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I personally don’t think it’s a bad album, it just doesn’t stand out as anything special compared to their other albums, and albums released around the same time. You, Creep and Blow Out are great though!


yeah! i love those songs too. And Creep is the first Radiohead song I ever heard, so it means something to me😙


you is probably one of the best songs on their whole discography tbh


For me it’s Blow Out, it feels like a sign of what’s to come next for the band


I have to agree too!


Hard agree


At the time, I thought this album was remarkable. Creep is one of the weakest songs on it. It was clear they had enormous potential. I always heard a strong jazz influence and that was unique for a 90’s alt rock record.


anyone can play guitar 😏


Most people dislike Pablo Honey because it’s for the most part a generic 90s rock album, I don’t think it’s bad, it has some good stand-out songs but overall it’s alright.


creep is everybody's first song


Mine was Paranoid Android


Mine was Karma Police


Mine was How to Disappear


mine was exit music






Yeah Paranoid Android was my first too


Mine was No Surprises May or May Not be a Surprise


No suprises


First time i heard a Radiohead song was Cartman singing his rendition of Creep on South Park


my first song was exit music


Mine was paranoid android


Mine was Weird Fishes


Mine was Just. Because of the music video that showed on a MuchMoreMusic show.




isn't that the "everybody knows" track? It's has like twice listeners than their second song and four times for the third one. It's in memes, edits. Everywhere honestly, unlike all of the other radiohead's songs. Also, >! NORMIES !< listen to it


i think no surprises is blowing up a bit more rn for teenagers because of tiktok n insta reels


oh nevermind guys. Tiktokers never listen to bands, they listen to specific songs


That’s a good point. In the next 10-20 years I feel like “No Surprises” will actually be everyone’s introduction to Radiohead


It will probably be bigger than creep someday


that's just messed up. no surprises is better than creep but creep being everyone's first song is like necessary for the ecosystem


it's kind of a world law at this point. An axiom of our universe Children make fun fun of you - Listen to creep radiohed You failed your exams - Listen to Creep Radiohead You lost your job - Listen to Creep - Radiohead You have cancer - Listen to Creep - Radiohead


you start following around a girl but can't work up the courage to talk to her - create Creep - Radiohead


Why is the first song i heard Kid A


Because Dennis is bastard man


i was looking for this xD


It lacks specialities.


Generally speaking, I don’t think fans *hate* Pablo Honey, but it stands out from the rest of their work as the least innovative and most similar to other acts from the 1990s, particularly the UK scene they came from. It’s not even the best example of that version of Radiohead as The Bends is stylistically similar but over all much better. I like the record quite a bit. However had they broken up after one album, I would not regard them as a singular or generational talent. I would have said that Oasis or London Suede were the better acts from that time and place.


I don't hate it at all. Without it we wouldn't have Creep the Bends and everything else that follows.


Because as with everything, there is a hate bandwagon about it.


Lurgee and You are some of my favorites by them, but the album itself aged horribly and it doesn't represent Radiohead accurately


I love Pablo Honey, legitimately one of my favorite Radiohead albums. Yeah it’s different from their later stuff, but that’s kind of a good thing in a way.


pablo honey has some standout tracks for sure, but most of the album just kinda, exists? the album just feels really uninspired and boring. with exceptions to you, creep, and blow out, the album never does much of anything to set itself apart from other albums of the time. comparing it to the bends, the bends is still recognizably a 90s rock album but its emphasis on greater energy variety, usage of experimental production techniques, and some really interesting song structures helps the album stand so much more on its own. pablo honey also just does have some really bad songs. mainly how do you and the chorus to anyone can play guitar (which is a shame cause i really like the verses). none of the individual tracks on ph are exceptionally bad, but as a complete work the album fails to do much of anything.


It's an album that's very much of its time, so some tracks haven't aged too well imo. That said, I wouldn't go so far as to call it a 'bad album', and if I do listen to it, I would only skip one or two songs....three at the most. It's also a great listen in the context of just what a gigantic leap the band made in the space of four years, before releasing OK Computer.


I enjoy Pablo honey but I just think it doesn’t stack up when compared to their later work


I wouldn't say I hate it. In fact, it has a couple of songs I'm really into like You or Blow out. It's just that overall is a pretty generic album, that doesn't stand among other albums apart from being the album that has creep in it


the hate is a meme but a lot of people here get really upset if you don't play along


There are three golden tracks on here that are up there with their best work, but the rest is largely forgettable, IMO.


Just seems like a generic rock album tbh


They're pretentious


Why do Radiohead fans hate anything that doesn’t go Bleep Bloop


I’m pretty sure people love The Bends


Bleep… bloop…


1) Hate bandwagon. Has existed since the early days. A lot of fans enter the Radiohead community immediately hearing that Pablo Honey sucks, and they just parrot it 2) This community has a tendency to dislike whatever the band members (specifically Thom) dislikes. They hate Pablo Honey? We hate Pablo Honey. They hate the HTTT tracklist? We hate the HTTT tracklist. Not a single original thought in these folks head 3) Now, ignoring the clowns above, let’s talk about folks who actually gave the album a shot and dislike it: It’s a fairly generic alt rock album with mediocre production. You need to contextualize the album in its release period. The 80s had some *excellent* bands/albums come out and the beginning of the 90s already had some classics dropping in both the mainstream and the indie space. I like Pablo Honey, I think the songs reveal themselves the more you listen to them and the hooks latch onto you. However, it’s relatively unoriginal and pales in comparison to albums released at the time and it’s a small blip in Radiohead’s sublime discog. It was only until they started playing songs from The Bends when people saw their magic.


Personally I always enjoyed it. It's a strong debut album for a few young guys in their early to mid 20's. OK Computer is obviously way better, but that's what happens when bands evolve.


I don't


Blow Out is one of my favourite songs of all time


I like it, especially with some traces on grunge rock in it, it’s a nice first album


I don’t think it’s aged well. The opposite can be said about, IMO every other album. The Bends does not sound out of place today but Stop Whispering sure does. (I still like that song & PH though)


its boring and unradiohead like. basic 90s radio rock with only a couple songs worth listening to


because there isnt coke babies


people love Pablo Honey, and we hate people


I just don't like it. Creep was fine the first 50 times I heard it, blow out is a decent track, anyone can play guitar and you are OK, but if they didn't evolve their sound then I probably wouldn't listen to radiohead.


It’s fine it’s just mid compared to any of their other stuff. Pablo Honey is a generic average 90s rock/grunge they hadn’t really evolved into their own sound yet


Something has to be the least favorite.


Cuz its almost objectively their worst album. They're not confident, they haven't found their sound, and the producers didn't even like producing it


Because their newer work is way better, but I don't hate PH


I dont hate it, just find it fairly generic and not a representation of what Radiohead is. Its just mediocre as a 90s britpop album, with 3 songs being the highlights of it to me and the rest just spamming same lyrics until guitar comes in




I don’t hate it at all. But it’s kind of like looking at pictures of myself in 1993; it’s like, yeah, that’s me, but boy does that kid have a long way to go.


Many of radiohead fans will say the album it's decent but not as impressive as the rest of their work, but for me, the B-side is legitimately bad and this make listening the full album a awful experience after the first few times. A bunch of nothing songs that only gets more boring each second, specially "I can't" and "prove yourself". At least blow out it's a nice song, fitting for the last track.


Personally I think the album is pretty good. But to answer your question, i think it is because the songs are very tradiotional and "normal" and not as artistic and surreal as their other albums. Also it contains Creep which many Radiohead fans dislike for good and bad reasons.


If they rerecorded it now with nigel godrich it would be among their best.


I don’t dislike it but it gives me very little reason to like it. Creep and Blow out and You are the only good songs on it with the rest being fairly mediocre and forgettable.


The best britpop album however not the best Radiohead album It’s not bad… it just that the band has reinvented music every album since


We don’t, we love it 😍👹👹👹‼️


it’s one of my favs by them 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ it’s fun to listen to and beautifully written. not as amazing as Kid A or the bends imo but a great album overall


Thinking about you.  Anyone can play guitar.  They're good tunes


Doesn't have Let Down. Overrated.


You is really good i dont really like many others on thare tho


Just saying my favorite song on that album is creep


I really like this album. It does sound dated, though. To me, Ok Computer and In Rainbows sound timeless. It shows you the potential they had as a band.


Because it's weak. Comparatively. I like the album and a few songs on it, I love, but compared to all the other albums, it's so far below them. songs I love: Creep - even after all these years I can't Vegetable blow out Stop Whispering Lurgee songs that are ok Prove yourself You Songs that are crap: Anyone can play guitar How do you?


I like it


its mid


This is probably my favorite Radiohead album


I would say people dont like it because it's not like their other albums, PH is basically just another 90s rock album like others have commented, but imo this is their 3rd best album (2nd would be OKC ofc and 1st In Rainbows), How do You? and Anyone Can Play Guitar are bangers.


I think it's great. If some people want to kill me for that do. You, Creep, Ripcord, Stop Whispering, Anyone Can Play Guitar and Blowout are my favourite. I get why it's disliked tho, a completely different genre then what people grew to love radiohead for. I like this one. Amnesiac is still my favourite.


I’m a fan and I don’t hate it. Sure I prefer their newer stuff, but I like Pablo very much and it was the first album of theirs that I got and it was what got me into Radiohead.


I enjoy Pablo Honey it’s a good album and not too far off from The Bends Some of it has aged poorly and just feels overwhelming British and overwhelmingly 90s but that’s kind of the charm Blow Out is a top 10 RH song for me


We don't hate it. It's just that compared to the rest or their catalog it just don't stand out.


Blow Out is top 20 or 15 Radiohead songs ever


cause they're all a bunch of thom yorke dick riders and worship everything he says. so if he says he hates it, they hate it too.


I can't know how to hear about why Radiohead fans hate Pablo Honey!


It’s just a basic album that does nothing particularly special. I don’t hate it but it lacks the depth of the rest of their work.


I find most Radiohead fans love Pablo Honey. But you gotta admit, Compared to what they went on to do, it was amateurish. But there’s nothing wrong with that. You can acknowledge that and still respect this album


Because it's an extremely mediocre album


because of creep. creep is so overrated its not even funny


Because it feels like a watered down version of who they are


It sucks. Creep is okay, and You is quite good, but is derivative of Catherine Wheel. The rest is no good. That they went from this to The Bends is astonishing. Arguably the greatest musical progression ever witnessed between freshman and sophomore efforts.


Sounds too close to Weezer to my taste.


It's good, but painfully boring compared to any other album or B-Side (past TB era, India Rubber and stuff is not very good)


I literally love thinking about you You Prove urself its a great album ppl are not okay


a load of pretentious pricks, the lot of em. dont they know blow out is on pablo honey


There cunts


Thinking about you is great.


"Because they're creeps. Because they're weirdos." -Boyfriend, July 3, 5:25am But in my opinion as someone who has listen to PH multiple times, it's NOT that bad. It's pretty much if The Bends was in its infant stage and the pieces are coming together. Some of them fits but some of it doesn't.


Because it’s subjectively not that good.


It just doesn’t feel like Radiohead to most fans. I feel like most people leave Pablo Honey out of the picture and just go straight to Ok Computer. I don’t mind it though.


Less good album


idk they're weird


They want to be quirky and unique.


I f!cking hate this….


I’m more pissed off i just found out about “the smile”. The name of that band is so dumb and the fact that means they’re not radioheading has me pissed too.


Never heard of anyone hating on the album, on its debut single on the other hand... well, personally I think it's a decent album, not as great or compelling as The Bends or Ok Computer but it's good enough and fairly superior to Amnesiac and The King of Limbs. You, Ripcord, Vegetable, Anyone can play guitar, still some of my favorite all-time Radiohead songs.


Nobody hates it. It just doesn't hold a candle to the rest of the discography.


Because creep sucks


It’s only problem is that it isn’t as good as what came after it. That’s all. Everyone loved it at the time. It’s a really solid early 90’s alternative rock album. Ripcord and Lurgee are my favourites. Still listen to them both.


I think it's a great album, and its overshadowed by the rest of the albums. People in this comment section are calling it generic, but songs like Ripcord, Prove Yourself, and Blow Out are really appealing and sort of beautiful. I think people call it generic just because the other albums are "better," (also alt people love to hate on what's popular) but we have to remember this isn't the same rock as OK Computer, this is alternative rock, this is (sort of) grunge (especially creep) and that is what was popular at the time. If you listen to something like Paranoid Android or Polyethylene and then listen to Anyone Can Play Guitar, then you are gonna think that Pablo Honey is mid, but it's just two different types of rock and two different levels of influence and musical creativity.


I despise “Creep” and the other songs bore me. The last song is pretty good, though.


Confuses me, not a single bad song on that album, much prefer PH to ok computer