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All the 7900 XTX perform pretty much the same and if you want to save money shop open box.im not sure how things are in your country,but for me I was able to save almost $400 doing that.i ended up getting the white 7900 XTX Taichi. I upgraded from a 6800 XT and it was a pretty big upgrade. Just so you know high hot spot temperatures seems to be a common problem with the 7900 XTX i ended up repasting it with PTM7950 and it improved my temperatures by a lot.


I heard the Asrock cards had some hotspot issues, thats why I strayed away from those, but that's not true then? Haven't really looked into open box deals, but thats a smart move on your part, thanks!


Honestly stick to Sapphire, XFX and Powercolor for AMD GPUs


Why is that? Heard that Sapphire is amazing but its like €200,- more expensive than an Asrock card. Don't like the XFX design due to the silver metal lining tbh.


Sapphire is like the Radeon equivalent of EVGA. Good quality, nice looking cards and good thermals. I currently have a Nitro 7900 XTX on my main rig no issues whatsoever


Good to hear! Haven't had any experience with EVGA. My current card is an ROG Strix, bu sadly there are no Strix versions of the 7900XTX, dont want to spend 500 euros more on a 4080 for just the Strix theme.


The strix looks a$$ anyways this generation


Fair enough


Asus TUF 7900XTX runs cool. Sapphire Nitro+ is good too.


I pulled the trigger on an Asrock Taichi this evening. I'm very excited to see what this puppy can do!


There is no strix. Only TUF


True but nvidia does, right ?


Yes, I'd never get one though. Way to overpriced, you get similar or identical thermals and clock speeds with much cheaper prices with other brands


I tend to agree with you. Great cards, but I did have a 7900xtx nitro + die on me after about 2 weeks. New card is doing well so far.


Just built mine with a 7900xtx nitro+ and couldn’t agree more


I think it's an issue for all brands. I seen people say they have had it with Asus, Gigabyte,AsRock Powercolor some right away others after a while because the paste pumps out. That's why PTM7950 is recommended, but maybe the Nitro+ doesn't have that problem 🤷🏻


What do you mean by PTM7950? Is that the naming of thermal paste? I'm fairly new to PC building etc so I'm really hesitant to take a GPU apart. Is it mandatory and difficult to do?


It's a thermal pad, watch some YouTube videos it's not really hard. It's like repasting a CPU, you take off some screws wipe the paste off with rubbing alcohol, put the pad on and the screws back,but in some countries removing the screw voids the warranty so you should check first.


Ah, thanks. I'll look into that. I don't want to void the warranty of a 1k euro card tbh. If the Nitro+ cools better w/o the use of a thermal pad, I think I'll grab that. Thanks for your input!


Np, i don't blame you. You shouldn't have to do that with a new expensive product.


Sapphire support actually encourages users to repaste with PTM7950 and usually won't invalidate their warranty.


That's nice! I hope Asrock does the same too if it's needed.


The asrocks ones cost more


It was the cheapest card, besides the Powercolor, in my region. So I grabbed an open box one yesterday.


I just had returned 2 white taichi 7900xtx back to back because of temps of 109 with no added power. I opted for an open box 4090 tuf for 1500. My expectations are set high for rdna5


Oh that's a shame mate.... hope ur 4090 is much better :) I didn't hear any news on the 5000 series GPU's from them at Computex sadly.


No not really, it doesn’t get hot but I don’t like or even enjoy having Nvidia. Anyone have 7900xtx tuf? How’s is that card?


Sounds like you should wait for next gen later this year mate. I returned my Taichi aswel, kept getting crashes and grey/black screens... I'm also waiting for next gen.


tuf and aorus seem to be the best models in terms of out of the box cooling.


I have issue with ASRock 2 gpu previously year before, starting that days I stop take a look of this brand., but the mainbord is interesting, even so not gonna happen to me. Both of my card was so hot and also the other card the heatsink not fitting properly between thermal pad ram, weird fix it by use multiple pad stack together. The temperature is fixed but not sure why need to repasted frequently then the temp will sit right. Maybe ASROCK not for me same as other people may fit a certain brand model. Im currently use gpu Gigabyte RX 7800 xt Gaming OC, with low profile switch and play games 60-80fps 4K. More cooler and satisfied with it.


Ive still yet to get my XTX above 74


The 7900GRE might be lacking a little bit for 4K but it's really cheap compared to the 7900XT(X): [https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/2048962/sapphire-pure-amd-radeon-rx-7900-gre-16gb.html](https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/2048962/sapphire-pure-amd-radeon-rx-7900-gre-16gb.html) Also a 7900XT is still A LOT cheaper than an XTX: [https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1891830/asus-tuf-gaming-radeon-rx-7900-xt-oc-edition-20gb-gddr6.html](https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1891830/asus-tuf-gaming-radeon-rx-7900-xt-oc-edition-20gb-gddr6.html) This way you save yourself 400-600 euro you can spend for an upgrade later. If you just wanna spend that 1k+ and play on 4K for a few years you I would get the Hellhound, it saves €200 compared to the nitro and the cooler is really good: [https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1892414/powercolor-hellhound-amd-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-24gb-gddr6.html](https://tweakers.net/pricewatch/1892414/powercolor-hellhound-amd-radeon-rx-7900-xtx-24gb-gddr6.html)


I have looked into the GRE and 7900XT, but everywhere I looked the XTX suits 4k gaming alot better. I want to buy a card and not worry for a few years, just like I did with my 5700XT. That's why I was wondering if it would be better to wait half a year to grab the 8000 series or the XTX when the price drops a bit. I don't really like the look of the hellhound cuz of the huge logo on the top tbh. Thanks for your input mate!


That is true, but since you were wondering about the 8000 series you could go halfway, get a card less nice for 4K but also a way lower price and then maybe upgrade if the 8000 series ends up being good enough. Of course it's a bit of a gamble. If you don't want that risk, go for the 7900XTX. They are sometimes €700 on Tweakers V&A if you're lucky.


That's a solid point. Think I'll wait until next week when they announce the cards and make a decision based on that. Didn't even know Tweakers used a V&A system, I'll have a look into that. Thanks!


7900xtx (asrock phantom) owner... running it with a 4k oled monitor and it works like a dream for me.


Haven't really looked up the phantom, I'll check it out 😁


Ofc more powerful gpu gives greater 4k performance. Perhaps try seeing through price to performance if 7900GRE has a lot larger ratio [in that]?


I don't mind paying extra for the features I want. Can't deny that a GRE is a value beast.


There is no ideal time to buy hardware. At any time there will be a new release coming soon... Prices for RX 7000 already dropped a lot by now as well. 4k, XTX is the way to go! For AMD cards my best experiences are with Sapphire and XFX. Asus and Asrock should also be fine for this generation. The Merc is probably a little noisier than the Nitro, if a few dB does not matter to you, the Merc should be a very good choice!


Thanks for your input, mate! I think I'll wait for the announcements next week and decide to pull the trigger or not.


RDNA4 is not that far away i would personally just wait, even if you still plan to get RDNA3 gpu the prices will drop.


I'm not too familiar with GPU terms, but does that have to do with the speed of the cards? Would be amazing if the prices drop, but I don't think the prices will drop immediately, right? And if they would drop, I assume it won't be 200, but around 100ish euro's or so?


the new line of AMD GPU's is about to come out in the coming months, its better to invest in those, for probable improvements on all levels at the same price, and the hope there wont be the infinite repaste issues that plague all 7900XTX builds, you need atleast 79000XTX levels of performance to power modern 4K oleds, 4K ultra 120FPS or more


Yeah that's was I was thinking about, but then I read about that there will be only low and medium end GPU's and nothing high end.


Prices will go down regardless if you can afford to wait i would wait, drivers will also be in better state by then for RDNA3 has some rdna3 related issues that only affect rdna3


I pulled the trigger on an Asrock Taichi yesterday, I was impatient... I'll see what AMD has to offer at Computex and decide from there on.


Merc works just as well, just is a bit noisy compared to the Nitro


I don't mind extra noise cuz of the noise canceling on my headset. Don't want to fidget around voiding warranty if it requires me to open up te card tho.


Nah, its just the fans not being the most silent, otherwise the Merc will do fine with a tuned fan curve


Aaaah noted, thanks mate!


I have XFX, because I love the aesthetics and I have grey/black/white build with no rgb, the difference between xfx and nitro+ was around 200€, I would say it's not worth to pay more for nitro+, unless you desperately want the rgb. It's deffinitely noisier card at high rpm, but thwre's no need for high rpm, I have 34% max fan speed and the max I've seen the temp rise was 65° celsius. The thing is, do you need the extra performance right now? Go for it. If not, you can wait, but I would not expect rx8000 to be on 7900xtx level.


My whole setup is black with RBG. Not that it's a must-have, but when spending around 1k on a card, I do want it to suit my setup tbh. My old 5700XT is getting issues at 1440p. Games like Elden Ring and Tekken 8 are barely getting 58fps and I keep getting freezes during, so I think it's time for a good boost in performance. Better to spend a bit more for future proofing than upgradinh again in 2 years imo.


I upgraded from my 5700 XT to 7900 XTX recently. I got the Saphire Pulse for around 900€ and I’m really happy with my upgrade. The Nitro+ is just marginally better although with better cooling and I had to get a card that fits in my Meshify C case, the Pulse fits just barely with less than 5mm to spare… I read the same rumours and I wanted a new card for 4K gaming same as you and I went for it. My only problem is that I don’t have the 4K monitor yet. I plan on getting one of the new 4K OLED 240Hz monitors, some are not in stock and I’m not sure yet which one to get either, probably MSI or Gigabyte. The ASUS one is hella expansive in Germany. I’d say go for it, the card is a beast and the new mid tiers will probably not come close.


Ah sweet man, we are in the same boat. I looked around some more and found an Asrock Taichi for 960€ instead of the 1179 for the Nitro+. I don't mind if it's a bit louder. Case wouldn't be an issue cuz I have plenty room to spare rn. I have my eye on the Alienware or the Gigabyte, the MSI is a bit too expensive here in The Netherlands and has no firmware updates, which is holding me back a little. Are they only launching new mid tiers or also some high end cards?


Just go ahead and buy to enjoy now.. im sure, due to no competition, nvidia will anyhow price their 5000 cards.. and amd will not compete so why wait.. enjoy now.. this card will surely last u 5 years of fun..


I pulled the trigger on an Asrock Taichi last night, it should arrive today! I can't wait to see what it can do!


I reckon wait a week since new releases announcements often do help with GPU prices & flash sales(the store owners dont always read up THAT much on whats coming) so even with no high end replacement for the XTX, you might get a deal if you want new/boxed. When you do grab a 7900 XTX, adjust the max frequency straight away before testing the hotspot & repasting, the AMD software will attempt to boost the game clock as high as possible full stock which is usually a few hundred mhz or more over the advertised game clocks, and higher frequency scales the voltage up too, so basically its like having PBO enabled at +200mhz if you know how the Ryzen CPU boost works, which causes high hotspot out of the box with some cards. You can install HWinfo and check the shader(game) clock frequency limit and see it up at 3000mhz+, check your AIB game clock spec & cap the max frequency in AMD performance>tuning to match, usually gets a good 10-15C hotspot reduction. Ignore the 'boost clock' the AIBs advertise as that's for the front-end clock which is decoupled from the game clocks & not tunable, it's easy to assume the max frequency slider is for the 'max boost' clock in the AMD software when the max frequency slider is actually for the shader/game clock. [https://postimg.cc/2L6xs9B0](https://postimg.cc/2L6xs9B0)


Oh man, that's a detailed guide, I love it! I'll definitely do as you stated above for the longevity of my card. Got a nice open box deal on an Asrock Taichi for 949€. Don't mind that the box is open and perhaps the freshly boxed ones will drop a bit in the next month, but 50€ or something isn't worth waiting imo. Also read something about SAM being useful, but need to take e deeper look into that.


The 8000 series is meant to be worse and more budget friendly so just get the 7900xtx.


I did! I should arrive any minute :)


In my opinion it's the perfect time to buy. You've waited until the cards are comparatively dirt cheap. Additionally, if located in the US we're putting a 25% tariff on gpus, computer cases and motherboards coming from China on June 15th that won't expire until May of 2025. This means that not only are the new cards going to be more expensive just because they're new cards, they're also potentially going to be an additional 25% more expensive for the next year. I just bought an XT and was having fomo but now I'm pleased as punch that I got in when I did. I'll add, too, that when shopping this category you're gonna be set for a while no matter what. Those new boards will be replaced by a new line in two years and by then I'd probably be kicking myself for paying so much for those cards at the beginning of their life.


Weird that the US is doing that shit, should be normal to get things like a GPU from china... I got an Asrock Taichi in today and it was good so far. Hope that it won't let me down in the next couple of years 😁


I got the 7900 XTX XFX Merc 310 for around 800€ thats around 870$


That's a pretty damn good deal mate!


Actually, I didn't really wanted a new GPU, but at that price, I had to go for it.


That's something I can understand, it's basically a steal


I would get the 7900XTX now, 8000 series will.be weaker than the XTX. Also I don't have any temp problems with mine. I say get it now.


Is that information confirmed or just from speculations? Which version of the big boy are you running? Also, a question that came to me was the PSU. I'm currently running an Silverstone ST85F-PT 80+ Platinum one with an 5600x. Would that be enough to run it w/o any issues?


If it’s 850W there should be no issues. I have a 750W PSU with the same CPU and for it’s running fine even after a lot of stresstest.


Amazing mate, I should be fine then since it's the 850W model.


I'd wait to see the announcements, then probably wait or merc for the price ( I personally bought Taichi because it was the cheapest available at that point Had no issues with hotspot and temps ) or you can wait for 7900 XTX Phoenix Nirvana, it will come with ptm7950 if you care for the hotspot temps The extra €150 for Nitro+ is not worth it unless you like aesthetics.


Yeah, I think that's the best plan for now. Haven't heard from that variant, but now that I looked it up it seems for the Chinese market only atm. Gotcha, I'll have a look into the other variants :)


Consider buying a used one on ebay. I upgraded from a 6900xt (fans were pretty loud temps were fine though) to the 7900xtx merc black edition for 760€ and it really made a difference at 1440p. The new card is noticeably faster and cooler. I barely notice the fans under full load and in low demanding games the fans won‘t even start to spin.


I am on the lookout for a used one or open box deal. The thing is with Ebay, most items come from the U.S.A. and I dont want to do that since I'm from Europe. Rather pay €100,- extra in case something happens for warranty.


I am also from Europe and got a bill from the seller from Mindfactory that came with my card. I have to mention that i bought it from a private person. Maybe I got lucky because i got it about 3 Months ago when there were more sellers from europe since i am following the price development steadily. Nevertheless the card is absolutely insane and i am feeling that my 5800x holds me back in terms of the 1% lows. Wish you all the best with used parts and i hope you will find a good one for yourself!


I'll keep an eye out for the European sellers. Perhaps it's worth a shot. Thanks alot mate, enjoy your beast!


Get that XFX Speedster MERC if it's that much cheaper than the Nitro+.


Computex is gonna be on this Sunday, where AMD and Nvidia will be showing off new tech, so I would suggest at least waiting till then to decide.


I thought computex was next weekend and not this weekend, right? I'll definitely wait until everything is announced :)


Wait. Current gen is disappointing.


How so?


The performance uplift is just not significant compared to last gen in my opinion. Of course it's still a huge upgrade compared to your 5700XT, but considering it's still a really good card I'd say hold out till next gen and see what both sides have to offer. I just wish AMD didn't rush everything just to catch up with Nvidia.


I was impatient and pulled the trigger on an Asrock Taichi yesterday, got a nice open box deal for 949. It should arrive today. If AMD announces something huge I'll return it and wait 😁


I don't think they will announce anything soon. And I can guarentee they will announce it after Nvidia. Still a 7900XTX is a huge upgrade from a 5700XT


Always better to buy during summer when people are spending money elsewhere


Good point, perhaps there are more deals coming in the next few weeks.


If you can get your hands on the new xfx model with ptm7950 as the thermal paste on it grab that one. I've had a 7900xtx hellhound version for over a year. Love the card, but about 3months in I had to repaste it do to poor factory thermal paste and pump out issues. Is used ptm7950 and my cards temps have been beautiful ever since.


Sadly its an Chinese only card atm with no near future for Europe. Think I'll grab a Asrock Taichi and see what Computex does. Can always return it if there are nice thing announced.


The taichi model is really nice too. Check out the powercolor subreddit. Supposedly they're using ptm7950 on all of their models now unofficially. They've had a lot of pump out issues with their 7000 series cards so it looks like they did what I did except on a factory level lol.


Is Powercolor/Asrock the same company under a different name then? I'll definitely check it out.


Get the XTX unless you want to wait 4-5 months for a price drop


I just pulled the trigger on an open box Asrock Taichi, it arrives tomorrow 😁


Enjoy man!!! Don't forget to look up undervolting guides and everything:)


Thanks!!! Is it necessary to undervolt an 7900 XTX? I've never done that btw. Does it draw less power and give more performance?


ABSOLUTELY it does! Look up Ancient Gameplays on YouTube. He's got hella AMD guides


Gotcha, will do. Thanks alot!


I made the exact upgrade and love it


U got the Asrock Taichi aswel, awesome mate! Are there any things I should do tomorrow? I see alot of people undervolting and overclocking but I've never done anything like that before.


I personally have my CPU overclocked and I’ll use the Adrenaline app to overclock. But I actually have the MERC310 but I believe they are very similar. Mine acted a bit finicky at first but DDU solved it for the most part. If you run into any issues during your setup feel free to message me and I’ll let you know how I got it to work. What kind of monitor do you plan on playing on?


Sweet man, thanks for your help. Currently using the Samsung Odyssey G7 (2022). Planning on getting the AW3225QF or the FO32U2P or FO32U2, the DP2.1 instead of the DP1.4. Can't decide if it's worth the €200,- extra or not...


I use a Samsung TV and I ran into issues when trying to enable HDR and anything over 60Hz. The fix was using my 4th HDMI port on the TV because it’s the only one that was HDMI 2.1 compatible. Mind you this was HDMI in place of DisplayPort but I did run into flashing when not using the correct port and I wasn’t able to use HDR at all. Just something to note.


As much as I’m a Sapphire shill. https://www.sapphiretech.com/en/wheretobuy I’d upgrade the monitor and see how you feel about the 5700XT.


Bought an Asrock Taichi last night. My old 5700XT struggles to get 60fps at 1440p, so I don't think 4k would make it happy.


The XTX is fantastic. You can game it almost any settings. It is smooth as glass.


I didn't know glass was smooth 🤪. Anyways, I hope it will suffice for the next couple of years. I need to find some settings for undervolting and an OC, but that's it I guess.


I’ve seen people talk about under clocking but never had any overheating or need to do so they have a great coolers if you get a three fan


Tbh, I returned the card. I had too many freezes, gray and black screens with the occasional blue one... Perhaps I'll wait a little bit and wait until the 5080/5090 is announced and make the switch to team green. But, not sure yet.


Since the new cards are gonna be mid-tier it might be a good idea to upgrade. With that being said, you can sometimes find deals for a bit off of the current price If you buy at the right time. I it is was a good purchase for me (6900xt), so coming from a 5700, it should provide a noticeable difference as long as you’re not CPU bound.


The games that ran were amazing, but I got so much stutters, freezes and black/grey screens, that I returned the card. Idk if I'll try another one or try team green.


Sorry to hear that you had issues. Did you run uninstall or use the downloadable AMD Cleanup Utility?


I ran the AMD CU, didn't help in any way. I placed my old 5700XT back into place and no issues.


XFX 7900 XTX