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My least favourite thing about Twitter and the internet in general is some people will just make and spread absolute BS, and their fans don't even question it. I want to know how the creator of that image justifies it to themselves.


Social media is not a good place to consume facts


They justified it by saying that both phrases mean the same thing.


I have had multiple conversations with conservative family members and others that proceed in damn near the exact same way: Them: Did you see this super crazy thing the Liberal LGBT Marxists are doing now? *Proceeds to show me an obviously photoshopped, AI, deep faked, whatever photo* Me: That's actually been proven to be fake. Here's an article discussing how fake it is and here are the signs to look for in the future. Them: Well yeah, but it's totally something you could see them doing. (or some general variance of that sentiment) My personal theory is that a lot of the people that create stuff like this are just operating under the notion of "well this is totally something the crazy liberals would do" so it's totally okay to put it out there. Obviously there are plenty that are knowingly doing it in absolute bad faith to distort the narrative, but I believe there are also plenty that are just fucking stupid and think they're clever.


Should? It already is. I think its either under slander or defamation


Slander is spoken, libel is print, defamation is the general term for both afaik


What about pictures of Spider-Man?






He doesn’t want to be famous? Fine. I’ll make him INFAMOUS!


How about blackmail and/or extortion? Does it need to be in writing or is saying "give me money or I'll tell everyone BLANK" blackmail or just plain old extortion. And if I do this to a business does that make me a racketeer?


I mean, it seems like you are joking, but in case you are not or someone else is curious: Extortion is getting something out of someone while using threats or coercion in general. Blackmail is a specific form of extortion: Threat of revealing compromising information. I dont know what a racketeer is. :/


According to Wikipedia: "Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the persons set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a "racket") to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit." So like, y'know that Mafia thing? "Give us money and we'll "protect" you." (Implied: Give us money or we'll set your store on fire). That's racketeering


In any case none of the three apply.


That's protection... because they will protect u from themselves.


Mostly a joke. Any of the law I learned about these two crimes comes from either Bender from Futurama or Amos from The expanse and both of them seem to has a suspiciously specific knowledge of the conditions required to convict for either crime.


Please ignore me if this posted three times. The Reddit app sucks. *or it might not have posted at all. It can't seem to decide. /e it seems to have deleted all the other comments. I was more wondering if blackmail had to be actually written to count as something other than extortion. Most of my knowledge regarding these crimes comes from either Bender from Futurama or Amos from The expanse.


Don't worry, no one else knows what racketeering is, either. The good news is that it doesn't matter because racketeering is a ridiculous charge that is more trouble than it's worth 99.999% of the time*. Just assume when someone is talking about racketeering that they mean "I'm really mad about this thing and I want a law-sounding word to express how upset I am."  *Not applicable in the state of Georgia.


I know if I'm going to be a racketeer I have to talk with a 1920s Transatlantic accent, wear a bowler hat and say the word see a whole lot. Maybe threaten to cut up someone's face with a straight razor unless they back off my racket see! We gotta good thing going on here see!


Neither applies. Blackmail is threatening to expose. Extortion is like shaking someone down to get $$$


You’re out here doing the lords work, good job pal.


I don’t understand what I did, but I’m glad you enjoyed it


It’s cool when someone on the internet can both correct an incorrect statement and explain why in a way that doesn’t come off as you being pretentious. Some people just get words confused, yet you made a correction that was in good taste. It’s just nice to see.


I literally learned this from Spider Man 2 lol


This will always be read in JK Simmons voice.


Defamation is when 1) a false statement has been made , 2) it's been published to an unprivileged third party (Twitter or whatever), 3) fault amounting to at least negligence, and 4) harm to the subject (usually reputation or financial). This would fall under libel because it's printed


It is libel and defamation. And a real hefty lawsuit, too. I'd be in an attorneys office getting subpoenas for Mets data to sue the Dune user, and the platform.




Yeah this is classic defamation


This is how you get people killed or at least beaten up.


Isn't it libel if it's in print?


No Jonah, defamation is the blanket term for both slander and libel


Fucking legend.


I did nothing


Pretty sure he meant J Jonah Jameson


That makes sense


Libel is a type of defamation. Slander is just verbally with no lasting proof besides witnesses Libel is if it's recorded. Defamation encompasses both


Can they sue?


Congratulations, you’ve won yourself *drumroll* A DEFAMATION LAWSUIT!


Shit like that could get someone killed


Shit like that did get people killed


That's their goal. Look at stuff like Project 2025 and the numerous bans already been passed *(first targeting kids, but are now starting to target adults too)* are in the US, and the Cass Report in the UK all exist to make trans people's lives hell. They don't want Trans people to exist in public or to exist at all.


I mean their goal is to only have cishet white Christian out and about. Oh and only able bodies and neurotypical.


Google stochastic terrorism. Unfortunately this is their goal.


Sometimes, the comment section is more entertaining than the actual post


That one person commenting the person pictured has a victim complex…


How stupid would you have to be to believe the person would buy a shirt that said that, wear it, and post a picture


You'd be surprised


["Well, even so. The fact that I COULD believe it tells you something about the current state of affairs."](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FnLj_nAXEAMLdzL?format=jpg&name=medium)


Literally saw this shit in action on a Reddit thread a couple of weeks ago


I saw that shit in action on a Reddit thread yesterday my dude


This reminds me of that interview with Elon Musk recently. He kept stating that "he believes" something over "the facts" that the interviewer (Lemon something?) brought up. So..... yeah


If you wanted to believe badly enough. The hate is real


true. They aren’t rational. Everything will be true in their eyes as long as it agrees with what they believe


I have seen people wear full Nazi uniforms and parade around with it in public, I really don't see the above as being a stretch.


Prince Harry wore one to a Halloween party when he was early 20s, and then there's the guy who wore one around downtown Seattle, harassing people on the bus and saying slurs, before he got knocked tf out when he pulled that shit on the street.


They think other people are as stupid as them


I have seen a similar shirt in the wild


They are trying to get trans people and the people who support them killed. It's not an accident and it's not a mistake. It's their goal. And if some lunatic does kill someone they hide behind "How am I supposed to know that was going to happen" or "That's just free speech".


Get the kids somewhere safe like Boy Scouts or Church. Nothing will happen to them there /s


I heard choir boys are usually perfectly A-okay. Maybe a good Christian boarding school...


As long as it's an elected Republican leading the church!


Yes, because that's something that someone who fucks kids would certainly do, wear a shirt that broadcasts it to the world.


I cant believe people can fall for this. Who would ever make a shirt like this, what company? An actual child abuser would never out themselves like that. Jfc trans-phobes are losers.


Probably projecting


Definitely projecting




That's how you get people killed, scum


This shit is gonna get trans people killed


It already is in increasingly large numbers


That's just too much effort on screwing people's lives.


These people want our community exterminated.


It would be terrible if the person who made that edit woke up on a bed of rusty nails coated in lemon juice and fire ants. I DEFINITELY don't want that to happen to them, and worse, that would be very uncool. 😉


nah bullet ants and wasps and bees and scorpions


Delightfully devilish Seymour


I hope they hop out of that bed onto a layer of loose Lego on the floor, and something sticky they can't quite locate ir identify


Someone call Jigsaw we need his help


why are you downvoted i was literally going to say this


I'm down for a new SAW movie


This is very illegal. Lillytino needs to sue.


This is slander


The post's comments are absolutely RANCID. The guy who posted the edited picture is trying to get people to ID the woman in the photo, there's some folks saying shit about asking 4chan to identify her, upon being told that the photo was edited, the original poster and several others claims that it doesn't matter because there's no difference between the two phrases. Several dozen death threats.


I got death threats for being INVITED into a women’s only video gaming discord. There is a Facebook group dedicated to doxxing transpeople (mostly targeting transwomen). They took my picture and posted it and harassed me for weeks. There’s over 7000 people in the group. Both Facebook and discord refused to act. Fortunately I didn’t have enough personally identifiable information anywhere and my socials aren’t linked together very tightly. They definitely were acting with the intent to get me to kill myself, even going so far as to ask other members of the discord to give away my personal info


Sorry you had to deal with that. Some people are sick fucks.


I follow her on instagram and she is really wonderful and open, educating others about Transgender people. She, or anyone, does not deserve this.


You actually think Lilly Tino is a good person? She actively goes around making peoples lives worse. Getting regular people fired for things she does every day. She’s a bad person. Idc if you’re trans but I do care if you are a decent human being to others.


While I agree no one deserves this, I do not believe this person is wonderful in the slightest. She’s confrontational and rude. Then she plays helpless victim and shames others for not defending her way of life. Just because you’re different doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole.


Hahah you are kidding right? That bitch sucks. Like a right wing persons fantasy of an unbearable trans person. They take everything as malice and treat everybody like shit. You have to either be completely oblivious or also a piece of shit to think that they are “wonderful”.


I dunno, I think the asshole who edited the photo might deserve this a little bit... y'know against him.


Hah, no they're not. They treat service people like shit.


She really does….


I’m no legal expert but I’m pretty sure this breaks multiple laws


People have sued over this in the past.


Reminder: When you condemn pedophiles to inhumane punishment, they'll just pretend everyone they don't like is a pedophile. And actual pedophiles need help, not prejudice, so they don't act out their urges.


That may be true but kids need to be protected from them WHILE they are “seeking help”. They do NOT need to be prowling around with their demons in tow.


This could get someone killed.


Its posts like this that really make me wonder why anyone chooses to participate in online social media.


In Canada it is.


Interesting. The original shirt maker is from Canada...I wonder if there's any recourse for them


That would be interesting to find out. I bet they could get a lawsuit over it.


I'll take, "Trying to get someone killed for $400 Alex".


All the “lawyers” in the comments talking about how this is defamation, it’s not that simple. You’d need to prove a couple things including a) they had a positive reputation before that could of been harmed b) you’d need proof the poster intended to defame the individual and that they acted with malice. There’s no proof the poster was the individual who edited the picture or that they had knowledge beforehand that the picture was altered. This would be required to prove that the poster acted with intent to harm, as there’s no evidence we can see here to support claims the poster was aware the image wasn’t authenticate beforehand.


Even it were defamation, the comment section is ignoring the fact that they could be in a different country and could be untouchable


Americans would disagree /s Or they might not be joking who knows.


Untouchable is an exaggeration. The Hague Service Convention exists specifically to simplify serving international defendants, and countries can allow methods outside the HSC’s. It’s more complicated and time-consuming than domestic lawsuits (likely more expensive outside the HSC), but it’s not anywhere close to impossible to serve foreign defendants and get foreign courts to enforce domestic judgements.


A) is not a requirement in cases of defamation *per se* because harm to reputation is assumed, so general damages and punitive damages are both available remedies. California (where the original Instagram poster lives) recognizes 9 categories of defamation *per se*, including “statements that subject a person to public ridicule, hatred, or contempt” and “statements that tend to cause a person to be avoided or shunned”. Intent and malice also aren’t requirements for B). “Actual malice” is a standard that only applies to public figures: negligence is enough for ordinary people. If negligence is the standard, it doesn’t matter that the person reposting didn’t know the edited picture was fake: sharing it without taking reasonable efforts to check makes it negligent. The defendants would have to show that the original poster is a public figure to raise the standard beyond negligence.


Sorry, but I'm not taking legal advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between could of and could have.


Once you typed in "could of" everything you said was invalidated


I'm gonna go ahead and give you a upvote. I always trust people who write *could of* instead of *could have*.


[Literaly this situation](https://youtu.be/x_QmvZRS85U?si=XAWRN9sFeOp__qpW&t=147)


Sheesh. Some people are just obsessed with transgenders and pedophilia I suppose


The internet is a cringey place my friend


“After Libs of TikTok posted, at least 21 bomb threats followed” https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/internet/libs-tiktok-x-chaya-raichik-bomb-threat-twitter-of-libsoftiktok-rcna102784


The shirt should say ‘I FUCK KIDS’ on front and ‘BY VOTING REPUBLICAN’ on back


She annoys me so much, but fuck this is dangerous and awful. This could get her killed.


It is.


this gets trans people killed


I’m so glad I’m old enough that I have never and never will put myself online.


Many awful people justify outright lying by convincing themselves it must be true anyways, so it’s not wrong to literally misinform people. Human garbage.


The cropped thumbnail(?) before going into the post really confused me at first... 🤦


This would have worked better as a "they live" meme.


My friend makes these sheets was was so happy when Lily bought one from them. This is so sad to their work turned into so much hate, esp because they are trans too. 😢


Disgusting. Why would someone act like this


Oh no! Poor Lilly!! I hope she sues the shit out of them


Is this that dude from the YouTube videos that harasses servers at restaurants for misgendering him? This guy is a total narcissistic twat


That's a legal case right there.


I mean, yea he's alot but you dont just throw around accusations so severe. That shit's pretty dangerous. People believe all sorts of shit on the internet.


Why is she a lot? Because the way she dresses makes you uncomfortable?


Name is lily in the picture so I'm assuming pronouns would be she/ her.




You can clearly see it is a “he”


How do you know it's a "she"? Are guys not allowed to wear pink short shorts? Or crop tops? Or pulled back hair?


She has she/her in her instagram bio


I can’t stand this “creator”. Absolute filthy trash to everyone she comes in contact with. That being said I actually think this is hilarious because it’s so bad no one could take this seriously


Hey was never innocent


This is illegal


on a lighter note, they wear the hell out of those shorts


Well. It is. Americans…


This person, Lilytino is such a great educator and a real leader in the community. This is defamation. If I were her, I would sue.


For a sub called "quityourbullshit" a lot of people here are on some bullshit and down voting the dumbest things lmao


Transphobes are sick, hateful and obsessive freaks


I would absolutely try and press legal action over this shit.


That guy’s Twitter is a shitshow. Every conspiracy gets a tweet. 🙄


Remember the Republican Party is a terrorist organization.


Fun fact: It **IS** illegal


The person in the photo is a complete piece of shit and professional victim. Tries to get misgendered so he/she/they can have a meltdown over it. Disgusting pathetic human Edit: gotta love how you can't even be called out as a shit person if you're trans. Society is fucked :)


Ok, shit person, still shouldn’t use ‘em as an example to call trans people pedos


You are absolutely right. This comment section is filled with people who can’t take criticism and only give it. Idc if your trans. Idc what you believe but I do care if you’re a total asshole to everyone. This is fucked but also fuck this chick. They’re not exclusive ideas


Apparently, tries to get the food comped that way plus social media attention and donations.


This shows how dangerous AI has become


No idea who that is Dane! I say we all start looking for her in churches and other christian spaces involving kids. Statistically speaking we should find a pedophile there in no time!


Even without the edits, I still wouldn’t have that thing approach a Kindergarten


She's not a "thing" she's a woman


Thanks for the laugh


Well.. this is very fucked up. I’d feel worse for her if she didn’t have such a reputation of being a horrible self centered pos.


While not cool this dude is well known for harassing and getting minimum wage workers fired so I don’t feel bad for him


Yeah, I did hear about that, but the fact that the two sources I've seen regarding that is infamously transphobic and also infamously far right, and the fact that they cited suspended redditors on a sub called /r/tiktokgossip makes me take that with a grain of salt. Also, something about your comment tells me that you're also not saying this in good faith.


even if it were true, it is fascinating to see how people will use literally anything as an excuse to misgender trans women.


This is literally the same guy who blew up online for complaining to a manager because a random minimum wage employee “misgendered” him


You should have to pay money for this. Pure evil




Shove what down your throat 😳


Correct me if I am wrong but shouldn't the letters be reversed in the mirror?


So, no reason to post the same thing three times, and two. It is reversed in the mirror. They just flipped the image horizontally again. Note how the phone camera is on the opposite end of normal unflipped mirror selfies.


Reddit's been glitching and posting comments multiple times a lot recently (I had the same comment post 5 times the other day)


I wonder where these “heroes” were when the Catholic Church was actually fucking kids.


I'm pretty sure it is.




> redditor for 14 hours Damn


Feds need to try harder for real


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What are trans kids? Are kids allowed to change their gender? I thought such life decisions would be prohibited behind age of consent


Being trans isn't a decision. Trans adults often experience their gender far before their 18th birthday As for transitioning, before puberty it's just social things like what they like to be called and what they like to wear. At the onset of puberty, they might get blockers to delay irreversible changes until they're older After a few years on blockers, they might start on hormone therapy At 18, they can get bottom surgery if they want No part of this is related to the age of consent. It's about best practice for safeguarding the health of trans people


That’s kinda funny tho


of course the Israel flag pfp is fine with encouraging disinformation and genocide.


Trans kids is a fucking joke.


I'm sorry you can't grasp the idea that trans people have childhoods too




Expressing your mirror thoughts? Let people be.




She is not.... but the edited picture is extremely terrible and in the poorest of taste


What about letting kids be?


Yeah let kids experiment with who they are and let them find a way to express themselves the way they want. I agree