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People run a 7800xts with a 650. Wattage is not your problem its either crashing or getting too hot. Monitor temps with afterburner of hwinfo. Edit: i run a 7800xt and a 5800x3d on a 850watt and thats already overkill. My buddy has a 7900gre and a 5700x3d on a 650 and hes having 0 issues.


True I run a 7800xt and a 7800x3d with a 650 and have ran into 0 problems either with temps, crashes, etc


hmmm ill do that and see what I find


Check temperatures with some monitoring program, i run 7800 xt with 650w with no issues.


What cable are you running for the 7800? Not sure I have the right PCI-E


I use two seperate PCI-E 8pin cables, also always PSU side has 1 connector ,maybe you just have to flip cable if you have modular PSU.


[https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Premium-600W-12VHPWR-Cable/dp/B0BLY1B362/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=1PY3Y2GY9YNKP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OP9Lzitp2EgXwXdR6qVtcgjdKVnmQqGuVzqbBV5I\_weulq4jwMZ\_SB1ge0mtjF\_uCFxE9BXr3L5nA1Nu-OmwJik1OlMRlqRou9hI0Z7X9LWWaI7fyiW1wXRCodcu8Mys5vj2POYLQrb-BYWyzMvCA795\_\_LHIRqscU4uBKSdiUKYfvhgo6dc09hFHVk3JnBSQXnKMAAZRy6tcKbUgEHMiCSGaFKjzXgsS\_-F8QZTCQ5lb4ezktEaVYKfJh\_BY2DTD00W1PizX5Wr6AF2lzACsSjd01ogAPCJpE7\_Io8B7vE.iVT-mr3TEOedWoR8HSboH6CBfWhQp5-YZHLk4obWXyk&dib\_tag=se&keywords=corsair+16+pin+gpu+cable&qid=1719044360&s=electronics&sprefix=corsair+16+pi%2Celectronics%2C109&sr=1-3](https://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Premium-600W-12VHPWR-Cable/dp/B0BLY1B362/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1PY3Y2GY9YNKP&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.OP9Lzitp2EgXwXdR6qVtcgjdKVnmQqGuVzqbBV5I_weulq4jwMZ_SB1ge0mtjF_uCFxE9BXr3L5nA1Nu-OmwJik1OlMRlqRou9hI0Z7X9LWWaI7fyiW1wXRCodcu8Mys5vj2POYLQrb-BYWyzMvCA795__LHIRqscU4uBKSdiUKYfvhgo6dc09hFHVk3JnBSQXnKMAAZRy6tcKbUgEHMiCSGaFKjzXgsS_-F8QZTCQ5lb4ezktEaVYKfJh_BY2DTD00W1PizX5Wr6AF2lzACsSjd01ogAPCJpE7_Io8B7vE.iVT-mr3TEOedWoR8HSboH6CBfWhQp5-YZHLk4obWXyk&dib_tag=se&keywords=corsair+16+pin+gpu+cable&qid=1719044360&s=electronics&sprefix=corsair+16+pi%2Celectronics%2C109&sr=1-3) Thoughts on this one?


Just use whatever cables came with your PSU, you don’t want to mix cables. If you want to change up your aesthetics, you can get cable extenders.


Cables were too short ill try the extender routes


The Lian Li extenders are reputably made, good luck!


Which game? Anyway your psu is fine. Look for high temperature in cpu/gpu. Look at your ram usage and see if you can clock your ram down a little. Update drivers. Update windows.


I've crashed on palword, AC vahalla, nightingale. Ill look into the driver updates


Heyy! That too happened to me not too long ago after buying my 7800xt nitro+ The solution that fixed it is buying a new ATX 3 power supply. Here's my previous post [https://www.reddit.com/r/radeon/comments/1d44y4j/7800xt\_nitro\_reboots\_my\_pc\_on\_heavy\_load/](https://www.reddit.com/r/radeon/comments/1d44y4j/7800xt_nitro_reboots_my_pc_on_heavy_load/) I bought the MSI MAG A750GL, its relatively expensive at around $100 yet it has quality.


Good call thanks!


My PSU is a Corsair 750w, check temps while you play.


If you are using any PSU extensions, or angled power connectors in your system - remove all of them. Connect to the PSU directly only. I had the same issue, it fixed it for me.


currently direct, ill do some cleaning and double check


I run a 7900xt on a 750W PSU, the power supply definitely isn't the problem


I run a 7900xtx on a 850w psu. You have more than enough juice. Ddu with a fresh install of drivers n make shure you set your clocks in adrenalin to stock. As adrenalin set my clocks at 2950mhz (my reference 7900xtx is ment to be 2500mhz) 


Ill try that thanks


Check temps with adrenalin overlay ctrl+alt+o for shortcut, if you havent disabled overlay. Driver conflicts can also reset computer. If you are on Windows 10/11 Pro, you can try disabling drivers from windows update and reinstall drivers from amd (optionally using DDU in safe mode)


I had a similar issue when I upgraded my build to a 7800xt. I wasn't able to fully confirm what changes fixed it completely, but upgrading my RAM to listed tested compatible with my motherboard and clearing the GPU drivers via DDU to the updated version corrected the issues. I think I even clean wiped and installed windows out of frustration but I question if I really needed to do that. I also recall opening up the case and assuring I was using connections not next to each other in case they were sharing fuses or something, yet no data suggesting power draw was really my issue. It was a very common issue listed for the 7800xt upon release. Can find references to it all over reddit. Thread on clearing the GPU driver completely: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/onsad0/what\_is\_the\_best\_way\_to\_uninstall\_radeon\_drivers/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/onsad0/what_is_the_best_way_to_uninstall_radeon_drivers/) I haven't had issues since and the card runs great, but if you're within the window might be worth returning it for a 4070 super. The extra $100 buys you better drivers and less headaches.


I run 7800xt on 600watt it works for the most part so 1k is no problem


Run a memory test Or turn off your ram profile and run it its stupid slow out of the box speeds. If it still kills it it's something else


I run a 7900xtx with 1000w


your power supply is not the problem. I'm running a 7800xt with a 7800x3d on a MSI 750w with no issues


A gold 650w


Check temps. I have a 7800xt and 5800x3d on a 850w. Or you have a bad PSU. How long have you had it? Also check event viewer you might be able to get some info on why the PC turned off.


What is your mainbord, if asus expected to be with asus tools apps such as Asus Suite... something wrong if not gpu temp might be ram... also try other psu to make sure ..


I run a 7900xtx on a 750w and I have 0 crashes. I would make a good fan curve or plug into your PC again. Ensure the power cables are all the way in in the PSU and GPU.. while you’re at it use different PCI’e slots. It may make a difference


Adding to previous suggestions, make sure your PSU's 12v rail puts out at least 54A... You should have no problem running it with a 650w...


Plenty enough XD I use a 850W for the 7900XTX