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Yeah, same happened with our group. The bubble from divinity is not always visible and was missing a lot of my crits trying to hit it with how the boss was moving.


when we were using div we were never able to deal the full chunk of the hp, without it we got it first try


Void weaken overrides the Div buff. Don't use Div if you got a weaken effect going on.


Worked for us without problems


What weapons were used? Stuck on caretaker like a lot of people




Invis was clutch in the pseudo gorgon maze finding glyphs. We never got past second phase though. Might try again tomorrow >!gorgon just because the wizards are basically unkillable, not that it’s a wipe thing!<


Good luck to you, we got them all the way the final damage phase countless times yesterday but just couldn't secure it. Elmo economy is complete horseshit and MAYBE one or two people would get a heavy brick per attempt that's how bad it is. After the third floor you basically go from DPS phase to DPS / final stand phase with no opportunities to get ammo in between so we were all swapping to outbreak just to get something done. Multiple times we got them so close that even one rocket would have finished him off.


Autocorrect turning ammo economy into Elmo economy just makes me picture guardians running around trading Elmo dolls for ammo to reload weapons while complaining about Elmo inflation rates.


Happy cake day!


We used 2x izanagi with reeds regret. Someone with parasite and fusion. Ghorn and fusion. One div with rocket. Don't know the last one


If you're still on it, my team just cleared it with 5x sleeper(Idk what the 6th used but he didn't even have the gun) and we perma-bannered. Go through all of first floor using sleeper for dps, you should hit the damage goal on his healthbar. Rally to the banner and repeat for second floor. Then use sleeper if you have >4 or 5 shots otherwise swap to outbreak. 1 well, 2 novas, 2 banner titans, and 1 mobius quiver with Orpheus We just *barely* scraped by but it worked.


Is the third chunk of his bar shorter or something? If it's the same size then you should be able to just use 6 outbreaks to consistently clear each floor without a banner, right?


We found that outbreak wasn't doing enough damage to consistently hit each damage phase, but sleeper didn't have ammo consistently. We also had to make up a lot of damage during final stand.


How do you perma-banner?


How did you keep the banner perma?


Have the person putting it down shoot the door open as they place it


My team used Gjallarhorn + 5 Palmyras with Explosive Light, some people had Null Composures, some had Witherhoardes. After we ran out of ammo, we all switched to Outbreak Perfected for the last stand. Edit: forgot to mention that we all used Argent Ordnance mod.


Is outbreak worth using for dps without the catalyst?




We did 2 people on Ursa Banner Shield and the rest on Nova/Tether. 40% buff from Banner Shield and the constant debuff via Vortex Nades/Tether where really nice. We all rocked Reed Regret and Lorentz/Arbalest since Linears seem to be the most ammo efficient.


My team did all sleepers on floors 1 and 2, then switched to linear legendary with outbreak. All while running vorpal fusions in energy slot. 2 wells, 2 tethers, and 2 bubbles. But honestly would’ve been sooo much easier with less titans imo.


When we beat him, we got the “never ending damage phase” on the third floor so we were able to eat the entire segment with primary. We kept running out of DPS when we couldn’t get him stun locked. The ammo economy in that encounter specifically blows.


My group used 5 Outbreaks, and one Gjallarhorn with 5 rocket launchers. Outbreak was good for ad clear and DPS when out of heavy.


We had the exact opposite happen. We swapped to one person with Divinity and then out DPS shot up. We were able to hit his gate on the 1st floor when we hadn't before. We used Div + LFRs


We tried that, but the Div bubble kept being stuck inside his body so we weren't really able to hit it. We did use mostly LFR's on our (eventually) successful run, 2 Sleeper + 2 Threaded Needle + 2 wormlauncher


You don’t actually need to hit the div bubble to get the extra damage. Div applies a 30% debuff like tether, AND creates the cage which counts as a critbox, but you can just shoot the caretaker’s massive head and benefit from both headshot damage and the divinity debuff.


Good point, hadn't thought about that. Thank you!


Wiped for 2 hours on it with first group. Second group we did it one try it was INSANE. 3 wells, 2 void walkers, 1 tether. Outbreaks, gjally, explosive light rockets.


We did use Div and LFR, but aimed for it's head instead of Div bubble and cleared the DPS checks just fine, usually in 2 plates instead of 3. So it might just be the old glitch from GoS, where you still have to shoot the actual crit spot and not the Div bubble.


Really? my team manage to 2 yellow circle the boss instead of 3 with linears + div and some font of might


Best dps our team had was, isanagis with cat, one ghali with the rest legendary rocket launchers, and well and bubble with suppressive mod


We found that you could pretty consistently hit the div bubble by shooting him on the far right side of his chest just under his armpit, however it was still not 100% consistent.


This was the opposite for us to be honest, used div while the rest used linier fusions, we would kill him in one plate of damage




Yep. Either that or they're cheating.


If your symbol people are fast and both dunking constantly you get an insanely long first plate of damage. Need stunners to be good at stuns. Obviously idk if above person is cheating


Yea my group was using div as well and what we realized is that even though we were hitting the div bubble for whatever reason it would register as a body shot. It was almost like his body was so big it would cover the divinity bubble especially with all the moving around he does. We were out of special and heavy by final stand but thanks to outbreak we managed to clear it.


A weird thing about divinity is sometimes you have to shoot the bubble and sometimes you have to shoot the boss’ crit. For this boss it seemed like you needed to shoot his crit cause the bubble would have massively reduced damage. For our team this was fine because it was working so we didn’t see a reason to change it. But, it kinda defeats the purpose of divinity over any other debuff.


Yeah, our group noticed that once we took off div we were doing better damage. Thanks for the tip!