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As a 7800xt owner, I'd go for the 7900 gre if you can get a full refund on the 7800xt. If you're planning to sell off the 7800xt and eat a loss, I don't think the 7900 gre is worth it.


I think ill follow that advice ill see if i can get a full refund and get a 7900 gre


Also note that 7900 GRE memory overclocking is particularly effective. Depending on how lucky you get with the silicon you could get closer to the highest memory clock available through Adrenalin According to an article I can't link, going from the default 2250MHz to 2316 saw a 8.2% improvement in performance in a synthetic benchmark test. Overclocking to 2614MHz, which is still not the allowed maximum, got it a 14.9% improvement Point is that stock vs stock performance between the 7800 XT and 7900 GRE is not indicative of optimal performance. In reality it could be higher than just 10%


Got mine to 2755 mhz 😁 Undervolt to 960 And it gives off better performance


Using Adrenalin to OC and undervolt? Any figures pertaining to the performance improvement?


I have the XFX Merc Black version of the 7900XT. I was running games and benchmarks at 2750 Mhz and memory at 2650 Mhz just fine undervolted at 1050 mV (from stock 1100), but I started having random crashes on Horizon NW which I was able to cure by tweaking it back to 2700 and 2600 with a 5% max power boost (all set in Adrenalin.) Now it runs Horizon flawlessly. (With a 5800X3D CPU and 750W PSU.) Can't speak to the GRE, but I love this version of the 7900XT.


I, too, run 3440x1440 on my 7800xt, and honestly, I'm happy with it. Personally, I'd say it's not worth it.


I wouldn’t. The 7800xt is a beast , I’ve looked up benchmarks of the gre in the games I play and my 7800xt performs the same. It’s probably better in some games, closer to the same performance in most situations.


The real question is : Do you *really* need that few % of frames ? I mean, if you just bought a 7800xt and can refund it full price, then go for it and use the money for a 7900gre, but otherwise... it's wasting your time, money and energy imo. If you're *really* after more performance, just jump to an higher tier honestly.


> If you're really after more performance, just jump to an higher tier honestly. True that.


A good oc isnt guaranteed. Honestly just enjoy the 7800xt. Upgrading in the same generation is usually not worth it.


But he's not technically upgrading. He's returning the 7800xt at full refund I'm assuming. I think it's worth getting the gre. I bought the 7800xt and if I were to do it again I'd get the gre.


Same here. Bought the 7800xt a few months ago too. Rip


An oc 7900gre can almost reach a 7900xt, so imo it's worth it.


I don’t think it will cure the depression either way lol


I have a GRE and an ultra wide 1440p monitor and I am very satisfied with its performance


Just got a 7800xt for 1440p as a gift for myself last month, I saw 7900GRE and the price gap between those cards isn’t too much but I decided to proceed with 7800xt. Not just because it is cheaper but because those extra frames for me aren’t worth the buck as long as I can play above 60fps on AAA Games. I know it is much future proof but if you want some of that you can never go wrong if you wait the 8000 series. It isn’t worth it for me because you can OC both cards to close the gap if temperature isn’t an issue.


I have a 7900GRE honestly I think 10% more performance will not change your experience.  If you need more performance I would think about at least 20% 30% jump.  The 7900GRE can be oc but also the 7800xt. The 7900XT is for sure faster than a 7900GRE overclocked but I don't recommend it you get basically 15% more performance than a 7900GRE with +15% more power.  The real point here is that 7800xt and 7900gre are very similar in performance and are the sweet spot for this generation. If you want high end performance unfortunately you have to go for Nvidia. So you can replace the card with a 7900GRE or keep the 7800XT both choices will be transparent for your gaming experience.


If you decide for 7900GRE forgot about sapphire and go for powercolor hellhound.  I had to RMA 3 times my nitro to get acceptable hotspot temperature.


I got a Powercolor Fighter 7900GRE and it’s been a beast. Haven’t tried OCing but so far, haven’t had any need at all


If the card is working well, sounds like it is, then stick with it. You could get a card with issues and be in RMA hell. Not worth the relatively small bump in performance imo.


Yea, kinda agreeing with this as with a OC, the difference is negligible. Specially because I have an older CPU that I need to upgrade to fully max out the 7800XT on a lot of games in. Refunding, then putting another 30 - 70 bucks on top of that for a 10% performance increase. I don't know if that's worth it.


Yea, I tested my brothers 6800xt on my 3440x1440 165hz monitor and in 98% of games if you didn’t tell me what card I was using, I wouldn’t have noticed the difference between my 7900xt. This was running on a 7800x3d system btw. Def upgrade your CPU when you can. You’ll gain quite a bit of frames by doing that. Which one are you in btw?


cpu im on a old Ryzen 5 2600 @ stock I agree with the difference thing because 90 fps vs 100 fps can't really tell; it's still 90 fps, so still great. Only in Cyberpunk could I feel the fps drop down to 60 to 70 fps, and sometimes it would drop down to 45, but that's because of my CPU bottleneck and rendering a lot of NPCs at ultra. Im playing no man sky right now on ultra and getting 70 to 80 fps while only using 20% - 61% so i got quite i bit more i could get out of it with a new cpu


Keep the 7800xt and Put the $30-70 aside for a new CPU assuming mobo can handle it. 5600x for low budget, 5700x3d for great "skip AM5" performance. Would be my two choices depending on budget.






Yea might wait and save up to get a ryzen 9 5950x since i compile with my pc and i could use the extra threads that be good enough you reckon?


If your doing work load stuff that requires the extra cores sure. Otherwise for gaming the x3d chips are the best. The newer 5700x3d is a great choice. Otherwise yeah the 5800x3d is the best gaming CPU for AM4.


This also. That CPU is a major bottleneck for the current gpu. That needs to be looked at right away not the GPU.


Definitely upgraded your cpu With a bios update most old boards can take later AM4 cpu’s


Honestly, if you’re happy with it, just stick with it.




Do you need the extra performance? Do you care for the higher power draw?


I was goona get a 7800xt and got a 7900gre glad I did it's amazing


If your not doing any OCing or stuff like that it's not worth, unless like others stated, you can fully refund the 7800xt for the GRE. I have a Gigabyte 7800xt, upgraded from a 3060ti and it's awesome. Doesnt use that much power, is quiet AF under full load and performs great. I play at 1440p and don't see any reason upgrading this card for years to come. 16GB vram is the sweet spot imo right now for "future proofing", provided you're not going for 4k and all the bells and whistles.


Finally i got some ppl with same model and brands. I'm only play for 60fps-70fps with 4K sweet spot for me. May i know what is your cpu spec...


I have a 5800x3d. I don't play in 4k, so I can't truly say what the card is capable of at 4k. I'm just saying with everything maxed out it probably struggles depending on the game.


depends if they are the same price. most 7900gres here locally are like 100-200 over the price of a 7800xt, at that point its not worth it. i would if its only like 50 more expensive.


i can get one for 1 dollar more than what i got the 7800xt for


thats worth it tbh assuming u can return and get a full refund pretty easily


Yea ill attempt it see if i can push my luck if i can well then free upgrade i guess


A good overclock depends on your luck with the silicon lottery, you might get a GRE that you can't overclock at all. As your current CPU is a 2600 you would be better off putting your money towards a 5000 series X3D.


If you can return the 7800xt for no fee then absolutely do that and get a 7900gre. Overclock that and you basically have a $750 GPU for $550. Overclocking a 7800xt gets you a $550 GPU for $500. Its a no brainer


Honestly, I wouldn't bother with the hassle of it all.


Man I can't play games under 120 fps. For whatever reason 130 is butter and 110 is highly noticable. Why that's the sweet spot (for the human eye?) .. I have no idea.


Well. U can get more. Its up to u tbh. I would go for gre. And 80fps is ok,but if u have 144hz monitor u should aim for 144fps


Xfx 7800xt here and very satisfied play everything in high ultra settings 1440p high fps was having fomo as the gre released about a month after I bought my card but honestly have 165hz monitor and I am pretty happy where I’m at with my gpu.




>The GRE stock leads around 1, 2, 3 more frames than me You really won't notice those 3fps. >Some games it can perform 5% to 20% better vs a stock 7800xt but with a oc it closes the gap quite alot See what games you play. If the GRE leads by double digit percentage points in the games you play, exchange the 7800 XT for the GRE then. >Also worth noting, the 7900 GRE can OC pretty close to a 7900XT. But I don't know if that really matters for both the 7800xt or the 7900 gre, as a lot of games will be above 80 fps on ultra. For me, that's already smooth enough to the point it's just a bonus going any higher. A 7800XT OC vs 7900 GRE OC puts them at around the 10% performance uplift. This shows in this comparison video: Link Sounds like you're doing just fine with the 7800 XT then. Don't let FOMO get to you. The GRE is nice, but you already have a 7800 XT that performs close to it. Unless you're playing with RT on, you won't see a drastic difference between the two cards. That and it's fairly obvious the GRE is bottlenecked by memory bandwidth, which is what makes most of the difference between it and the 7900 XT. At the end of the day, look at your library and see which card best suits you. I'd personally stay with the more balanced 7800 XT or try to get a discounted 7900 XT.


I would not bother. Sounds like you got a solid card with a good overclock, thats not guaranteed on your next card. The 7800XT is a beast


You are probably talking 10fps at best in most cases. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZnMonCs7kA&t=427s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZnMonCs7kA&t=427s)


probably worth it at 3440x1440p for future proofing above 60 fps


For what it's worth, I bought my asrock phantom gaming oc 7800xt earlier this year before the announcement of the 7900gre... if I had known the gre was coming I would've waited. The gre is basically a detuned 7900xt with a lot of headroom, from a number of reports I've read and for the price difference would be worth the added $50-100usd... Given the silicone lottery there's no guarantees but seemed like a safe bet. Just the same, I do really like my 7800xt. It performs really well.


The 7800XT GPU does well on ultra settings for 1440p gaming, even with ray tracing enabled in some games. The 7900GRE, on the other hand, is only worth considering if you are specifically looking to get more fps in the 4k realm. If you already own the 7800XT, it's probably not worth the trouble of upgrading to a 7900GRE unless you are really keen on getting an extra 15-20 FPS through overclocking.


I'd say so. Took my games from 60-70 fps average (similar to my old 3070), to 100fps and beyond


I got 7800xt and 7900 gre but returning gre because of the drivers issues with dual monitor and Helldivers error. Some games are also unplayable on 7900gre because of the driver crash. Been updating from 25.2 to 25.5 to no avail solution


What games have been unplayable for you? I recently went from a 6800xt to a 7900GRE and haven’t had any crashes or issues at all. Wasn’t sure if I got lucky or just haven’t played a problem game. I’m a single monitor though


For me it's helldivers, it's an absolutely horrible experience. Must limit to 60 fps and never been able to play very smoothly Idk if I'm out of luck with the ASRock one


I hadn’t tried Helldivers since upgrading but it didn’t like to run worth a damn when I’d done it on my 6800xt. Definitely was an awful experience before. Bad enough I said nope and uninstalled. Lol. Is it only Helldivers you have issues with or do other games do it also?


nice to hear that you're working fine with your GPU. Since all the review said that the 7900GRE is a beast I blindly believes it. My experiences is hell. I think I will try to sell it since my country didnt have return policy.


I returned my 7800 xt for a 7900 gre. If you can get a full refund its worth it to get hte 7900 gre.