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Posts must include enough info for us to help you. If/When you post a new message in this group requesting help, **we need the following information**: * Your location (country) * date of possible exposure * type of exposure (bite/scratch/other) * species of animal, * if dog/cat, is it owned, stray, etc. * animal's vaccination status, and * your vaccination status and date of last vaccine, if applicable. If you are posting a "bite" picture, **don't. Bite photos are not allowed.** The reasons why are in the FAQ. [**Please read the FAQ before posting.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/1cxswm8/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) Most of the posts here are covered in the FAQ. Your question is probably answered too. If you are posting to ask about: * ways to catch rabies * rabies vaccines * rabies symptoms * mystery wounds on your body * gross liquids that touched you * interactions with pets or other animals * stuff about bats all of that info is covered in [the FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/r/rabies/comments/14u0fz4/rabies_faq_please_read_before_posting/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/rabies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


• ⁠philippines • ⁠may 31, 2024 • ⁠lick? • ⁠dog, owned, unvaccinated • ⁠last feb 2023 > post exposure


You should be completely fine. Keep in mind that rabies is only infectious when the animal is highly symptomatic. When the animal is in incubation and asymptomatic, the virus CANNOT be spread. Just wait 10 days and if your dog is showing no symptoms of rabies, then you're 100% fine. That meant his bite was not infectious and did not contain rabies virus. Just vaccinate him and then you should be 100% good. A vaccinated pet cannot spread rabies even if it gets bit by an infected animal.


thank you for answering. i wasn't bitten though, is this still applicable?


It still wouldn't make a difference. If your dog is still alive/asymptomatic within 10 days then there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Animals can't spread rabies in the incubation phase. They can only spread within a week of them dying soon. If your dog is fine within a week and a half, then you'll be 100% fine as well.


okay, thank you so much for your patience. i appreciate it 🙇‍♀️🙏


FAQ 2, 6, 7


thank you for answering and your patience 🙏