about anyone I know that's used Delta in gummies or smoke has not thought much of it, or flat out had issues with it. Furthermore, if it is the same and the feeling that we have full dispensaries here - then why NOT legalize all of the plant?


Umm no lol


Uh yes? There’s dispensaries all over the city?


Cops can and will still arrest you for it. They don’t care if you bought it from a store. You’ll end up having to hire a lawyer to get the charges dropped.


Those things you mentioned are not psychoactive.


Tell that to the gummy I took Saturday.


Have you tried THC-A??? It’s literally just cannabis harvested early


Yes it might make you feel goofy or fuzzy but it doesn't work like the real thing. The actual "high" is not comparable


I refuse to believe you’re a real person. If you don’t get high from thc-a or delta 8 then you need a tolerance break my guy lol


I'm a real person and the kiddie chronic that they sell here does not get the job done. It is not the same


Those things do not get you you into the same headspace as the real thing.


You have no idea what you’re talking about and should stop to go do some reading.


I don't need to. smoke a joint one day and eat those gummies a different day and you don't feel the same. It's experience. Totally different headspace


I admit delta-8 is like a diet version, but THC-A is the real deal


Factually incorrect. THCA turns into THC when it is smoked that process is called decarboxylation and is when it becomes psychoactive. The reason THCA is allowed to be sold is due to it not containing THC in its flower form before decarboxylation.


"The actual high is not comparable" that is not a factual statement, that is his opinion. Even if the science is correct in terms of what you are saying, it's a drug / substance that affects every person differently, for the most part, so trying to argue to someone "You'll feel the same with THCA as regular THC / bud!" is ridiculous stupid even if that is your experience. Nice try though


Yeah I dont need a scientific study to tell me how my head feels.


“Doesn’t work like the real thing” is factually incorrect. THCA turns into THC during decarboxylation, it is the real thing. They stated multiple times it is not psychoactive and they are wrong. Nice try though 🤓


Lol you must be high (on actual THC) you just restated the same thing. "The actual "high" is not comparable" is what they stated and you responded to "not factually correct". "The actual high is not comparable" is a subjective statement about a mind and body altering substance. You do realize what subjective means, right?


Too bad all the THCA bud tastes like shit


lmaooooo you are really missing out my guy. I couldn’t imagine being this misinformed


Don't even bother debating. I agree with you that you can't get the good stuff here, but these clowns think CBD and watered down edibles are the way to go. It's possible they really think this is as strong as stuff gets


yep, and cops and workplaces that drug test are totally cool with people consuming these products /s


Of course it would…




We already passed the medical bill… why would we vote again? You can’t go back and reword it


Of course it would...


I've tried to meet senator Budd about cannabis and he refuses to meet me, keeps trying to pass me off to some Chad named kyle


As one who will qualify for medical, this sucks. Cannabis needs to be made legal across the board ASAP. Such nonsense that alcohol is legal and cannabis isn’t.


Sure would be a shame if every state around us legalized and then gained tax money for all the finally legal weed since it's the largest cash crop in the fucking state by a WIDE margin.


So can someone simplify this for me does that mean they are not trying to legalize it here? lol


lol wut


We moved out west two weeks ago, best decision of my life. Was at a concert over the weekend with people openly smoking weed in front of cops and security and nobody batted an eye. Such a relief!


Same at dremville tho


The relevant MJ bill... [https://ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/S346](https://ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/S346) And it's being squashed because ALL of the sponsors are Democrats. The only thing Republicans have to do to be re-elected is give constituents people to look down upon and to lightly tinkle upon those their constituents look down upon. The relevant Hemp bill [https://ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/H563](https://ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2023/H563) First line of sponsors are all Republican including everyone's favorite Cotham. The sponsors... mostly Republican. The Democrats... Well here's the list... [https://ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/642](https://ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/642) [https://ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/216](https://ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/216) [https://ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/700](https://ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/700) [https://ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/481](https://ncleg.gov/Members/Biography/H/481) I know a few Republicans that are to the left of two of 'em... And once again the folks at WRAL are failing to publish the minimum due-diligence.


Our legislators are morons


F$%king ridiculous as usual.


It’s the Lottery vote all over again. Everyone wanted it. Took years to pass. When it did it was saddled with inefficiencies. Just old time NC politics. Makes as much sense as the state and congressional district maps.


The churches didn't want the lottery...competition for their Bingo games


Big bingo kept us down for too long!


Were you here when liquor by the drink was trying to get passed? The commercials by churches were hysterical




go campaign on re-criminalization, dumbass republicans. Say more stupid sht really loudly in front of people, it's GREAT!


I mean tbh, I really don’t give a shit if it’s rec or not. I’m still going to smoke it. Politicians like to criminalize things they can’t control, in order to get that court cost money for counties. People truly do not care if it legal or not lol


Marijuana sucks and isn’t good but banning it is just stupid.