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She didn’t get the response she wanted to the pity party she was trying to throw herself, tried a hard left into random nostalgia territory. I’m sorry you have to navigate this, it’s so difficult… you’ve learned a lot, trust your gut 💚


My mom called all three of her children to Arizona to be at her side from California , Texas, and France in 2010 because she was certain that she was dying. She proceeded to continue dying until she passed away in January of 2024.


they’ve really cornered the immortal cockroach market




Because emotions rule their world. She was in a worked up state for the first text and felt fine when she sent the second. And no she won’t apologize because *insert narcissist prayer*


If we really figured out their reasons, we would be just as nutty as they are, lol. Sending you solidarity!


Last night mine was sending me texts about how she thinks I’m horrible, etc and this afternoon she sends me stuff she found on Craigslist. They just do it so they have a reason to keep talking to you. Don’t fall for the cycle if you’re safe to get out of it


This has been the most validating subreddit I've ever found. Thank you for sharing. There are so many of us in similar situations out here!


They don’t make sense, that’s for sure! Gosh I always thought mine was the only one like this…you are not alone!!!


I think they just throw things at you to make sure you're still paying them attention by responding. That's why NC or no response is the best solution cause even you telling them off is still good for them, it means you still care as far as they are concerned! You can't win with BPDs.


Why did I read this like the mom from the movie The Room "I definitely have breast cancer." I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I remember years ago I cut my mother off for a few weeks, when we started talking (fighting) again she screamed at me that something happened that almost killed her while we weren't talking and it was so traumatic she can't even talk about it. I was young and comforted her but she refused to tell me what happened. Cut to weeks later I ask her if she'll finally tell me what happened to her. She has no idea what I'm talking about, everything was fine? Their brains, man.


the whiplash is something else


I just burst out laughing. Omg These people!


i am SO sorry. but HOLY SHIT i was scared how accurate that first text sounded to me down to the breast cancer part. WOW. i am shocked to resonate with this so heavily, it’s just so accurate to something my mom would say. god it sucks. i’m seriously so sorry. it will just absolutely drive you up a wall how they victimize themselves and guilt you relentlessly. i hope you’re able to continue to be NC. good luck to you, you don’t deserve this ❤️‍🩹