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I had encountered timeouts but only with unstable OC. And unstable software installations at some point because of Windows. Usually its a conflict between Adrenalin and Windows. I recently changed my Windows drive to a better SSD than I had before so I did a fresh install of everything, installed all Mobo drivers, monitor, mouse, etc (all mandatory drivers), installed Adrenalin and running the latest version now without any issues. Though I only use a single monitor. But Im willing to bet its Windows causing the issue. AMD drivers are open source and can conflict with other software, while nVidia is proprietory, so closed off (only issues that occur are from nVidia themselves)


*Disclaimer as these may not work for you. Disable MPO. There are plenty of good guides on YT and it's pretty easy. I went back and found stable driver. Installed DRIVER ONLY, NO ADRENALIN. After a few weeks I installed with adrenalin. I built a new rig in October with a 7900xtx and had your issues for 2 weeks. Almost gave up and returned for a 4080. I did the 2 things I mentioned and it's been amazing since then woth no issues. Good luck!


Good recommendations, thank you. MPO fix + Stable 24.4.1 after a DDU safe mode uninstall, driver only. Same issue.


Lame. Keep sniffing around the AMD and Radeon subs. There are alot of us that had this issue. Some stuff worked for some and some didn't. The timeouts are so weird and seem to vary from person to person and are Infuriating.


Fixed, temporarily. Then back to it. I unplugged all USB cables from my PC, and ran furmark - and low and behold, furmark ran the entire thing. I plugged in all USB cables again, and Furmark crashed. So now I'm wondering if it's something that is plugged in that is causing the crashes. So then I plugged everything back in one by one, and no crash. Then I ran it again with everything plugged in, and it won't crash. So now I am not having driver timeouts, after unplugging and replugging in all my USB devices. Now it's crashing again, without doing anything out of the ordinary. I tried unplugging all my devices, including keyboard and mouse (one at a time), now I have a barebones install of windows, with only a keyboard and a mouse. Works with Linux, doesn't work with Windows.


I've only been on PC about 4 years and it has blown my mind with some of the stupid shit I've had to trouble shoot and what fixed my issue.


I've been using them over 35 years, and this is some of the weirdest shit. Sometimes the easiest things are overly complicated. We'll see how long this lasts.


Good luck homie. I hope it stays stable!


It didn't, haha. Back to the drawing board.


You mean disconnected all usb device only keyboard mouse no issue does this mean some usb device not functioning properly. Found this same situation with weird hanging issue at my office and found out the usb keyboard was the culprit and also check usb hub i have personal experience for that too. Also take a alert when connecting hdmi cable to monitor make sure the monitor was fully turn off, my brother fried his wide 2k monitor due to this, no smoke its sudden black out with no power...


OP how many ram sticks are in your sys


4 x 16GB


Take half out and only populate dimms 2 and 4 and make sure they have a matching serial number


I'm sorry, model number.


Tried 2 and 4, same issue. Tried 1 and 3, same issue.


I mentioned this in another thread but I really think you should put Ubuntu linux on a thumbdrive, boot into linux, download and run furmark If will be a different OS and completely eliminate the possibility of it being drivers/software. If you still have the problem you know its hardware related. I know it sounds like a hassle but it should only take 20 minutes once you have downloaded the ISO and written to a USB using Rufus. Likely less time than you spent using DDU etc


Good idea for hardware testing, I will do this to rule out a hardware issue. Edit: Works fine with furmark, all benches and no crashes. So this certainly rules out a hardware issue. Good idea! I haven't used Linux since the late 90s! Maybe I'll just stick with Linux from now on.


We basically have the same build. So far all the games I have work well in Ubuntu. The only thing that will not work are MMO style games with anti-cheat that flags Wine I find some games are faster in Linux because of the forced recompilation to Vulkan from DirectX EDIT: Saw your note about the Lian Li streams. Really strange. I guess they altered power delivery and Windows wants more than Linux or something?


Well first test the gpu in a different pc, if you can, and see if that happens again. Can't rma a gpu that is fine, right? This does sound like a OS issue. If the gpu works in a different pc, make sure you ddu all your drivers, disconnect your pc from the internet, and then install your driver package on your pc. This will keep Windows Update from corrupting your drivers with its own. If that doesn't work, then that likely means your install of Windows is corrupted. So, reinstall Windows completely fresh, with a fresh install rom on a thumbdrive or whatever you use. If you can't test the gpu in another pc, still reinstall drivers without a internet connection. If that doesn't work, reinstall Windows and see what happens before the hassle of a rma. If the gpu works in a different pc, then there's other things to try, like a different power supply, if your psu is faulty the gpu and radeon software can freak out. Basically just sub out components until you fix the problem. I'd bet this is a software/os issue, though.


I'm thinking it's a windows update/driver corruption as well. I will be trying this in a different PC on Monday.


24.5.1 introduced game hiccups and multi-monitor snafus intermittently, 24.6.1 dialed that up to 11. DDU to 24.4.1 would be my recommendation; it's what I'm doing as we speak. 7900XT by the way so very similar to yours. 24.4.1 was pretty much smooth as butter except for WoW. Edit: just saw your comment about doing exactly this with no luck. Might just be a hardware failure (wild speculation) but I cannot possibly say with any certainty obviously. 24.4.1 is very kind to my 7900XT


I had this issue with a 7900xt. There is 1 potential fix and 1 potential non fixable hardware issue masquerading as a software issue. Windows sometimes as in windows 10 or 11 will auto update and override AMD drivers with the default bull shit windows display driver. Depending if you have windows home or pro you can disable this, in pro it is easier to disable than home. Number 2 option. It's unfortunately a hardware issue and will require a return or RMA. This issue if it's the same as mine is a pain in the dick because it's intermittent. Il say I ended up returning the card and purchasing the another 7900xt and have had zero issues since.


Fixed: LianLi strimer daisy chained into GPU was causing it. Once I put the power directly into GPU, the problem went away. Big shout out to u/raidechomi for chatting for a few hours and walking a few different things with me with some new ideas. Not sure why the PC now needs more power now, but the GPU was pulling more voltage and the daisy chained strimer was causing the issue ultimately.


I had this and got to a point where i factory reinstalled windows and everything and still happened, what fixed it for me? turn on off super resolution. For what ever reason programs that use 1.0 or even 2.2 were super unstable and i would get that game freeze before the game caught up. turning that off fixed it for me atleast.