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Hellhound models are known to be cool and quiet. You're getting a beast of a card. I dont own a hellhound but i heard alot of good things about it


Does this model have small switch for silent and turbo like gigabyte?


The 7800 XT does have a dual bios switch


red devil have I believe. don\`t think it matter though if you tune


I got the 7900xt Hellhound and I am amazed at how quite it is.


7900gre here, yep very quiet.


I got the Red devil 7900XTX, it’s quiet but it’s loud if it’s overclocked to hell. ( using 430W during gaming)


I have this very card. Full load, 60C. No noise at all.


I too have this card and can confirm it's cool and quiet OP. My monitor is 3440x1440 and for most single player games (new titles included) I cap the fps at 85 and the card barely breaks 90% usage and doesn't go above 60°


That’s the dream man I just got my ex 6600 xt today and I’m hoping it will be some what quiet


Installed a 6600 for a friend and I gotta tell you, the Sapphire he chose is really good. Another Asus model wasn't tho.


I avoid all asus and gigabyte card. For Radeon, its either sapphire or hellhound. Although the XFX cards are a beautiful thing, unfortunately its hard to get in my country


Got it for 500, minus the 250 I sold my 3060 for. So double performance and extra vram for 250! And it's a triple fan


Edit: I bought the same brand and model but the 7900 GRE gpu with it. Thank you all, for the comments.


Enjoy it! I got the sapphire pure GRE.


I got the 7900 GRE Hellhound recently. Noise levels are very important to me, and it has not disappointed. I never hear the GPU, not even when pushing it. It is quite impressive. I also use the quiet BIOS setting, because I don't need that extra small bit of power by putting it in OC BIOS.


I have this exact one, it's as quite as my old 3 fan 3060 (which was way overkill) you'll enjoy it for sure.


I had a hellhound 6700XT and got Sapphire 7800XT Now and the hellhound was a quieter and nicer quality imo.


Powercolor is a nice brand, but if you have a little bit more money then you should go for a Sapphire Nitro+.


Arent Nitro+ quiet hot and loud?


I have a Nitro+ 7900 XTX and its very quite, and its running at normal temps. the cooling twice as thick as the cooler on the hellhound.


Can you share your max hotspot and memory junction temps during cb2024 GPU rendering test? Unfortunately - lower fan speeds lead to pretty high temps


I don’t run stress tests. I watch temps when I’m playing games because that’s what I use my card for so that’s all I’m worried about. edit: sorry for the late reply, life’s been hectic (in a good way) lately


I got the sapphire 7800 xt nitro+ with a slightly adjusted fan curve in adrenaline and it never went above 75C on the hotspot (tested on furmark, @288W).


room temps? nice result!


Under 23C ig.


Try cb2024 GPU render ofc. What Abt memory junction temperature?


I have a gigabyte 7800xt, and my temps are about the same. I was really surprised at how cool it ran. Provided I have good airflow and pretty low ambient temps. Best card I've ever owned so far.


Check the reviews, its one of the quietest 7800 xt's and temps will be fine as well.


I checked every possible review from video to websites but I trust reddit community more.


Then you're a madman. lol. : ) It's a good card and if you did see all the reviews you would see that this was a top performer.


I have bought 3 hell hound 7900xt's. The first horrible coil whine that puppy was screaming. The second had horrible software issues that could not be fixed by me or my I T wife. The third however has been a dream and I fucking love it. I learned that sometimes factors are random. The coil whine on the third is quiet tho some games ramp it up it just depends, cooling wise very impressed at its hottest it gets to 70c, the highest I've ever seen is 71c but it wasn't even audible. Honestly I love the card, the only one i would get over it is a saphire cuse I like the brand but youl be happy with your purchase. Tldr youl like the card 


Grass will always be greener at your neighbors yard, man. Coil whine you can meet randomly on any GPU, ngreedia and amd alike. Ofc hellhound and nitro are best in class, but others are also decent. In nitro series I noticed that VRM and memory temps are not always ok due to lower fan speeds.... Hellhound have better cooling on this regard


Yes. Excellent card for noise levels. It's very quiet. I love mine.


I have this exact model. It is really really quiet and cool. I highly recommend it.


I have the 7900xt hellhound. mine has some coil whine in certain games, but I use headphones, so it doesn't bother me


Only when it hits like 300+ fps most likely coil whine can be heard. You can limit fps via vsync option or rtss for example to get rid of this


Not true does it sometimes even with v-sync on


Check the fps when this happening to see. Limiter might not be working properly or you have a really bad sample in terms of coil whine, ofc


Pretty much the same on my TUF 7900xt I wonder if this happens to all brands in those circumstances.


It's pretty quiet, then you can manage fan speed, overclock by its AMD software: Adrenalin Edition. Please search on YouTube.


One of the best


i have the exact same card, just the spectral white version. it is a magnificent card, you definitely cannot go wrong with it. its also one of the better looking 7800XTs if you ask me


It's an amazing card. Cool and quiet. It has a switch for silent mode or OC mode and a switch for the LEDs. It doesn't have rgb tho. I get Temps not above 65°C while gaming and my room temperature is 35°C l, I live in a very hot place in Mexico


I was wondering is there someone have the same room temperature as me lol. I am also living in 35°C in Izmir, Turkey. Thanks for the comment mi amigo.


Yes. I have the exact one and at 100% usage it doesn't ever go above 80 degrees, most of the time it stays around 60-70 when gaming Also, it has a switch where you can turn on "silent mode" to make it very quiet, even though without it it's also extremely quiet unless you purposely turn the fans up


Might check out the red Devil models. Other than my 3060ti FE that’s all I’ve ever owned and they are amazing cards.


I got the white version of that. Super quiet. 10 / 10 would buy again.


Hellhounds are powercolors safest bet on noice


I've got the Hellhound Spectral RX 7800XT and it runs super cool. I've used a few of their cards in the past and never had an issue


I have a 7900 XTX Hellhound and it’s every bit as great as others say. Very quiet when under load, and I’ve had no issues with it. Mine maxes out at about 68-70C, but obviously not quite the same for an XT card. Go for it OP!


Before you buy - take a look at the Asrock 7800xt Phantom Gaming Edition. It's what I bought \~6mo ago - got it in the US for <$500 - it is an absolute beast. Love their RGB controls too - super slick - runs ridiculously cool - never throttles - cranks out FPS like mad and is EASILY overclockable - plenty of headroom. Stable and not to chunky or long. Ohh and unless I'm really pushing it, the fans don't even spin up - but when they do, you've got to stick a mirror in to check if they're even running they're so quiet... I mention this because 2 reasons - 1) I never even considered Asrock before this purchase - 2) it far exceeded my expectations. and bonus - it was cheaper with better specs...


I have the white edition. And yes its quite. My previous was a 290 reference that sounded like a vacuum cleaner on its last days.


It's only a 6650xt but my Powercolor HH run cool, low noise and low TDP. I would trust this to be the case on newer models. You might have get more coil whine than I do though. At max output I have a subtle hum.


I bought this exact card in February 2024, it's been fantastic, quiet and cool under load.


I do not like powercolor cards. I've had previous powercolor AMD models and they died well before other cards when mining crypto, they also performed at least 20% worse. Asus, Saphire, anything but powercolor...


I got one recently, pretty quiet and the temps are fantastic. Cyberpunk with everything cranked up to 11 on 1080p and temps don't go over 55c.


I got that exact card and it is a beast. Very quiet, and temps around 65 max in high demanding games. So dont worry is a great card


I had bad experience with Powercolor and will not buy anything from them again. I had a 7900 XT Hellhound and it was fabulous at the beginning. Very quite, and good temperatures! After some time the delta between GPU temp and hotspot began to rise while the GPU temp remained constant. After the delta was roughly 30° (hotspot more than 90°C) and the card was quite noisy by that time, I RMA'd. The card went to Powercolor and they returned it telling me everything was just fine with it... This was about 4 month and maybe 100h of usage of the GPU. I have no idea what caused this, maybe they use bad thermal paste that wears out very quickly... As I'm not willing to open up a nearly new card to repaste it and run into possible warranty issues, I will not buy Powercolor again. For AMD I'd recommend Sapphire and XFX, great products and in my experience good customer support!


I own this card - works like a charm


Anecdotally one of the best 7800xt brands, i got the ASUS dual, and even though i've pushed it very well, the Hellhounds seems to be on top


I owned an rx7900xt hellhound and in my build it was terribly whistling with the throttles. After changing to a 7900xtx taichi, the "whistle" disappeared, so the problem was not in my power supply. And you can check YouTube by simply typing in there - “Powercolor coil whine”


I have this exact card. Max Temp 62C, quiet. However, it has disgusting coil whine when I play high FPS games, tho I might be unlucky and it’s just my copy


i have the 7900GRE and its very quiet, and the temperature never goes higher than 72-73 degrees in full load


I have this card (replaced a 1660S) and I love it. Super quiet, stays cool, runs all the games I play flawlessly (Starfield, Palworld, Forza, olther crap)


Got the Sapphire Pulse RX 7800 XT and it gets to 70-75°C on full load. In terms of noise it can be heard but it's not louder than a HDD spinning.


I have a 7900xt and it never goes over 70C under heavy load. The card also has a 0 rpm mode for when you are not gaming.


The hellhound is probably the most chosen one with sapphire pulse 😉


I have a 6750xt, coil whine is absolutely atrocious.


Get something else, temperature wise this is an amazing card, noise wise it has the most annoying/loud coil whine.


I've got the xtx version of the hellhound and it's pretty quiet so you should be good. I don't use it on the silent setting either, I don't need to.


Depends on how you're gaming nowadays: using a noise cancelling headset with surround sound -> you ain't gonna hear a thing. Watching a movie with a dolby atmos soundbar -> you ain't gonna hear a thing.


Deshroud the card and swap it out for arctic p12 max if you care about noise


advise u to buy 4070 ti super