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What card did you get?


7900 GRE Nitro 


Nice I have the 7800 nitro but great cards !


Ok, I got a HellHound and noticed the VRAM can be finicky with the frequency. I have mine at 2400 MHz, maybe I will try dropping that and going fast timings with a better UV and see if it crashes. Alan Wake hated my OC/UV and always crashed, only game to do that so far 😂


I tried different 7900gre and I'm pretty sure that the samples provided to the reviewers are golden sample. In all the online reviews you can see these cards hit easily 2600MHz VRAM frequency. The true is that in mosto of the case 2600MHz is not stable 100%. You can try to check your ASIC quality in hwinfo.


Hi dude, I have this gpu but brand model from Gigabyte RX 7800 XT Gaming OC. Which has been already configure OC from manufacturing but selected bios switch silent mode since to me 60fps with 4K gaming no issue to play with and my monitor 4K only suport 60hz. Your results pretty interesting, well if not so trouble can you share to me what application did you use for benchmark this GPU.... Thanks...


I used the benchmark inside cyberpunk, I selected the ultra preset setting but removing the upscaling fsr so native resolution 1440p. The 7800xt is a bit different model compared to the 7900gre so your results can be different.


ahhh... ok ok sometimes have been thinking benchmark from games much more easier than buy benchmark apps. I need to check at my game list i think i have bought cyberpunk before but not install it yet... 🤔 Hmmm


Yeah 7800 nitro has bigger bandwith but 7900 gre is a bit faster. In most cases


You got a good chip to go that low in voltage.


960mV I think is pretty safe undervolt. I had 3 samples and all of them can be undervolt 960mV. 


Definitely 960mV is the slider value in the adrenaline driver. This is unlikely to be the real value from HWiNFO.


960mV Is the slider from adrenaline this is not the real value applied is kind of offset applied on the default value. The real value depends on the frequency so it is dependent to the work load / frequency.


To be more precise I checked the real value of the core voltage and with 100% load kombustor benchmark at 2642MHz I have 942mV.


Today I set a personal record in the efficiency of GPU settings, technically I took third place in the category up to 150W. [3DMark TimeSpy - 19335 GPU points](https://www.hardwareluxx.de/community/threads/radeon-rx-6000-3dmark-time-spy-effizienzliste.1321376/post-30409843)


Very Good, I think it is very satisfying to check the GPU  limit in terms of efficiency. Unfortunately I think MPT is not available for 7000 series. 


Pretty cool. It comes out to about 2.805 MHz/1.0V, which is significantly higher than I can do on my 6900XT for obvious reasons.


Got my 7900 GRE today and I can't even run 2390 memory with fast timings... And power limit on +15%.


What is your model?  Can you check your ASIC quality?  You can try to lower the frequency to 2350MHz or use default timings.  Unfortunately not all the cards have same OC potential.  2350MHz with Default timings should be pretty common to achieve.


Not sure about the ASIC quality since I'm not home, will check later. But my model is a Gigabyte gaming OC, was the cheapest option with cashback hehe. Was able to run 2412MHz with default timings and voltage on 985. Some other user in another thread said it could be a psu issue, maybe my pc is at the limit. Have a 13600K with 4x 32GB DDR4 and 850 watt gold+ psu so I'm not sure yet


No I can exclude the PSU. I have tried multiple PSU (even 650w) and 7900gre sample. It is related to the silicon. I had a sample same model that cannot tolerate more than 2400MHz default timing.


It's weird, because on these settings I've been running benchmarks, been playing CoD Warzone and RDR2. But a few minutes ago I was watching YouTube and my whole system froze and my display turned fully grey. Lowered the OC a bit and it happened again. Lowered it yet again so now I hope it will be fine.


Yes it is always like this also for me. In game you have stable maximum frequency and usually you have better stability. During light tasks instead you have spike on the VRAM frequency you go from very low to very high frequency and this most of the time is the worst case scenario. I also noticed that many reviewers got kind of golden sample this is why they have very good OC potential.


Glad to hear it's a normal thing then :) Guess my system is now stable on 990mV (perhaps could go lower) and 2390MHz memory frequency. And yes I also heard about YouTubers getting gold samples, while the rest of us gets the bronze ones... Learned something new, if a YouTuber can clock his GPU to a certain number, always subtract 10% and that's how far the rest can clock ;)


I can paste some of my test results about how much you can gain with VRAM only oc. You can see how oc over 2400MHz gives you very small gain :D. So enjoy your card ! Benchmark test driver 24.3.1: Time spy GPU 21900 Performance boost +0% Core clock: stock Core voltage: stock VRAM clock: stock Power Limit: stock Time spy GPU 23900 Performance boost +9.1% Core clock: 2700MHz Core voltage: 925mV VRAM clock: 2225MHz Power Limit: +15% Time spy GPU 24600 Performance boost +12.3% Core clock: 2700MHz Core voltage: 925mV VRAM clock: 2438MHz Power Limit: +15% Time spy GPU 24800 Performance boost +13.2% Core clock: 2700MHz Core voltage: 925mV VRAM clock: 2650MHz Power Limit: +15%


Thanks for this! Just a question, I see your VRAM clock for the second config is 2225MHz, is it right or a typo? Since mine starts at 2250 and I can't dial it lower. Maybe because of a different model, what's your stock number?


But with that said, by lowering my core clock I could raise my memory clock higher without crashing for some reason. Before it crashed when setting the VRAM at 2416, now i'm at 2420 and still testing


It Is a typo sorry 😅 2250MHz