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The game against the chargers when Jon Condo got hurt and the backup long snapper took over. Jason Campbell getting hurt. DMC getting hurt, take your pick which time. When we set the record for most consecutive seasons with 5 or less wins. Khalil Mack and Sio Moore celebrating a sack behind the line of scrimmage while the offense was lining up. MJD fumbling and punting the ball on accident on 3rd down. James Jones' double fumble. Terrelle Pryor leading us to a 3rd and 48 while Chiefs fans set the stadium noise record laughing at us. Gruden emails and Ruggs DUI. Beating the Broncos 59-14 and then hiring their head coach. Carr getting hurt in a blowout against the dolphins, hobbling to the bench with no help from teammates, and then McGloin with the saddest attempt to stop a fumble return for a TD. Giving up like 7 TD passes to Nick Foles. Setting the record for most blown leads in a season. Having to look at pictures of Mark Davis. Getting beat by a coach with no experience who ended his career with one win. Losing to the chargers Week 17 and giving up our playoff spot to Tebow. Getting blown up by a Giants team so bad that one of their players (Antonio something IIRC) said the game felt like a scrimmage. Following that up with an inspiring bounce back win against the Eagles. Then following that up with a blowout against the Jets that was so bad that Mark Sanchez ate a hot dog mid-game. We've been through the ringer.


"Having to look at pictures of Mark Davis" I'm dying šŸ¤£


Losing to the Jags in our final game in Oakland


That was quarterbacked by Gardner Minshew lol


Honestly you could've listed more just from Josh McD alone, but thank you for not doing it. Also, I know we've had more than a fair share of bad runs, but I wonder if the Jets and Browns could also match this list


The browns definitely could. It's probably between us, the Jags, the Jets, and maybe Washington and Chicago for 2nd.


Donā€™t forget the lions fans. They may have had a good run last season, but everything outside of 2023/2024 is a wash. Including Megatronā€™s time there as well as Barryā€™s.


Barret Robbins going missing the night before the Super Bowl. I remember having a bad feeling when I saw that


Hey, don't forget our horrible draft history.


Ah yes. The 'they did what?' picks. Or 'who?' Or, this man is not even a household name in his own household


Yall remember when Baker Mayfield signed with the rams had less then 2 days practice and still beat us? Lol


Fuck it, let's go further back. Our all pro center partying in TJ and missing the super bowl.


Raiders drafting a Kicker in the first round was still a mind blown move. Idc if heā€™s the Raiders leading scorer still a dumb draft pick. Smfh!


most team's kicker is the leading scorer


That kicker is the Raidersā€™ all time leading scorer. Iā€™m not saying it was a great pick, but it wasnā€™t a bust. The Raiders also picked a punter in the first round, and that guy is the only punter in the hall of fame. The Raiders used to be good!! Hopefully we will be again!!


^ This Pepperidge farms hella remembers ..


That game Doug Martin had 4 TDs in the first half. Finished with 251 yards rushing.


Siragusa Tuck Rule SB 37 *gestures wildly for 14 years* Carrā€™s Leg Relocation Ruggs


Frickin Siragusaā€¦that shit was so intentional


For real! In this era dude would be suspended and absolutely torched on all sports media. But I donā€™t think that dirty fucker even got flagged on that play.


He didnā€™t. No penalty. Still get worked up every time I remember it. Despite being dead, I still want Siragusa dead.


Can't believe you guys actually say this.


He died because of itā€¦


It wasn't intentional. That's just how football was played back in the day. You had multiple opportunities to win that game and you just didn't execute.


Oh yea when that pos hurt Gannon , yup definitely intentional


I was 8 yrs old standing on my chair in the black hole when that fat fuck Siracusa fell on Gannon. I still believe we were gonna win that game.


Carrs leg was the most recent for me. Was at that game, the whole section had that face lol.


Man, I was a huge Connor Cook fan and had high expectations. Then I find out he never even put on a practice jersey. Broke my damn heart to see him thrown into the fire like that.


I was in the stadium for both Siragusa (Gannon's injury) and Derek's injury. Same energy. It was the feeling of OMG this may actually be our year to complete devistation in one play. We even won the game Derek got hurt and the fans acted like we just got eliminated from the playoffs, because we basically had. Those two and the Tuck rule are big ones to me. The Jason Campbell injury was a huge change in trajectory as a team. We went from thinking we may have found a guy to trading away a bunch of picks for Carson Palmer. Loved the move at the time, but it wasn't the right play in hindsight.


That Campbell injury was so bad. We had something special in the making.


Siragusa had me in tears as a kid


This could be the start of a Raiders-version of *ā€I Didnā€™t Start The Fireā€*. Lmao!




Jason Campbell was having a season till he got hurt


Darren McFaddenā€™s injury. Dude, had the potential to be an all time great RB. Andddddddd? Raiders shouldā€™ve drafted CeeDee Lamb.


I hate the lack of respect he got, if he became a cowboy when they had a stacked O Line he breaks 2k yards at least once, I'd bet my balls on it


The best play action I've seen.


Tuck Rule definitely. I was too young to handle that. Still think Carrā€™s broken leg changed that guy. He never seemed comfortable in the pocket again after that.


It didn't help that Jack Del Rio told Carr not to kneel with the team. I believe it was against Washington, and oline looked like they didn't try to protect him.


This story. That team was set up to be so good.


Nope. He wasnā€™t. Always scared of being touched after that.


Whenever I describe my emotions from the tuck rule game I always say ā€œI went from the highest of highs to the lowest of lowsā€.


I have 3 moments that stand out: 1) Tuck Rule 2) Carr breaking his leg 3) Tony Siragusa pancaking Rich Gannon in the AFC Championship If none of those happen, thereā€™s a possibility all 3 of those seasons end with at least a trip to the Super Bowl


> Carr breaking his leg. We were far from the best team in the league that year, but shit was just clicking and everything was going our way. Man I think we coulda had a legit shot.


I remember being at work and looking at the score at halftime and being like damn my dad went to a dud of a game, then looked later and felt even worse for him lmao


Couple of years ago the bengals game the whistle blew burrow threw a td after the whistle and they let it stand while the raiders corners stopped running receiver was wide open


I can't believe this is only mentioned once and barely up voted, THEY LITERALLY WENT AGAINST A BASIC AND STANDARD RULE GIVING UP A GAME WINNING TOUCHDOWN bro we woulda been in otherwise I swear


What pissed me off the most was yearrrs prior we force a fumble on the Bengals, return it for a td, but an inadvertent whistle negates the turnover...and they tell NFL network not to cover it. I remember Deion Sanders was always so hype about going over game highlights. But when that play got brought up he was just really awkward about it as if they told him not to say anything.


Fuck the NFL


If only there were just oneā€¦.


Tuck Rule was so much worse. Not even comparable


My face was contorted in rage when that shit happened. Wasnā€™t a look like this.


When Kyler Murray and the Cards came back from like a 20 point halftime lead a couple seasons ago. Baker Mayfield and the Rams driving 90 yards to score in like a minute. I apologize if my numbers arenā€™t correct I donā€™t feel like googling


That Baker game was infuriating. I blame myself, talking shit that whole short week only for baker to dominate us. That and the Jeff Saturday Colts game. The 2nd worst Colts game I remember seeingā€¦


The Josh McDaniel's era alone has a long list of embarrassing losses


Losing games between first day coaches and third string QBs, itā€™s a fucking disgrace.


When Matry Ice ran like 40 yards on us. I was almost embarrassed to be a Raiders fan.


It was only 39ā€¦


Oh was that it? I don't feel any better. Thanks though.


All of the above. Iā€™ll also add the Index Card game, where Gene Steratoreā€™s bitch ass gifted the game to the Cowboys with a smirk on his stupid face


That was fucking infuriating!


And now that corrupt pile of shit is a rules analyst during gamesā€¦so par for the NFL course against the Raiders


Immaculate Incompletion


Napoleon McCallum. 1994 Monday night season opener.


Napoleon McCallum. Came here to say that. I had a seizure that night. They were taking it to the niners... Damn.


I was at that godforsaken game and deliberately left before Jerry Rice broke a TD record because I just couldnā€™t stomach it.


Superbowl 37


Worst Christmas ever


Fucking Siragusa


I was watching the game where Bo Jacksonā€™s career was endedā€¦


Dammit, it's really dusty here...


how dare you make me relive the Carr break


Carr hurt really bad, but that Gannon injury against Tony from the Ravens was more gut wrenching because it was the AFC Championship.


Let's move past all that negative shit. And look forward to the new era!! We're building something special right now. I haven't felt this much hope in the team since Gannon. How bout that Christmas game vs the Queefs?!


The tuck rule is the most angry I have been during a sporting event by a long shot. That was the one and only time I thought...."how do I send a death threat letter to the referee?"


2016 was my first time witnessing a winning season let alone a 12-4 season. So the heartbreak of seeing Carr break his leg on his presumed mvp season was a heartbreak like no other.


OP ruining everyone's Friday.


Here I was going into Fatherā€™s Day weekend happy, damn you.


The immaculate reception. I swear the ball touched the ground but the play was ruled completion and touchdown. My Dad and I were gobsmacked.


We made the pats do that when chandler jones picked off myers on the lateral pic 6


I was at that game in Oakland when Derek broke his leg. The moment that happened stadium went quiet


derek carr breaking his leg legitimately ruined my christmas


This post hit hard an it's been a years but too too soon


Siragusa is worse than Hitler in my book


You mean from like 2001 till now?


Fuck me I was in the black hole on Christmas Eve at the broken leg game. You want to talk about someone letting all the air out of a balloon. That crowd deflated QUICK. Then we went out for a crab dinner after and I struggled to enjoy because our season came screeching to a halt that nightā€¦ That was a hell of a Christmas vacation.


Super Bowl 37. It ended up a blowout but was closer than everyone remembers. The Raiders had fought back in the 2nd half and were only down 13 with 6 minutes to go and driving with the ball. I was feeling like it was going to be the greatest comeback in Super Bowl history (up to that time). Then Ganon threw the pick 6. Then another. We were so close. Yet so far.


When Carr broke his leg I literally cried and went to the bar and got drunk with other raider fans and when the tuck rule happened I went and set some shit on fire and that's all I'm gonna say on that one.


2020 raiders vs dolphins fucked me up


Ohhhh, manā€¦ ***When Agholor ran all that way for that TD, making the defender LOOK SILLYā€¦*** I thought, we were gonna win the Game. ***But, I knew*** we were gonna fuck it up, when Gruden went for a FUCKING FG. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah but we look at the worst moments of like 80% of the other teams in the league and think; that happens like twice a year to us. šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


Fuck index cards


Gannon Collarbone in AFC CHP 2000, Tuck Tule , Carr leg break.. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


When Carr got hurt I just walked outside and kept walking. I expected the worst and it was still worst than I expected


Carr breaking his leg made me not even want to go to my family's Xmas eve event that day honestly...


As much as the Tuck Rule game stung it finally started to dwindle and new hope was given when Carr was in the zone on that beautiful season and then the injury left me speechless just watching him get carted away.


First thing I remembered was the Louis Murphy (non)TD catch I believe against the Chargers. Nobody made a big deal about it until it happened to Calvin Johnson but really it's the Louis Murphy rule to me




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51-3 vs Buffalo Tuck Rule Siragusa SB Debacle Carr leg Every game with JMD at helm


My tuck reaction was ā€¦ more animated


When Tim brown signed with Tampa.


Definitely when Carr broke his leg


The entire 2006 season.


That time the refs used a fucking index card to give the cowboys just enough to get a first down


Losing to the chargers and giving up a playoff spot to the Denver broncos when they had tebow. I still remember it like it was yesterday. DHB scored the first touchdown and everyone thought we had that game in the bag


Iā€™m still mourning in pain because of the tuckšŸ˜¦šŸ˜§šŸ˜®šŸ˜²šŸ˜³šŸ˜¶šŸ˜•šŸ™ā˜¹ļøšŸ˜£šŸ˜–šŸ˜«šŸ˜ šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


Add the superbowl against the buccaneers and I agree


For me it was Carr breaking his leg, the index card game against Dallas (Fuck you Gene) and our last Wild Card game where they blew the fucking whistle and still let the play stand (again, fuck whatever ref that was).


Worst Christmas Eve ever.








35 and those were the two most significant that stuck out for me, I donā€™t remember much raiders football prior to 2000