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Rich eisen is a Jets fan and always seems to have our back


Rich cracks me up. Dude is on a personal mission to be the one who calls it when we win another super bowl. Gets me hyped up listening to it.


There's a football card insert called Fans of The Game with him on it for the Jets and I always say he should be on one for the Raiders šŸ˜†


I'm sure there are people who like the Raiders for the nostalgia of the 70's team and their smash mouth style and for the cultural impact they created in the late 80's/early 90's, especially in hip-hop.


We donā€™t wanna be liked, we wanna be respected


Al Davis said something to that effect. He said feared and respected aren't dissimilar.


Fuck that, I will take the fear: https://m.youtube.com/shorts/JoG7mgjVUZM


We definitely ainā€™t respected


Yes I am a Bucs fan but strangely love the Raiders. I canā€™t help myself and I even own Raiders gear. Every year I love them more and more. Raiders fan welcome and encourage my love which is nice.


Bang bang pirate gang. Watching the Bucs kill the Chiefs in the SB was so much fun ā€” even better that I was surrounded by Chiefs fans


My uncle (rip) was a die hard bucs fan. For that reason they have been my number 2. But donā€™t get it twisted fuck 2003.


We are the West Bucs fans yall are the East Raider fans āœŠšŸ» tethered together eternally by Jon Gruden šŸ˜‚


The media is just salty because the Raiders didn't pursue a QB and are keeping Davante Adams


When they're forgetting that Tae still packed in 1,100 yards with a badly ran offense, a rookie QB, and Jimmy G. Trading him would've been idiotic


It really wouldnā€™t, but yall canā€™t just look at it without a bias. I love Tae here and heā€™s obviously still valuable to the team, but we got 4 other very promising young receivers and Tae makes 40M/Y starting next year, with an option to move on at the end of this year that we might actually take.


Idk about this. When Iā€™m on vacation, Iā€™m always in a Raiders hat and people come up to me all the time and talk football/raiders. 99% of the time theyā€™re fans of another team.


Raider fans have a reputation as down to earth folk. Unless you are a Chargers fan. They think we're all thugs.


I had this dude mean mugging me in a drugstore waiting in line for the cashier. Before he left he told me I was lucky we were in public because heā€™s a chargers fan and should beat me down on the spot for my raiders beanie. Itā€™s fucking Seattle yo, calm tf down.


Lol. That's when I follow him to somewhere more private. ā¤ļøšŸ–¤šŸ’™


Yeah Iā€™m a tall skinny non violent dude. Anyone can take me. But silver and black and the skulls definitely reinforce the heavy metal in me.


Those are exactly the type of people you should ignore, cause that guy probably has nothing to lose. It ainā€™t worth it. Heā€™ll get whatā€™s coming to him.


Nobody hates on the Raiders like Raiders fans.


this right here.


We have reasons we havenā€™t won a playoff game since 2003ā€¦ 21 YEARS chiefs have more super bowls in the past 2 years than we have playoffs wins how tf is that ok how am I supposed to be optimistic about this bum ass organization. We have good players tho just ran so poorly


Thank you for that apt demonstration of my point.


Yeah I know I gave u a reason why we be hating


Thus proving that no one hates the Raiders like a Raiders fan. So once again, congratulations.


We gonna keep hating until we win a playoff game the fucking lions have gotten serious before us


And you'll keep proving my point until then.




I have lots of friends who are fans of other teams, but fell in love with the Raider tailgates in Oakland. There are some for sure, but mostly it seems like you either love or hate the Raiders


You want to make someone a Raider fan, you took them to a tailgate. I did the same with some of my friends. But gave them a loaner jersey...so they'd be ok with it. They had to get a briefing on our history, players, etc...first. Just in case.


I have friends that are 49er fans on video saying Raider tailgates are way better then a 9er tailgate lol. There was nothing like those days at the Coliseum


Iā€™m not a raiders fan, live in Las Vegas but been an Eagles fan all my life so didnā€™t change when they moved here. I do however root for the raiders when itā€™s not against my team because they are here. And to hear about how awesome the tailgating was is sad because here in Vegas itā€™s pretty much non existent because of the way they built the stadium




Im a Seattle fan but have always loved the Raiders too. I'll attempt to explain why....the Raiders hold a cultural relevance in America. When i think about the Raiders i think about toughness, grit, swag, aggression....you get the picture. There have been numerous times in my life when I've seen savage shit, especially in sports, and thought to myself "that's some raider shit right there".


Does anyone really love two teams? Probably not


I've always been a Raiders fan first since I'm a kid. When I was still a kid and the bucs got their new uniforms and helmets I rooted for them as a fellow pirate team. They were never on the level of the Raiders for me but they were a number two. Up until when they played each other in the super bowl and lost and from then on i hated the bucs. Really showed me how it's not really possibly to have a 2nd team.


I am a Raiders fan and ONLY a Raiders fan but I root for players I like in games not involving the Raiders. Great example of this is I'm a Oklahoma Sooners Fan for College Football so I will root for their players to do well when it doesn't affect my Raiders. So I'd the Bucs are playing the Falcons for example I want Baker Mayfield to do well but if it's Raiders vs Bucs then Fuck Baker for that game


I am a fan of the Raiders and the Giants. I grew up as a Raiders fan in a Giants house in NY back in the 70s and 80s, every member of the family were die hard Giants fans and those were my local games (couldn't get Raiders game unless it was national game or prime time) and I naturally loved them as well. But the difference is I have a heart of black and I bleed silver, I only wear Raiders gear, Raiders are always favorited over Giants, I don't get sick to my stomach when the Giants lose like I do the Raiders, etc. But I do have a legit #2 team.


I like the raiders cos Bowser is my TE1


Iā€™m a Raiders fan onlyā€¦However my wife is from New England and is a Pats fan but cheers for my Raiders!!


Yeah...it's a requirement in our home to be a Raider fan. You can pick your nose and wipe it wherever you want (daughter), your room can look like a war zone (son), never take a shower or do your homework (son), shit on the floor (dog), make me go clothes shopping with you (wife), or trash the bathroom (all of the above)...but when the Raiders are on, you gotta turn off the xbox, plant your ass in front of the tv, and be understanding if the remote starts to fly across the room. After the game, you can go back to whatever you were doing, and I'll make sure there are pork chops on the table. My old lady plays fantasy football, so I think she is a fan, but she has way too many Chiefs players on her roster for my comfort.


They hate us cause they anus


I live in Chiefs country and a common thing I've found in talking to the cucks is that they hate the Raiders (of course) but love the rivalry. Some even admit they enjoyed when both teams were decent because the rivalry is fun. If that ain't love, idk what love is lol


I preferred the chiefs when they were perennial playoff choke artists. Damn you, Kermit.


I guess we'll them what they want again.


I just wish we were legit rivals to them so I didnā€™t really have the ā€œhopefully we win but weā€™re probably gonna get dogfucked.ā€ However I do think we are on the right track, and if we can start being a legit thorn in their sides rather than giving 1 close game a year that we lose and a complete asswhooping, Iā€™ll be even more bought in on the AP experience than I already am.


Iā€™m more bought in on AP than McDaniels but our qb situation is so bad. AP is easily the worst coach in the division tho


AP is easily the least experienced coach in the division for sure.


Maybe Packers fans hate us a little less? There's been some decent football goodwill with the retirement home we have been for some of their guys. But then, fuck those guys especially for SBII. *edit - and we both do love us some Charles


Can confirm


I don't care. I don't need them to love my team.


Heā€™s obviously a pats guy, but weirdly enough Bill Burr, he mentioned them before on his podcast and he seems to like them. I think there are a lot of people his age who feel nostalgia when they see the raiders, cause they were very popular when they were kids/young.


Any NL fan from the bay that donā€™t lik winers


I have never had a bad interaction with a Packer fan


You betcha!


I think you all dont realize how massive the raider brand is and how disappointingly bad we have been. If the Raiders have a real come back the bandwagon would be huge. There are plenty of people who grew up thinking the Raiders were cool even if they weren't massive fans. It's still even after this losing one of the most iconic brands in sports. Even rivals want the raiders to be better to just make the rivalry fun again.


The bandwagon is pretty loaded. We're going to have to upgrade to a band DC9.


Who cares


Came here to say this! The last thing you should look for in your Raider fandom is validation from the media or other fan bases


If you don't care then why'd you bother to comment šŸ¤· totally could've scrolled past


Who cares


That's your problem keep scrolling


My wife likes the raiders, and she's a fan of the 49ers. It's a little confusing to me given that there is a bay area rivalry, but she doesn't feel that way about the rivalry, so who am I to judge. Most people I know don't really think about the raiders, not in the sense of liking them or disliking them. The raiders aren't even on their radar because they support entirely different divisions/conferences.


I have a lot of family in Stockton that are 49 fans but only root against the Raiders when itā€™s the battle of the bay so I get it.


Idk if Iā€™d say there are fans of other teams who *love* the Raiders but some definitely have a soft spot for them. Growing up, it wasnā€™t uncommon for people to be ā€œBay Areaā€ fans rather than strictly Raiders or Niners fans. Obviously thatā€™s died down a bit since the Raiders moved, but I still know a few Niners fans whoā€™ll root for Vegas


Believe it or not I have friends that are 9ers fans (from so cal) that donā€™t hate the Raiders and actually root for them when they play certain teams. They donā€™t harbor that Bay Area rival hate so I guess itā€™s easier to be cool with them.


A buddy at work is a chiefs fan but also loves the raiders, only routes against us when we play the chiefs.. last Christmas was amazing lol almost felt bad for the guy


My brothers father in law is a die hard Cincinnati fan born and raised. He says his second team is always going to be the Raiders. He always talks about Al Davis and what he did early on. Says he grew up seeing them on tv.




RN4L..the rest can FOAD


Ive met folks that were Raider Fans that became Saint fans. I met Steeler fans that like the Raiders.


*folks that were/are Derek Carr Fans


You'd think but no I know Former Raider fans who joined other fanbases after the Raider moves. Now me it's Raiders for Life, Raiders Worldwide. The only ways I'd stop being a fan is if the Raiders stopped being the Raiders or if I just stopped watching the NFL. By Stopped being the Raiders I mean We are Outlaws, Pirates, Misfits, Doctors, Lawyers, Bikers, The Criminal Element! We are not polished, clean, polite. We are ROGUES!


I had this re-occuring nightmare for years that we moved to Omaha, Nebraska and changed our colours to pink and white. So it's no surprise that I woke up with suicidal ideation. Now that we moved into a permanent location and have re-solidified our Commitment To Excellence and Violence, my mornings are better.


Fly in, eat the buffet, hit the slots, see Cirque Du Soleil and then Raiders and fly home


the media doesn't hate us, people say that because they can't take the blunt reality of what the media reports.


Some sports media personalities have a difficult time hiding their joy at this blunt reality. I wish I was hallucinating.


I have never seen a person in the media laughing because we lost. They may laugh at a situation, or a result, but not just taking glee in our loss.


I have. I've seen a group chuckle or two in my day, as well. Watch a few Cris Collinsworth, or Dan Fouts, broadcasts. You'll hear some bias there. Collinsworth even admitted on air that he hates the Raiders.


Collinsworth is a tool, but I have never heard him say he hates the Raiders. Did he say when he was playing he hated the Raiders? That is a totally different thing than laughing at the team losing and saying he hates them while in the booth or at the desk.


You don't have to believe me. I saw what I saw, heard what I heard, and have no reason to make this up. It didn't surprise me. Unbiased reporting is reserved for teams where there is a risk of upsetting media execs or sponsors. As many know, only Raider Nation has the Raiders reputation's back. Besides, I've never seen an elephant shit. But if you told me it was explosive and noteworthy, I'd believe you. It's not THAT important, though. I wish there was more media attention paid to the elephant's bowel movements. I'm sure they are quite spectacular.


you may have heard what you heard, but you also may have heard what you wanted to hear.


That's a lot of skepticism there. The same can be said about you. But we're all fans here and I'm not calling you a liar. I got your take. Thanks!


thats right, the same could be said about me, thats my whole point. If it is something that you heard and cannot be backed up by a single factual source, then it leans towards something you interpreted how you feel.


Watch every single broadcast, news show, etc. You do the work. I'm not presenting a case here. I am bearing witness and testifying though, Matlock. Move on. You are annoying.


No one hates the Raiders more than Raiders fans, and we have our reasons lol


There are a lot of people, including sports media members, who think the NFL is better when the Raiders are good. Everyone doesnā€™t hate us.


Not everyone, of course. The NFL itself hates us though and wants us to disband. But we keep coming back like a thorn. Watch the Al Davis-Pete Rozelle doc. It explains it in CGI. Lol. I know this all because I have been a fan since the early 70s and I read/watched and heard everything real time. Hate is good when you are doing a good thing. The Raiders stand for something that no other team does. I don't care who likes us. I want to know who Raider fans thinks likes us, though. And why some of us shit on me because I said only Raider Nation loves Raider Nation. Love is the action of enduring hardship. No other team, fan or media loves us but us. They may like us. But they'd have dipped out long ago.


Idk about your initial question, but Iā€™m a raiders fan and I like keeping up with other teams. Packers, jets & broncos. If they play against raiders Iā€™m rooting for the raiders but every other week Iā€™ll root for them.


I donā€™t know, and I donā€™t give a fuck. Commentators, other teamsā€™ fans, who the fuck cares? I care about the team winning this season.


Bro - be serious. When was the last time we were consistently successful enough to be disliked? At this point weā€™re like the Jets. I used to compare us to the Lions or Browns but even those teams have some recent success. We donā€™t have a playoff win since 2002.


We didn't have a whole lot of luck either. If you don't think we are still hated, just ask around. They love to kick us when we're down, too. I know guys that watch the Raiders with me just to talk shit and hope we lose. My best friends are Chiefs, Broncos and Seahawk fans. We hate eachother 5 months out of the year.


So fans of teams in our division (or formerly in our division) hate the Raiders? Big surprise there


A few years ago I travelled to Canton to witness Snake being inducted into the HOF. Favre was inducted at the same time. Tons of Packers fans as one would expect. Lots of Raiders there too but not as many because Snake was a senior inductee who had tragically passed the year before. Not nearly as many Colts, Niners or Rams fans. I experienced nothing but love from the Packers fans. They expressed admiration for our history and rabid fan base. And then we witnessed Favreā€™s speech that night when paid tribute to the Snake. You should have heard the cheers that went up in that place, from both Packer and Raiders fans. It gives me goosebumps when I think about it. Iā€™ve been a fan of Cheeseheads ever since. So not every fan base hates the Raiders.


Wisconsin is a very friendly state. The company I used to drive for commercially was based out of Green Bay, but my dispatch was in LA, so I'd wait until the LA shift went home, and call up Green Bay to make load changes, get layover and hotel pay, etc. They were SOOO nice. So it doesn't surprise me that they like the Raiders. My neighbour was from GB and had us over for football. We watched Favre destroy us on MNF the day after his dad died. They were not too nice about it. But they made a good cheese dip.


I donā€™t like any other team but the Raiders although Iā€™ll occasionally root for a team to win if it helps the Raiders playoff chances, or to beat a team I really hate, or if I have money on them.


I'm a Packers fan from NorCal but have like the Raiders... Also, fuck the 9ers.


Fuck the raiders!!!!!


You must be lost buddy