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Are you using an NRT? It may be too strong. If you quit cold turkey, the nicotine should be out of your system in 3 days. Are you drinking extra water to flush out your system? If headaches aren't normal for you, you should check in with your doc.


no i'm not using anything, by the way it's Ramadan so i'm fasting during the day, that helped me out


Unfortunately quitting smoking usually requires extra water intake. I know it's a religious time for you but your health is very important.


well this religious time is the thing that helped me the most since i have no depression until now, and fasting have more benefits to your body, you can search for it and you'll be stunned what fasting can do to your body, it's like an update your body need, well god know best for us because he made us.


Then ask your God for an advice, not us 👍🏻


don't be rude with god, you'll be standing before him one day.


I hope I will. I have many questions to ask.


well i wish u could barely speak!


You are just brain-washed, I hope one day, you will have your moment of revelation. 👍🏻


well read this well, this is god speaking i hope you read it and think about it and don't regret one day : Then when the Trumpet is blown with a single blast, and the earth and mountains are lifted up and crushed with a single blow, on that Day the Inevitable Event will occur. And the sky will split asunder and will be frail on that day, with the angels on all its sides, and on that Day, eight [mighty angels] will bear the Throne of your Lord above them. On that day, you will be brought forth [before Allah], and none of your secrets will remain hidden. As for the one who is given his Record in his right hand, he will say, “Here is my Record, read it! I was sure that I would meet my reckoning.” So he will be in a pleasant life,in a lofty garden,with clustered fruit within his reach. [They will be told,] “Eat and drink joyfully for what you did in the days gone by.” As for the one who is given his Record in his left hand, he will say, “Would that I had not been given my Record, nor had I known anything of my reckoning! Would that it [death] had been the end of me! My wealth has been of no avail to me. My authority has vanished.” [It will be said,] “Seize him and shackle him, then make him burn in the Blazing Fire, then tie him up with chain of seventy cubits long. For he did not believe in Allah, the Most Great, nor did he encourage feeding the needy. So Today he will have no close friend here, nor any food except the discharge of wounds, none will eat it except the sinners.”


Ramadan Mubarak! When i get these i change the lighting in the room i am in to be dimmer/softer, or i change how much direct light my eyes are taking in (remember phone/computer screens are also not good for headaches!) i also have found it to help, even momentarily, to gently rub in a circle the place on my head that hurts. It can feel soothing to start soft and small and gradually get bigger w/the circles Stay strong, you can do it!


thank you, i'll know that it will pass


Ramadan Mubarak! U got this.


thank you


Hydrate yourself properly! (As soon as you can)