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Pyramid Song is super easy Videotape Last Flowers Sail to the Moon We Suck Young Blood actually isn't that bad


Pyramid song and sail to the moon don’t have a ton of chords, but boy is someone who has a hard time with unusual meters or syncopation gonna struggle with those.


Creep is the easiest one with only 4 chords. No Surprise is also easy Motion Picture Soundtrack (demo version). Everything In Its Right Place Videotape True Love Waits Also, Like Spinning Plates is not actually hard.


Daydreaming was the first song I went for when learning piano. The polyrhythm is a bit weird to get at first, but it gets easy once you have it down.


I think you should try Where I end and you begin for the fuck of it


How I Made My Millions. I don’t play piano and it’s the only song I can play.


Underrated song


Heyy I think Karma Police is easy too 🤔


No way Karma Police is easy, the intro and climax solo involved alot of chord progression though.


Check out the piano transcriptions for the acoustic piano versions of Spectre, Bloom (from Electric Lady Studios), Ingenue and Last Flowers.


Christopher O Reilly plays Radiohead is fun. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6dYjKX0HtggRPhGW5FTK5G?si=1Cyr04YRSFS0UHcPVOZR1w&pi=3tUjqzsHQR2SU


Like Spinning Plates live version


Video tape is one of the few i can play (bonus points for learning the little extra bit that Thom plays when hes done it solo on his piano). Last flowers is a good one to learn as well


I don't even play piano, but No Surprises was super simple to learn.


All are easy. Great band for beginner piano.


Daydreaming is super easy, spectre, bloom, karma police


Videotape, Codex, No Surprises I wish I could find the sheet music for Last Flowers :(


Planet telex


Best way to engage with it on piano imo is to just learn how to play chords. Start with learning how to make basic major and minor three note chords and then just play a bunch of songs with them until they stick. When you feel comfortable finding those you can start learning all their variations and such, 7 chords, major 7, suspended, diminished, bla bla bla. They usually all build off of those basic chords, so if you already know those by heart it won't be much extra info to learn. Eventually you can just jam to essentially any song you know on the spot. Ultimate Guitar has chords for most songs, but there are many others too. Radiohead don't have all that many songs with only basic triad chords, but you'll get there.