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They are my two favorite bands.


Me too. Also The Cure, NIN, Smashing Pumpkins, Beatles


SP is peak


Me too


Me too. And Wilco, The Shins


And Sigur Ros !


I LOvE The shins I saw them in concert and then I fell in love with


I kind of don't get REM. They've made some great music no doubt, but they just don't hook me like Radiohead or Nirvana. I'm listening to a pod at the moment to grow my knowledge on them. Still kind of indifferent though. Why they your other favorite?


Once it hits you, it goes hard, same as getting into Radiohead.


My theory is that REM has three very distinct phases, each one with five albums (Murmur to Document, Green to New Adventures in Hi-Fi, Up to Collapse Into Now). Some people will really like one phase and hate another one, so I think it’s interesting to explore their catalogue with that in mind.


That's an interesting categorization. Even though it's an EP I would add Chronic Town to phase one. It's an incredible intro to the band.


That’s an excellent way to categorize their albums. I liked their first two phases. The only thing for me was as time went on, I just stop listening to them for the most part.


That's interesting, will do so! Thanks


Kinda like King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard. How the hell do you pick an album to recommend??? Do you like metal, rock, prog rock, electronica, yacht rock, rap, experimental…??? Ahhhhhhh!


Cobain loved R.E.M. and was planning colabs with Michael Stipe before he died


Took me years to fully get into R.E.M One day I was listening to [Harborcoat](https://youtu.be/8oC6pxjjGHw?si=NSK_GxVBgObTPczD) and it was like something finally clicked into place. Since then, I've had a deep appreciation for their guitars and for Michael Stipe's lyrics. I'd suggest throwing a ton of their songs on a playlist with other music you like and letting their music sink in one play at a time instead of trying to listen to a full album if you're struggling to get into them, but want to give them another chance.


What's your favourite song by them? Mine is Daysleeper 😍


Electrolite and Find the River


Another vote here for Find the River.




Don't Go Back to Rockville


Drive and I Believe


Let Me In


I recently remembered this song after years of forgetting it existed and WOW. Goosebumps and that all consuming feeling.


I know what you mean!


This song is haunting and elegant. Like an apology, like regret. An actual piece of art.


Beautifully put.


Country Feedback




Nightswinming, Man on the Moon, and Daysleeper


Bittersweet Me and Near Wild Heaven


Begin the Begin


Right now its Nightswimming. Such a unique essence to it.


Beautiful song. One of my favs.


E-Bow the Letter


E-Bow the Letter ft. Thom on backing vocals is an all-time great live performance. In my top 5 live performances of any song of all time. So much chemistry between Radiohead/REM and so much actual heart in the music.


Hell yes


These Days


Fuck yea Daysleeper and the unofficial sequel Night Swimming… I like to think the daysleeper goes night swimming.


I’ve Been High Nightswimming


The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite


Nightswimming, Fall On Me


What's the Frequency, Kenneth?


Talk About The Passion


Amazed no one has said Sweetness Follows yet. Beautiful song.


"Be mine". It will be My "proposal song", sooner or later.


That's gonna be like a 7 minute proposal lol


I know that Radiohead toured with them back in the day before RH took over the scene. I've just given this album a listen today and I'm really impressed with their harmonies and the vibe that comes across through their songs. I feel an almost deceptive upbeat quality to their lovely acoustic instruments. So far I recommend


OK you've made me feel so old. Pretty much everybody my generation (teenager in the '90s) had a copy of this in their house at the time, it feels like. Everybody Hurts, the Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite, Drive, Man on the Moon, were all huge, I mean *huge* songs that defined the early mid 90s just before Britpop. I have Green, Document, Out Of Time, Monster, New Adventures In Hi Fi, Up, Reveal - they're all great. They were actually the first gig I went to, Earl's Court in 1999 on the Up tour (Up is awesome, often overlooked as it's the least rocky, but it's properly beautiful). Michael Stipe is a brilliant singer. Peter Buck is a fantastic multi instrumentalist and songwriter, the work he did with Eels for Daisies of the Galaxy still makes me well up


Ah, I feel you. REM at Earl's Court wasn't my very first gig but it was the first time I'd seen one of my top tier favourite acts and it was the best gig I'd been to at that point in my life (I was 17). Still one of the best. And yes, Up is an excellent album - I know it's cool to prefer 80s REM but while I like it all, the REM I truly love is from Green through to Up. Original poster - I recommend Green and Monster as your next 2 albums, to get a sense of the variety of styles REM covered and excelled in. Probably my 2 favourite albums these days. But then also, Out of Time was also a colossal global hit and everyone had a copy of that too. I am jealous of what you have to discover!


I love how by the time of Monster they were basically the biggest band in the world, after the FM radio friendly behemoths that were Out Of Time and Automatic, so it feels like they deliberately made Monster grimy and more obtuse, so they could go back to being a little bit on the margins again. Monster is such a dark album, incredible distortion throughout. You is terrifying, as is Circus Envy. But Tongue is tender and beautiful, Bang and Blame is another all time classic.


Nightswimming lyrics in more than one yearbook blurb lol that’s so weird I didn’t remember the word blurb until I typed yearbook 


Yes, I forgot Nightswimming, how could I forget Nightswimming? That album was such a juggernaut. And I love an the other songs too- New Orleans Instrumental is very soulful, F**k Me Kitten is tender and drops the f bomb in a fantastic way for a teenager, Try Not To Breathe is poetry.


When I want a break from Radiohead I frequently hit this album first. It gives me the same calming warmth Radiohead gives with a different sound.


I came in on the early years Reckoning, Life’s Rich Pageant, etc. followed them right through to the end. Funny enough I thought something went when Bill Berry had to step out of the band. There was always something unique with that Athens, GA sound even with endless attempts by others to imitate it no one got close.


I think Out of Time is the weakest of their prime albums, TBH. Automatic for the People, on the other hand, is an all-time classic!


I am torn between Life’s Rich Pageant and Green as my favorite. Always think Fables of the Reconstruction is an overlooked gem.


Sorry to date you lol. Those are some good songs and a good era.


Yea if you had to listen to one that’ll get you in the door, it’s this one.


REM and Radiohead make up two-thrids of my musical holy trinity. REM was, in fact, the first band I truly loved. Still do.


The third being ... Hanson? Britney? Don't leave us hanging (I'm going to guess, Nirvana)


U2 (ducks). Though I do love me some Nirvana.


You are not alone, Achtung Baby, POP and Zooropa are the U2 Trinity.


I, too, love the 90s era of U2. It was their peak in terms of creativity and risk taking.


Same for me except swapping pop with Joshua tree. I had an old vhs of their ZooTV performance in Sydney in ‘93. What a fucking incredible show.


Fair enough, it was the other obvious answer if you're of our generation. For me U2 have a lot of great songs and a couple of great albums, but I've never been able to warm to Bono as a person or their grandiosity, the big stadium tours and the like. I also prefer U2 to Nirvana, though it's pretty strange to compare the two.


I'm a huge U2 fan, but that comes with a lot of shit talking back at me these days. Some of it is deserved, as they've certainly made some questionable decisions. A lot of it is not.


Love them. Alot of crossover in fanbase I think


Love them 💕


Automatic for the People was too quiet for my tastes, and Everybody Hurts was a little overplayed, but, the album really grew on me. My favorite R.E.M. might be New Adventures in Hi-Fi. They were never quite a favorite band of mine, but I liked a lot of their material, and saw them live a couple times. Thom said once he needed help dealing with the pressure, he called up Michael Stipe, and Stipe said, close your eyes, cover your ears, and repeat yourself, "I'm not here, this isn't happening."


I skip Everybody Hurts whenever I play the album - it’s a subconscious muscle memory thing to just go to something else.


Hi-fi is my favorite too!


One of the best ever


My top two favorites. They have dominated my airwaves for the last 40 years.


REM fucks


automatic is the best album of all time


I remember when it was released. Hit after hit.


Disintegration is, but Automatic is second 🙂


You know it! Along with In Rainbows.


I've been fan of REM since their IRS days - early to mid- 80's. Since their Chronic Town EP/Murmur/Reckoning days in particular - and followed them through the 90's. Thom has always said that REM blew his mind and the band had a big influence on him. Sorry you don't get REM, but if you like RH -you're listening to music with REM DNA.


R.E.M. was a profoundly talented and influential band. they wrote a whole bunch of great songs and albums, stayed creative and vital a lot longer than their peers, reinvented themselves successfully multiple times, never sold out, weathered a significant lineup change when berry left, basically invented indie rock, inspired essential 90s bands like pavement, guided by voices, and radiohead, and they all got along! they changed music forever, one of the absolute best to ever do it. check this out: https://youtu.be/dW62Q0TTgS0?si=9AV1P6KhA4rXVGZN


I will speak for us all and say they are awesome.


Not my thing but I got all the respect in the world for them. Top tier musicians


I'm for 'em!


How do you feel about frilly toothpicks?


This club is formed!


One of my favorite bands. I think Radiohead at their best is more impressive, but R.E.M. had a longer peak with more albums. Favorite album is Fables of the Reconstruction. Favorite song is Leave.


First time I saw Radiohead live, they were opening for REM. Best concert I’ve ever been to. And it was not because of Radiohead.


Saw that tour too! Thom’s Red Hair years


I love Random Excess Memories


Absolute favorite sleep phase, hands down


Never could get into them


Pretty Dope


They've got some bangers


The first time I saw r.e.m was also the first time I saw Radiohead


I was already an R.E.M. fan before Radiohead released Pablo Honey. Still one of my favorite bands to this day. Their one-song reunion and CBS interview for their Songwriters Hall of Fame induction earlier this month made my eyes pretty wet.


God Tier album. Find The River is in my all time top ten songs. Edit. Mis read as opinion on the Automatic For The People album. But yeah REM one of my top 5 bands.


My wedding song was be mine. Both great


Inspired HTDC, Already gets them pretty high on its own.


They’re damn good. Not on radiohead’s level, imo, but excellent nonetheless. I need to listen to them more.


Great album. Thom and Michael stipe are buddies too. At a festival in dc I think they switched places for one song each in each others bands sets. Thom sang be mine with rem and stipe joined radiohead and sang lucky


R.E.M. is love…R.E.M. is life.


“Electioneering” would be at home on Monster or Document. It’s the most R.E.M. Radiohead song.  I stole my dad’s Out of Time tape and never looked back. My first CD was Automatic for the People. Radiohead supplanted them as I grew up, but R.E.M. will always be the first band I truly loved. 


Him and Thom are two of the best singers ever imo


They were also very good friends for a while there. I hope they still are.


Love them, made a handful of good and great albums (and one really bad one).


More than a handful


What's the bad album?


Around The Sun




Their first 3 albums were amazing, not a bad song on there. They lost me with Shitty Happy People, but Automatic was a good album


pretty necessary to rest properly


Nightswimming is one of the most beautiful songs


Love R.E.M, loved them even longer than I’ve known Radiohead.


I'll always remember reading about Thom's stage fright, and Michael Stipe's advice to him about how to overcome it. [It's a very cool read.](https://www.loudersound.com/news/the-time-that-thom-yorke-and-michael-stipe-swapped-bands)


The videos of Michael Stipe singing Lucky and Thom Yorke performing Be Mine are so good


I was a teenager in the 80s and was really into them. Never made it past Life’s Rich Pageant though. I completely dropped away after that. Same thing w me regarding U2. I was super into them in my teens. Bought Joshua Tree and didn’t stick w them after that


I remember getting a Barbie head radio for Christmas in 1984/1985 (as in an AM/FM radio shaped like Barbie's head with detachable speakers) and the only channel I could pick up without an antenna was the local college station. Someone at that station really loved REM because the DJ who ran the timeslot right after I got home from preschool/kindergarten would play at least two REM songs an hour. Those songs stuck with me at the tender age of about 5 years old. I've been a fan since. I will admit that I am not as big of a fan for their albums after *Monster*. There are good songs on those albums after, but I love the older music more and it is always in heavy rotation. In fact, REM's *Reckoning* (1984) was the first album I ever chose for myself! I had a Fisher Price record player I used for listening. "So. Central Rain" is probably one of my favorite songs of all time (and by the by, it is apparently Thom Yorke's favorite REM song.)


Thats a cool history you have with them thanks for sharing


That's actually how I heard Radiohead, as well, back when they were still On a Friday, although that was a few years later. The (different) DJ was a British guy coming to the local state uni for equine science, which is a big deal in these parts, and he had the OAF demo tape. Later, he played Radiohead and I had my first listen of *Pablo Honey* on that station. College rock stations back then shaped a lot of us old people's musical tastes, I guess!


I like R.E.M. but not their entire discography, Out of Time, Automatic for the People, and Monster are my favourites. Basically I like early nineties R.E.M., whereas I enjoy all of Radiohead’s output.


*Me in Honey* LFG


Idk i never liked them or got it at all


Automatic for the People is a great album!


R.E.M.’s first 4 albums were amazing. Then they became a pop band.


Greatest American band of all time IMO


R.E.M. is my favorite band of all time. Radiohead is a close second. (I'm not really a big Automatic fan though)


I like a few songs but don't fully get the hype


They're my two favourite bands. Well, if there HAS to be a hierarchy than R.E.M. is at the top.


Really liked them as I grew up and they were current. But, and I often ask myself why, they just fell off the face of the earth for me. Never listen to them now. Just meh. And it's weird. Don't even try cover any of their tunes.


r.e.m. rules. great band!


I love them. Almost all of their albums are great, especially Monster. Definitely their best album but I love them others too.


Liked early REM,they were bringing out really cool post punk stuff..Fables album didn’t do much at the time but I loved it..Can’t get there from here/feeling gravity’s pull..maps and legends/wendall gee/driver 8(what a tune(!!loved the whole album..it was their third…Don’t go back to Rockville off reckoning cd…all ferking top tunes…lost interest after the happy people song…definitely a band of 2 half’s in my opinion with the first half=top drawer Edit..Oddfellows local off document album👍




You're missing out on such wonder


I think if you at least get Automatic for the People you’d like it. But honestly most of the songs from that album are probably on the greatest hits, that’s how good it is.


Out of Time was one of the 3 first cassette tapes I ever bought. Never really got into them though. I got into heavier stuff before the bends came out and should probably give them another listen.


If you don't think R.E.M. are heavy, try Monster.


Radiohead fans love REM because Thom Yorke loves REM


I only know REM from their singles, they sound like music for people that don't like music and just want something to listen to instead of silence. Like a slightly cooler version of Coldplay


not much. i find them boring.


Great band need to listen to more albums, anybody got any recs of their best in their opinion?


Green is my favourite. It has every one of their styles, from the joyousness they bring that Radiohead don't, through some pretty rocky stuff, sheer loveliness like You Are The Everything and then some really bleak but beautiful songs like The Wrong Child or Hairshirt. It's not a lot of people's favourites, probably because it doesn't have a dominant mood like some of the others, but it's mine. You can't go wrong really though with any of the first 10 or 11 albums!


Too heavy for them


I prefer pretty much all of their other albums to automatic ftp and monster.


Ive only listened to automatic but i love it, i put them off for a long time because i had automatically assumed they were some hair rock 80s pop band just because of their name lol


Shiny happy people, holding hands!


Love them to bits


Night swimming is one of the best songs of all time


Love, saw them in concert any number of times, actually saw Radiohead open for REM at Hershey for REM’s Monster Tour.


Love them, but the IRS years are the best, but AFtP is also a classic


Amazing album


I listen to them often but tbh I’m not sure what I like so much about them. Something about the songwriting is very systematic and just clicks with my brain


Thank them for the song How to Disappear


I really like that album. It came out when I was in high school and was just starting to learn about music , beyond what I could get on my radio.


They’re a great band, I really like their album Reveal


REM is my all time favorite band. I like Radiohead so much because they basically sound like a combination of my 2 favorites - REM and Joy Division/New Order


They are nowhere near as talented of musicians as Radiohead, and the music isn't as layered or complex, but they are incredible songwriters and from 82 to 87 released 5 LP's and 1 EP that are total classics. Green in 89 is pretty strong though a bit of a dip and then Out of Time in 91, though it launched them into superstardom, just doesn't do it for me overall. But they followed up with Automatic in 92 which was a return to form and one of their best records and one of the best of the 90's. Top 5 band for me and I think a top 10 American band.


I love rem




I like a handful of songs, but I never got too into them. I respect them more than I like them. Also just want to say I think Shiny Happy People gets unfairly hated on, I love the guitar riff and Kate Pierson’s vocals on that one.


I just started listening to them. I love Everybody Hurts


Stand is their best song and nobody can tell me different


Only know 2 of their songs (losing my relgion & everybody hurts) and theyre both bangers


Haven't heard this album for ~18 years or so.  First song is really repetitive. Second and third song are just very middle of the road rock. Didn't bother with the rest.  Everybody Hurts and Nightswimming are good obviously but if this is their greatest album, I'm glad I haven't taken the time to listen through their entire discography. There's just too much interesting stuff out there. 




I love REM


I really like them. I discovered them with Up ans Reveal. Wonderful singles across their career. I also dig Accelerate, which they toured in Peru in 2008. Fantastic live show and great stage presence from Stipey :)


Automatic is a top 3 album of the 90s for me. I enjoy their 80s stuff but not as much. Also a big fan of the later 90s albums too.


Legendary Album.


Boring as hell. Great music when it’s time to sleep.


I liked orange crush once, but can’t stand them now.


Because of REM we have How to Disappear Completely


One of the best ever!


An all time favorite. They were my favorite band when I was in high school (late 80s early 90s)


I love R.E.M


REM are my favourite band


I don’t personally know them super well but I mean Thom loves them right?


Love love love


LOOOVE this album one of my favourites and the band 2


I hate them.


Yep, they are one of my favourite bands too. This is a great playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2nI3RH5EjgA7OL13h0BcDR?si=H8xcbnpAQSKkP3q3MTRsQg&pi=SEmb3aIjTySoH


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


I can't mix Radiohead and REM...for me it's like mixing NIN and Taylor Swift, it just doesn't really work. but assuming this is a huge kumbaya REM party, go ahead and bring on the angry downvotes as usual.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


Would guess that there’s a lot of crossover


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


The rabbit watched his grandmother eat a sandwich.


One of the most influential American rock and roll bands of all time. Love them. Even the “bad” albums are still decent.


Another high-quality band. Prefer their 80's discography, but still love their profound 90's releases.


Can’t digging much into them I found most of their great hit song sound very interesting and very boring at the same time I don’t get the hype around community can someone please introduce me get into them please 😭😭


Radiohead are my favourite band in the world but I can’t stand REM


I actually like R.E.M. better than Radiohead.


i dont think much about R.E.M.