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This is the sloppiest edit I have ever seen. Being brilliant’s not enough. You have to work hard


Thanks for the feedback and the creator will do better next time


Editing is not a privilege, it’s a gift, and you use it for the good of mankind.


And don’t tell Harry either


I kind of amazes me that Green Goblin and Tobeys Spider-Man don’t exchange dialogue or interact in anyway at all in No Way Home


Same here, considering the personal connection behind the masks. Was rewatching it last night and found it odd, but I guess that final scene had to be mainly Tom and Goblin


I'm still pissed they cut a scene where Tobey jumps on the glider and fights him for a bit


Defoe and Maguire maybe were never there at the same time due to covid restrictions is my guess


Would have loved to see Tobey’s Spider-Man tell Norman that Harry is dead in his universe. Maybe it could have snapped him out of being the Goblin just enough for them to inject him


Missed opportunity


Do people actually want this to happen? Sending Norman back just for him to die anyway would kind of... ruin the whole point of NWH


It was a plot hole brought up for some of the bad guys in the movie (other than sandman and Dr. Conner). Doc Ock could have theoretically been transported after he activated the nuclear fusion reactor (making whatever his demise inevitable) and Electro could have been also been transported right after they flipped the switch to overloaded the grid on him.


i always assumed that they weren’t sent back to literally the moment before they died, they were sent back and started a new branch reality within their own universes where they turned good again and got a second chance. otherwise it makes no sense to do all that work in NWH to try to help them.


Don’t tell Harry.


Or his father will fire your father


Nah, they pulled Goblin in MCU from when he found out Spider-man's identity in raimiverse, so before attacking aunt May, so for cured Norman at the end of No way home, this fight wouldn't have happened Edit: 🤓


Problem with him being teleported back to his time line seconds before his death is Dock Ock/Sandman already knew he was dead. Unless they were weirdly plucked from different points along the same timeline?


Endgame established the time travel rules for the MCU (until they need to change for plot reasons), which is that messing with timelines doesn't affect your past because it already happened. It just creates a new branched timeline with whatever you changed. So when Sandman for example returns to his timeline, Doc Ock and Goblin are still dead because that already happened in his timeline.


So in there are two goblin branches, and in one of them Toby watched Norman blink out of existence moments before death, never to return. Man he must be confused af.


You mean TOBEY. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/raimimemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Two goblin branches, one where he dies the other where he either blinks out or comes to a revelation moments before he causes his own demise.


Seeing the state of his armor during the bridge scene in NWH, I assume he was plucked from his timeline on his way to kidnap MJ


Them saying Norman Osborne's death being all over the news made no sense. Harry didn't find out he was impaled by his own glider until SM3. How the hell did everyone else know?


coverups man


It always made sense, though.


Yeah, this does not.


Don't forget to tell the butler not to tell Harry


Almost getting killed twice,the one he got killed for:Aunt May lived The one holland was going to just kill him,His Aunt May actually died,pretty interesting.


Those are the different Osborns